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DepED General Mathematics Quarter 1 - Module 10: Logarithmic Functions Scanned with CamScanner &) What I Need to Know This module was designed arid written with the nature of Logarithmic Functions. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed! to correspond with the texibook you are now using, ‘The module contains: * Lesson 1 ~ Solving Problems Involving Logarithms After going through this module, you are expected to, 1 analyze problems involving logarithmic functions, equations, and inequalities 2. solve problems involving logarithmic functions, equations, and inequalities. @) What I Know Choose the letter oft of paper. you in mind. It is here to help you master the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet For numbers 1-2. An earthquake in certain place released approximately 10” joules of energy. 1, What is the magnitude on a Richter Scale? A3 B.S C7 D.9 2. How much more energy this earthquake released than that by the reference earthquake? ‘A. 1,000,000,000 times more energy ©. 1,039,811 times more energy B. 1,000,000 times more intense 1D. 39,811 times more energy For numbers 3-4. Suppose you have seats to a concert featuring your favorite musical artist. Ifthe typical concert’s sound intensity is 10"? watts/m?, 3. What is the corresponding decibel level? A. 1256B B. 120db c. 100 dB D. 0.10 4B 4. How much more intense is this sound intensity compared to the least audible sound intensity? ‘A. 10,000,000,000 times more intense B. 100,000 times more intense ©. 1,000,000,000 times more intense D. 100 times'more intense ‘5. What is the hydrogen ion concentration of a soda that has a pH level of 3? ‘A, 10% moles per liter ©. 300 moles per liter B, 10-®° moles per liter D. 3000 moles per liter 6. Suppose the halflife of a certain radioactive substance is 10 day: 100 grams initially. Using the suggested technique in solving logarithm, how many days will it take for the substance to have a remaining amount of 9.375 grams. A. 38 days: B.. 35 days C. 33 days D. 30 days 7. Suppose the magnitude of a certain earthquake measured between 5.6 and 7.2 on the Richter scale. How much energy in joules is released by the earthquakes A. Séjoules < E <7.2joules ©. 10% joules < E < 10! joules B, 10** joules < E < 107? joules D. 10 joules < £ < 101820 's and there are joules Scanned with CamScanner Solving Problems Involving Logarithms ___ ln the previous lessons, we were able to learn about Logarithmic function together with its properties and laws. We also have learned some of the real-life situations that can be modelled by logarithmic functions. This time around will be more exciting as we will find out how we can apply all these concepts in solving problems involving Logarithms! Let's get started! @) maern Definition: Let a and b be positive eal numbers, such that b 1. The logarithm of with base b, denoted by logsa, is defined as the number such that b!" = a, That is, logpaiis the exponent that b must be raised to produce a So, what are logarithms? Logarithms are just exponents! ‘BASIC PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHMS Let b and_xbe real numbers such that b>0 and b'# 1 7 | 4: logex = logay, then x= y [One to One 1. logy = 0 Proper) additional conditions: x>0-andy>0 2: logsbt =x 5. logue = BEE additional conditions a>O0#ic>0 3. Ifx>0, thenbeer ay | © B= ae ‘additional conditions: ana al e>0 andes) LAWS OF LOGARITHMS EXAMPLES Let b>0,b#1° and let neR. For u>0,v > 0,then logs(uv)= logy +logyv (PRODUCT LAW) loga(B + 4) = log,8 + logs4 gout —logyv (QUOTIENT LAW) loga(= log28 ~ logat (POWER LAW) log; 7*= 4logs7 ‘SUGGESTED STRATEGIES IN SOLVING LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS + Rewriting to exponential form + Using logarithmic properties + Applying the One-to-One property of logarithmic functions Scanned with CamScanner fo ‘PROPERTY OF LOGARITHMIC INEQUALITIES. Given the logarithmic expression 10 logyts If b> 1, then x, < x, if and only if logpry < logy, ‘THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN SOLVING LOGARITHMIC INEQUALITIES * The direction of the inequality (< oF >) is based on whether the base b 1s greater than J or less than 1. * Check also that the resulting x values do not make any of the logarithms undefined, 4 What’s New Have you ever thought what logarithms.are for? Why is it worth studying anyway? Logarithms allow us to discuss very large numbers in more managratlr wars For example, 10°", a very large number, may be difficult to work with. But its common logarithm log 10" = 31 is easier to grasp. Because logarithms can facihtate understanding of very large numbers (or positive numbers very close to zero), it has applications in various situations, such as sound intensity, pH level, and earthquake magnitude on Richter Scale, These real-life applications of logarithms were initially mentioned in our Module 8 and we will expound more on them this time, @ What is It . ‘Sound Intensity ‘Sound Intensity In acoustics, the level of a sound intensity in decibel (dB) is given by D=101 E = tology where I is the sound intensity in watts/m? and Ig= 10-1? watts/mé (the audible sound intensity) Note: While intensity is an objective measure of sound with respect to energy and area (measured in watts/m), loudness is a subjective measure; it depends on how the listener perceives the sound, If you would check on your usual gadgets, such as cell phones, earphones, and headsets (either on the gadget itself or on the manual provided), you will be able to see | that there are some warnings on the manipulation of volume, especially if the volume exceeds the comfortable hearing levels. Do you know the decibel levels that are already harmful to our auditory health? Scanned with CamScanner Decibel Levels | Description of Sound | a Examples Intensit Under 60 dB | Comfortable hearing levels ~~~ 1 Normal breathing, whisper, * quiet office, normal conversation | 60-85 dB intrusive and interferes with Vacuum cleanier, washing ; [conversations | machine, average city trafic, 85 dB Hearing damage ‘begins (unprotected —___ exposure for Shours) recreational vehicles 90-1004B No more than 15 minutes of Motorcycle, newspaper press, ‘unprotected exposure recommended garbage trick Over 10048 Regular exposure of more than one Jet flyover (1000 ft) minute risks permanent damage jackhammer, chainsaw orchestra, stereos, boom box 125 dB and Threshold of pain begins (125 dB} Rock concerts. jet takeolt + above (100-200 ft), shotgun firing, = _ jet engines (near) Example 1. Suppose a normal conversation in an online class produces a sound intensity of 10° watts/m?. a) What is the corresponding decibel level? b) How much more intense is this sound intensity compared to the least audible sound intensity? Solution a. Note that = 10 log 10° =106) (Applying property of logarithm: logyb* =x) D=60 aB ‘Answer: Therefore, a normal conversation in an online class that produces a sound intensity of 10- watts/m? would have a corresponding decibel level of 60 dB. b, To answer this, we need to determine 1 10-6 ree 10"= 1000000 Answer: Hence, this sound intensity is 1,000,000 times more intense compared to the least audible sound intensity. ‘pH level (optional for science-track students) 5 Scanned with CamScanner Definition In chemistry, the pH level measures the acidity of a water-based solution that is measured by the concentration of hydrogen ions (written (H+), in moles per lite in the solution, Itis obtained by : ie rie = log which may also be written as bs a PH > los Example 2. What is the corresponding pH level of @ lemon juice that has a hydrogen- ion concentration of 10-2 moles per liter? Solution: Note that pH = —log{H+ , [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per liter, Given [H+] = 10-85 moles per liter, we have pH log 10-25 (Applying property of logarithm: logyb* = x) Answer: The lemon juice has a pH level of 2.5. Can you give the pH levels of some of the common solutions you may find at home? pH Level of Common Solutions Battery Acid Concentrated sulfurie acid Lemon juice, vinegar Orange juice, soda ‘Tomato juice, acid rain Black coffee, banana___| Urine, mille | Pure water Sea water, e265. Baking soda Milk of magnesia ‘Ammonia solution. Soapy water Bleach, oven cleaner ~Liguid drain cleaner Earthquake Magnitude on a Richter Scale Earthquake Magnitude on a Richter Scale ‘The magnitude R of an earthquake is given by 2 gE 385 Where (in joules) is the energy released by the earthquake and Ey= 10° joules Tie Sheng leased by a very small reference earthquake. ee eo eoatce het the magnitade is based on the logarithm af the ratio between * the energy the earthquake releases and the energy released by the reference earthquake. Example 3. The 2013 earthquake in Bohol and Cebu had a magnitude of 7.2, while the 2012 earthquake that occurred in Negros Oriental recorded a 6.7 magnitude. How much more energy was released by the 2013 Bohol/Cebu earthquake compared to that by the Negros Oriental Earthquake? Scanned with CamScanner (et Bp and Fy be the energy released by the’ Bohol/Cebu and Negros Oriental ‘earthquakes, respectively. To answer this question, we need to determine je. } Note that R=Zlog= —, where & = 104° joules. ‘Based on the given magnitudes, we have 1 = Fog fH and 67 = 2tog ms log 3 Solving for Ey) Solving for Ey, @re- (er 1005 = vac Eq = 10108. 100 101025. 19840 Ea = 102° Ths, f= Fa = = 10°75 = 5.62 “Amawer: The Bohol Cebu earthquake released 5.62 times more energy than the Negros Oriental earthquake. Example 4. Suppose the magnitude of a certain earthat ta on the Richter scale. How much energy is released by the earthqus juake measured between 3.6 and ake? Solution: Let Ebe the amount of energy in joules that this certai 5 < 4.2. (Note that the logarithm is defined since F > 0) in earthquake released. We can say that 8.6 < 0 Solving for B, we have 86 <() Hoesen < (42 5.4 < logan < 6.3 5.4 € log E—logi0%#%< 6.3 (Applying Quotient Law: logo(;)= lego log 11 5.4 < logE—440< 6.3 (applying property of logarithm: log, b* = x) 5.4#440 < log E4404 440 < 6.3+4.40 9.8 < loge <10.7 1ogi0® < log E 0) ne cMeee aguas * 2807 years “awawers it will take approximately 28 years for investment ro double if the interest rate per annum is 2.5%. Scanned with CamScanner esple 6: Population Growth q FE ae Prlipines can be modeled by the exponential function — P(x) = seen iat the ee = ce oeete eae oes x=0 at 1955) pain: lel is accurate, in what year will the population reach 200 solution: Given P(x) = 200,000,000, we have 0,000,000 « e254 200,000,000 10 = 200281 Into = Ine?5%* (Applying one-to-one property) o2six (Applying property of logarithm: lagyb* = *) x= 91 years, Since x 91 years, we then compute 1955 +91 = 2046 jopulation will reach 200 million Answer: Around the year 2046, the Philippine Ps (Assuming that the model is accurate) 2019. But last July (Souree: Hence, ch 100 million in the year ‘Trivia: Based on this model, we will reac its 100 millionth baby. 2014, the PI 's officially welcomed tty newsinfoinasirer.nel/623749phlinpinesusleomes: 100 snillionth-babs}. cd and verified against new data. athematical models must always be reviews Example 6: Radioactive Decay Recall the following as discussed in module 5. Definition Radioactive substances are atoms that ‘The half-life of a radioactive substance i decay t decay naturally. ‘s the time it takes for half of the substance ibstance is the amount of the time it takes: fhe halflife of a certain radioactive jally. The exponential model for the given by fiy= 100(;) days will it take forthe substance Example 2. The half-life of @ radioactive sul for haif of the substance to decay. Suppose 1 substance is 10 days, and there are 100 grams init Using the ‘amount of radioactive substance as a function of suggested technique in solving logarithm, how many to have a remaining amount of 12.5 grams. Solution: Given f(@) = 125 grams, we have (Applying one-to-one property) 9 Scanned with CamScanner 1og0.125 = £ log(! tog (2) (applying Power Law: ogy” = nogysince >) 10 +1og0.125 = 10+ log (2) 10 10g0.125 = ¢ log (0.50) sotogo.s25 Tog (50) : __ 1ologo.28 / Tog (Ost) = 30 days ‘Answer: It will take 30 days for the substance to have a remaining amount of 12.5 grams. ‘Alternate Solution: 128= 100(!)" ox25= (2 Jog. 0125 =loes()* @prtyingenstorone property) jogs 0125 = % isppving propery of loss: nesb™ = 10 og: 0.125 30(3) 30 days OQ) what I Have Learned © 1, Because logerthm can facltare understanding ofvery large numbers OF Bea Bocaire very close 10 22r0) it Pat crepications in varsous situeyion® such as nom intensity, PH level, and has Pere magnitude on Richter Seale ‘and Jaws of Togaithes is essen) in solving for 2, Mastery of the properties Problems involving logarithms: | 43, 1m aolving logarithmic equstions and inequalities in a given, protien it is . 4m SSrtant for us to remember the anc mgans on the values of b and ~ in the oparithmic expression IO8o*, ithimie oe any real number except + ban Pe any real number that is Post, 2 the entire express eeitny real number (rence, can be negative) sion logpx cP 10 Scanned with CamScanner Conduct a simple research activity on how earthquakes with various magnitudes compare with each other. This activity can help foster awareness 0" possible disaster management and risk reduction plans. As a responsible citizen, how can you contripute in the disaster risk reduction plans of our community? Possible Output: Magnitude Description a 10 Searcely Pereeptible = Percepible to peorle under favorable circumstances. | 20 tightly Felt - Hanging objects swing SB 30 seen vibration eet ike one pasing of HH" ICI. Hanging objects swing moderately 40 tedorately Strong - Felt generally bY people Moar? and by some people outdoors. 5.0 strong ~Sirong shaking and rocking tt . violently. Hanging objects swing ery Strong - Some people lose their balan furniture move or maybe shifted: acteaetive = Pople ind it dfieut to stand in ope 000" ted liquefaction, lateral Dest cracks may appent Limit Some an andaies ace bsere. Tres are halen strona ~ oop Destructive ~ Many webu bilings are considerably “Se pa Liquetacton and lateral spreading cme man-made dame t,o topple. Fissues and fulks rapture nay be observed Most buidings ae ftalls damaged, ides and 90 Devastatin pevntea concrete sirgtures are roppis! or destroned ding and sand boil Landstides and liquefaction wit Interal spread hroughout building. ce. Heavy objects oF severed j300 aepterey Devstting - Pract ll man-made | \Sompletly Deve sajed. Massive landlies and ligelaton |e Snowe an rig ors and ay Fa essed, Change in ier Urs SECU n Scanned with CamScanner Assessment Choose the letter ofthe best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet "of paper. | For numbers 1-2, An earthquae in certain place released approximately 10"? joules of energy: 1. What is the magnitude on a Richter Seale? A387 B.S7 c7 D.9 a that by the refere 2, How much more energy this earthquake released that earthquake? Th, 398, 107,171,000 times more enerEy B. 39,810,717,100 times more enerey 398,107,171 times more energy D. 39,810,717 times more encrey For numbers -4, Suppose a particular shot gun fring produces « sound intensity of 10° watts/m? » 4 level?

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