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a 4 DepED penueraent HOF General Mathematics Quarter 1 - Module 6-7: Exponential Functions - Equations, Inequalities, Graphs, _ and its Properties_ Scanned with CamScanner &) What I Need to Know : 3 This module is designed to equip the leamers with knowledge coking ego ag ane le ee apnea fae es ec ee ees { + Lesson 2~-Graph of Exponential Functions and Its Properties Ane esta armn enti Peco 1. solve exponential equations and inequalities; 2 2. represent an exponential function through its (a) table of values, (b) graph, 2, eciae . ie domain and range of an exponential function; and ‘i 4. determine the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of an exponential function. @) What I Know Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on & separate sheet of paper. 1, Find the Value of x in the exponential equation 2**? = 8. Al B. 2 a 3 D4 2. What must be the value of p so that 1029-18 Ap=-5 B.pel cp=5 D.p=10 3. 1f (4-2)(4") = 64, then what is m? Am cme D.m=2 4, What is x in 3° = v3? Ax=0 B.xet Cx D.x=2 5. What isthe value of that satisfies the exponential equation (2 Ab=0 Bb C.b=2 Db 6. What is the solution of 4-*"! = 16? ' Axed Bxe3 ax Dx«l Cnet D.a=3 8, What is the solution of 5? < 52-1? Ap/pelR pel) ©. (p/p EIR, p>-1) B.(p/pelR, p> 1} D. (p/p EIR, p<-1) 9, What are the values of x that satisfy the inequality @r> Q > A. (x/x€ IR, x <1} ©. {x/x € IR, x < 0} B. (x/x EIR, x > <1} D.{x/x € IR, x > Of 10.16 2) > 8%, then what is x? A. /x EIR, <3) ©. (x/x EIR, x <7} B.f/xeIR,x>3) D. fee EIR, x > 3 ——— Scanned with CamScanner useaniasaoemeee Solving Exponential Equations and Inequalities In the : Previous lesson, we vw fanctions, ° were able 'to distinguish among exponential foctised on penential equations, and exponential inequality. The next lesson will be fed on solving exponential equat ® mn Let us begin the lesson by reviewin, = exponents. y ig the exponential notation and the laws of Consider, Expanded Form Exponential Notation (3}(8)(9)08)9) = 243 = 35 oe | Exponent, factors power base As you have scen in the illustration above, exponents are used to abbreviate repeated multiplication. We can say that 243 is the fifth power of 3. ‘The base gives the number that is being multiplied. ‘The exponent tells us the number of times the base is used as a factor ‘The power is the product of equal factors. Study the table below for multiplication, Factors Expanded Form | Writing the Products using Exponents @ey (2212.12), 3 =32 (8° 104) Mercere! v Compare the exponents in the first column and those in the third column. Do you Gbserve any pattern? Clearly, the,exponents are just added when multiplying factors of the same base. Factors Writing the Factors _| Writing the Products without Exponents using Exponents a2 (2) 72G?) = B13)31)913) 36 = 729 os? oy e410} C6) pre 3 Scanned with CamScanner Compare the exy F ‘ponents in the first colu in rd column. Do you teeree any eae at ¢mn and those in the third column ; ern? Obvio Power of a power can be obtained bY mmulpying he caponemee oS (Power of a power can be obtain ‘Study the table for division. Division Examples Expanded Form ‘Writing the Products | using Exponents _| a SEG) Bagttes =e : oe HO. geeagtahed = QO. ig istocsy st TOIOTGION ‘Compare the exponents in the first column and those in the third column. Do you observe any pattern? Clearly, the exponent of the numerator is subtracted by the ‘exponent of the denominator, ‘The succeeding table shows the laws of exponents. Laws of Exponents Let b > 0 and let x and y be real numbers. Then 1. 6° 3. bY = (YY) 4. bY = (by Real (J+ +e ‘The given exponential expressions below can be simplified using the laws of exponents. L@O@)=3 2. ae) a4 3. GeHSH)-s 4, QED- CIE) get a What’s New ‘An exponential equation is an equation which involves exponential expression ‘where the variable appears in the exponent. Examples of exponential equations: os 2, gietegi, 9m222761, gz [An exponential inequality is a statement in which one exponential expression is \ greater than or less than another expression. ao inequalities: ‘ ‘Examples of exponential inequalities: : beeen ecg}, age! sc 254, O>@) Numbers which satiafy the exponential equations and exponential inequalities are called solutions. Scanned with CamScanner Q@) What is It ‘A. Exponential equations can be solved by applying the given property below. One-to-One Property of Exponential Functions Let b > 0 and b = 1. If = bY, then x To use this property, we must be certain that both sides of the equation are written with the same base. That is, in an exponential equation, if the bbases are equal, then the exponents are equal. Example 1: Solve for x in 51 = 5-2, Solution: Since the base of the exponential expressions are equal, then we can apply the one-to-one property of the exponential function si2 a geet Original equation 3x-222e+1 By one-to-one property ‘Sx- 2x" 142 Collect like terms a3 Combine like terms Checking: 5% = 52011 Replace xby 3 ge? = sort Sra 57 Tre ‘Thus, x= 3 is the solution of the equation, ‘Example 2: Solve for b in 43°? = 64, ‘The given exponential equation can be solved in two different ways. Solution 1: Since the base of the exponential expressions are not equal, then change 64 to its exponential form 4. Original equation Make the base equal By one-to-one property Collect like terms Combine like terms Divide both sides by 3 jolution 2: Sols hange 4 and 64 into exponential form using 2as the base. That i, 4= 2? and 64 = 2 42 = 64 Original equation (22-2 = 26 Make the base equal 2(3b -2)= By one-to-one property ob-4"6 Apply distributive property ob=6+4 Collect like terms Combine like terms Divide both sides by 6 Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCF, 2 Scanned with CamScanner Notice that the two solutions give thie same value for b. Checking 490-2 = 64 Replace b by £ Caneel 3 inthe exponent 42 = 64 - =64 4 = 64 ‘Therefor a re, b = is the solution of the equation. Example 3: Solve for pin gir = (2° Solution: = : Since the base of the exponential expressions are not equal, then change 9 and 27 to its exponential forms, geen (2)"" ays an QGP) = Gaye ines = 5-90-2 4p+6=-9p-3 4p+9p=-3-6 ‘Therefore, p= Note: Do the checking using p= - Example 4: Solve for x in. 2° = 16. Solution: 3 and 27 = 3°, Original equation ‘Make the base equal Law of negative exponent Apply distributive property BBy one-to-one property Collect like terms Combine like terms Divide both sides by 13 ssrnce the base of the exponential expressions are not equel, then change, 16 to its exponential form 2*. poe ear x? - 3x ytaox+420 feo aix+ )=0 x42 0orxt1=0 xed or acl | ‘Therefore, x= 4 0F X= Example 5: ‘Solve for b in 5 =205°- Solution: ‘since the equation is in new form that is easy f0 Solve: shale sh- ry =2 (5) = (sry -2 (5°) +179 o Original equation Make the base equal By one-to-one Property quate to zero Factoring by trinomial By zero-product property Collect like terms. 1 are solutions to the exponential equation. a different form, we need to rewrite it into @ Original equation Combine all terms Scanned with CamScanner Let a= 5 : a=? The last sauation becomes a quadratic equation with variable a. @2at+1=0 fa-1ja-1)=0 a-1=0 or a-1=0 asl zt ep = 5° 50a 5? y =O. WH, ‘Therefore, b= 0 is the solution to of the equation, Since, a=5? B. Exponential inequaliti Exponential inequalities can be solved by applying the given property below. Property of Exponential Inequaliti Case 1: Ifb > 1, then the function y = b* is increasing for all x. This implies that () b* bY ifand only ifx > y. Case 2: If 0 < b < 1, then the function y = b* is decreasing for all x. This implies that (@)b* >" ifandonlyifx ¥- ‘To use this property, we must be certain that both sides of the inequality are written with the same base. That is, if the base is greater than 1, then choose the condition under case 1 that satisfies to the given inequality. Further, if the base is less than 1 but greater than 0, choose the condition under case 2 that satisfies to the given inequality. Moreover, other properties of inequalities are also taken into consideration. Example Consider the inequality 5 < 10. 5<10 Original inequality 5:2<10-2 Subtracting 2 both sides 3<8 TRUE Example Consider the inequality 5 < 10. 5<10 Original inequality 5+2<10+2 Adding 2 both sides 7<10 TRUE Notice that in the statements above, the inequality sign remains the same after adding or subtracting the same number on both sides ofthe inequality. Example Consider the inequality 5 < 10. 5<10 Original inequality (6)¢-2) <(20}¢-2). Multiply both sides by-2 -10>-20 TRUE Example: Consider the inequality 5 < 10. 5<10 Original inequality (5)(2) <(10)(2) Multiply both sides by 2 10<20 TRUE ilustrations above, the inequality sign remains the same when both Doserve that ity are multiplied by a positive number. The same rule is applied eco a east w uber to both sides-of the inequality. However, the inequality when ving ot sides are mulplid by a negative mutsbe. The same rue is sie nen dividing a negative nomber fo ba sides ofthe inequality Observe that in th Scanned with CamScanner Example Solve for x in 3243 > 33" Solution: Since both sides of the inequalit which js greater than 1, then we apaly eon iMeRbality have the same base 3, which is grea gmt S ge Giga Regal, ginal inequal 2x+3 3x Case 1 (i) Collect like terms Combine like terms Divide/Multiply both sides by -1 Checking: 3843 5 33 Replace x by 0 HOS, 30) ' . 3 >a . 2T>1 ‘Tre ‘Therefore, the solution set to the inequality is («/x €R, x <3), Example 7: Solve for b in 5% < 250-2 Solution: ‘Since the base of the exponential inequality are not equal, then change 25 to its exponential form 25 = 5. sb 2st Original inequality 3 < (2)? ' <2(b-2) Case 1 (i) 1 be 2b-4 Distributive property b-2b<-4 Collect like terms “b<-4 Combine like terms b>4 Divide /Multiply both sides by -1 ‘Therefore, the solution set to the inequality is (b/b € RJ b > 4}. Note: Do the checking using the value of b greater than 4. meample 2 5 ane8 savecorninG) a", : Since both sides of the inequality have the same base 4, which is tess than 1 but greater than 0, then we apply case 2 6) QQ” Original inequality Sp <4p+3. Case 2 () sp-4p <3 Collect like terms P<3 Combine like terms erefoe, the solution so the inequality is 7p €R,P <3) ‘| ‘Note: Do ‘the checking using the value of p less.than 3. pees Scanned with CamScanner Activity 1: Fill in a the blanks the expon with an expression that will make the solution of ©*Ponential equations and ine: 1. Solve for xin 6214 = Solution: CH = ggtex 36h a gethe ae 2. Solve for b in 8120+ = 95-1, Solution: 12011 = gsd-1 a(t gaye b, exponent 3, Solve for p in the inequality (2)""" > Solution: Activity 2: Solve the given exponenti 1, Solve for x in 49**6 = 779° 2. Solve for x in 4" = 4°="% 3, Solve for p in 4, Solve for b in qualities complete. REASON Original equation ‘Make the base equal Apply distributive property in the exponent By one-to-one property : Collect like terms Combine like terms REASON Original equation Make the base equal Apply distributive property in the By one-to-one property Collect like terms Combine Like terms REASON Original inequality Make the base equal Apply distributive property Case 2 () Collect like. terms Combine like terms ial equations and inequalities. San) 9@7) +4 #0. 2 gia ; axe een ee OE aca) i Scanned with CamScanner What I Have Learned 3 1. We have learned that ex expression where the { exponential equations Ponential equation is an equation which involves exponential Nariable appears in the exponent. The steps in solving 8 are summarized below: 1 Wnite both sides of the equation with the same base, if possible. 1 Write a new equation by setting the exponents equal. Solve the equation and check the solution. 2. Also, we have learned that exponential inequality is a statement that one exponential expression is greater than or less than another expression. ‘The steps in solving exponential inequalities are summarized below: * Write both sides of the inequality with the same base, if possible. Write a new inequality by setting the exponents based on the stated conditions. * That is, if the base b is greater than 1 (b > 1), then the inequality symbol remains the same, However, if the base b is less than I but greater than 0 or (0. 2 B. {x/x € Rx <2} Dz {x/x € Rx >-4) 9. What is x in 6* > 36" > A. {x/x € R,x < 2} C. f/x € Rx > 2 B. {x/x € Rx > -2) *D. fx/x € Rx < -2) 10. What is min (2)"" s(2)""e A, {n/m €R,m > -3} ©. {m/meR,m <-3) B. {(m/meR,m 23 D.{m/meR, mx <3 Additional Activities Solve the following exponential equzations and inequalities. then what isc? 2. Solve for x +y in the given equations: 2 = 9 v3 = 243 ey an Scanned with CamScanner paren aren ; 4) What I Know Multiple Choice. Choos. Separate sheet of pages, to MEF of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on @ 1. Whi : Which of the following functions represents an increasing function? A y=(3 7 ar ay" ay Bey=8 c. y=() b. y= @ 2. What is the y-intercept of the graph of fx) = 5#2 4.(0,1) B.(0,5) (1,0) D. 6,9) 3. What is the domain of f{x) = 28? A. &/X € R, x > 0} B. x/x ER, x > 2} Si ease D. All real numbers ‘4. Which of the following functions represents a decreasing function? Afi = 3)" B.fl)= @ Cte Dat = 5. What is the range of fix) = (2)"? A. f/x € R, x > 0} ©. WiyeR,y>0} B.y/yERy>} D. All real numbers 6. What is the asymptote of fix) = 2* + 3? A.x=0 By=0 cys2 Dy=3 Items 7-10, refer to the given graph. 7. What is the domain of the graph? A. 2, 2) B.x=2 C. [-4, 4] D. All real numbers : 8, What is the range of the graph? A.y=0 B. y/yeRY>O C. (0, 6) D. All real numbers 9. What is the y-intercept? ‘A. (0,1) ©. (1,0) 3.2) D.(2,0) at is its asymptote? 10, whatis ite asymptote? og Seo Dy=2 12 iia Scanned with CamScanner Graphing Exponential g Functions and Its Properties| fmmcti ice a theta e aliscussions, we have teamed about the diferent types of intercept, and zeroes of a Reonding graphs. We have identified the domain, range, function. Bj ir ion, the domain, range, and intercept can easily be determined. 'y graphing, the function, the domain, range, & What’s In Exponential functions are graphed in the same way as algebraic functions. What does the graph of an exponential function of the form fix) = b*, b> 1,b #1, look like? Example 1: Consider the graph of ffx) = 2° ‘To sketch the graph, do the following steps: Solution: Step 1: Construct a table of values for fix) = 2* When x 1-3) = 273 When x 4-2) ‘When x = f-1) Table of values ® ]3l2PPLPe fj it}2T2T1 12/41] 5 Whenx=3 13) = ] When x f{0) = 2° ala Step 2; Plot the points in the table. 324 af Step 3: Connect the points using a smooth curve. ‘The resulting graph is shown on the right side. Graph of i) = 2° ‘OBSERVATIONS | : P ions and that if we are to put together. all . extends infinitely in both directions pee ‘The graph crctes of the points on the graph, then the values of x may be any real the 2 coo ettge can say that the domain of ffx) 2*is the set of real numbers, in symbol, Domain of f = (| xR}. : : tn symbol, Domunin of £7 rail tho y-coorinates of the points on the graph, + Likewise: iblues of y are all positive real number. Thus, we can say that the range hen he Vans he wet of positive real numbers. In symbol, Range of f= (yy € Ry>0}. 13 Scanned with CamScanner + For the intercept, it refers to pois For it refers to a'point that lies either in the x- or y-axis. Customary, to get forthe x-intercept, assume y = fx) = 0 Yo solve for the ¥- intrcopt assue 0 nthe gah, ly. the cure pate through ¥-a5 & 75 2 tats at point (0,1). The carve dees not eres along scans, Thus, It Pee * For the esympote the graph approaches but never tues the seaxis onthe left ,_ fide Thus, the graph i asymptotic to the manor line = 0 . he 270 ofa function it reer tothe value o that will make the faction 22 Thatis, fie) = 2% mm 2 eee tees ‘Therefore, the exponential fu , tion ffx) = Gorld nile Os poet Sroeton os 2* haa no solution since no value for % What about the graph of an exponential function ofthe form fi) =", 0 << ae What does the graph look like? Consider the next example Example 2. Sketch the graph of fix) = (2)'- Solution: Step 1: Construct a table of values for for fx) = (2) Whenx= 0 |Whenx=3 When x f(-3) = 2-3 (0) = 2° f(3) = 23 =8 Whenx= 2 | When x= 2) e222 et |= 2-2 When x= ‘When x=2 o=( fet) 228 = 12) = 22 = 4 ‘Table of values xX 13]2[2)°1//2]3 la Se 2: ee aunga oath co the reating oh ob 4 own on the right side. raph of) = (8) ae (OBSERVATIONS: itely in both directions and that if we are to put together all ‘on the graph, then the values of x may be any real inof ffx) =(2) isthe set of real numbers. # ‘The graph extends infini the x-coordinates of the points number, Thus, we can say that the doms In symbol, Domain of f = (| x € R). « Likeurse, ifwe are to put together all the y-coordinates of the points on the graph, then the values of y are all positive real jnumber. Thus, we can say that the range of ffs) =(2)" is the set of positive reat numbers. In symbol, Range of f= {yf y € R,y>0)}. «For thy intercept, it refers to a point that lies either in the or yraxis, For tne ir ip get for the xrintercept, assume y = ffx) = 0. To get for the y- Custom game x 0. In the graph, clearly, the curve passes through yraxis at ae it has zo x-intercept. « Forthe asymptote, the graph approaches but never touches the x-axis on the right Tae Thus, the grap is asymptotic to the x-axis or Hine y = 0. ’ “4 Scanned with CamScanner * For the zero of a function, it refers to the valu ‘That is, fix) -@° 3 @ i¢ of x that will make the function zero. ele Therefore, the exponenti , enti = What’s New Let us observe the 1. Based from the Graphs of exponential functions in the form of f(x) = b*, where b > ‘raphs, we can derive the properties of exponential function. x [2]. 97a 7s ® T= LT + [2 yaTe f[x) = 3 z ; 13 |) 9)27 ays {2 )aey2l2 m= Q]S ) FT] eye] 3 sy Pyz Pays py a=] 5] 5 | 7] 7 OBSERVATIONS ae The meeps grefontes Fea wren ‘Berean ani re ees ICR 2) een erry oe fx) = 3* rises more rapidly than fx) = (5) 15 Scanned with CamScanner sn the form fx) = BF, 10of tesco = (4 we fa = (YE) S [1 oaszevarions ilar. no real x value that makes them less than or equal The graphs are si In each case, there to zero. + Each function decreases as x increases. (Trend of the function) Bach graph has a y-intereept of 1 or at point (0, 1). The graphs approach zero but never touch the x-axis on the right side ‘That is, the graphs re asymptotic to the x-axis or line y = 0. The domain of euch function contains all real numbers or [x/x € R}- + The range contains all positive real numbers or fy/y € Ry y > O}. ‘The graphs are one-to-one funetion. They satisly the horizontal line test. ‘The only difference among the graphs, as illustrated in the Ggure, is that fix) = (2)" decreases more rapidly than fo) = () ‘What about the graph of an exponential function of the form f{x) = Mb*? What docs the graph look like when the graph of f(x) = 6 is multiplied by M. Let us consider the next illustrative example. ‘Sample in getting the values of fix) in fx) * 2(24) When x= 0 When x=2 When x = -2 412) = 2022)=2 (2) =2G) =} [MO)=2@=2u)= 2 [M2)= 20%) = 214) <8 Whenx=-1 Whenx=1 Whenx=3 ney 220) =2(2)21 AU) = 2024) = 22)=4 | 3) = 202%) = (8) = 16 16 Scanned with CamScanner Table of values x 2 i=] t ellex/ai|i aie ]1]2] 47s Fe) = 22)| 2 im ae Eze Lele fx) = 302%) [= 1 T/E [Ss] ep aya Hey= 4/1] 2] 4 fe | ag se OBSERVATIONS “The graphs are similar In each case, there is no re zero. ‘The graphs are inere Each graph has different For fx) = 2, its y-intercept For fix) = 2(2%) its y-intercept is For fix) = 3(2%) its y-intercept is For fix) = 4(29, its y-intercept is ‘Thus, we can say that the y-intes Mb is the M, the number mu ‘The curves appro curves are asymptotic to ‘The domain of each function co ‘The range contains a ‘The graphs are one-to-one test. tis 1 func! What about the graph of an exponentis What does the graph look like when the constant number a? Tet us consider the next i .al x value that makes them less the tiplied to b* “ach but never touch the x-axis 0 the x-axis or line y = 0. rntains all real numbe I positive real = Mbt fan or equal to Graph of fx) . (Trend of the function} it y-intercept. That is, or at point (0, 1)- 2 or at point (0, 2) 3 or at point (0, 3) 4 or at point (0, 4). sreept of the exponential form ff) = yn the left. That is, the ura or fx/x€ R}. ‘numbers or (y/y € Ry ¥ > 0}- tion. They satisfy the horizontal line ‘the form ffx) = b* + a? is added or subtracted by a jal function of graph of fix) = b* iustrative example. jues of fix) in fix) = 2° +3 Sample in getting the val When x= rp) 22a att 3 When x= 0 When x iin fopezsae 143-4 |f2)=23< 4497 Note: LED is 4: 1+ 200 b+ Whenx®= 1 When x=3 , [mraiesnaeoes (3) = 243 =8+3=11 peer cnmcnrernneenen 7 ae Scanned with CamScanner Table of values i -lfoy1 yaya fe) =2F [2 ati] 1]2]4fe Te) = 23 | gi] gt 3;| 33] 4] 5 [7 far ie = 2-3 sk OBSERVATIONS: Graph of fis) = bf £8 + The graphs are similar. + In each case, only fix) = 2*- 3 has real x valic that makes them less then oF equal to zero. +The graphs are increasing, (Trend of the function) + Each graph has different y-intereept. That is, For fix) = 2%, its y-intercept is 1 or at point (0, 1). For fix) = 2*+3, its y-intercept is 4 or at point (0, 4). For fix} = 2*- 3, its y-intercept is -2 of at point (0, -2). ‘Thus, we can say that the y-intereept in the form f(x determined by adding 1 to + Each graph has different asymptote, That is, For fix) =2%, its asymptote is the x-axis or the line y = 0- For fix} = 23, its asymptote is the line y = 3. Why? E For fee jg Hot possible for fs) = 3 in fog = 2°43 for any real values of ) = be ais Por flx) = 2% 3, its asymptote is the line y = 3. Why? For f= Jp nol possible for fb = 3 in fx) = 25-3 for any real values ofx be daisy=aor ‘Thus, we can say that the asymptote in the form f{x) = «whe domain of each function contains all real numbers or (x/x R- 1 Each graph has different range. That is, eactt dh aizr, ies range isthe set of positive real numbers or ¥ > © For te 2 22a; its ange isthe set of positive real numbers greater that S oF Y > 3. «oo fy) = 2% 3,, its range is the set of positive real numbers greater that -S oF Y > -3. Biss, we can say that the range in the form fi) = bt ais y> a ory >a! wait we are one-to-one fanction. They satiafy the horizontal ine test. 18 Scanned with CamScanner iS Let us now fe) =bF te Beneralize the What is It Properties of the graphs of f[x) = b¥, ffx) = Mb, and PROPERTIES FUN y- ‘Asymptote ICTIONS Domain | Range __| intercept ‘Trend =r ffx) = b*, b> fe keR)|w/y>Q| (0,1) | increasing |_~8HSOrY fi) lx) = M(b*) canis ory =O 0O| (0,1) | decreasing] 5 FY axis ory = 0 /xeRi | w/y>o] (0,M) ee fix) = b¥ a yrta tx/ xe R) | /y>0}| (0, + a+) : Note: The trend of the graphs of M(b*) and b¥ + a depends on the value of b- p= oy =() Example: Without graphing, determine the properties of the given functions. Function Domain’ | Range} y-_ | Trend. | Asymptotes inert SS RTE SISO Y= TOT | easing | aT =O 7 x-axis = , aaa | IE Tso | y= Ler ©, | decreasing | ans ory=0 ae A ii ~axis or y = 0 Sig 2e) | exe | w/y> Tnoveasing | 2-anis ory R — saaaing] 9 ey axe | w/y>2 decreasing af (@)-2] Sy 19 salt Scanned with CamScanner ; What’s More : . Activity 1: Ske ch the graph of the exponential function fix) = 5(2)¥. Activity 2: Comy ~ plete the table 7 properties of een without graphing the faneton using the Function Domal . main | range | Td | iccepe | APIO 1 fh) = 5 2.1R)=3 OF a.ty= Oa tas Sie = FQ) QE) What I Have Learned SS 1. SEEZe leamed how to graph eps: PS: uct table of values of ordered pairs forthe given function 1 Bethe points found inthe table. ceennectine points using a smooth cure. 2 He ein pert of exponential function fx) = b* which are ne. naized below based om its graph: Se emai isthe vet ofall real numbers 1 The domain ne set of al positive real numbers. 1 The range is he SSicton It satsis the Horizontal Line Test 1 TRE percept is 1. There is no aintereep 1 The yinteroept i 1 Trane ie the ine y= 0 (or the axis). There is no vertical ‘exponential function ffx) = b* by doing the following asymptote. eoaarried of the function is inereasing if b > 1. Otherwise it is decreasing if 0 < bel 43, Properties can also be determined without graphing the function using the table below. PROPERTIES x ‘Asymptote FUNCTIONS Domain | Range | intercept_| Trend igen boi [hlxeR[o/y>O| 0.1) [increasing | eels ory = 0 ’ tye bsocbei [w/xeR|p/y> | 1) {decreasing | avis ory=0 fix) = MO) gxeR) | w/y>O] (0M) wants oF y= 0 fly) = OF ba g/xeR| v/y> oj] (0, tat) yota Note: The trend ofthe graphs of M(B") and b¥ a depends on the value of b. 20 Scanned with CamScanner es. What I Can Do re nega of the following exponential functions : 2. fle) = 24 3. fh = 2047) +2 a How do hese apt dtr fom encatie? . Give their domain, range,'y-intercepts, and asymptotes. Assessment Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the choseft letter on & separate sheet of paper. 1. Which of the following functions has a graph closer to the y-axis? A. tts) = (9 Befaj= (2) c.f) = 2" p. ta = () 2. Which of the following functions represents a decreasing function? ie A. ffx) = 2* B. fix) = 3* C. fix) = D. fix) = 5 3. If f(x} = 3°-* - 3, then what is its x-intercept? ‘A. (0, 2) B. (2, 0) ©. (0, 24) D. (24, 0) 4. What isthe y-intercept of the function fs) = 2°77? A. (0, -1) B. 0,3) ©. (0, 1) D. (0,2) 5. Ite) = 2%+ 5, then what is the equation ofits asymptote? Ax=0 Bee? exes Dy=0 6, What is the domain offs) = 7*=2? A s/keR,x> 0} ©. wfyeRy>9 B.y/yER¥> 5} D. All Real Numbers 7. What is the domain of the graph? - A.(2,1) Cx=2 1 B21) D. All real numbprs) | 8, What is the range of the graph? | AwlyeRy>O} s B.(0, 6) 9. What is the y-intercept? A. (0,2) B.(2, 0) 10. What is its asymptote? Ax=0 By-0 C3 : s.) Additional Activities Sketch the graph of the following exponential functions. 1 and 2. fix) 441 a. How do these graphs differ from each other? . Give their domain, range, y-intercepts, and asymptotes. i a Scanned with CamScanner

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