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S. SINGLETON he development of oral biofilms is characterized by
R. TRELOAR the progression from a sparse sub-monolayer film
P. WARREN of bacteria attached to the tooth surface pellicle to
G.K. WATSON complex three-dimensional structures with inherent
R. HODGSON ecological, physiological, and biochemical heterogeneity
C. ALLISON (Gibbons and van Houte, 1980; Newman, 1980; Cobb and
Killroy, 1990). Biofilm communities exhibit specialized
Unilever Dental Research biofilm-specific activities which are an elaboration of the
Port Sunlight Laboratory combined effects of species diversity, surface attachment,
Quarry Road East and physico-chemical gradients (Costerton et aL, 1987, 1994;
Bebington van Loosdrecht et aL, 1990). Importantly, bacterial growth in
Wirral, United Kingdom L63 3JW oral biofilms is strongly influenced by physico-chemical
Adv Dent Res 11(1):133-149, April, 1997 environmental pressures—for example, pH, oxygen
availability, and redox have been implicated as key variables
that may affect the colonization of cariogenic and periodontal
Abstract—Assessment of the role of biofilm microstructure pathogens (van Beelen et aL, 1986; Marsh, 1991, 1994). In
in biofilm-specific activities requires non-destructive this context, the physical microstructure of the biofilm may
measurement techniques for parameterization of structural influence the formation of pH and Eh gradients through its
characteristics in parallel with relevant biochemical and impact on diffusive and convective fluid flow characteristics.
physiological data. This paper briefly reviews some current These transport phenomena influence the access of substrates
methods for biofilm structural analysis, with emphasis on for bacterial metabolism and, in turn, the removal of
new developments in optical imaging and mathematical metabolic end-products from the biofilm (Dibdin, 1981).
modeling methods. Fluorescence imaging studies of bacterial Additionally, the ability of antimicrobial agents to act against
colonization events occurring on exposed model tooth biofilm organisms requires penetration to target sites (Anwar
surfaces indicated that bacterial adhesion to sessile organisms et aL, 1992). Hence, considerable indirect evidence exists
was of central importance to the early colonization process indicating that biofilm microstructure may represent a key
and that this occurred in a non-random manner. Structural determinant of biofilm growth, physiology, species diversity,
studies of mature biofilms by confocal microscopy and susceptibility to antimicrobial strategies.
demonstrated the spatial distribution of individual species Methods for parameterization of biofilm microstructure
using fluorescent antibodies. Biofilms grown under different are required for study of the relative importance of
physiological conditions exhibited differences in structure, physiological, physico-chemical, and structural factors.
and methods were developed for parameterizing the spatial Classification and parameterization of structure in two or
orientations of the bacteria. Diffusive processes within three dimensions have been attempted in several fields
biofilm microstructures were studied using a random walk (Sahimi, 1994). Traditional parameterization approaches
model in both 2-D and 3-D. Modeling of convective flow have relied heavily upon stereological methods (Gundersen
within biofilm microstructures was achieved by application of et aL, 1988a,b), wherein distinguishing parameters such as
lattice Boltzmann methodology. connectivity (Zhao and MacDonald, 1993) and pore and neck
sizes (MacDonald et aL, 1986) have been used. More
Key words: microscopy, fluorescence, confocal, antibody recently, attempts to use fractal dimensions as structural
labeling, image analysis, biofilm, diffusion, flow, structural classifiers have been presented (Pancorbo et aL, 1994).
analysis, connectivity, visualization. However, natural systems rarely conform to regular fractal
behavior (Russ, 1993). A more direct approach for 3-D
Presented at the 14th International Conference on Oral structures has been the use of the Voronoi tesselation, which
Biology, "Biofilms on Oral Surfaces: Implications for Health has been used to dissect space-filling mosaic-like structures
and Disease", held March 18-20, 1996, in Monterey, that commonly arise from growth processes. This method has
California, organized by the International Association for found successful application in both the biological and
Dental Research and supported by Unilever Dental Research geographical sciences (Hahn and Lorz, 1994; Eils et aL,

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1995). Alternative tools for the study of growth phenomena oral biofilm systems has not been widely reported (Singleton
include various second-order stereological measurements etal, 1995).
(Mattfeldt et al, 1993), including the correlation and radial Electron microscopy has been used extensively for the
distribution function. However, at present, there are no examination of both surface structures and sectioned samples
useful, conceptually straightforward descriptions of a system of biofilms (Lie, 1978; Newman, 1980; Cobb and Killroy,
that links to unique spatial arrangements. This remains a 1990; Newman and Barber, 1995). Considerable information
frustration in biofilm research and has resulted in reports of on biofilm structure has been gained from these techniques,
biofilm appearance and morphology being essentially particularly when applied in conjunction with specific
qualitative descriptions (Newman, 1980; Caldwell et al, antisera for the detection of individual bacterial species
1993; Korber et al, 1993; Wolfaardt et al., 1994). (Barber et al, 1990). Recently, the introduction of Confocal
Colonization and succession of bacterial species in dental Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) has provided a step
plaque and the role of adherence have been studied in detail change in the capability for non-invasive imaging of biofilms
and modeled in vitro (Socransky et al., 1977; Marsh, 1994; (Caldwell et al, 1992a; Wolfaardt et al, 1994; Singleton et
Marsh et al., 1995). Flow chamber studies have followed al, 1995). This technique allows the 3-D extent of the
adhesion of physiologically undefined bacterial suspensions biofilm matrix at single-bacterium resolution to be visualized
under laminar flow conditions to various surfaces by means by the gathering of serial optical section image data. By the
of radial distribution functions (Bos et al., 1994). This work application of appropriate image processing methods,
has been carried out on single- and two-species suspensions realistic estimates of actual microstructures may be obtained.
for the assessment of adhesion and co-adhesion of organisms These images may then be further processed to generate a 3-
to surfaces (Cowan and Busscher, 1993). In addition, D image which provides excellent visual information on
bacterial co-aggregations have been extensively characterized actual structures. CLSM therefore offers a non-invasive tool
in genetic and physiological studies by Kolenbrander and for assessment of physiological or biochemical events deep
others (Mergenhagen et al., 1987; Kolenbrander and London, within biofilm matrices.
1993). These studies have indicated that specific inter- and A particularly important need, deriving from biofilm
intra-species co-aggregative interactions may play a role in structural studies, is the understanding of the influence of the
colonization of the tooth surface and plaque biofilm microstructure on molecular transport through biofilms.
development. However, the precise role of these adhesion Transport phenomena include both convective flow and
molecules in the formation of realistic complex biofilm diffusive processes, and these have been proposed as
structures has not been established. Furthermore, while important factors influencing the influx and efflux of
mathematical methods for describing spatial relationships carbohydrate substrates and hydrogen ions, respectively, in
have been used in simple in vitro adherence systems, these relation to the etiology of dental caries (Dibdin, 1981).
have not been extended to more complex multispecies Studies of molecular transport through biofilms have used
systems (Bos et al, 1994). measurements in homogenized or sedimented mono-species
The quantitative characterization of the arrangement of the bacterial systems (Dibdin, 1981; Tatevossian, 1985) and
microstructural features of a system and methods for more recently the use of fluorescent dextrans in conjunction
describing the arrangement of these features, including with confocal microscopy (Lawrence et al, 1994). The
parameters such as position, size, shape, and orientation, have homogenous, pelleted bacterial models have lost the original
been presented in many fields and to different degrees of biofilm structural characteristics; however, confocal
sophistication (Ripley 1977, 1979; Baudhuin et al, 1979). techniques have the advantage of preserving the biofilm
Using species-specific probes and appropriate imaging and structure and are promising to be especially powerful when
statistical techniques, one should be able to identify and carried out in a quantitative mode. For example, recently,
quantitate the key interrelationships between bacteria during fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis
colonization of the tooth surface. There is a burgeoning was carried out with fluorescent dextran in an oral biofilm
literature on the use of fluorescent methods for the direct model (Birmingham et al, 1995).
visualization of bacteria in micro-environmental systems The three-dimensional simulation of flow-through porous
(Kepner and Pratt, 1994). These fluorescent methodologies media has been studied previously in a number of fields such
provide sensitive detection in complex environments (Bloem as geology and the oil industry (Jernot et al, 1992). An
et al, 1995). Furthermore, individual fluorescent stains have effective way of simulating the diffusive process through
been shown to be sensitive to changes in environmental realistic and hence complex microstructures is based on a
factors such as pH, Eh, and ion concentration within biofilm variant of the continuum random walk approach first
systems (Costerton et al, 1994). Methods for the specific described by Torquato and Kim (1989). Computer simulation
microscopic identification of oral micro-organisms have been of the complete molecular transport properties (diffusion and
developed with use of fluorescence detection, with targeting convective flow) over time is, in principle, achievable by
either via antibody technology or nucleic acid probes means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes.
(Zambon et al, 1985; Grnur, 1988; Savitt et al, 1988; However, since characterization of the complete molecular
Moncla et al, 1991; Amann et al, 1992). While both dynamic interactions requires simulation over fundamental
methods have shown applications for bacterial detection on time steps (fs), these codes are inappropriate when bulk
glass slides, the targeted disclosure of bacteria within 3-D transport properties over longer (ps-ns) time scales are
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considered. For time scales characteristic of observable Measurement methods

diffusive events, almost all the correlations of the Bacterial staining procedures. The HA discs were
intramolecular dynamic processes will completely decay removed from flow cells and incubated at 37°C for 20 min in
(Deutch et ai, 1987). Furthermore, such codes cannot be 0.5 mL IF buffer (2.5% Marvel in borate-buffered saline).
easily manipulated to deal with complex geometries (Deutch Specific anti-Veillonella parvula monoclonal antibody was
etaU 1987). then added (20 pL), and after further incubation for 20 min, a
Data presented in this paper show how optical methods for mixture of biotin-labeled antibodies (anti-mouse IgM, u
imaging biofilm microstructure may be linked with image chain-specific diluted 1/150, and anti-mouse IgG, whole
analysis programs and mathematical models to parameterize molecule diluted 1/200) was added, and incubation continued
three key structural aspects of mixed-species biofilms grown for 20 min. Finally, avidin-FITC solution (Sigma, diluted
in vitro: 1/500) was added, followed by a further 20-minute
(1) Mapping early colonization events and spatial relation- incubation. The discs were then removed, placed on a
ships between different bacterial species over time. microscope slide, and counterstained with ethidium bromide
(2) Imaging of specific biofilm populations in situ in three (1-2 pL in titer steps of a 10-pM solution). A similar
dimensions and parameterization of biofilm microstruc- procedure was used for S. mutans labeling and
tures grown under different physiological conditions. counterstaining of mature biofilms. For general structural
(3) Modeling molecular diffusion and convective flow in imaging where no specific labeling was required, either
reconstructed three-dimensional biofilm microstructures. ethidium bromide or BacLight™ (Molecular Probes,
Eugene, OR) was used at 10 uM.
Colonization mapping experiments. Mapping experiments
To be able to meet satisfactorily the extensive measurement of bacterial colonization onto hydroxyapatite surfaces were
objectives set, we had to combine several methodologies. performed at time intervals of one-, three-, and five-hour
Physical components of the experimental systems will be immersion in the flow cell apparatus. Following fluorescent
discussed, together with the individual experimental staining of the bacteria on the disk surface, samples were
procedures, followed by a description of the analytical mounted onto an Olympus BHS-BH2 fluorescence
methods used. microscope fitted with a Marshauzer (X,Y,Z) translation
stage and interfaced to a Kontron IBAS image-processing
Microbiological methods system. Macro programs controlled the (X,Y) stage
Continuous culture. A consortium of bacterial species movement and image-sampling procedure of the
representative of dental plaque populations in health and fluorescently stained bacteria. Typically, two equivalent
disease—Streptococcus sanguis SB 179, Streptococcus image areas were taken of the same field of view but with
mutans R9, Lactobacillus rhamnosus AC413, Actinomyces different fluorescent bandpass filters such that antibody-
naeslundii WVU627, Neisseria subflava A1078, labeled (green, fluorescein) bacteria and total bacterial
Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 10953, Veillonella parvula biomass (stained red; ethidium bromide) could be
ATCC 17745, Prevotella nigrescens T588, and sequentially detected. The success of these methods was
Porphyromonas gingivalis W50—was grown in continuous found to be crucially dependent on the quality of the antibody
culture (D = 0.1 h"1) in a complex medium (BM) containing labeling that could be achieved, i.e., low non-specific
hog gastric mucin under anaerobic conditions at 37°C and labeling and high-brightness antibodies were required. Since
/., 1985). sampling of large areas was involved, control of optimum
focus and fluorescence filter interchange was prompted by
Flow cell biofilm cultures. Glass flow cells (20-mL macro program and performed manually. Images were
working volume) containing glass holders carrying typically gathered by means of a Leitz NPL Fluotar 50x/1.0
hydroxyapatite (HA) discs were fed by means of a peristaltic NA water immersion objective. With conventional
pump (Watson Marlow 505 DU) with inoculum from the microscope optics, effective sampling of the HA disk biofilm
primary continuous culture and with fresh medium (BM, was possible only in 2-D and up to the depth of field of the
mucin-containing) to produce a dilution rate of 0.75 h"1 at a objective in use, i.e., less than 5 um total thickness. Digitized
ratio of 1 part inoculum (complex community) to 9 parts image viewing fields (512 x 512 pixels at 8-bit intensity
fresh medium. Flow cell contents were recirculated at 25 resolution) were obtained by means of a low-light-level
mL/min. Anaerobic conditions were maintained in the flow Falcon SIT camera (Agar Scientific, Stanstead, UK) attached
cell with an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in nitrogen. The pH of to the trinocular head of the microscope and were typically
flow cell contents was continuously measured on an Orion 85 x 85 microns in (X,Y) dimension. Absolute reproducible
720A pH meter equipped with a Russell probe (serial number system (X,Y) translation of the scanning stage was measured
CTW 711). In experiments to investigate the effect of sucrose to be ± < 0.5 um. Hence, consecutive images representing a
on biofilms, solutions (either sucrose or water) were pulsed square raster pattern could easily be produced within the
into flow cells directly by means of a peristaltic pump program environment. This procedure allowed for surface
(Watson Marlow). Conditions for the primary continuous area mapping in the range of 1 mm2 to 2 mm2 with high
culture were unchanged. precision and resolution of the co-ordinates of individual

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Composite Reduced Image Individual Image of

of Raster Image Set Raster Image Set
850 Microns 85 Mirrnna

• •

1 \ <H

- 1
850 Microns
Jk. r 85 Microns

Examples of Bacteria
Fig. 1—(a) Schematic representation of 'early' colonization associated with the
processes occurring on HA surfaces immersed in the general biomass
continuous culture biofilm system. (b,c) Parameterization of
the colonization process is achieved by measurement of the Examples of species specific
Euclidean distances of nearest, next nearest, etc., neighbors nearest neighbours
of the bacteria of interest with respect to (either) the same
(or another) specifically labeled target species. These
Euclidean measurements are then compared with the prior
Poisson distribution for randomly distributed point
processes on an equivalent surface area. The method may be
used to map the development of colony size factors and
various component species over time (the Fig. schematically
describes the mapping o/V. parvula against total biomass as
Non-specifically stained general biomass material
described in the text).
Antibody labelled organism,

bacterial cells. (mechanical distance) through, wherever possible, the full

Subsequent image processing of the consecutive-image- depth of the biofilm. The biofilm depth varied considerably
pair mozaic allowed for segmentation (recognition) of across the HA surface, and sampling of biofilm volume
specific bacteria (green objects) and biomass material (red segments was undertaken following microscopic visual
objects). For each recognized object, information about size, inspection of the biofilm such that from 6 to 10
shape, and position was obtained. Hence, we were able to 'representative' segments (rather than mozaic maps) were
make measurements of surface area coverage, spatial recorded. This fluorescence imaging technique allowed for
distributions, and spatial coincidences in the patterns of the high-contrast imaging of individual cells; however, the
green-labeled and/or the red-stained organisms, shown ultimate image quality was found to be governed by the
schematically in Fig. 1. bacterial density of the biofilm and its depth, factors which
influence the extent of scattering of the probe beam
Structural imaging. Three-dimensional fluorescence (Wolfaardt et al., 1994; Birmingham et al., 1995). Typical
imaging of more mature biofilms (up to 50-pm thickness) on signal-to-noise ratio conditions in these experiments were
the HA surfaces (typical time point, 72 hr of immersion in such that the axial (z axis) optical resolution was ca. 0.8 um.
flow cell) were performed by means of a Noran Instruments
Odyssey Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope, capable of Image segmentation. Image data obtained from both the
video rate performance (25 sampled frames per second, each colonization mapping and the 3-D microstructural
frame composed of 512 x 512 pixels and digitized at 8-bit investigations were manipulated by means of the Kontron
intensity resolution). Images were gathered primarily by IBAS image processing system. Object segmentation
means of a Leitz NPL Fluotar 100x/1.2 NA water immersion (separating bacteria from background and converting into
objective. The square viewing fields measured approximately binary images) from the grey-scale fluorescence image
46 um x 46 um. Optical sections were
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21, 2016 For personal a design-based
use only. No other uses without permission. filtering step followed

by a thresholding step and a combination of binary opening Hence, if one is to test whether an arrangement of points
and closing procedures to produce smoother surface deviates from random behavior, then the simplest criteria are
representations of the bacteria. The optimal filter design for to compare the observed mean and the standard deviation of
separating objects from background was found to be the the observed distances with the values from the ideal random
Laplacian. Both the magnitude of the filter and its component arrangement. The expected mean, E(r2), and variance, E(Sj2),
elements were varied depending on the relative optical of the Poisson distribution follow from knowledge of
magnification (apparent bacterial size) in the images. To
separate biomass from background in colonization mapping
experiments, a simple threshold condition was applied, since, E(rx) = 2Vp
for these complex objects, resolution of individual bacteria
was not required. p(~NA), and for the nearest neighbors, these values are found
to be:
Simulation, modeling, and graphic visualization
methods. For the simulation/modeling and graphic 1
visualization tasks associated with this work, a Silicon 471 P
Graphics 2XZ workstation was used (160 Mb RAM, 200
MHz CPU, 2-Gb hard disk). Fast volume rendering was Now the ratio of the observed (rj) and expected E(rj) mean,
performed by means of Voxel View 2.2 and Voxel Math 2.1 Q = TJ/EO'J), and the observed (Sj2) and expected variance
(Vital Images Inc., Fairfield, IA, USA). Flow and surface E(Sj2), R = s J 2 /E(s 1 2 ), serve to indicate the nature of the
visualization was performed by means of AVS 5.0 (Advanced spatial distribution of the point objects.
Visual Systems Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). The diffusion
model based on the Continuum Random Walk method was For a random experimental point set, expect Q ~ 1, R ~ 1.
written by one of the authors (RT) within the PV-WAVE For a regular experimental point set, expect Q > 1, R « 1.
environment (Visual Numerics Inc., Houston, TX, USA). The For a clustered experimental point set, expect Q < 1, R < 1.
lattice Boltzmann method was written by one of the authors For sets of clusters with a superimposed background,
(PW) using the C language. Three-dimensional image proces- expect Q < 1, R > 1.
sing functions were performed by means of the CImages3D
package (Foster Findley Associates, Newcastle,UK). For further segmentation of the degree of clustering and the
arrangement of any clusters within the surface, an appropriate
Analytical methods first step is to eliminate the random background points. This
Colonization mapping. In this work, a simple procedure can be achieved if one assumes that the overall point
which generates a description of the arrangements of objects distribution is a superposition of at least two independent
on planar features/surfaces and based on the analysis of Poisson processes. In this case, the interest will be in a
nearest-neighbor distances was adopted. This approach process for pc covering cluster areas A c , and another pB
classifies objects according to either random, clustered, or covering background areas. Hence, the density functions of
regular arrangements and also allows for the separation of the overall process are then simply the weighted sum of the
clusters from random backgrounds and a description of the two individual functions such that:
degree of clustering or regularity (Schwarz and Exner, 1981).
The model assumes that the objects of interest on the planar J{r)B
surface can be represented as points (e.g., using their N N
centroids). This assumption will be acceptable, provided that
the surface dimensions are large compared with the object where N is the total number of points. Then, Nc/N = C and
dimensions. In addition, edge effects caused by sampling will NB/N = 1 - C. So, for the first nearest neighbors:
be reduced if sufficiently large sample areas are taken.
A random point process can be well-described by a f(rx) = 2nCpcrl • exp(-7Cpcr12) + 2n(l - C)pBr{ • exp(-7tpsr12)
Poisson distribution (Schwarz and Exner, 1981). That is, the
frequency, f(r^, of distances rj of the first nearest neighbor and for the second nearest neighbors:
takes the form:
/(r2) = 27T2Cp2cr23 • exp(-7cpcr22) + 2TC2(1 - C)pB2r23 • exp(-7iP/?r22)
f(rx) = 27Cpr1 exp(-7Cpr12)
The unknown parameters, p c , p B , and C, follow from the
and for distances r2 of the second nearest neighbors takes the evaluation of the first three moments of either the first or
form second nearest-neighbor distribution functions.
Assignment of objects to either clusters or background
/(r 2 ) = 27C2p2r23 • exp(-7lpr22) then depends simply on the definition of the clustering
distance r*, where if the neighbor is at a distance r < r*, it is
where p is the point density (number of points N per unit area assumed that the point belongs to a cluster, whereas,
A). Experimentally, the estimator E(p) = N/A = NA. alternatively, if r > r*, it is assumed to belong to background.
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in turn models the funda-

mental Brownian Diffusion
process at a microscopic level.
This technique is applicable
to either two- or three-dimen-
sional structures and proceeds
in 2-D by initiating all
trajectories at an identical spot
(in 3-D, randomly selected
points in a 2-D plane are
chosen) and then evolving
until the region boundary is
reached, whereupon each
trajectory is absorbed. The
time associated with each
trajectory (the passage time) is
calculated by assuming that
Total Colony Area (Square microns) the diffusion coefficient in the
free pore space is the same as
the known free solution value
Fig. 2—Area number density of bacterial biomass during colonization onto HA surfaces DQ. Deff is then estimated for
immersed in a continuous culture biofilm system for 1,3, or 5 hrs. the system by analysis of the
statistical properties of the set
of passage times. In each case,
The combination of values of p c , pB, and C allows for the geometry ensures that each trajectory has a fixed mean
quantitative descriptions of the clustering in terms of areas square displacement, and thus a properly defined diffusion
covered by the clusters A c = N c /p c and the number of points coefficient can be calculated.
belonging to the clusters N c = CN. The passage times for each trajectory are "binned" into a
histogram—the diffusive passage time distribution p(t).
Transport modeling. The three-dimensional charac- Typically, several thousand trajectories are required to yield
terization of transport through porous media is of interest in accurate descriptions of p(t), which is the probability that a
many fields (Jernot et al., 1992). Typically, several different randomly chosen trajectory will have a passage time in the
modes of transport will be important in any given system. We range t to t+dt. Consequently, the mean passage time (T ) is
focus on two common modes, diffusion and convective flow, given by:
and on how the microstructure alone interacts independently
with these processes. In particular, no account is taken of
extra-celluar material which may influence transport but
cannot be sampled by the imaging techniques used here.
=h J
Since the simulation occurs over fixed mean square
Modeling of diffusion. In this scenario, the diffusion displacements L2, the familiar equation for the Deff (in this
process can be represented macroscopically by the diffusion case, in 2-D) is obtained as:
equation, which, in vector form, is: D - ^

at Generally, these results are quoted as the ratio of effective

and free diffusion coefficients, that is, as Deff/D0.
where Deff is the Effective Diffusion Coefficient for diffusion
through the microstructure, and c(r,t) is the concentration of Modeling of 3-D convective flow. At the macroscopic
the diffusive species at time t and position r. level, the convective flow component of the transport process
This equation can be solved analytically in only a limited can be described by means of the Navier-Stokes equations for
number of cases within easily defined geometries. For the velocity vector v(r,t):
diffusion through complex microstructures, a simulation
approach must be used which can numerically generate Deff. —- = F - ~ \p + %\zy
The approach taken here is based on a variant of the Dt p
continuum random walk method (Torquato and Kim, 1989),
Which generates a set of non-interacting trajectories through where: F represents the external body forces (such as gravity)
the pore space. Each trajectory is constructed to represent an acting on each fluid element; p is the (thermodynamic)
individual random walk through the microstructure, and this pressure, a sealer quality; p is the fluid density; and d is the
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Time of Relative Surface Coverage Fraction of Population Mean "Q" Statistic "R" Statistic
Immersion (%) V. parvula (G) Ratio Nearest-neighbor
in Culture Coincident with G/R (%) Distance between
(h) V. parvula Total Biomass General Biomass (R) V. parvula Cells

1 0.003 0.070 0.32 4.7 20.66 0.85 1.66

3 0.008 0.078 0.45 1.0 8.99 0.57 1.60
5 0.046 2.89 0.56 2.9 4.16 0.62 2.00

fluid kinematic viscosity. formally equivalent to the CFD methods described above—
Numerical solution of these equations is a much more with the advantage that it is more efficient and simpler to
complex task than in the previous case. However, because of implement for complex geometries. Further, the control of
the need to understand flow in a wide range of applications parameters such as diffusion and temperature is easier and the
(e.g., aerodynamics), a vast array of computational incorporation of complex structures essential to this study is
techniques for numerically solving these equations has been straightforward, in marked contrast to the intermediate steps
developed under the banner of Computational Fluid that would be required if the microstructure were to be
Dynamics (CFD). Unfortunately, these are usually optimized prepared for a CFD simulation.
for large-scale flows past simple geometries which can be
efficiently described by a relatively short list of polygons RESULTS
covering the surfaces. Accurate covering of the surfaces of
the complex structures that we are investigating would Colonization mapping
require a huge number of polygons with consequent Experiments were carried out for assessment of the relative
degradation in the performance time of the simulation. surface coverage and distribution of Veillonella parvula
Instead, in a spirit similar to that of the diffusive modeling, (fluorescently labeled green by FITC-conjugated V. parvula-
we have adopted the lattice Boltzmann method, which is specific Mabs) and of total organisms of the remaining
founded upon a microscopic description of the flow process biomass (labeled red by ethidium bromide) over an area of
(Frisch et al, 1986; d'Humieres et al., 1986; Qian et al, 1992). 1.04 mm2 of HA disk in the flow cell biofilm system (shown
In essence, the system (in this case the biofilm) is schematically in Fig. 1).
described by a lattice which is thought to consist of a large The results suggested a non-linear rate of surface coverage
number of identical structureless lattice particles which 'live' with time (Table). The surface coverage of V. parvula
on the nodes of a (2-D or 3-D) regular lattice space and that organisms corresponded to 108 detected organisms in 1.04
move along the regular lattice links. Hence, the state of the mm2 (0.003% coverage) at 1 hr. After 5 hrs of immersion in
lattice at any time may be described by indicating which links the continuous culture system, the total surface area coverage
of which nodes are occupied by particles. The description of was still low (Table). The distribution of colony areas
the physical process (e.g., flow) is embedded within the set of showed that the dominant colony size at all time points was
rules which determine what happens as particles enter a node small (primarily 0-3 um 2 range) and therefore represented
and undergo a collision. These rules are fixed such that the relatively few attached organisms per cluster (Fig. 2). The
proper physics of the desired flow model is eventually data were expressed in a form which shows the physical
obtained. By changing the collision rules, different aspects of distribution of biomass in terms of colony area (Fig. 3).
the physical model can be accounted for (e.g., boundary and Clearly, at 1 hr the majority of the biomass existed only in the
initial conditions and interactions with solid bodies defined smallest of colony sizes (0-3 um2); however, after a further 4
on the lattice). Since the method is lattice-based, it is ideal for hrs of colonization, the majority of the biomass was
the incorporation of microstructures obtained from 3-D associated with larger colony sizes (up to 500 um2 [Fig. 3]).
imaging experiments, since they are also based on a lattice of Furthermore, it was evident that the V. parvula organisms had
points. become increasingly associated with the general biomass
The technique has been fully validated (Behrend et al., over time, even though the total biomass surface coverage
1994), confirming that the Navier-Stokes equations are remained low (Fig. 4, Table). The proportions of V. parvula
properly satisfied and hence fluid dynamic behavior organisms relative to the total biomass fell, between 1 and 3
accurately modeled. Indeed, it can be shown that it is hrs of colonization, to 1.0 and subsequently increased at 5 hrs
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3-D microstructural
imaging and
species-specific localization
Experiments were undertaken
to obtain representative con-
focal images of biofilms and
to extract realistic bacterial
microstructures. These data
were subsequently analyzed
for 3-D structural or distri-
butional statistics and for use
as realistic base structures for
the modeling of molecular
transport properties. Fig. 5
shows a composite volume
segment image of the bottom
20-um segment of a 40-um
Total Colony Area (Square microns) biofilm grown for 72 hrs in
the continuous culture system.
Various bacterial structural
Fig. 3—Normalized colony area distribution ofbiomass during colonization of HA surfaces morphologies were evident
immersed in a continuous culture biofilm system. within the ethidium-bromide-
labeled general biomass
material, and a small
to 2.9 (Table). microcolony of S. mutans cells was observed near the HA
Results from examination of the first nearest-neighbor surface when an S. mutans-specific FITC-conjugated
distribution of V. parvula organisms indicated a strong time- monoclonal antibody probe was used.
dependence. At 1 hr, V. parvula demonstrated a wide
distribution of nearest neigh-bors, with a mean separation Effect of carbohydrate availability
distance of 20.7 um. How-ever, after 5 hrs, a mean separation on biofilm microstructure
distance of 4.2 um was observed (Table). The statistical Experiments in which parallel identical flow cells were red
analysis of the propensity of the V. parvula organisms to from the same continuous culture system at a constant
distribute randomly (Q and R statistics) showed that, at all dilution rate (0.75 h"1) were carried out to investigate the
time periods studied, the V. parvula cells tended to 'cluster' effect of sucrose availability on biofilm microstructure (Figs.
together more than that predicted by a random distribution 6A, 6B). The mucin-limited biofilm was characterized by
(Table). relatively sparse biofilm
growth, with open areas
and 'string-like' structures
(Fig. 6A). In contrast, the
1 hr sample D 3hr sample El 5hr sample sucrose-supplemented
biofilm showed a signi-
ficantly higher bacterial
density and more extensive
depth (up to 50 pm) of
growth and a greater
diversity of dominant bac-
terial morphologies (Fig.
6B). Mucin-limited and
biofilm microstructures
were measured for dis-
tribution of particle
volumes and principal
lengths (Fig. 7). Results
suggested that the struc-
Nearest Neighbour Distance (microns) tures were composed of
Fig. 4—Nearest-neighbor distribution ofV. parvula during colonization of HA surfaces
from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.multiple, morphologically
immersed in a continuousDownloaded
culture biofilm system.
similar subunits, with

characteristic particle dimensions. A dominant bacterial

morphology (cocci) was particularly evident in the mucin-
limited biofilms, whereas data from sucrose-supplemented
biofilms indicated the presence of multiple cell morphologies
(Fig. 7).

Transport modeling
Diffusion. Analysis of extracted microstructural segments by
the continuum-random-walk method yielded two insights into
the influence of biofilm microstructure and molecular 20um
diffusion. First, the effective diffusion coefficient in the pore (114)

space, with respect to 'free particle' diffusion calculated in

both 2-D and 3-D simulations, showed that the effective
diffusion coefficient was a factor of ca. 2 slower than the free (512)
particle diffusion. For example, a 2-D simulation carried out
with a transmission electron microscopy image of a bacterial S.mutans cells labelled b) Mab I 111
biofilm showed Defl/D0 « 0.49 (3000 walks, DQ = W6 m V )
General hiofilm mass labelled with Kthidium Bromide
(Fig. 8).
Three-dimensional data sets obtained from CSLM images
of an in vitro oral biofilm were used in a simulation of the 3- Fig. 5—Confocal imaging with volume visualization of an
D effective diffusion coefficient. These data showed an oral biofilm grown for 120 hrs in the nine-species continuous
effective slowing of diffusion by the biofilm to Derf/D() = culture biofilm system showing specific labeling with anti-S.
0.70, hence confirming the 2-D simulated data and a low mutans Mab-FITC and ethidium bromide staining of non-
level of hindrance (Fig. 9). An essential feature of the specifically-labeled cells.
calculation of the effective diffusion coefficient in this model
is the generation of the Euclidean Distance Map (EDM)
applied to the pore space of the microstructure (the EDM is Convective flow. We analyzed the microstructure by
the Euclidean distance of every pore volume element to the considering convective transport through the void space. In
nearest surface). Hence, analysis of this map readily reveals Fig. 11 A, flow streamlines generated by the lattice Boltzman
information about the pore size distribution within the pore simulation are shown penetrating the structure. It is evident
space of the microstructure. An example of this analysis is from the broken flow lines (Fig. 1 IB) that the proper
shown in Fig. 10, whereby the connectivity of the void space description of bulk liquid transport through such complex
is found to be a strong function of the defined pore neck size structures will require an additional diffusive term. Since the
in these in vitro biofilm structures. properties of the fluid propagating through the microstructure

A: Min in Limited Biofilm B: Sucrose Supplemented Biofilm

Fig. 6—Comparison of biofilm microstructures grown in a continuous culture biofilm system under either (A) mucin-limited or
(B) sucrose-supplemented conditions. Images represent typical volume-rendered segments from confocal analysis of at least
two duplicate biofilms stained with ethidium bromide.

Downloaded from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

in bacterial populations associated with increasing biofilm

age and different pathological states (Marsh, 1994).
A Additional insight has been gained by descriptions of the
Mucin Limited binding forces and kinetics related to adhesion and to the
Sucrose Supplemented
ultrastructural detail relating to specific binding interactions
(Bos et al., 1994). Recently, methods for the in situ
examination of biofilm phenomena, including the monitoring
£ 0.6 of direct bacterial-surface interactions, have became
o available. Such methods allow for a much greater and more
fundamental understanding of biofilm systems. Hence, it is
now conceivable that biomathematical modeling could be
applied to the understanding of biofilm growth processes, and
to the conditional simulation of underlying 3-D structure.
Decision analysis methods may then be used to predict the
impact of environmental and physiological factors on biofilm

0 500 1000 1500 2000 Colonization

Volume of Particle (voxel units) The time-dependent development of bacterial biomass on HA
surfaces in vitro may arise as a result of at least three
mechanisms: attachment to exposed (free) surface; growth of
bacteria already attached to the surface; and adhesion to
biomass already on the surface. (In the latter mechanism, we
B make no initial distinction between species-specific and non-
Mucin Limited specific adhesive interactions.) So that the relative
Sucrose Supplemented importance of each process could be assessed under
controlled conditions of nutrient availability within a defined
consortium of interacting organisms, experiments were
£ 0.6 carried out for the development of an analysis for the
parameterization of the colonization process. This analysis
was tested in the first instance by image mapping of V.
parvula organisms adhering to greater than 1 mm 2 HA
surface, following immersion into a continuous culture flow
cell system over a five-hour time course. It would be
expected that if attachment to 'exposed' surfaces was the
dominant mechanism of biomass development, then this
should be a random process uninfluenced by the presence of
A \
other bacteria. Collisions of planktonic bacteria with sessile
bacteria will occur but will be of low frequency, given the
0 20 40 60 80 100
low surface coverage shortly after immersion. In addition, it
Principal Length of Particle (voxel units) would be expected that the surface coverage would increase
essentially linearly with time. In contrast, the data showed
Fig. 7—Comparison of the distribution of (A) particle volume that the rate of change of surface coverage was far from
and (B) principal length within extracted microstructures of linear and indeed that at no time did the distribution of V.
mucin-limited and sucrose-supplemented biofilms. parvula approach a random distribution (Table). Similarly,
nearest-neighbor analysis of the total biomass showed non-
random behavior (Q = 0.6, R = 2.0). V. parvula is known to
co-aggregate strongly with Fusobacterium nucleatum but
are known, it is possible to calculate the net normal and
weakly or not at all with the other members of the consortium
tangential forces applied to the microstructure such that an
(D. Bradshaw, personal communication). When Poiseuilles'
investigation of the effects of these forces on bacterial
equation was applied (Hiemenz, 1977), the shear rate in the
adherence can be made (data not shown).
flow cell system was estimated to be low (< 3 s"1) and may be
considered unlikely to influence the overall colonization
pattern. A surface-adhesion-dominated process would be
expected to produce a biomass distribution with
Current understanding of complex bacterial interactions predominantly small colony fragments. Hence, the data
within the oral cavity stems from classic microbiological showing
Downloaded from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February largeusebiomass
21, 2016 For personal aggregates
only. No other uses without permission. indicated a role for inter-
methods and sampling procedures. Examples include and intra-species adherence mechanisms in the colonization
observations of sequential species succession and the changes


Simulated Random Walk rv
C: within the Intercellular Space.
Passage Time Distribution.

( seconds)

Stability of Effective Diffusion coefficient.


Fig. 8—Composite Fig. representing the route to evaluation of the 2-D effective diffusion coefficient from an experimental
microstructure. (A) Generation of raw data; (B) segmentation of image to obtain the surface of the extracted microstructure;
(C) calculation of the diffusive trajectories (for example, diffusive path shown in green, absorbing boundary shown in red);
and (D) evaluation of results.

Downloaded from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

extent of local clustering on random

Reconstructed biomatrix background to be assessed
(Schwarz and Exner, 1981). It
should then prove possible to map
the cluster features onto the
physical co-ordinates of actual
biomass segments and hence
examine local bacterial segments
more closely.

Currently, there are no general,
clearly defined methods which are
sensitive and unambiguous enough
for the useful classification of
complex geometries such as biofilm
microstructures. In order to study
Simulation Region biofilm structures and their
response to the environment, most
reports have relied on semantic
descriptions which are therefore at
best qualitative and subjective.
Sample Trajectories of Some of the most detailed non-
diffusing species.
destructive structural discussions to
date have used confocal imaging
optics to provide the necessary
image clarity (Caldwell et al.,
Fig. 9—Three-dimensional diffusion simulation in an extracted biofilm microstructure. 1992b, 1993). Work described in
this paper further demonstrated the
utility of confocal microscopy for
of HA surfaces in vitro. the mapping of biofilm microstructures. With antibody
If surface attachment followed by bacterial growth was the methods, it was shown that direct species-specific
dominant mechanism, then a random spatial distribution with visualization within biofilm segments was achievable (Fig. 5).
a nonlinear time dependence to surface coverage would be Comparative structural studies of complex oral biofilms
expected. However, the observed distribution was not grown under different nutrient conditions showed that
random. Furthermore, the rate of change of surface coverage nutrient-limited biofilms contained significantly lower
cannot be explained by the expected growth rates of sessile- bacterial density than nutrient-supplemented systems (Figs.
or planktonic-phase bacteria in these in vitro systems (Rogers 6A, 6B; as seen previously in other biofilm systems
et al., 1986; Allison et al., unpublished data), indicating that [Caldwell et al., 1992b]). Spatial distributions and dominant
growth of adhered organisms was not likely to dominate the morphologies were less obvious and structural distributions
formation of the observed colonization pattern. Non-random apparently more chaotic in sucrose-supplemented biofilms,
distributions of colonizing bacteria were observed, strongly whereas under mucin limitation, the predominant morpho-
suggesting that bacteria already attached to the surface exert logical type appeared to be coccoid (ca. 1-um dimension).
significant influence on further adherence. This influence These data from parameterization of the 3-D structure agreed
could arise from combinations of the additional collision closely with viable counts of bacteria colonizing parallel
cross-section presented by bacterial surface normal to the biofilms which showed that, while S. sanguis was the
flow, from charge-related interactions, or from the influence dominant organism under mucin limitation, sucrose-
of extracellular material projected into the flowing media. It supplemented biofilms contained high numbers of S. mutans
has previously been shown that many organisms exhibit a and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (data not shown). By appro-
two-step adhesion process to surfaces (van Loosdrecht et al., priate 3-D image analysis methods, it was possible for the
1989) and that, in the first step, bacterial migration over the angular, physical, and spatial distributions of all objects to be
surface remains possible. In our experiments, there was an measured within the volume segment. Initial results from 3-D
increased propensity for bacteria to exist in larger biomass parametric analysis of biofilm structures indicated that
segments with time (Fig. 3, Table). However, the nearest- several structural classifiers were required for structural
neighbor analysis used in this study did not address the parameterization of complex biofilms and, in particular, for
relative significance of colony growth of very closely characterization of the orientation of multicellular assemblies.
associated organisms and adherence mechanisms. Further In the development of this approach, similar morphologies or
Downloaded from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
development of the nearest-neighbor method will enable the sets of object parameters may be grouped and replotted such

that local associations may be

analyzed. In the future, multi-
parametric descriptions of biofilm
types may be developed, which
may include building relations to
patterns of convective flow (see
below). These methods may give
further quantitative evaluation of
biofilm structures and assist in the
development of biomathematical

Many characteristics of biofilms
are likely to be transport-
dependent, including the avail-
ability of nutrients, cell-cell
signaling, environmental factors
such as pH, pO 2 , and redox
gradients. Two forms of transport
would be expected to be impor-
tant in the complex structural
geometries found in biofilms:
first, the overall permeability of
the porous structure, where
convective flow descriptions are
appropriate and where diffusive B:
processes are essentially irrele-
vant; and second, in 'dead end'
geometries, where diffusional
processes must dominate.
Modeling of purely diffusive
events within the 2-D and 3-D
representations of biofilm
matrices showed that the effective
hindrance was increased by a
factor of only 2-4 (Figs. 8 and 9).
These results are in agreement
with related studies (Dibdin,
1990; Birmingham et ai, 1995)
but not with those of Lawrence et
al. (1994), where it appears that,
in the latter study, interpretation
of the data did not include all
possible parameters and hence
was not sensitive to diffusive
events only. Direct comparisons
of results obtained in this study
with experimental measurements Fig. 10—Analysis of pore space connected by (A) paths at least 0.6 }im in radius, and (B)
which necessarily contain paths at least 0.5 ytm in radius for the extracted volume segment shown in Fig. 9.
information pertinent to the
ultrastructural effects of extra-
cellular material are consistent and hence confirm relatively method of microstructural analysis, especially in terms of
little hindrance (Birmingham et al., 1995). connectivities and 'pore neck' characterization of different
A prerequisite intermediate step in the optimized biofilm areas (Fig. 10). Such an analysis is considered to be
continuum random walk model used in this work is to particularly useful in the identification and comparison of
calculate the complete Downloaded
Euclidean distance map of the differing micro-environments such as, for example, those that
from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
microstructure void space. This map is a particularly useful might be associated with anaerobic (dense) and aerobic (more

mation of all fluid elements

A: over a bacterial surface, it is
possible to describe com-
pletely the total surface forces
experienced by an individual
bacterium (results not shown).
It is therefore theoretically
possible to determine the
forces transmitted to indi-
vidual biofilm components
under different conditions of
flow and shear and to relate
these to the kinds of binding
interactions experienced by
different bacteria in the
Transport through real
biomatrices, however, is a
3 um more complex process than
B: we have considered here. In
reality, diffusion and con-
vection do not operate in
isolation, and each process is a
more complex physical
phenomenon than we have
illustrated here. In particular,
the active gradients known
to exist within biofilms
(Cronenberg and Van den
Heuvel, 1991; Lewandowski
et al., 1991) cannot be
explained by the relatively
modest diffusional retardation
produced by biofilm structures
alone—there is a need to in-
clude bio-chemical interactions
within the computational
models. One possibility is the
Fig. 11—Propagation analysis of flow through an extracted 3-D biofllm microstructure. extension of the lattice
Flow lines are shown skirting around bacteria and in some cases terminating at particularly Boltzmann technique to
dense areas. Flow direction is from the front to the back of the Fig. include more sophisticated
transport processes. For
example, recent developments
(Ladd, 1994) allow for the
open) structures. incorporation of further collision rules that will enable
A representative simulation of purely convective flow diffusion and convection-diffusion to be modeled within this
through a particular layer of the biofilm segment is shown in methodology.
Fig. 11. The paths taken by individual 'streamlines' can Nevertheless, we believe that the modeling presented here
clearly be seen to be 'sculpting' around bacteria and provides additional insight into the three-dimensional nature
bacterial aggregates. Importantly, it is clear that in certain of the transport process and its interaction with micro-
areas the proper flow propagation has been interrupted. This structure. Finally, note that the focus does not have to be on
phenomenon is related to both bacterial density and actual transport—the simulations when analyzed in detail can be used
physical blocking, indicating that such analysis may prove as comparative measures of different microstructural types.
useful for the identification and investigation of specific
"low-flow" areas (such as anaerobic sites) within biofilms. CONCLUSIONS
Furthermore, the Navier-Stokes equations include the com-
plete description of both the normal and tangential forces This paper describes a combination of experimental,
acting on each fluid element. Hence, by appropriate sum- analytical, and simulation methods applied to the
Downloaded from at MCMASTER UNIV LIBRARY on February 21, 2016 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

understanding of the formation and structural characterization methods. / Microsc 115:1-17.

of model oral biofilms. The combination of optical Behrend O, Harris R, Warren PB (1994). Hydrodynamic
microscopy and fluorescent probe methodologies used in this behaviour of lattice Boltzmann and lattice Bhatnager-
work allowed for multiparameter analysis of the overall Gross-Krook models. Phys Rev E 50:4586-4595.
biofilm structure. In addition, the application of image Birmingham JJ, Hughes NP, Treloar R (1995). Diffusion and
analysis procedures to generate realistic 3-D representations binding measurements within oral biofilms using
of biofilm structure provided effective simulation of physical fluorescence photobleaching recovery methods. Phil
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information on the changing patterns of colonization of determination of soil bacterium numbers, cell volumes,
specific organisms with respect to the biomass over time. and frequencies of dividing cells by confocal laser
Results clearly indicated dominance of bacterial adhesion scanning microscopy and image analysis. Appl Environ
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HA in vitro. The application of confocal microscopy and Bos R, Mei HC, Meinders JM, Busscher HJ (1994). A
image analysis allowed for reconstruction of biofilm volume quantitative method to study coadhesion of micro-
segments, and, in conjunction with species-specific probes, organisms in a parallel plate flow chamber: basic
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different nutrient conditions, and first steps toward bacterial cells by fluorescence exclusion using scanning
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by individual biofilm components in the flow field could be selected ultrastructural and ecologic considerations.
determined. Future work will address the additional Scanning Microsc 4:375-691.
complexity of reactive modalities such as metabolic Costerton JW, Cheng K-J, Geesey GG, Ladd TI, Nichel JC,
processes through further development of imaging and Dasgupta MK, et al. (1987). Bacterial biofilms in nature
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Korber D, James G (1994). Biofilms, the customized
ACKNOWLEDGMENT microniche. J Bacteriol 176:2137-2142.
Cowan M, Busscher HJ (1993). Flow chamber study of the
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procedures. preconditioning with mutans streptococcal species:
kinetics and spatial arrangement. Microbios 73:135-144.
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