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Robotic Machine for High-Quality Shotcreting Process

PhD, Samir Nabulsi, AITEMIN, Margarita Salas 14, 28918 Leganés (Madrid), Spain
Mr, Angel Rodriguez, AITEMIN, Margarita Salas 14, 28918 Leganés (Madrid), Spain
PhD, Olga Rio, CISDEM, CSIC-UPM, Serrano Galvache 4, 28033 Madrid, Spain

This paper summarizes the development of the technologies used to produce high quality sprayed concrete layers by ro-
botizing a commercial shotcreting machine and automating the process used in the tunnelling construction industry. The
proposed method provides the control system with the information of the properties of the pumping process, controlling
the quality of the concrete layer by adjusting in real-time the trajectory of the shotcreting machine. Given the unstruc-
tured nature of the tunnelling construction method there is an inherent difficulty in the automation of the shotcreting
process. A complete description of the implemented control architecture of the shotcreting machine, the automated shot-
creting process, the real-time quality layer prediction and the analysis of the tests made in real sites are shown in this pa-

1 Introduction pumping process, controlling the quality of the concrete

layer by adjusting in real-time the velocity of the trajectory
In the underground construction branch of civil engineer- of the shotcreting machine.
ing and mining there are different types of tunnelling
methods, and one of the major ones, known as drill &
blasting, often include the process of concrete spraying -or
shotcreting- process. This tunnelling method consists of
three main stages: Drilling and blasting, loading and haul-
ing of blasted rock and supporting of the newly open cav-
ity. In the third step, shotcreting is often the method of
choice for providing temporary support.
This process consists on spraying concrete mix on the sur-
face of the new cavity, quickly creating a supporting struc-
ture. The shotcrete surface can be used as temporary sup-
port until a final concrete lining is cast, or even as the final
lining of the tunnel if additional structural shotcrete is
Nowadays, for performing the shotcreting process special-
ized machinery is controlled by qualified operators, which Figure 1 Sika®-Putzmeister PM-407 [5].
create shotcrete layers of specific properties based on their
experience. The properties and the quality of the layer de- The industrial machine Putzmeister-Sika® PM-407 (see
pend on the type of the lining needed, and basically the Fig. 1) has been used as a test platform for the develop-
quality of the layer is measured in terms of homogeneity ment of the shotcrete automation.
and thickness. In the last years there has been an increasing
interest on the real time determination of both the homo-
geneity and thickness of shotcrete layers. There are both 2 Process automation and control
technical and economical reasons that justify this interest: system of the shotcreting machine
On the one hand there is the need of guaranteeing a mini-
mum shotcrete thickness [1], while having the minimum In tunnelling, after the advancement (drilling and blasting)
required structural strength. On the other hand, contractors stage, shotcrete is used to cover the surface of the roadway
also do not want to place extra shotcrete on the walls, for to create a support on the working area inside the tunnel.
usually they will not get paid for it. The advancement stage is made by introducing explosives
Additionally the development of different acquisition in the face of the tunnel and making a controlled blast. But,
technologies during the past few years has made plausible as controlled as the blasting can be, the dimensions of the
the introduction of automation techniques in the under- resulting surface are completely unstructured and thus, one
ground construction process. Different approaches have of the implicit difficulties involved in the shotcreting proc-
been described for shotcreting automation and thickness ess that has avoided its automation.
estimation [2][3][4]. The proposed method provides the Three steps have been defined for the automated shotcret-
control system with the information of the properties of the ing stage:

1. Pre 3D LADAR scan of the working area.
2. Automated shotcreting process.
3. Post 3D LADAR scan and layer quality evalua-

The first step of the automated process is basically done

by imaging the working surface of the tunnel with a 3D
LADAR scanner (the LIDAC-16 developed by
AITEMIN). The information acquired from the first scan
is then used by the main control system of the machine to
generate the trajectories to shotcreting a layer. Finally a
second scan is made in order to evaluate, subsequently,
the quality of the layer and the amount of concrete used. Figure 2 D-H configuration of the PM – 407 manipulator.
This information can also be used to optimise the control
parameters of the automatic shotcreting system. Table 1 D-H Parameters for shotcreting manipulator.

2.1 Robotization of the shotcreting machine Joint i αi ai θi di Ranges Control Type

o o
1 π/2 -a 1 θ1 d1 -158 - 171 Proportional
The shotcreting machines are based on manipulators that o o
as an end tool they have a nozzle to spray the concrete fed 2 π/2 0 θ2 0 19 - 154 Proportional
by a concrete pump. It is to be noted that the best way to 3 0 a3 0 d3 0 - 2094 mm On/Off
spray the starting mix into a wall is by keeping the spray- 4 π/2 0 θ4 0 0 - 360 On/Off
ing vector perpendicular to the surface of the selected 5 0 0 θ5 -d 5
-47 - 204
area, at a certain distance that may vary between 1 and 6 0 a6 0 0 - -
Furthermore this type of machinery hasn’t been designed
The direct kinematics of every joint is known by applying
for automation purposes but for manually controlled la-
the Denavit-Hartemberg [6] convention, according to the
bour. This implies that some additional factors like me-
joint configuration (see Table 1), where the target position
chanical deformations, backlashes, or the control type of
will result by adding to a6 the desired distance between
the actuators have to be taken into account in the control
the nozzle and the tunnel surface (r). But to control the
system of the machine for precise positioning.
manipulator in position, velocity and orientation accord-
The proposed control system has been designed to use the
ing to desired target position vector (P), by evaluating its
real-time layer thickness estimator and the roadway ge-
inverse kinematics, some details have to be taken into ac-
ometry information to feedback and adapt the trajectory
control according to the conditions in order to produce
high quality concrete layers.

2.1.1 Mechanical configuration of the manipula-

The arm of the shotcreting machine is made of 5 degrees
of freedom (DOF) of hydraulically actuated joints (see
Fig. 2). The first three are configured as a spherical ma-
nipulator (2 rotational and 1 prismatic joint), and the last
two rotation joints from the end tool, are specially config- a. b.
ured to help the operators to maintain a certain orientation
without having to move many joints simultaneously. Figure 3 Yaw (ψ) and pitch (ϕ) angles of the nozzle dur-
There is an additional sixth joint at the end of the tool that ing spraying. a) Top view and b) Front view.
generates an eccentric rotation of the nozzle. This joint
was originally design to help the operators to increase the First of all, P(O6r,R(ψ,ϕ)) is a vector defined by two ele-
smoothness of the spraying, but it is not going to be taken ments, the position (X,Y and Z) of and the attitude (ψ,ϕ)
into account for automatic control purposes and it is con- for the target of spraying; this elements are specified ac-
sidered the nozzle in the centre. cording to the coordinate system of the origin of the ma-
Another property of the system is that it is only possible nipulator (Oo) (see Fig. 3), and they are provided by the
to control the velocity of the first two DOF according to LADAR system.
the control type of its hydraulic valves (see Table 1). The The inverse kinematic problem has been solved using the
rest of them they just have on/off valves. This configura- decoupling technique [7]. As in this problem O6 and the
tion affects the way the velocity of the movement of the orientation of the nozzle are known, it is possible to solve
manipulator is controlled (as explained later in section the position and orientation of the nozzle by evaluating O5 using an analytical approach by the given equation:

x5 = x6 – (a6Cos(ϕ)* Cos(ψ)) This process may take to much CPU time if it is not done
y5 = y6 – (a6Cos(ϕ)* Sin(ψ)) with certain logic. For example the direction of the rota-
z5 = z6 + a6Sin(ϕ) tion may be selected according to the attitude of the noz-
zle and the quadrant where it is located.
The inverse kinematic problem must proceed finding O3. Additionally, the time of the process may decrease by in-
Given the fixed distance O63 = sqrt(a62 + -d52) and its ori- creasing the rate of φ and using statistical strategies to av-
entation γ = atan(-d5,a6), O3 can be directly solved by the erage the value of the product between iterations. This is
equations: the case when, for example, the value of the dot product
x4 = x3 = x6 – (O63Cos(γ+ϕ)* Cos(ψ)), passes through zero between iterations.
y4 = y3 = y6 – (O63Cos(γ+ϕ)* Sin(ψ)), and
z4 = z3 = z6 + O63Sin(γ+ϕ).

Then, the three first parameters can be evaluated just with

the position of O3, indeed θ1 = Atan(O3y ,O3x). In this case
there is just one solution for θ1 because of the constraint
on the joints. Normally θ1= Atan(O3y ,O3x)+ π is also a
possible solution but if this solution is chosen, it will give
automatically a negative solution for θ2 and this is not al-
lowed by the constraints of the machine.
Hence, there is just a unique θ1 it is possible to evaluate
O1 according to the next equation:

O1 = (-a1Cos(θ1), -a1Sin(θ1), L1),

and so is the distance O31. According to this the distance

of the prismatic joint can be evaluated by d3 = sqrt(O312-
a32), and finally, θ2 can be evaluated by the equation:

θ 2 = Atan(n,q)-Atan(a3,d3) + π /2

where n = O3 -O1 projected on y1 and q = O3 -O1 projected

on x1. Figure 4 Flowchart for the inverse kinematics resolution
Now that θ 1, θ 2 and d3 have been found, the transforma- for the shotcreting machine’s manipulator.
tion matrix T03 can be evaluated and therefore the position
and the orientation of O3 are known. Moreover, the matrix 2.1.2 Control architecture
between the O3 and O6 is also known according to the The main control is based on a computer (master control-
transformation matrix T36. In this way it can be deter- ler) which, through the information provided by multiple
mined that θ4 = Atan(T36(1,3),-T36(2,3)) and θ5 = sensors and measurement systems, is responsible for mov-
Atan(T36(3,1), T36(3,2)). ing the arm of spraying at a determined velocity by evalu-
The problem with this method is that in order to be cor- ating the position and attitude of the nozzle tip with re-
rect there is a condition that has to be fulfilled and it is spect to the surface of the tunnel, having defined previ-
that z3 must be perpendicular to z5 and therefore to z6. ously the work area and the thickness of the layer.
This is determined by the geometry configuration of the It has a distributed structure which is designed to inter-
manipulator and in fact there are very few circumstances connect the interfaces that are designed to monitor and
in which this condition coincides with the previous in- control the shotcreting machine, its manipulator and to
verse kinematic evaluation. add additional control elements (see Fig. 5).
Therefore it is necessary to find an O3 that may fulfils the It is divided in four main modules: the manipulator’s in-
perpendicular condition between z3 and z6. This problem is terface, the pumps’ interface, the additional elements
solved by recursive iterations where the reference system (LADAR scanner or the remote control), and the main
O6 = O6*Rz(φ) (where Rz(φ) is the rotation matrix or the controller that has a visual based Human Machine Inter-
roll angle of the nozzle ) is rotated around z6 until the dot face (HMI), designed for its use in construction sites, and
product z3. z6 = 0. that it is in charge of the control system of automated
This means that the link between O3 and O5 is rotated shotcreting process.
around z6 adding in each iteration a constant value to φ, The system is capable of running in three modes of opera-
changing the position of O3 and O1, and therefore chang- tions: a) Automatic mode where the complete process is
ing the value of θ1, θ2, d3, θ4 and θ5. Each of these posi- done in an autonomous process; b) Semiautomatic mode,
tions must be evaluated every iteration, according to the where the operator can move the manipulator using a re-
equations shown before, until the perpendicular condition mote control but is assisted by the main control system in
is satisfied. order to guide him to maintain the correct attitude and po-
sition of the nozzle according to the surface of the tunnel;

and c) the manual mode, that is the last mode of opera- It has a main VRML model of the manipulator (1) that
tion, where the operator uses the remote control to move shows its position in real time during the automated shot-
freely the manipulator but it is assisted by the control sys- creting process. It can also be configured to monitor the
tem in order to move the joints with coordinated move- progress of the process while moving the manipulator in
ments instead of one joint at a time (as it is done in the semiautomatic or manual operation mode.
operation without any automation). Maybe this functionality doesn’t make much sense if the
main controller is installed onboard; but one of the main
objectives of the complete development is to prevent that
the operator gets near the working area and may be able
to operate from a remote location, as it is intended in fur-
ther developments.
The application also has an independent control for each
joint (2), high level macros for different operations like
the automated shotcrete process or locating the manipula-
tor by entering the desired position and attitude according
to the machine’s coordinates (3), and different options for
the system configuration (4). Manipulator’s interface

The interoperability between the application software and
the movement of the manipulator’s joints is made by an
interface (see Fig. 6) which main functionality is based on
a motion control card, which has a dedicated PID filtered
position and velocity control for the proportional actuated
joints, and has been programmed to accurately process a
time based control of the position of each on/off actuated
joint (see Table 1).
Figure 5 Main control architecture. It also provides the control software with the information
of the different encoders and positions sensors and it has
The last two modes of operations were implemented in been programmed to evaluate the velocity of each joint in
case unexpected issues arises inside the tunnel construc- order to get to the desired position making coordinated
tion process (like faults or water leaks) and the automated movements at the desired velocity.
control system is not able address them. These modes This interface was designed to minimize the main CPU
won’t be discussed further in this document. time of usage for processing low level information. The
configuration makes suitable the use of the main control- Main controller and HMI ler with non real-time based operation systems.
The main controller is based con an industrial PC and it is It is connected to the main controller through an Ethernet
designed to control the automated shotcreting process in- which is intended to which minimize the signal distortion
teracting with the different interfaces and additional com- produced by external noise sources, but instead it decreas-
ponents of the installed on the machine. ing transfer rate. Nevertheless the transmission rate is
The windows based control application (see Fig. 6) is de- made between 100 and 200 samples per second.
signed to be used by construction workers and provides So when the an automated spraying process has to be
the user with a user friendly HMI which is accessible made, first the complete set of target positions and the
through a touch screen panel. shotcreting speed is evaluated a priori by the main con-
trol system and then sent to the motion control card. Dur-
ing the spraying the desired velocity can be modified in
real time in order to adapt the spraying according to the
mix pumpability conditions, meanwhile it feedbacks the
main controller with the position of the joints of the ma-
nipulator to visually monitor the process from the HMI. Pump’s interface

This interface (see Fig. 6) has been designed only to
measure the different values used to evaluate the amount
and the velocity of the pumped concrete and send them to
the main control system through an USB connection.
A set of sensors have been installed in the machine in or-
Figure 6 HMI controller. der to measure different parameters (pressure, concrete
flow, etc.). These parameters are measured not only for
quality control purposes, but also for detecting the pump

needs for a given
g mix andd therefore to regulate
r the pump-
p The trajectory genneration starts by defining its
i shape and iti
ing parameteers (concrete flow)
f accordinngly [8][9]. contiinues by evalluating a pathh according tot some initiaal
In this case it
i is the main control system m the one thaat it is param
meters and thhe shape of thhe tunnel. Usu ually the mosst
in charge of evaluating thhe properties of o the concrette ac- conv
venient trajecctory should follow a sq quared shaped
cording to thhese parameterrs. form
In order to guarantee
g a faast rate of acqquisition, the inter-
face is basedd on a data loggger and it usees the USB connnec-
tion for fast transmission as it is necesssary to monitoor the
pumping parrameters withh a rate of trransmission (uup to
5000 samplees per secondd but not thee complete raate is

3 3D LADAR scanner and trajjec-

toryy generatiion
As describedd before, in thee machine a LADAR
L scannner has
been installeed in order too acquire the information of the
conditions off the working area by scannning the surfaace be-
fore and afterr the shotcretiing process. ure 8 Examplee of a desired shotcrete trajeectory based
on th
he geometry of
o a tunnel.

The initial parameeters are:

P0: Initiall target positioon of the trajeectory.
w: Widthh of each line oof the trajecto ory in x direc-
d: distannce between linnes of the trajectory.
nw: Numbber of points ffor each line of o the trajec-
tory according
a to itts width.
nd: Numbber of points iin each line off the trajectoryy
througgh its high (ussually nw= nh). )

The sequence starrts when the ooperator selectts the initial P0

that it should be thhe closer poinnt to the mach hine in x direcc-
tion; w is the widdth of the advvancement thaat it should be
Figure 7 Renndered image of the scanneed surface of a tun- madee in each pacee of the tunneel construction n process (usuu-
nel using thee LIDAC – 16 by AITEMIN N. ally from 1.5 to 2m m); this meanns that if in x direction therre
are defined
d nw poiints to from a line of sprayiing each targeet
The purpose of the first scan
s is to proovide the autoomated point would be deefined at a w/nnw distance. The target poinnt
control systeem with the deetailed inform mation about thhe po- may be modified in y directionn adapting eacch position acc-
sition and orrientation of thhe surface of the tunnel in Carte- cording to the scannned points.
sian coordinaates accordingg to the originn of the manippulator The same sequencce used to findd target pointss vertically at a
O0 (see Fig. 2) in order to t generate a shotcrete trajectory d/nd distance. Thiss distance is nnot necessarily y the high in z
profile. direcction but the perimeter of the arc defin ned by the gee-
After the raw
w cloud of poinnts is availablle from the LA ADAR omettry of the tunnnel. It is impliicit the fact th
hat in each tarr-
scanner a poolyhedral messh can be fitteed into it, andd then get point
p the orienntation is incluuded.
rendered to a continuouss surface (seee Fig. 7). Once the The trajectory genneration proceess finishes whenw the orienn-
cloud of poiints is processed and filterred to represeent the tation of the targeet point accordding to the geeometry of thhe
tunnel with a reasonable size,
s complexxity and smooothness tunnel has a verttical orientatioon. The inverrse kinematiccs
it is possiblee to evaluate the proper shotcrete
s trajeectory. has to
t be evaluateed for each tarrget point and d the set of poo-
Even thoughh the geometryy can evaluateed from the sccanned sitionns for all the joint is sent to the manip pulator’s interr-
information, sometimes thhe representatiion of the surfface is face..
not smooth enough
e for exttracting a truee or sensible normal
n This is why the im mportance of tthe optimisatiion the processs
vector. Whenn this occurs a proper soluution is to appply the time for the inverrse kinematic evaluation. In n this case thhe
design profille of the tunnnel, which alllows assigninng the time needed to geenerate the coomplete shotccrete trajectoryy
normal to eaach point quitte straightforw wardly [8]. Thhis de- of arround 900 targget points andd evaluate the position
p for alll
sign of the tuunnel profile is
i usually madde from tangennt arcs the joints
j by inveerse kinematiccs, including the t downloadd-
that intersectt between eachh other. ing time
t to the manipulator’s
m interface, goes from 15 too

20s, which from
fr a real tunnnel constructtion point of view
v it K
Gα = ∫ 2π r Ψα ( r, K ) dr
is fair to say that it is a verry efficient proocess. 0

By modifying
m α annd K it is posssible to adjustt the model too
the actual
a sprayinng pattern of aany given maachine, nozzlee
4 Reaal-time layyer thick
kness estim
ma- and operating
o connditions.
n The spraying veloocity is determ mined empiriccally by com--
parinng the type off concrete mixx and the shotccreting veloc--
The control system of thee automated shotcreting
s maachine ity. Usually the construction companies use u the samee
has been dessigned with thhe possibility of
o the adjustm ment of type,, or at least known
k types, oof concrete mixes
m for theirr
the velocity of the coordinnated movem ments (used in linear shotccrete operatioons. But som me circumstancces (e.g. me--
trajectories) between the joints
j of the manipulator in i real channical changes on the machiinery, the usee of additives,,
time (see Figg. 9). etc.) may comprom mise the statedd velocity values.
Such propertty may be useful for remoote teleoperatiion al- Thatt it is why, aftter the shotcreeting process is completed,,
ternatives (e..g. a remote control)
c or as stated in this docu- a seccond scan of thhe surface is mmade. One off the meaningss
ment, for thee adjustment of the velocitty of the movvement his second scaan is to verify the quality off the shotcretee
of th
of the manippulator duringg spraying, inn order to maaintain layerr. If the layerr doesn’t matcch the requireed quality, thee
the homogenneity of the thhickness of thhe concrete layyer by autommated shotcreeting parametters can be ch hanged by ad--
evaluating different
d variaables providedd by the pum mp and justin
ng α and K froom the real tim me thickness estimation.
the manipulaator control intterface.
5 Experim
mental reesults
For the validatioon of the syystem several experimentss
wherre made in a real
r scale test facility for tu
unnelling con--
strucction purposess.

5.1 Automattic shotcretting process

The first step was to test the commplete autommated shotcret--
ing process
p based on the geomeetry of the tun nnel and com--
pare it to a manuaal shotcreting ccarried out by
y an operator.

Figure 9 Bloock diagram foor high-qualityy automatic shhot-

creting proceess.

The thicknesss of the shotcrete is estimatted at a point Pm by

the semi emppirical equatioon [13]:
Th( Pm ) = ∫ M ( β1 , β 2 ...)F (t )Ψα (r(t ), K )dt

where r(t) is the distance between

b the nozzle
n axis annd Pm,
F(t) is the insstantaneous cooncrete flow given
g by machhine's
concrete pum mp, and M(·) is a function that models all a re-
maining facttors affectingg shotcreting performance (e.g.
w position, etc.).
mix design, rebound, nozzzle attitude, wall
Ψα ( r, K ) is a density fuunction (in the statistical sense)
that represennts the probbability of thhe volume of the
sprayed conccrete landing on
o a differenttial area defineed by
the equation::
1 ⎛ ⎛ r ⎞α ⎞
Ψα ( r, K ) = ⎜1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ if 0 ≤ r ≤ K,
Gα ⎜ ⎝K⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Ψα ( r, K ) = 0 if r > K a. b.
The distancee to the wall, compressed
c a flow and part of
the effect off the orientatioon of nozzle when
w it is nott per-
pendicular too the surface byb the effects of the positioon er-
rors caused byb deformatioons or backlasshes, are accouunted
in the parameeter K [8]
And finally Gα is defined by:b


Figure 10 Shhotcreting trajectory exampples. a) Operattor’s

shotcreting b)
b Sample of automatic
a shottcreting and c))
Automatic shhotcreting imaage.
Figuure 11 Differeence between ttwo successivve 3D scannedd
According too the results given
g by the measurements
m s made imagges [1].
during varioous shotcrete operations (ssee Figure 100) it is It can be noticed from
f Table 2 that the volummes estimatedd
notable the differences
d beetween the attiitudes of the nozzle
n fromm stage #1 data seems less aaccurate. Thiss is caused byy
maintained byb the operatoor a) and the automated processp the effect
e of wiree mesh and laack of scannin ng data in thee
b). uppeer part of the working area before spraaying for firstt
The operatorr has to controol independenntly each joint of the time. For this reaason, and moost probably, the values off
manipulator, thus it is easiier for him to move the lasst rota- estim
mated volumee are closer thhan the measu ured ones. Onn
tion of the noozzle than thee rest of the jooints. This sittuation the other
o hand, esstimations froom the stages #2 and 3 aree
may lead to the radial attitude
a of thee boom and conse-c moree accurate andd the maximuum error of th he differencess
quently to the semi-sphericcal geometry of the sprayinng. betwween the measuured and the eestimated voluume is 5l.
On the otherr hand, it is alsso noticeable that with the auto-
matic sprayinng it is possibble to maintaiin the correct posi- 6 Conclusions and
d future work
tion and attituude of the nozzzle during the whole proceess.
There are im mprecise possitions encouuntered duringg the Therre is a notablee improvemennt in the qualitty of the layerr
shotcrete thaat are caused mainly by thhe difficulty in i the usingg robotizationn techniques tthat are not only
o shown inn
on/off positioon control of the prismatic joint, the facct that the analysis
a of thee differences iin the positionn between thee
the hydraulicc supply of thhe manipulatoor is not pow werful manu ual and the automated
a proocess, but theey have beenn
enough to move
m all the joints simultanneously at thhe de- also noticed on thee real shotcretted surfaces.
sired speed and
a the mechaanical deformaations of the struc- s Neveertheless, the robotization of a machinee that it is nott
ture. This maay lead to possitions errors of
o up to 50mm m, but desiggned for automation purpooses usually presents
p unex--
this level of precision is admissible
a forr this kind of proc- pecteed difficultiess. For example, even thou ugh the preci--
ess. sion of its movem ments are adeequate for thiss process, thee
smoo othness of thee trajectory m may be improv ved by givingg
5.2 Thicckness estim
mation the shotcrete mannipulator enoough hydrauliic power andd
propportional contrrols in all its jooints.
The estimatiion of the thhickness of thhe layer has been
t other handd, the models presented for the thicknesss
On the
evaluated ussing the resullts of differennt automatic shot-
mation, deducced from emppirical equatiions, presentss
crete processses in a determmined test areaa.
several advantagees like the factt that they do not take intoo
To test the fitness of thee estimation, in every spraaying
accoount the possibble variationss caused by ch hanges of thee
stage the surrface of the tuunnel has beenn scanned witth the
startiing mix or anny other circum mstances thatt change fromm
LADAR (seee Fig. 11). Byy using a comm mon squared func-
one tot other jobsitte.
tion to evaluaate the differeences of the thhickness estim
Finally and as a result
r of the ddifferent experimental testss
it is possiblee to find the amount of concrete
c usedd in a
carriied out to meeasure the diffferent possibiilities that thee
shotcrete proocess.
autom mation of thee shotcrete proocess may offfer to the tun--
nel construction
c i
industry, it iss planned to take the nextt
Table 2 Suummary of spprayed volumee estimations [8].
step in the implem mentation of thhe method and use it to ro--
botizze heavier shootcrete machinnery.
This may provide the industry w with a standarrdised system
for the
t development an unstruuctured tunnell constructionn
process, which maym lead to thee optimisation n of time andd
costss and quality of the tunneel support layer, while im--
provving the workking conditionns and the seecurity of thee
operrators inside thhe constructionn site.

7 Acknowledgements
The authors want to express their thanks to all AITEMIN
and CSIC collaborators involved in the experimental pro-
gram. Thanks are also extended to J.A. Nieto and M. Eck-
stein of Putzmeister España for their support in the senso-
rization of shotcreting machines; and to J.L. Rivas of
SIKA España and his team, as well as to Fundación Santa
Bárbara staff for their collaboration in the implementation
of the experimental program. The work presented here
was partially funded by the Spanish ministry of Science
(Projects TUNPRO, BIA 2004-05562-C02-00,
PIA12008-0 Ex.829370 and Project BOHEC, BIA2008-
06673-C02-00/01/02)) and by the EU under the FP6
(TUNCONSTRUCT, IP-011817-2).

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