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On Becoming a Glocal Teacher

“Global competence in teachers is a set of essential knowledge, critical dispositions, and performances.
That help foster development of learners’ global competence. A globally competent teacher has
knowledge of the world, critical issues, their local impact, and the cultural background of learners;
manifests intercultural sensitivity and acceptance of difference; incorporates this knowledge and
sensitivity into classroom practice; and, develops the skills to foster these disposition, knowledge and
performances in learners. The teacher models socially responsible action and creates opportunities for
learners to engage in socially responsible action”.

Global Village

Marshall Mcluhan

• Global Village - is the idea that people are connected by easy travel, mass media and electronic
communications, and have become a single community.

• A term coined by him who envisioned the world interconnected via electronic communications.

Global Education

• It’s an education of paradigm that promotes responsible citizenship of global issues and their

• It raise citizen’s awareness and critical understanding of our interdependent world.

• It offers a new curricular dimensions and possibilities, current scientific and technological
breakthrough for completely new frontiers in education.

• Contemporary curricula respond to the concept of this global village. The increased use of
technology in the classroom, the incorporation of the changing realities of our world’s society,
and the case of mobility of people of the world have become a challenge to your preparation
as perspective teachers.

But why shift in the use of GLOBAL to GLOCAL as our chapter title?

• Roland Robertson (1992) – a sociologist, in his article “Globalization: Time – Space and
Homogeneity-Heterogeneity, suggests replacing the concept of globalization to glocalization
with the view in mind to blur the boundaries between global and local.

• Glocalization in Oxford Dictionary of New Word (1919:134) defines the word glocal and the
process noun word glocalization as a blending of global and local conditions a global outlook
adapted to local condition and the local condition to global perspectives.

• As the saying goes: “think globally, but act locally” or “think local but act global.”
Lesson 1: Global and Glocal Teacher Professional: Is there a difference?

A. Global and Glocal Teacher Education

Global education has been described by two definitions:

• UNESCO defines global education as a goal to develop countries worldwide and is aimed at
educating all people in accordance with world standards.

• Another definition is that global education is a curriculum that is international in scope which
prepares today’s youth around the world to function in one world environment under
teachers who are intellectually, professionally and humanistically prepared.

James Becker (1988) defined global education as an effort to help individual learners to see the world
as a single and global system and to see themselves as a participants in that system.

- He wrote an article entitled “Goals of Global Education,”

Thus, to meet the various global challenges of the future the 21 st Century Learning Goals have been
established as bases of various curricula worldwide. These learning goals include:

1. 21st century content; emerging content areas such a global awareness; financial, economic,
business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; health and environmental awareness.

2. Learning and thinking skills: critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication, creativity
and innovation, collaboration, contextual learning, information and media literacy

 ICT literacy: using technology in the context of learning so students know how to learn.
 Life skills: leadership, ethics, accountability, personal responsibility, self-direction, others.

 21st century assessments: Authentic assessments that measure the areas of learning.

B. From Global Teacher to Glocal Teacher Professionals

More specifically, a glocal Filipino is characterized by several qualities and attributes in addition to in-
depth knowledge, functioning skills and embedded values. Glocal teachers:

• Understand how this world is interconnected;

• Recognize that the world has rich variety of ways of life;

• Have a vision of the future and sees what the future would be for himself/herself and the

• Are creative and innovative;

• Understand, respect and tolerant of the diversity of cultures;

• Believe and take action for education that will sustain the future;

• Facilitate digitally-mediated learning;

• Process good communication skills (for Filipino teachers to be multilingual);

• Aware of international teacher standards and framework; and

• Master the competencies of the Beginning Teacher in the Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST, 2017)

Further, glocal teachers in addition to the above qualities must possess the following distinct
characteristics and core values of Filipino teachers: (Master Plan for Teacher Education, 2017):

• Culture and historical rootedness

• Ability to contextualize teaching-learning

• Excellence

• Responsiveness

• Accountability and integrity

• Ecological sensitivity

• Nationalism/Filipinism

• Faith in the Divine Providence

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