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Instructor Tips
Set up your equipment

How to set up your equipment for best A/V results

In the next few lectures you will get behind the scenes insights into the home-studio setup of
some of your fellow Udemy instructors. These instructors have great equipment and setup tips
that anyone can afford and replicate. To get the most out of watching these videos, take notes
while you’re listening! It’s a best practice for learning, and it’ll save you from having to rewatch the
lectures when you want to review some of the instructor tips.

Insights from Paul Jenkins

What equipment is Paul using to “work with the space” he has available?

What are you taking away for your own video production (similar issues you might have,
things you’d like to try)?

Insights from Alexa Fischer

What is Alexa using to make her videos more professional? Why is this such a great add-on?

What are you taking away for your own video production? What do you want to try?
Insights from Shani Raja
What do you need to set up a basic lighting system? How are the lights ideally placed?

What are you taking away for your own video production (any lights you want to try at home, ideas
which room you could film in)?

Insights from Maximilian Schwarzmüller

How do you ensure high video quality in screencast lectures? How do you get good audio quality?

What are you taking away for your own video production (setup tips, equipment recommendations)?

Insights from David Power

What does it mean to have a clear recording? What type of room is the best sounding room and why?

What are you taking away for your own video production? Which acoustic DIY tips could work for
you? What is a good technique to find a good recording room?

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