Philosophical Quotations

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Name: Danilo Q. Diniay Jr.

BSA – 2

Exploring Philosophical Quotations

1. “The only thing I know is that I know that I do not know” – Plato

This quote simply relaying a message that it is the accepting or admitting to yourself that

when dealing things for the first time is basically you do not know what to do, you have the

idea but it is not that enough.

2. “Wisdom begins in wonder” – Socrates

At some point wisdom begins in wonder because it is an continuously thinking of

something that you look at it at different point of view, you come up with hypothesis and

exploring the answers you’re looking for just to satisfy your curiosity and also helping you

on making rational decisions

3. “The only permanent thing in this world is change”- Heraclitus

I agree that the only constant in this world is change because nothing stays the same in

this world. As every seconds pass by, the world is not the same as that second passed. It is up

to us on how we deal or how we react to this constant change of life.

4. “Everything in excess is opposed to nature” – Hippocrates

“Nature” reflects for the capacity of human especially on our needs, we do have needs

but we have to fill our needs concisely, too much is not and also one of the 7 deadly sins is


5. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle

This implies the essence of “practice makes perfect”, for example if we practice to do

what successful people do, then we might or close enough to be successful also. Because

habits allows us to train ourselves on achieving what we want or what we choose path in life.

6. “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” –


Aristotle is basically saying that each side of an argument has its merits, the key to

wisdom is to be able to appreciate both sides before making any judgment. And also

uneducated person accept a thing whatever it is without a reason or easy to believe without

prior discussion.
7. “The law is reason, free from passion” – Aristotle

Law is made from the start of human race when God created Adam and Eve. Basically

law are the limits of humans “passions”, this law are created with deliberations and

discussions. So as a human, we are oblige to obey laws enabling us to at peace.

8. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is

possible” – St. Thomas Aquinas

Faith is a confidence in someone or something, in order to attain that confidence we must

have already a prior knowledge enabling us to have that strong conviction. So to the one who

has faith then no explanation is needed while on the other hand the one without faith is full of


9. “Good can exist without evil, whereas evil cannot exist without good”- St. Thomas Aquinas

Doing Good is one of the purpose of man. Evil cannot exist without Good because if

there is no good then evil cannot be compared to anything.

10. “He, who opens a school door, closes a prison.” – Victor Hugo

This quote encourage people to be an educated one for this will lead to a brighter future

and also he/she can differentiate things and make rational decision.

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