Rational Numbers Are Those Numbers That Are Integers and Can Be Expressed in The Form of X/y Where

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1.) Differentiate rational from irrational numbers. Give two examples for each.

Rational numbers are those numbers that are integers and can be expressed in the form of x/y where
both numerator and denominator are integers whereas irrational numbers are those numbers which
cannot be expressed in a fraction.

Example of rational numbers are Integers and fractions like 2/3 and square root of 9 which is 3.
Example of irrational numbers are pi, has a value of 3.142 which is non-recurring and non-terminating
also 5/0 with the denominator equals to zero.

2.) Is solving problems develop your critical thinking? Explain

Critical thinking involves analysis, careful decisions or in short weighing the facts to form a
proper judgement. Solving problems enhances the ability to think and make decisions by solving
different mathematical questions. But critical thinking is a skill, you need to be self-discipline to
reap the rewards. For example: Answering Word problems.

 Lack detailed knowledge about a particular subject

 Repeating the same mistake without learning from it
 Seeking answers without asking proper questions
 Misunderstanding
If this bad quality continues it will be a challenge to develop your critical thinking.

3.) State the product rule for the laws of exponent. Give an example.

The product rule is multiplying exponential expressions that have the same base, add the

For example: Multiply: 7x4 · −2x3

1st step is to multiply coefficients: 7 and 2 = 14

2nd step is to use the product rule to multiply variables: x4 · x3 = x4 + 3 = x7

Therefore, the final answer is: 14 x7

4.) In what way Algebra be useful in maritime professions? This example addresses the
mathematical problems experiencing in maritime professions especially in transportation,
estimating costs of marine shipping such as fuel costs, amount of cargo that can be shipped
during this voyage, it is essential in ship design & construction. daily port cost in different
countries and ships daily profit.
5.) How could Algebra help in our daily activities?

Grocery Shopping

When going to the supermarket we are confronted with mathematical concepts such as “get
50% off” or “buy two and get one for free”. When we see these schemes, we automatically
calculate if we should buy the product. Therefore, we use algebra.


When cooking dinner or baking a cake we, often, follow a recipe. We have to measure the
ingredients and calculate the proportions.

Planning your next trip

In order to plan a successful trip, you need to plan your budget and your time. Which hotel
should you choose, how long will you stay there, and which destinations should you visit?

Music and dancing

The counting, stepping, and the rhythm of dance.

Doing workouts to gym

Lifting by adding different plates in accordance with your strength

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