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Question Paper

Exam Date & Time: 23-Aug-2020 (09:30 AM - 01:00 PM)


Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU

August 2020 Semester End Main Examinations
Satellites-Principles and Applications [16TE8IESPA]
Marks: 100 Duration: 210 mins.

Institutional Elective
Answer 5 out of 7 questions.
Instructions: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions
2. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.

1) (8)

b) A satellite is orbiting in the equatorial plane with a period from perigee of 12 h. Given that the (4)
eccentricity is 0.002, calculate the semi-major axis. The earth's equatorial radius is 6378.1414Km.
c) Explain the following terms. (8)
i) ITU ii) INTELSAT- 1 iii) GEO Satellites iv) FSS
2) With the help of a neat block diagram explain the TT&C of a satellite communication system. (10)

b) Distinguish between passive and active attitude control of a satellite with examples. (4)
c) With a relevant diagram describe spinning satellite stabilisation. (6)
3) Draw a schematic of a satellite communication subsystem and explain satellite transponder. (10)

b) What is master antenna TV system? Explain with the supporting diagram. (10)
4) What do you understand by FDM telephony? Draw a neat figure and explain the three channel (9)
frequency division multiplex scheme.
b) Explain the terms related to a detector (7)
i) signal to noise ratio ii) Carrier to noise ratio iii) processing gain.
Give the relationship connecting the three.
c) A 1 KHz test line is used to produce a peak deviation of 5 KHz in an FM system. Given that the (4)
received C/N is 30 dB, calculate the receiver processing gain and the post detector S/N
5) Explain the basic TDM system with the T1 PCM format with a neat block diagram (10)

b) Explain Multiple access. Illustrate and explain FDMA. (10)
6) Briefly explain the features of the following communication satellites. (9)
i)GEO ii) MEO iii) LEO

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b) Explain the following terms in respect of satellite navigation. (9)
i) LORON ii) VOR c) ILS
c) What are the types of orbits used for weather satellites? (2)
7) Write short notes on the following. (20)
i) Satellite space stations ii) Military satellites iii) Millimetre wave satellite communication. iv) Super


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