Personalizing The Path To Purchase For Website Visitors - CS - DigitalMara

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Personalizing the Path to

Purchase for Website Visitors

DigitalMara developed a website visitor data processing
system that helps sales reps close deals.

Data is power, and personal data empowers those Upon client approval, our team immediately got to
striving to meet the needs of a particular person. work. As the Scrum model suggests, we frequently
With that in mind, our client requested the measured the direction we were following against
development of a system that would automatically the client’s expectations. Through daily standups and
process the personal data of their website visitors in weekly reports, our team managed to deliver a solid
order to help online sales reps make strategic moves product — on time and within budget.
toward closing a sale.

We began by developing the data collection and

storage system. It does exactly what it’s supposed to:
monitor each visitor as they interact with the website, Key features
tracking and storing their data safely in the cloud.
Collecting and storing website visitor data
Each visitor session is then assembled and
presented in a visualization layer for sales reps to Clustering sessions of each website visitor for
analyze. The client can also readjust website comprehensive analysis
business rules to address insights obtained through
Configuring business rules based on
this analysis.
accumulated user data

Finally, we enabled two major uses of interaction Viewing website visitor data for customized
data: offers
1. Matching website visitors with sales reps
who are best-suited in relevant areas of expertise.
2. Equipping sales reps with a visitor’s Results
interaction history in order to optimize building a
more personalized pitch. The client raised the efficiency of their website
as a sales tool by approximately 30%

Approach Potential customers are not subjected to

annoying offers that don’t align with their wants
The client set requirements high while challenging or needs
us to operate within a fixed budget. We rapidly ran
the product idea through discovery, outlined Sales reps don’t waste time ineffectively
technical specifications, and drafted a software communicating with website visitors
architecture document. In doing so, we successfully
executed a development roadmap that aligned with
the allocated budget.

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