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CELL CYCLE  All of this material has to undergo

replication and then the two sets must be

o Is an ordered series of events that involves separated before the cell divides leaving
cell growth and division to produce new each daughter cell with a copy
 different eukaryotic species have different
 In biochemistry, we learned about how numbers of chromosomes and us
small molecules like hormones can act as humans have 46 chromosomes in all our
messengers interacting with receptors in the [somatic cells which are basically all your
plasma membrane or within the cell that cells] excluding the reproductive ones
then amplify the signal or activate and carry that's a set of 23 chromosomes from each
out some cellular function; parent

 each chromosome consist of a DNA

molecule wrapped around proteins called
histones to form nucleosomes

 this chromatin fiber undergoes

supercoiling for storage when Not in use
but will uncoil to undergo replication

 to understand exactly how DNA replication

works on the molecular level check out my
 but we didn't learn much about what these tutorial on the subject now otherwise we can
functions are exactly as it happens in many take for granted that at a certain point all the
of these signals regulate the cell cycle this DNA in a chromosome is copied resulting in
is the series of stages that a cell goes two identical sister chromatids these are
through in order to copy all of its genetic attached at the center by a centromere with
material and eventually divide into two the chromosome arms extending on either
daughter cells which is how prokaryotic life side
initially proliferated billions of years ago this
is also how new cells in our bodies form
to replace the old ones  later when the cell divides the sister
 when cell division occurs each new cell chromatids will separate and get pulled into
has a copy of all the genetic material and each of the two daughter cells.
these daughter cells are completely
identical so how does this work [how do we  So when does the genome replicate when
get two cells from one?] does it get pulled apart and when do we get
two completely new cells?

 First thing we have to do is understand how Let's examine the different stages of the cell
all the DNA is arranged in the cell each cycle now
daughter cell needs a complete copy of
 although cells do divide most of the time
all the genetic information or genome
they are not dividing they're just being cells
and while prokaryotes often have just one
the time that a cell spends dividing is
circular DNA molecule eukaryotic cells
called M phase or mitotic phase and the
have many different linear DNA molecules
time spent not dividing is called the
called chromosomes.
interface or the phase in between
 the interface is comprised of three the cytoplasm these trigger and coordinate
subphases: key events throughout the cycle there are
 those are in: moments during or in between phases that
are called checkpoints where the cell must
 G1 phase or first gap receive a specific signal to move forward
 S phase or synthesis [when the genome one of these occurs during the S phase to
gets copied] ensure that DNA replication occurs without
 G2 phase or second gap any problems and others happen during the
G1 phase at the end of the G2 phase and
 These gap phases were named as such during the M phase
because it first appeared that not much was  so what could these signaling molecules be
happening during these times later we came  most of them are proteins that fall into two
to understand that there is an incredible categories protein kinases and cyclins the
amount of cellular activity that must occur in protein kinases are enzymes that activate or
order to prepare for the S phase and the M deactivate other proteins by phosphorylation
phase this is because the new cells don't the act of adding a phosphate group to
just need their own genome they also need another molecule we talked about these
all of the other cellular components and briefly when we examined receptors and
organelles so these must be produced as signal transduction so this is one way that a
well message can be transmitted around the cell
 the G1 phase which marks the beginning of  these kinases are always in the cell floating
a cell's life involves cell growth Some cells around but are usually inactive once
divide very infrequently or not at all so cells attached to a cycling they become activated
can spend a long time in this face or a  cyclins unlike the kinesis have greatly
related face called G Zero varying concentrations in the cell and a
 other cells that divide More rapidly may kinase that must be found to a cyclin to
spend only a few hours in this phase activate is called a cyclin-dependent kinase
 in adult humans the S phase takes 10 to 12  B-type or mitotic cyclins are synthesized
hours and as we said results in two identical during the S and G2 faces
copies of the genome  and once they coordinate with kinases,
 The G2 phase takes about Four to six hours these MPF complexes or maturation-
and involves more growth and preparation promoting Factors allow the cycle to pass
for cell division the G2 checkpoint and they then perform a
 and then the M phase or mitosis has the cell number of tasks throughout mitosis
dividing into two daughter cells which takes  later in mitosis cyclin gets degraded, and
about an hour the kinesis go back to being inactive until
 other animals have significantly different the next time around the cycle
rates for these phases ask do human  there is also a checkpoint during the G1
embryonic cells phase that is called the restriction point
 what controls the cell cycle  This is a stop point that must be overwritten
 how does the cell know when to enter the by a signal in order to continue to the rest of
next phase the cycle in absence of this signal the cell
 this is crucial to understand because some remains in the G1 phase or moves into the
cells inside the human body like skin cells G Zero phase which is a nondividing state
are dividing very frequently while liver cells  most of our cells are in the G Zero phase at
don't divide much at all and fully formed any given time but these can be called back
nerve cells never do into the cell cycle by external signals like
 these discrepancies can be accounted for growth factors which can be released during
when we examine the ways that the cell injury to stimulate cell growth to heal the
cycle is regulated on the molecular level this wound
is called the cell cycle control system and it
is regulated by small signaling molecules in
 so we can think of the G1 checkpoint as the can be recognized by the immune system
primary point Where the cell determines and destroy
whether it will divide or not  but if not it can't divide rapidly and produce
 the third checkpoint is in the M phase and it a tumor This is why cancer treatment relies
governs the separation of sister chromatids so heavily on understanding the science
during mitosis which we will learn about behind cell division and cell cycle regulation
later so we now understand the phases of as any cancer treatment that hopes to be
the cell cycle and a little bit about how this is even remotely effective absolutely must
regulated regulation is incredibly important address the issue on this fundamental
because certain cells in your body need to biological level
divide rapidly and others shouldn't divide at
 if cells are dividing they also need to know
when to stop like the way cells in a culture
will stop dividing once they have filled up
their container
 this is called density dependent
inhibition(Cells will stop dividing when there Cancer is a disease that occurs when the cell cycle
is no more room due to a process called) if is no longer regulated. This may happen because a
the cells were to divide further there would cell’s DNA becomes damaged. Damage can occur
be no room and they would all suffer because of exposure to hazards such as radiation or
 alternately if some are removed they toxic chemicals. Cancerous cells generally divide
continue dividing again to fill up the vacancy much faster than normal cells. They may form a
this occurs due to surface proteins on each mass of abnormal cells called a tumor. And that is
cell if they bind to receptors on adjacent the reason why the process of the cell cycle must be
cells this sends a signal that inhibits cell regulated by certain enzymes and proteins to ensure
division even in the presence of growth that no problems will arise
factors so only the ones with empty space
nearby continue to divide
 So what happens when regulation of the cell
cycle goes wrong
 in a word cancer. Cancer Involves cells that
are dividing out of control which leads to the
development of a tumor cancer cells are like
regular cells except that they do not follow
the instructions carried by the signals that
normally regulate the cell cycle they may
continue to divide even when no growth
factor is present or when there is no room
for more cells this can happen from many
different reasons which is why there are so
many kinds of cancer
 and they all stem from a genetic abnormality
of one kind or another
 a genetic mutation will alter the product top
gene expression and if this resulting protein
is crucial for regulating the cell cycle it can
lead to what we call transformation or
behaving like a cancer cell
 sometimes if there are strange new
proteins, on the surface, this abnormal cell

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