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Student PER Guidance

When writing up your PERS you need to write them in the first person perspective- this
means using the word ‘I’. Using phrases such as ‘I did’, ‘I took’, ‘I got’ and ‘I cleaned’. Doing
this ensures you are writing about something you have done. Do not to use phrases like ‘I
would’, ‘I could’ and ‘I should’ as this is simply describing a procedure and not what you
have done.

Be specific, to the point and write in sentences. There is no limit to the amount of writing
you do. On the draft PER document it shows boxes and you will need to go into a second
page as you get to the end of the boxes. Don’t worry about needing extra pages on the draft
version; the online ROE has areas that will automatically increase, the more you write into
the boxes.

The following guidance gives you information on what you need to include in your write ups
in order for them to be satisfactory. These are the expected levels for the per write ups.
Please don’t leave anything listed out. If you do not use/do something that is listed then
state this and you could then note this as part of your reflective account as a potential
improvement (if it is something that you could do). Examples could be: The practice not
using disposable barriers on things such as light handles & head rest covers. That the
operator gave post-extraction advice verbally to the patient. The operator sets up their own
local anaesthetic.

By following this draft ocument as part of your write-up will ensure that your work is done
to the correct standards. Then upload your PERs to the online ROE. It is advisable to place
one PER from each section onto your RoE and await feedback, this will then allow you to
include what is required in the others frim that section. The reason for this is if one is wrong,
all that you send at the same time will then be wrong.

Your work needs to span at least three months in date range, in order for your ROE to be
accepted. You cannot do your ROE in a short space of time or try to submit lots of work
towards the ROE deadline. You must work at a steady pace and follow the instructions given
to you by me. At the footer of every email I include how many pieces of work are required
by certain dates. Please ensure that his is followed.

The next page is a tracker document which will help you keep track of your ROE
completion. It also shows you clearly on one page, how much work is in each section. You
can print this off yourself and complete as you do the work in draft/online.
Those attending a classroom based course will have their trackers checked by the Tutors
at set time during your course. They will also complete their own version of this tracker in
order to discuss with Head Office and your ROE marker.

Tracker sheet for the ROE is on the next page

Please note ‘D’ for each piece of work when completed in draft. Then put a tick in the box
once it is completed online

1.Prepare and a A restorative procedure x 1
Manage maintain b Periodontal procedure x 1
environment c An extraction x 1
1 a Restorative or periodontal instrument x 1
b Forceps and/or surgical equipment x 1
c A handpiece x 1
(10 in a1 Alginate
3.Disinfect b1 Alginate
a2 Elastomer impression
b2 Elastomer impression
Supp Outcomes A B C D

Preventative a Scale & polish x 1

2 Treatment b Fissure sealant x 1
(3) c Topical fluoride x 1
Supp Outcomes E F G H I

a New patient x 1
b Existing patient x 1
3 c Emergency patient x 1
a Any intra- oral radiograph x 3 or
2.Taking and Any extra oral –radiograph x 3 or a
Processing mixture
(6) radiographs Any intra- oral radiograph x 3 or
c Any extra oral –radiograph x 3 or a
Supp Outcomes J K L M N O

4 a Amalgam x 3 or
(18) b Composite x 3 or
c Glass ionomers x 3 or a mixture of each
2.Endodontics a Pulpectomy (1st/2nd stage) x 3 or
b Pulpotomy x 3 or
c Apicectomy x 3 or a mixture of each
Preparation stage for either crown,
bridge, veneer or inlay
Preparation stage for either crown,
3.Fixed bridge, veneer or inlay
prothesis Fit stage for either crown, bridge,
veneer or inlay
Fit stage for either crown, bridge,
veneer or inlay
Impressions stage acrylic or chrome-
Impressions stage acrylic or chrome-
b1 Bite stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
b2 Bite stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
c1 Try in stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
c2 Try in stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
d1 Fit stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
d2 Fit stage acrylic or chrome-cobalt
Supp Outcomes P Q

Simple extraction (tooth or root) or

Surgical extraction (tooth or root) or a
mixture of each
Simple extraction (tooth or root or
1.Extractions b Surgical extraction (tooth or root) or a
mixture of each
Simple extraction (tooth or root) or
5 c Surgical extraction (tooth or root) or a
(7) mixture of each
a1 ID block
2.Local a2 ID block
b1 Infiltration

b2 Infiltration
Supp Outcomes R S T U
Patients- Minimum 1 of each Adult Elderley Child Special Care
Tracker sheet for the ROE- Please note ‘D’ for each piece when completed in draft and tick once
completed online

Unit 1 Section 1- Preparing and maintaining the clinical area ( 3 PERs in Total)

These PERs are all about how you set up for a procedure and what you do afterwards.
Imagine you are setting the surgery up from scratch at the beginning of the day. You do not
need to describe any part of the actual procedure that is carried out.

1. Clinical area
State the procedure to be carried out. i.e. Composite restoration, upper left second
premolar. (Don’t shorten to UL5 or use the word filling), Extraction of lower central incisor,
Scale and polish. (This is the first thing that needs to be included on your PER)

Detail the clinical area. i.e. Dental surgery, mobile dental unit, dental clinic. (This must be

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water,) operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working) Please include everything
that you are required to switch on and not just the above as these are minimum examples

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
That you performed a clinical hand wash before putting on any gloves. (State that you
follow the NHS guidelines for clinical handwashing that are displayed above the
designated hand washing sink.)

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them. Detail
what was disinfected such as light handles, work tops, head rest, control panel and so on.
You must state what it is that you use to clean and that you follow manufacturers’
guidelines when using it/them. State here that you removed dirty PPE and disposed in the
clinical waste bin.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Detail any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest. If these are not applied then please
state that you are aware according to HTM 01-05 guidelines that they should be used but
that in your practice they are not used but that you clean these areas in between each
patient and what it is that you use and that you follow manufacturers’ instructions.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready, State that you have
checked the patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. State that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

Detail what instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You
have to list every piece of instrument/equipment or material placed out on THE
OPERATORS SIDE and YOUR NURSING SIDE - don’t leave anything out. Even down to the
cotton wool rolls. Remember to use the full correct names for the instruments/materials.
Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium hydroxide. When
describing scalers please use the full name i.e. Gracey curette, hoe, curette, sickle scaler,
ultrasonic scaler are a few examples. Hand pieces should be referred to as high speed or
contra-angled (You may usually call this a slow hand piece)


2. Details of how you managed the clinical area after the procedure.

In this section you need to include how you safely remove the needle from any syringe that
has been used (if so that you have used needle safety guards, spencer wells forceps, in safe
system or that the operator has disposed of the needle.)You need to State where these are
placed. You need to include anytime you change gloves and where they are disposed of, or
clinically wash your hands.

Where sharps have been disposed and where clinical/special waste has been disposed. E.g.
‘Disposed of in a specialist yellow sharps box that is rigid and puncture proof’ for the sharps.

Describe how you transfer contaminated instruments and what they are transferred in to
the dirty zone of the decontamination room. Detail the PPE that you are wearing and
include that you are wearing heavy duty gloves, give the reason why these are used. If you
do not wear heavy duty gloves then please state that you do not but that you are aware
according to HTM 01-05 guidelines they should be worn. Then that the instruments are
cleaned in the dirty instrument sink (Detail what solution is used and what it is mixed with
and that you follow manufacturers’ instructions) of any visible debris- explain how you do
this. i.e. Manual scrubbing with a long handled, autoclavable brush under the water to avoid
splashing and contamination of the area and yourself, how you clean the instruments with
the long handled brush, in what direction (away from yourself in order to avoid
contamination of the area and yourself.

Ultrasonic bath, what solution is used, what the solution is mixed with, that you follow
manufactures guidelines, what the instruments are placed in, and how long the timer is set

Washer disinfector, what the instruments are placed on, how they are placed and why they
are placed in this way, explain how this works, what stages this goes through.

Explain how you clean the outer surfaces of any hand pieces, what you use and that you
follow manufacturers’ instructions if using solutions or wipes, how the inner parts of all
hand pieces are maintained by oiling, detail what is used and how this is done, what you use
and what you follow when using any solutions, wipes, etc.,

pana spray aswell

The extraction instruments, say how these are cleaned and what areas you specifically need
to concentrate on (beaks) and why you need to concentrate on these areas.

Explain what the instruments are placed on and how they are arranged before placing into
the autoclave, that they are spaced and not touching in order to maximise sterilisation of all
surfaces. Explain that forceps are left in the open position to ensure that all parts including
hinges are sterilised. Describe the type of autoclave used. Detail the length of time the cycle
takes and also that sterilisation occurs at 134 degrees at a pressure of 2.2 bars for a holding
period of 3 minutes. Explain what you do in order not to contaminate the handles of the
autoclave. State that you remove dirty PPE and what you do with the heavy duty gloves and
the rest of the PPE once removed.

Once the cycle has finished say how you remove the instruments from the autoclave and
what you use to do this, say whether your instruments are left to cool or not and where
they are left to cool if this is the case. Here you need to state that you put on clean gloves
and do any hand washing before handing the now sterile instruments. Once this is done, the
instruments should be checked that all visible debris has been removed. (If you use a
magnifying glass with light then please add this detail, if not then please state how you
check them and state that you are aware according to HTM 01-05 guidelines that they
should be inspected using the illuminated magnifier.)

Say If instruments are bagged and if this is before or after they have been in the autoclave.
How long they are date stamped for and where they are stored, include about any rotation
system you use to ensure they are used within the time scales. If bags are not used, how the
instruments are stored i.e. lidded boxes. Be aware that this method is only appropriate for
items that are used frequently. Equipment should be cleaned and stored in accordance with
HTM01-05 guidelines. Quote that you do this and any dates/times used.

Detail the daily testing and recording that is carried out in order to assess that your
sterilisation equipment is working, explain how you know from the testing that all is working

Finally write about how you return to the surgery, don your PPE (don’t forget to list) and
clean the surgery and dental units/equipment/spittoon. Again, explain what you use to do
this and that you follow manufacturers’ instructions.

Your aim for these PERs must be relevant to the preparation, managing and
decontamination process of the areas and instruments.

Your reflection must also be about the preparation, managing and decontamination
process of the areas and instruments.


Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.


Unit 1 section 2: Sterilisation process (3 PERs in Total)

These PERs are all about how you clean and sterilise your reusable instruments. They need to
be a very detailed step by step account of what you do from start to finish.

1) State which instruments have been used. i.e. Restorative or periodontal

instruments, extraction forceps or hand piece. For the periodontal/restorative
procedure you need to detail the cleaning of ALL the instruments used, with the
extraction only the extraction instruments, and with the handpieces only those.

Describe how you are dressed clinically appropriate, what PPE you are wearing and that you
have checked patients MH for any allergies. State that you performed a clinical hand wash
and placed on your or heavy duty gloves as these should be worn if manually scrubbing
instruments, however if you do not use heavy duty gloves then please state that you realise
these should be worn according to the HTM 01-05 guidelines..

Explain how you took the instruments to the dirty zone of the contamination room (Include
if you use a lidded container. Then how they are cleaned in the dirty instrument sink of any
visible debris- explain how you do this. I.e. Manual scrubbing (state if it is long handled
brush you use), ultrasonic bath, washer disinfector. Once this is done explain how you check
that all visible debris has been removed. i.e. under an illuminated magnifying glass, then
placed onto autoclave trays that have holes on them. Forceps should be placed in and open

Describe the change of PPE (gloves, hand washing, plastic apron) the sterilisation process
used i.e. the type of autoclave used and if it’s a vacuum, non-vacuum or simple autoclave, if
instruments are bagged and if this is before or after they have been in the autoclave.


For restorative/periodontal instruments:

All instruments that are being sterilised must be listed.

Include that any materials that harden such as cements are cleaned immediately and should
they harden on instruments and cannot be removed for any reason, the instrument is

If any matrix bands were disposed of in the sharps boxes then please state this.

You need to detail the cleaning and oiling of any hand pieces used. You need to explain how
these are oiled and why.

For extraction instruments/surgical instruments:

All extraction instruments being sterilised must be listed.

Include that the instruments are carefully cleaned to remove all traces of blood, that you
concentrate on the beaks of the forceps as these are grooved and blood and debris collects
in this area, that you also concentrate on the hinges, and that when you place them into
the autoclave they are placed in the ‘open’ position.

For hand pieces:

Describe which hand piece/s are being sterilised and include how they are to be sterilised
after each use.

Include that they must not be submerged in water, or placed in an ultrasonic bath as this
can damage the hand piece by rusting the internal mechanisms. They can be rinsed, wiped
or gentle scrubbed to remove debris. You need to describe the method you carry out.

Describe burs are removed and the hand piece is oiled in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and how this is done. (Include when this is, either before going
into the autoclave or at a different time). This could include a dedicated oiling machine, if
this is the case explain how this works. If oiling manually then detail fully how this is done
and why this is done, then that the hand piece should be stood up onto some tissue in order
to allow excess oil to drain away.

To Include in all sterilisation PER’s:

You need to describe how sterilisation is achieved. i.e. Steam under pressure at 134 degrees
centigrade at 2.2 bar for 3 minutes and then include the length of the cycle i.e. 15-20

Explain what you do in order not to contaminate the handles of the autoclave. State that
you remove dirty PPE and what you do with the heavy duty gloves and the rest of the PPE
once removed.
Once the cycle has finished say how you remove the instruments from the autoclave and
what you use to do this, say whether your instruments are left to cool or not and where
they are left to cool if this is the case. Here you need to state that you put on clean gloves
and do any hand washing before handing the now sterile instruments. Once this is done, the
instruments should be checked that all visible debris has been removed. (If you use a
magnifying glass with light then please add this detail, if not then please state how you
check them and state that you are aware according to HTM 01-05 guidelines that they
should be inspected using the illuminated magnifier.)

if instruments are bagged and if this is before or after they have been in the autoclave. How
long they are date stamped for and where they are stored, include about any rotation
system you use to ensure they are used within the time scales. If bags are not used, how the
instruments are stored i.e. lidded boxes. Be aware that this method is only appropriate for
items that are used frequently. Equipment should be cleaned and stored in accordance with
HTM01-05 guidelines. Quote that you do this and any dates/times used.

Detail the daily testing and recording that is carried out in order to assess that your
sterilisation equipment is working, explain how you know from the testing that all is working

Finally write about how you return to the surgery, don your PPE (don’t forget to list) and
clean the surgery and dental units/equipment/spittoon. Again, explain what you use to do
this and that you follow manufacturers’ instructions.

The aim and your reflection is looking for an explanation of why we sterilise
instruments. Including killing all micro-organisms (including spores) and to prevent
cross infection.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 1 Section 3: Disinfection of impressions (4 PER’s in Total)

These PERs are about how your handle and disinfect impressions. You do not need to include
any details about how you assisted with the impression itself, only what you did once the
impression was handed to you.
1) State what type of material is being disinfected i.e. Alginate/Elastomer and what the
impression is being taken for.

Describe how you are dressed clinically appropriate, what PPE you are wearing and that you
have checked the patient medical history for any allergies i.e. latex. State when you perform
any clinical hand washes or change gloves.

You need to begin with ‘once the impression had been taken the dentist handed it to me.’
Explain what you do to disinfect the impression. Include how you handle it with care and do
not allow it to dry out or absorb water as this will shrink or expand the impression. You need
to rinse the impression under cold running water and say that this is done to remove
saliva/blood/debris. Immerse in the disinfectant – explain what this is and how it’s made up
say whether this is done by you, when it is done and state that you follow manufacturers’
instructions. It could be a bath (10% sodium hypochlorite) or a manufactures product or
spray (Always include that is either made up or used in accordance with the manufactures
instructions). Rinse under running water again and the reason why, wrap in a damp
napkin/gauze/paper towel (if alginate) or blown dry/dried (if elastomer) and place into a
plastic bag. Explain why you keep it damp/dry- to avoid it drying out and shrinking or

Explain how you then write up the lab sheet (removing gloves first) and it should have
‘disinfected’ ticked or a label/sticker placed on the bag. Include what details you or the
dentist puts on the lab ticket. i.e. The patient name and DOB, Dentists details, what work is
needed and return dates. (Do not actually write the patient/dentist name- merely state that
they are written on). It is important that the lab ticket has ‘disinfected’ stated somewhere
on it (however you do this)

All of these PERS will be very similar, this is normal so please don’t worry about them being
very much the same. The only difference in them will be how you packaged the two types of

When describing the aim, remember that disinfection only kills bacteria and fungi as well
as some viruses and no spores. We disinfect to minimise the risk of cross infection
between staff, patients and lab staff. It makes the impressions safe for laboratory staff to

With the reflection this needs to be regarding the disinfection process of the impression
and not the impression taking procedure.

Unit 2: Assisting with a preventative treatment (3 PERs in Total)

State the procedure being carried out. I.e. Topical fluoride, scale and polish or fissure
sealant. (This is the first thing that needs to be included on your PER)

Detail the clinical area. i.e. Dental surgery, mobile dental unit, dental clinic. (This must be

Please describe the patient being treated i.e. Age, Sex and any relevant medical
history/disability/special care needs such as dental phobia. With a special needs patient
you are required to state what it is and how you deal with it throughout the procedure.

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water,) operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working) Please include everything
that you are required to switch on and not just the above as these are minimum examples

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
That you performed a clinical hand wash before putting on any gloves. (State that you
follow the NHS guidelines for clinical handwashing that are displayed above the
designated hand washing sink.)

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them. Detail
what was disinfected such as light handles, work tops, head rest, control panel and so on.
You must state what it is that you use to clean and that you follow manufacturers’
guidelines when using it/them. State here that you removed dirty PPE and disposed in the
clinical waste bin.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Detail any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest. If these are not applied then please
state that you are aware according to HTM 01-05 guidelines that they should be used but
that in your practice they are not used but that you clean these areas in between each
patient and what it is that you use and that you follow manufacturers’ instructions.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready, State that you have
checked the patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. State that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.
Detail what instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You
have to list every piece of instrument/equipment or material placed out on THE
OPERATORS SIDE and YOUR NURSING SIDE - don’t leave anything out. Even down to the
cotton wool rolls. Remember to use the full correct names for the instruments/materials.
Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium hydroxide. When
describing scalers please use the full name i.e. Gracey curette, hoe, curette, sickle scaler,
ultrasonic scaler are a few examples. Hand pieces should be referred to as high speed or
contra-angled (You may usually call this a slow hand piece)

Explain how you assisted the dentist. Firstly that you Got the patients records, medical
history and radiographs ready.

You need to write a step by step account of the procedure from beginning to end. Start by
detailing the very first thing the dentist does and what you do at this stage and continue in
the same way throughout, detail what the dentist does and what you do at each stage.

This includes that you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of vision for the clinician.
Passed the instruments materials to him/her, used the light cure or mixed and gave any
material. Monitored the patient for any signs of impending medical emergency and made
the operator aware of any issues

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and monitored them during the
procedure. Speak to them in any way or gave any advice during or after the procedure.
Ensured they were comfortable and where clean and tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping
material/blood/saliva off their face or making sure there was nothing left on their clothes

1) Aim of the procedure:

Along with your own explanation, the aim needs to include:

Fluoride procedures- To prevent caries and minimise the impact of poor oral hygiene.

Scale and polish – remove plaque and calculus. To prevent periodontal disease.

Unit 3 section 1: Clinical assessment (3 PERs in Total)

These PERs are about the examination the patient has and how you assisted with it- do not
include any treatment that is carried out- unless it is part of the emergency clinical
assessment as this is generally what happens.
1) State whether is a new or existing patient, the length of time since they last visited
the dentist, previous treatment they have received i.e what work was charted as
present in their mouth and the treatment required. State the age and of the patient.
Include details of any relevant medical history, medications and conditions they are
taken for. What their smoking/drinking habits are and how many a day/units a day
they have.

State what method of assessment and the type of charting has been used i.e. Full charting –
UK or FDI, Periodontal – BPE or full packet charting, soft tissue.

Describe any abnormalities you picked up on and how you brought this to the clinicians
attention (this could be MH alert, previous incorrect charting, observed problems with the
patients welfare whilst monitoring them).

Explain how you made yourself and the area ready for the procedure.

i.e. That you have checked the patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings.
That you are wearing your uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on
(list what PPE you use). State when you perform any clinical hand washes or change gloves.

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Details what is

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or material for the operators and your own
sides- don’t leave anything out. Remember to use the full correct names for the
instruments/materials. Do not use trade names.

2) In this section, please describe in detail what notes you took down- include any
medical history, charting and clinical notes that you made. If your dentist writes the
clinical notes then please state this.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps. You need to include base line charting on new and existing patients, you need
to include anything that is required from the appointment they are attending. You need to
include BPE scores.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patients records, medical history and
radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of vision for the
clinician. Passed any instruments to him/her, used the light cure or mixed and gave any
material. Monitored the patient for any signs of impending medical emergency and made
the operator aware of any issues.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps. You need to include base line charting on new and existing patients, you need
to include anything that is required from the appointment they are attending. You need to
include BPE scores. If radiographs are taken then you need to detail the taking and
processing in full.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and monitored them during the
procedure. Speak to them in any way or gave any advice during or after the procedure.
Offered rinses /tissues. Ensured they were comfortable and where clean and tidy before
leaving the surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their face or making sure there was
nothing left on their clothes perhaps)

The patients treatment needs must be specified on these PERS. i.e. The patient requires a
full denture, amalgam restoration (notate the tooth), scale and polish. If part of their
treatment plan was carried out during the same appointment then state this. You can detail
this briefly in the emergency patient PER (such as antibiotics or temporary dressing). You
can also include if you make the patients next appointment.

Explain how you cleared away i.e. - Where sharps have been disposed and where
clinical/special waste has been disposed.

Describe how you transfer contaminated instruments to the dirty zone (lidded box if bilk
sterilising) or the dirty zone of the decontamination room.

Explain how you cleaned the surgery dental units, work surfaces, removed any disposable
shields and cleaned the spittoon and what was used to do it.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 3 Section 2: Assisting with taking and processing radiographs (3 PERs in Total)
Describe the patient – age, sex and any relevant medical history or special care
requirement (such as disability or dental phobia/anxiety)

State how the area was prepared. What equipment has been switched on and describe
how you check that the equipment is working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light,
aspiration equipment, 3-in-1, Warning light outside the room, Automatic processor or
manual processing immersion equipment if using this system. (Dispel the 3-in-1 with air and
water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered the dental chair, turned
on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways that you could check to
ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies. That you are wearing your uniform and are dressed
clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).

How you cleaned the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, Radiography control panels, Intra/extra oral cassettes (if used),
Coupling device for digital radiographs, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient. State that the
medical history was checked for allergies or read flag warnings (if the patient is female no
pregnancy chance needs to be confirmed)

Make reference to the safety requirements needed when taking a radiograph. i.e. Wearing a
personal dosimeter badge (if appropriate), checking the MH to ensure the patient is not
pregnant and standing 2 meters away from the working zone.

Explain how you assisted the Clinician. i.e. Prepared patients records, MH, consent,
previous radiographs. Switched on the warning light, set up aiming device/coupling/film
packet and holder/sensor plate. Passed equipment/instruments. Made accurate notes.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Reassured them, told them to breathe deeply
through their nose, relax, monitored them throughout the radiograph for signs of medical

You need to state the reason for taking the radiograph (every radiograph has to be
justified) Routine radiographs are not done anymore.

An oblique lateral can include the following reasons:

Checking for the presence and position of un-erupted teeth, checking for fractures of the
mandible, looking for cysts/tumours affecting the jaw, an alternative to an intra-oral
radiograph due to patient being unable to open their mouth or due to severe gagging,
specific views of the TMJ/Salivary glands.

A cephalometric can include the following reasons:

Treatment planning, appraisal of treatment results (seeing if it has worked), monitoring

treatment progression, confirmation of skeletal or soft disuse abnormalities, post-operative

For an OPG/DPT (Panoramic Tomography) can include the following reasons:

Part of an orthodontic assessment, to confirm the presence or absence of teeth; assess bony
lesions, assessment of third molars (wisdom teeth), to assess bone levels when pocketing is
greater than 5mm deep, prior to dental surgery.

For a bitewing can include the following reasons:

Detection of caries, monitoring the progression of caries, assessment of periodontal status,

assessment of previous/existing restorations

For an occlusal can include the following reasons:

To detect the presence of un-erupted canines, to see the periapical status of anterior teeth
in children who may not be able to tolerate an adult film, to assess bone fractures, to assess
the size/extent of lesions such as cysts or tumours.

For a Periapical can include the following reasons:

Detecting inflammation/infection of the apex (root), Periodontal assessment, assessment of

trauma, assessment of presence and position of tooth, during endodontic treatment,
evaluation of implants, details evaluation of apical cysts and other lesions within the
alveolar bone.

1) Give details of how you carried out the procedure.

Digital processing: i.e. How you put the exposed sensor plate into the scanner, how long it
takes to process and where the image is displayed and how it is stored. Include how the
image can be edited to give different exposure views and magnify the image.

Manual processing: i.e. a step by step description of how you processed the film – starting
with how you checked that the solutions levels and temperatures were correct. Had the
timer and hanger ready, wipes the surfaces to ensure clean and dry, locked the door,
switched on safelights, unwrapped and hung the film being careful not the touch the
surface. Then how you use each of the solutions, the length of time in each, when you
rinsed under water and how long for, if you agitated the film in any of the solutions (like the
developer), the temperatures of the solutions, then how you allowed to dry after switching
the ordinary light back on.

For automatic processing: i.e. how you checked that the levels were correct/adequate and
that you checked to ensure that the temperature lights had gone out- meaning that the
machine is ready to use. A step by step description of what you did next (Cleaned the film
packet with a disinfectant wipe/spray) put in your hand and through the port holes,
unwrapped carefully, pressed the start button and fed into the machine. Placed outer
wrapping in clinical waste, lead foil into the special waste container/bin) explain the
chemicals/solutions that it passes through whilst in the machine –
developer/water/fixer/water- then dried. It can then be removed from the machine and

State what checks you would do each day/week/month to ensure the equipment is
maintained i.e. Checking wires/sensor plates/aiming devices for wear/scratches (if using
digital equipment). Checking the chemical levels/quality/temps (if using automatic/manual
processing), Cleaning the processor, checking the warning light, checking the cassettes/dark
room/automatic processor for light leakage. Say what you do and how often you do this.

Include that the radiographic and processing equipment undergoes and annual service by a
specialist contractor.

Explain what you did with your gloves/barriers/masks on equipment once the processing
has been done.

State the Quality Assurance rating given to the Radiograph and explain its relevance. i.e.
choose from the below. You or the operator can do this, either way state the actual grading
that s given and by whom.

1 – Excellent – No errors in the exposure, positioning or processing of the film.

2- Diagnostically acceptable – Some errors in the exposure, positioning or processing of the

film but is still acceptable to use diagnostically. (what you wanted to see can still be seen)

3- Unacceptable- Errors in the exposure, positioning or processing of the film which render
the radiograph unusable/unacceptable.

Include a brief explanation of why we use QA i.e. to identify patterns of error and put
control methods in place to avoid in the future and to limit the number of patient
Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 4 Section 1: Cavity restoration procedure (3 PERs in Total)

1) State the procedure to be carried out and fully notate the tooth. i.e.
Amalgam/composite/glass ionomer on upper left first pre-molar.

Give a description of the patient. Age, sex and any relevant medical conditions or special
care requirements (such as dental phobias/anxiety or disability)

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies. That you are wearing your uniform and are dressed
clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use). Detail any clinical hand
washes and glove changes done during the procedure.

How you cleaned the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient. Please state
that you have checked the medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or material which was placed out ready for the
operator and yourself- don’t leave anything out, right down to the cotton wool rolls.
Remember to use the full correct names for the instruments/materials. Do not use trade
names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium hydroxide. When describing scalers
please use the full name i.e. Gracey curette, hoe, curette, sickle scaler, ultrasonic scaler are
a few examples.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patients records, medical history and
radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of vision for the
clinician and at what times you did this. Moved the dental light into position for the
operator, passed any instruments to him/her. Held the curing light and/or shield. Monitored
the patient throughout the procedure for any signs of impending medical emergency and
made the operator aware of any issues. If you manually mixed any materials- that you
mixed incrementally and wiped your spatula clean after mixing to avoid material setting
onto it.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and monitored them during the
procedure. Used orange shield when using curing light. Ensured they were comfortable and
where clean and tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their face
or making sure there was nothing left on their clothes perhaps)

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something or used something- if you do not write that you have done something it
means you didn’t do it.

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. Along with your own description
please include- to restore the function and shape of the tooth in order to provide
adequate mastication.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 4 Section 2: Endodontic procedure (3 PERs in Total)

1) State the procedure to be carried out, the stage if appropriate and fully notate the
tooth. i.e. Pulpectomy first stage, on upper left first pre-molar/ Pulpotomy on
deciduous upper left second molar.

Describe the patient being treated- age, sex and any relevant medical history or special
care requirement (such as disability or dental phobia/anxiety).

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
Include any clinical hand washes you do and when you change your gloves.

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you disinfected them with
i.e. detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Detail what is
disinfected such as handles, chair, headrest and so on.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or materials that are placed out for the operator
and yourself- don’t leave anything out. This list will be rather long for these procedures
and this is what is needed.

Remember to use the full correct names for the instruments/materials. List them in a logical
order -the order that they would be used. Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its
chemical name Calcium hydroxide. If Rubber dam is not used by your dentist then please
simply state this.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patients records, medical history and
radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of vision for the
clinician and at what times you did this. Passed any instruments to him/her. Held the curing
light and/or shield. If you mixed any materials- that you mixed incrementally and wiped
your spatula clean after mixing to avoid material setting onto it. Monitored the patient for
signs of impending medical emergency and made the operator aware of any issues. Set up
the x- ray unit and appropriate film when required, Developed and any films taken. Made
any accurate notes for the dentist.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and monitored them during the
procedure. Used orange shield when using curing light. Passes any mouthwash or tissues.
Ensured they were comfortable and where clean and tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping
material/blood/saliva off their face or making sure there was nothing left on their clothes

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something- if you do not write that you have done something it means you didn’t do

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. i.e. Pulpectomy – to remove
inflamed or dead pulp from the root canal of the tooth and replace it with a root
canal filling material which will seal off the tooth canal and prevent further infection.
Pulpotomy – to remove the infected part of the pulp in the pulp chamber. In 1 st stage
cases the tooth is also being prepared for the final restoration. 2 nd stage cases also
include the tooth being restored with a permanent restoration which will restore
shape and function in order to allow mastication.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 4 Section 3: Fixed prosthesis procedure (4 PERs in Total)

1) State the procedure to be carried out, the stage if appropriate and fully notate the
tooth. i.e. Preparation procedure for Crown, bridge, veneer or inlay on lower left
second molar. Fit procedure for crown, bridge, veneer or inlay on lower left second
What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
Include any clinical hand washes and glove changes you do during the procedure.

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Detail what surfaces
were disinfected such as light handles, chair, headrest, control panels and so on.

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or materials that you placed out ready for the
operator and yourself- don’t leave anything out. Remember to use the full correct names
for the instruments/materials. List them in a logical order -the order that they would be
used. Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium hydroxide.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patient’s records, medical history,
consent and radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of
vision for the clinician and at what times you did this. Passed any instruments to him/her.
Held the curing light and/or shield. Mixed the required materials when needed. Disinfected
the impressions. Monitored the patient for any signs of medical emergency and made the
operator aware of any issues. Made accurate notes for the dentist and completed the lab
ticket. If you manually mixed any materials/cements- that you mixed incrementally and
wiped your spatula clean after mixing to avoid material/cement setting onto it.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and explain you would monitor them
for any problems and let the dentist know and monitored them during the procedure. Used
orange shield when using curing light. Ensured they were comfortable and where clean and
tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their face or making sure
there was nothing left on their clothes perhaps). Made any follow up appointments if

The disinfection will need to be detailed in your write up and include that the lab ticket
has ‘disinfected’ stated on it.

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something- if you do not write that you have done something it means you didn’t do

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. i.e. To maintain appearance, shape
and function of tooth, to maintain occlusion between teeth, to maintain the correct
spacing between teeth, to use a stronger alternative to amalgam (inlays only). The
main reason is that function is restored in order to allow adequate mastication.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 4 Section 4: Removable Prosthesis procedure (8 PERs in Total)

1) State the procedure to be carried out, the stage if appropriate and fully notate the
tooth. i.e. Impression stage, bite stage, try-in stage, fit stage for acrylic or chrome
cobalt prosthesis.

Describe the patient- age, sex and any relevant medical conditions or special care
requirement (such as disability or dental phobia/anxiety)

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies. That you are wearing your uniform and are dressed
clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Describe the areas

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or materials for the operator and yourself- don’t
leave anything out. Remember to use the full correct names for the instruments/materials.
List them in a logical order -the order that they would be used. Do not use trade names i.e.
Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium hydroxide. Usually straight slow speed hand pieces
are used in fit procedures. Heat sources can be hot air lamps or Bunsen burners.

Please note- anything that is returned form the lab such as special trays, wax bite blocks,
try-ins and final dentures must be disinfected prior to being placed in the patient’s mouth.
Some laboratories send the work already disinfected, if so then please just state this.
Otherwise you are expected to detail the disinfection process used both before and after
the lab works use.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patient’s records, medical history,
consent and radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of
vision for the clinician and at what times you did this. Passed any instruments to him/her.
Got a bowl of water ready for patients existing denture if applicable. Mixed the required
materials when needed, loaded trays. Describe the steps taken to safely handle, disinfect
and package the impression/lab work. Assisted with shade taking. Completed lab ticket and
ensured it stated ‘disinfected’. Monitored the patient for signs of impending medical
emergency and made the operator aware of any issues. Made accurate notes for the

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and explain you would monitor them
for any problems and let the dentist know and monitored them during the procedure.
Presented denture to the patient. Gave patient a mirror. Ensured they were comfortable
and where clean and tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their
face or making sure there was nothing left on their clothes perhaps) Gave aftercare
instructions to the patient (state if it was you or the dentist that gave them). Arranged any
follow up appointment if applicable.

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something- if you do not write that you have done something it means you didn’t do

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. i.e. Impression – to create study
models or special trays. Bite – to record the patients jaw relationship and allow the
creation of a try-in. Try-in – To allow the patient to approve the final denture and for the
dentist to make any adjustments needed. Fit- To replace missing teeth, maintain
appearance and function in order to provide facial structure and adequate mastication.
If orthodontic appliance- to move teeth into occlusion, maintain appearance and

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 5 Section 1: Extraction Procedure (3 PERs in Total)

1) State the procedure to be carried out. i.e. Routine extraction or surgical extraction
– Fully notate the tooth. i.e. Upper right central incisor.

Describe the patient- age, sex and any relevant medical history or special care
requirement (such as disability or dental phobia/anxiety)

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. i.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. i.e. That you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriately, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).
How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Detail what was

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.

That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or material- don’t leave anything out and
include post-operative instruction and any pack you may give. Remember to use the full
correct names for the instruments/materials. List them in a logical order -the order that
they would be used. Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium
hydroxide. When describing forceps, please use the full names such as lower molar root
forceps and upper central forceps. Same for luxators, elevators and cryers - include what
sizes are given or if they are left or right.

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patients’ records, medical history,
consent and radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of
vision for the clinician and at what times you did this. Passed any instruments to him/her.
Monitored the patient and made the operator aware of any issues. Supported the patients
head during the extraction. Made accurate notes for the operator. If they make their own
notes or take their own equipment then just state this.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and explain you would monitor them
for any problems and let the dentist know and monitored them throughout the procedure
for any signs of medical emergency. Ensured they were comfortable. Ensured they were
clean and tidy before leaving the surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their face or
making sure there was nothing left on their clothes perhaps). Gave verbal and written post-
operative instructions along with a spare bite/gauze pack (if the dentist does this then just
state it). Arranged any follow up appointment if applicable.

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something- if you do not write that you have done something it means you didn’t do
Describe how you dispose of the extracted tooth (should be in a sharps bin or amalgam
tooth pot if it contains amalgam) and any other waste disposal.

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. i.e. Relieve pain, relieve alveolar
abscess, remove grossly carious tooth, remove mobile tooth due to periodontal
disease, orthodontic reasons, cosmetic reasons, to remove after trauma or to
prevent impaction.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document. Please ensure you read
this section.

Unit 5 Section 2: Local Anaesthetic Procedure (4 PERs in Total)

These PERs are about the local anaesthetic procedure carried out. Don’t include any details
about the procedure in which the local anaesthetic was used for.

1) State the procedure to be carried out. I.e. Inferior Dental Nerve Block or Infiltration
and for what purpose it is being given such as extraction (notate the tooth),
restoration (notate the tooth) or scale and polish.

Describe the patient- age, sex and any relevant medical conditions or special care
requirement (such as disability or dental phobia/anxiety).

What equipment has been switched on and describe how you check that the equipment is
working. I.e. X-ray viewer, Dental chair, dental light, aspiration equipment, 3-in-1. (Dispel
the 3-in-1 with air and water, operated the aspirator to ensure that it is working, lowered
the dental chair, turned on the dental light, illuminated the x-ray viewer- these are all ways
that you could check to ensure that the equipment is working)

How you prepared yourself and the area for the procedure. I.e. that you have checked the
patient medical history for any allergies or red flag warnings. That you are wearing your
uniform and are dressed clinically appropriate, put your PPE on (list what PPE you use).

How you disinfected the work surfaces and dental units and what you cleaned them with i.e.
detergent wipes/spray, virucidal disinfectant or detergent solution. Detail what is

That you have flushed the dental lines through for 2 minutes 1.e. 3-in-1 syringe and hand

Details of any disposable covers which have been applied to the handles of the dental light,
keyboard, control panel, aspirator tubes or head rest.
That you have the patient records and associated radiographs ready and that a new
mouthwash cup and soft tissues have been placed out ready for the patient.

What instruments and materials you have placed out ready for the procedure. You have to
list every piece of instrument/equipment or materials placed out for you and the
operator- don’t leave anything out. Include topical if this is used. Remember to use the full
correct names for the instruments/materials. List them in a logical order -the order that
they would be used. Do not use trade names i.e. Dycal instead its chemical name Calcium

Explain how you assisted the dentist. i.e. Got the patient’s records, medical history,
consent and radiographs ready. How you aspirated/retracted to ensure a clear view of
vision for the clinician and at what times you did this. Passed any instruments to him/her.
Monitored the patient and made the operator aware of any issues. Made accurate notes for
the dentist.

You need to write a step by step account of what the clinician did and your role at each of
these steps.

Explain how you assisted the patient. i.e. Provided them with safety glasses, bib,
mouthwash, tissues. If and how you reassured them and explain you would monitor them
for any problems and let the dentist know and monitored them during the procedure.
Ensured they were comfortable. Ensured they were clean and tidy before leaving the
surgery (wiping material/blood/saliva off their face or making sure there was nothing left on
their clothes perhaps). Gave verbal and written post-local anaesthetic instructions to the
patient (state if the dentist did this) Arranged any follow up appointment if applicable.
Please describe the disposal of the used sharp and cartridge (state if the dentist does this)

Batch numbers and expiry dates for the local anaesthetic must be recorded in the patients
note so please write if either you or the dentist did this.

Be very detailed when you write up what you did and when. Do not assume I know you have
done something- if you do not write that you have done something it means you didn’t do

2) State why this procedure has been carried out. As well your own words please
include- To make dental treatment pain free and/ or more comfortable for the
patient. This is done by anaesthetising the facial nerves which supply the tooth and
surrounding soft tissues.

Reflection and witness sections must be completed by yourself and the witness. Further
guidance notes on these sections are at the end of this document (below). Please ensure
you read this section.
Important information regarding the Witness sections:

Your witness must all have completed the NEBDN witness training – this is available by
visiting the main page of the NEBDN website.

Once you upload and submit your PERs, the witness has 14 days from the procedure date
that you use on your work, to sign in and give their feedback. If they sign in outside of 14
days, they need to include a written statement as to why. Otherwise the work will not be
accepted by the NEBDN. The NEBDN will only accept certain reasons, such as, holiday,
sickness, absence from work for another reason. They may ask for proof of this.

They must give feedback on each PER. It needs to be comprehensive and in line with the
witness training and guidance. Work could be sent back to the witness if the feedback is
too basic.

It is important that you understand that the 14 days is calculated from the date you put in
as the procedure date, not the date that you upload the work. This is why uploading has
to be very regular and cannot be done all in one go or in a few large batches.

Important information regarding the Reflective Account sections:

A reflective account must be written for every PER.

This is where you look back at what you think you did well or perhaps what you did not so
well. How you felt, anything you learnt or think you need to learn more about/practice

It is ok to praise and criticise yourself as this is how you develop as a dental nurse. If you
feel there was a weakness or something you want to improve, you must include what you
aim to do in order to make those improvements as part of your reflection.

If there is/are specific information that wasn’t included in your write up because it isn’t
used or not done in your practice then this can also be referred to in the reflective section.
(It should have been written in as part of the main write up, as described in each section
of guidance). Explain that you understand that these things should be used or perhaps be
done, but your practice or Operator doesn’t use them or want you to do them. Examples
of things like this can be:

Writing up patient notes.

Giving post-operative or post- local anaesthetic advice.

Using disposable barriers on equipment.

Using certain instruments.

Passing equipment to them as they take it themselves.

You are not penalised for the way your practice or dentist do things, however, anything
that is not done in relation to cross infection standards will not be accepted and your PER
will be marked unsatisfactory.

You reflection needs to be different for each PER and simply saying that everything went
well or only giving a simple sentence will not be accepted. Reflection is a very important
part of training/ learning and the NEBDN expect this to be completed correctly and in a
detailed fashion.

Guidance on ROE Completion:

Below is a guide on how much work you should aim to have completed by certain times in
order to get your ROE submitted in time.

Student entering November exam:

30th April
10 pieces of work including at least one PER.

30th May
Minimum 30 pieces of work (including initial 30 th April Upload)

30th June
Minimum 50 pieces of work (including initial 30 th April & 30th May Uploads)

31st July (deadline)

ROE Completed

Students entering April Exam:

30th September
10 pieces of work including at least one PER.

31st October
Minimum 30 pieces of work (including initial 30 th September Upload)

30th November
Minimum 50 pieces of work (including initial 30 th September& 31st October Uploads)
31st December (deadline)
ROE Completed

The remainder of the work will need to be completed and uploaded by the submission
date as set by Head Office.

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