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i. The first step in delegation is called ‘directions’.

In this step manager

A. Provides clear picture of what done looks like
B. Outline the negative consequences if the employee fails
C. Defines the level of authority the employee has in making decisions
D. Provides a lot details about the best way of to accomplish the task
E. Provides a step by step list of actions the employee should follow

ii. What is the name of form of departmentalization that groups similar jobs and
activities into departments?
A. Divisional structure
B. Geographical structure
C. Product structure
D. Functional structure
E. Customer groups structure

iii. What is the name given to degree of efficiency of services provision to clients
compared to inputs used
A. Work environment
B. Organizational output
C. Organizational productivity
D. Organizational motivation
E. Organizational behaviour
iv. What is essential for the management to get things done in the organization?
A. Delegation
B. Responsibility
C. Administration
D. Financing services
E. Job enrichment
v. They do emerge spontaneously due to sharing interest like sports, gender, age or
professional interests.
A. Formal organization
B. Informal organization
C. Social organization
D. Cultural organization
E. Legal Organization
vi. The diagrammatic representation of various units of an organization is called
A. organization culture
B. organization structure
C. chain of command
D. positive organization culture
E. departmentalization
vii. Organizations with many rules and procedures, well-defined tasks, and a clear
hierarchy of authority are called;
A. Organic organizations
B. Inorganic organizations
C. Mechanistic organizations
D. Sophisticated organizations
E. Modern organizations
viii. An action involving mental and physical efforts done in order to achieve intended
result is called;
A. Space
B. Work
C. Work environment
D. Organizing
E. Directing
ix. A process of seniors entrusting power and responsibilities to followers living them
seniors with few strategic responsibilities to perform is known as;
A. Responsibility
B. Administration
C. Financing services
D. Delegation
E. Job enrichment
x. Boxes in the organization structure represents one the following;
A. Positions
B. Authority
C. staff relationship
D. Networking
E. Team building

xi. Role of Pharmaceutical Services to Health Organization Productivity

A. Skillful to the area of discipline
B. Ability to communication with supervisee and team members
C. Ability to lead a team
D. Ability to training, lead and guiding team members and supervisee
E. Inspecting or checking the medicines and supplies status

xii. Reasons which Make Subordinates Fear Delegation

A. Good skills to the side of subordinate
B. Fear of mistakes as mistakes are costly on the junior side
C. Good previous experience on other occurrence
D. If it is a meaningful delegation with benefits.
E. When it is with few intention

xiii. odd-out an ideal departmental culture;

A. promotes productivity and employee happiness;

B. increases longevity of employment (employees want to continue working there);

C. increases cooperation, communication, and teamwork among employees;

D. Allows employees to take pride in their work; and instills the desire to achieve more.

E. increases cooperation, communication, and teamwork

xiv. Issues Shown in Organization Charts

A. Layout of the structure from down to down

B. Positions arrangement flowing from down to top meaning

C. Authority flow is at level line

D. Line relationship presented by straight lines which represents decision makers

E. Staff relationship presented by solid lines

xv. The role of the top management can be summarized as follows -

A. Top management lays down the objectives and narrow policies of the enterprise.
B. It issues necessary instructions for preparation of personal budgets, procedures, schedules
C. It prepares strategic plans & policies for the enterprise.
D. It appoints the executive for middle level i.e. Top managers.
E. It controls & coordinates the activities of the executive members

xvi. Which one is non among forms of Organization Structures?

A. Scalar
B. Organic organizations
C. Vertical
D. Horizontal
E. Matrix
xvii. Formal organization
A. Created legally with registration number and Tax clearance certificate
B. Created legally with TIN number
C. Created Illegally with registration number
D. Created Illegally with TIN number
E. It exists legitimately
xvii. In an organization, the process of finding the right aspirant/candidate and fitting
him/her in the right job is known as:

A. Staffing
B. Man power requirement
C. Remuneration
D. Appraisal
E. Placement

xix. A person who mobilizing and using resources efficiently to achieve the predetermined
set objectives is known as:

A. Director
B. Manager
C. Leader
D. Minister
E. Secretary

xx. A person who has a clear vision of transforming organizations by aligning human
and other, creating an organization culture that fosters free expression of ideas and
empowering others to contribute to the organization is known as:

A. Director
B. Ambassador
C. Director Generals’
D. Manager
E. Leader


 This section consist of eight ( 8 ) questions

 Write the word TRUE against a correct statement.
 Write the word FALSE against a wrong statement.
 Answer all the questions

1. Regarding differences between formal and informal organization

A. TRUE Formal organization is established with well-defined goals
B. FALSE In formal organization, the relationship among people is interpersonal
C. TRUE Informal organization is dynamic and very vigilant
D. FALSE Informal organization is bound together by authority relationship
among members
E. TRUE Formal organization emphasizes on efficiency, discipline and control

2. Concerning organizational designs

A. TRUE In departmentalization by product, every individual department is
responsible for producing and selling the type of product assigned to them
B. FALSE In departmentalization by functions, separate departments are made
based on the company’s operations to be carried out either over a vast area or
within restricted area
C. FALSE In departmentalization by geographical regions, departments are
separated from each other based on the types or groups of customers to be
handled in a particular organization
D. TRUE In functional departmentalization, departments are separated from each
other based on the tasks they perform
E. FALSE In geographical departmentalization, allows various group members
chosen from different functions to work together interdependently to provide

3. Regarding organic organizational structures

A. TRUE Use participative management as a style and are often less
concerned with a clearly defined structure
B. FALSE Have many rules and procedures, well-defined tasks, and a clear
hierarchy of
C. TRUE Are more flexible and more adaptable.
D. TRUE Have clear delineation of tasks, centralized decision making, and potential
for a career ladder by which employees can
E. TRUE They are typically flat, with only one or two levels of management

4. Organization culture shows the following

A. TRUE Power sharing within organizational hierarchy
B. TRUE Involvement in decision making and freedom of individual expression
C. FALSE Authority flow from head to subordinates
D. TRUE Commitment of staff towards organizational objective
E. FALSE Implementing high set standards to achieve organizational goal

5. Regarding quality products in the health service delivery

A. FALSE Product from unreliable source
B. TRUE Products with suitable package or container
C. FALSE Products with unknown shelf life
D. TRUE Products stored at suitable conditions like temperature, cold
E. TRUE Products kept in suitable environment like too much heat and moisture

6. Reasons which make subordinates fear delegation

A. TRUE Lack of skills to the side of subordinates
B. TRUE When delegation is with bad intention
C. FALSE When managers lack confidence to the side of subordinates
D. FALSE When managers lack trust to the side of subordinates
E. TRUE Fear of mistakes as mistakes are costly on the junior side

7. Techniques in delivery of health services

A. TRUE Rehabilitative services
B. FALSE Diagnositic services
C. TRUE Promotive services
D. TRUE Curative services
E. FALSE Non preventive services
8. Concerning Aligning/mobilizing

A. ……TRUE…….Making sure of values, mission, strategy and all operational system are in line with
leader’s objective

B. ……FALSE…….discourage team work among team members

C. ……TRUE……….Unite partners of interest of your vision

D. ……TRUE……….List your pharmaceutical key internal players

E. ……TRUE…Identify funders of resources to facilitate implementation of your organization plan



1. Leading
2. First line Management
3. Leader
4. Management hierarchy
5. Ethics
1 2 3 4 5

Colum A

A. I have always felt that the most important part of my job is to get people to follow voluntarily.
B. Someone who allocates and oversees the use of organizational resources.
C. The skills most important at the first-line level of management, and least important at the top.
D. At our Organization we have several managers who individually and collectively set and
achieve goals.
E. Our Organization is very concerned with what constitutes right and wrong conduct, including,
values and actions, in a given situation
F. L do not entertain people but people have to work


1. Organization culture
2. Organization structure
3. Organic organization
4. Organization chart
5. Culture and Structure
1 2 3 4 5


A. Layout of the structure from top to down

B. Useful during organizational restructuring
C. flexible and more adaptable
D. group of individuals structured
E. belief and behavior
F. Taboos and behavior change
G. A draw map of an organization rank


1. Shortlist four (4) role of pharmaceutical services to health organization productivity

 Receiving medicines and medical supplies from suppliers
 Identifying type of medicines and supplies
 Keeping medicines and medical supplies
 Issuing medicines and medical supplies to end user or other medical staff with
skills to issue to end user
 Inspecting or checking the medicines and medical supplies status
 Providing information to end user regarding the best use of the product given
 Advising other medical personnel on the change of medicines and medical
supplies as per market change
2. List four (4) importance of organization culture to organization performance

 Promotes productivity and employee happiness

 Increases longevity of employment (employees want to continue working there
 Increases cooperation, communication, and teamwork among employees
 Allows employees to take pride in their work; and instills the desire to achieve

3. List at least ten (10) leadership attribute in Provision of Pharmaceutical Services

The following are the attributes of a good leader;
 Humble
 Honest
 Competent
 Dearing
 Initiative
 Loyal
 Supportive
 Intelligent
 Ambitious
 Mature
 Open minded
 Independent
 Inspiring
 Mobilizer of resources
 Uniting a team
 Innovative

4. Diferentiate the formal and informal leadership and give at least two examples to each

Formal leadership
 Is a type of leadership established by formal legal laws and leaders of this type are
appointed in a formal way with official letters which states clearly their responsibilities.
Example of formal leaders are: Any two legal appointed leaders
Informal leadership
 Informal leadership is a type of leadership which exists spontaneously due to similarities
of individual interests like age, sex and sports.
 Leaders of this type are not appointed officially and are not binded by legal framework.
example any two non-legal appointed leaders
5. Differentiate between a leader and a manager, outline at least four (2 Marks)


 Leaders create a vision, managers create goals.

 Leaders are change agents, managers maintain the status quo.
 Leaders are unique, managers copy.
 Leaders take risks, managers control risk .
 Leaders are in it for the long haul, managers think short-term.
 Leaders grow personally, managers rely on existing, proven skills.

6. Mention four Principles to be Observed when Forming Organizational Departments



 Similarities of functions; may be grouped into one department or unit and headed by one
 Functions which might cause overlapping of responsibilities among actors
 Massiveness of actors in one unit which differs and causes wasting time waiting decision
from one head
 Uniqueness of activities regardless of few staff in that particular unit still they may form a
department or a unit.


1. Explain advantages and disadvantages of delegations (15Marks)


Introduction…..Definition of delegation (0.5Marks)

Main body…….advantages each (1.5 marks)

 It facilitates to build capacity of juniors as when they are delegated some tasks are
challenging and through that they acquire knowledge and skills
 In pharmaceutical services that delegation motivates juniors when delegated
 It strengthens relationship between juniors and seniors
 When pharmaceutical seniors delegate to juniors gives seniors time to concentrate with
other key issues
 Through delegation seniors can learn area of junior strength and in case of weaknesses
then seniors may recommend them for further training.
 Through that process seniors may identify juniors who are better for further top positions
leading them to recommend for decision makers.
 Delegation process at pharmaceutical services give room for workload sharing

2. Explain cultural diversity in relation to workplace and productivity (15Marks)


Cultural diversity in the workplace is when companies are open to hiring employees from all sorts of
different backgrounds; regardless of race, religion and culture. When companies recruit and retain a
diverse pool of people, it brings about different benefits to the company as well as its employees.

Main body …each (1.5 points)

There are some very positive benefits that can be hard from having a more diverse workforce

 Increased productivity
 Improved creativity
 Increased profits
 Improved employee engagement
 Reduced employee turnover
 Improved company reputation
 Wider range of skills
 Improves cultural insights

Conclusion ……0.5Mark

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