Numerical Modelling For Liquefaction Using Simple Constitutive Models

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Numerical Modelling for Liquefaction using

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ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Numerical Modelling for Liquefaction using

Simple Constitutive Models
and A. M. KAYNIA 3

Post-graduate Student, Dept. of Earthquake Eng., IIT, Roorkee, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earthquake Eng., IIT, Roorkee, India
Discipline Leader, Earthquake Engineering, NGI, Oslo, Norway

Abstract: Liquefaction occurs in loose saturated sands subjected to unidirectional

loading, where the tendency to compact during shear produces pore-water pressure
increments. Various approaches such as linear elasticity, elastoplasticity, etc. have been
used to describe the behaviour of soils. Martin et al. (1975) had first proposed a simple
effective stress analysis approach applying an empirical equation (consisting of four
parameters) that relates the increment of volumetric strain per cycle of load with the
shear strain occurring during that particular cycle. An alternative and simpler formula
was then proposed by Byrne (1991) employing only two constants that can be obtained
from laboratory tests or can be estimated from existing data if the relative density or N
(SPT) value of the sand is known. In the present study, in order to study the effect of
soil nonlinearity on the response of the ground subjected to dynamic loading, a three
dimensional analysis is carried out using FLAC3D. Also, effects of various parameters such
as relative density, cyclic shear stress and friction on the liquefaction resistance of soil
are investigated.

Keywords: Liquefaction, Numerical Modelling, Shear-Volume Coupling, Earthquake


conditions. Martin et al. (1975) had first

Introduction proposed a simple effective stress analysis
approach applying an empirical equation
Earthquake induced liquefaction in (consisting of four parameters) that relates
saturated granular soils is an important the increment of volumetric strain per
phenomena which has been investigated cycle of load with the shear strain
extensively in past three decades. occurring during that particular cycle. An
Liquefaction may also occur in loose alternative and simpler formula was then
saturated sands subjected to unidirectional proposed by Byrne (1991) employing only
loading, where the tendency to compact two constants that can be obtained from
during shear produces pore-water pressure laboratory tests or can be estimated from
increments. Various approaches such as existing data if the relative density or N
linear elasticity, elastoplasticity, etc. have (SPT) value of the sand is known.
been used to describe the behaviour of
soils. A rigorous effective stress dynamic The present study (Syed, 2009) discusses
analysis of soil will require a stress-strain two above mentioned liquefaction models.
law that includes shear-volume coupling Liquefaction analyses were carried out to
effects for repeated load cycles. However, study the effects of various parameters
such a stress-strain law is very complex such as relative density, cyclic shear stress
and will require many parameters to and cohesion and the response was plotted
adequately model the observed laboratory in terms of excess pore-pressure ratio and
and field behaviour under cyclic loading number of cycles to cause liquefaction.

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Material nonlinearity is considered by using loading (Martin et al., 1975). For saturated
Mohr-Coulomb model for the soil strata. In sand, if drainage is unable to occur during
order to account for the pore-pressure the time span of the loading sequence,
build-up, Finn model embodied in FLAC3D then the tendency for volume reduction
has been used. during each cycle of loading results in a
corresponding progressive increase in
Constitutive Modelling pore-water pressure. If the pore-water
pressure builds up to a value equal to the
FLAC3D offers a wide range of capabilities confining pressure, the effective stress
to solve complex problems in becomes zero and the sand, having lost its
geomechanics. The program has certain strength, may be said to have liquefied,
basic built-in material models describing although this may be only a temporary
the constitutive behaviour of the range of state. Liquefaction also may occur in loose
geologic materials. In the present analysis, saturated sands subjected to unidirectional
Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model has been loading, where the tendency to compact
used for the soil medium. The input during shear produces pore-water pressure
parameters that are required by FLAC3D for increases.
Mohr-Coulomb model are bulk modulus,
shear modulus, cohesion, friction angle In reality, pore-pressure build-up is a
and mass density. The pile used in the secondary response to cyclic loading. The
modelling system is assigned elastic, primary effect is the irrecoverable volume
isotropic model. The input parameters for contraction of the matrix grains when a
elastic model are bulk modulus and shear sample is taken through a complete strain
modulus. The basic criterion for material cycle when the confining stress is held
failure in Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model is constant. Since it is grain rearrangement
the famous Mohr-Coulomb relation, rather than grain volume change that
takes place, the volume of void space
fs   1   3 N  2c N (1) decreases under constant confining stress.
If the voids are filled with fluid, then the
pressure of the fluid increases and the
where effective stress acting on the grain matrix
N  (1  sin ) /(1  sin ) decreases. This mechanism is well-
described by Martin et al. (1975), who also
 1 = major principal stress;
note that the relation between
 3 = minor principal stress irrecoverable volume-strain and cyclic
 = friction angle; and shear-strain amplitude is independent of
c = cohesion. confining stress. They supply the following
empirical equation that relates the
Whereas the Mohr-Coulomb palsticity increment of volume decrease, vd , to the
model is well used for the materials that cyclic shear strain amplitude 
yield when subjected to shear loading, it
cannot simulate the proe-pressure build-
up response of the soils in its simple C 3 vd2
vd  C1(  C 2vd ) 
formulation. A modified form of the   C 4 vd (2)
standard Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model
where C1 , C 2 , C 3 and C 4 are
called „Finn Model‟ (Finn et al., 1977) is
incorporated in FLAC3D that can perform and vd is the accumulated irrecoverable
coupled dynamic-groundwater flow volume strain.
calculations and can simulate the effects
such as liquefaction. The pore pressure generated in an
increment of undrained loading, u , is
It is well established fact that the related to the volumetric strain that would
application of cyclic loading to sands have occurred in the same loading
results in progressive decrease in volume, increment under drained conditions by
even in the case of dense sand, which may
dilate during unidirectional or monotonic

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

u  E r vd
Further, using an empirical relation
where E r is given by tangent modulus of
between D r and the normalized standard
the one-dimensional unloading curve at a
penetration test values, (N 1)60 :
point corresponding to the initial vertical
effective stress.
Dr  15( N 1) 602 (6)
Byrne (1991) reported that the detailed
examination of the Martin et al. (1975)
equation shows that it is not generally
stable. An alternative two parameter 1.25
equation was proposed by Byrne (1991)
C1  8.7( N 1)60
that gives excellent agreement with
measurements over a range of relative
densities. Note that the Eq. 2 was derived Validation of Model and Computation
on the basis of experimental investigation
conducted on samples prepared with For the uniform, damped soil on rigid rock,
relative density of 45 % only. The two the transfer function for one dimensional
parameters involved in the formula case is given by
proposed by Byrne (1991) can be easily
derived from cyclic loading tests, or can be
estimated from relative density or
1 1
penetration values based upon available F 2( )  
data. The parameters can be used in cosk (1  i ) H   H 
cos (1  i )
analysis to predict expected volume  Vs 
changes and settlements under dry or
drained conditions and/or pore pressure
rise and liquefaction of saturated sands in
either an effective or total stress dynamic
analysis. where  is the circular frequency of
ground shaking, Vs the shear wave velocity
The formula proposed by Byrne is: of soil, k the wave number (=  / Vs ), 
the damping ratio and H the depth of soil
 layer deposited on the rigid bedrock
vd  C1 exp( C 2(  vd )) (4) (Kramer, 2007).
 
Equation 8 can be further simplified to,
where C1 and C 2 are constants with
different interpretations from those of
appearing in Eq. 2. The parameter C1
controls the amount of volume change and F 2( ) 
cos2 (H / Vs )   (H / Vs )
the parameter C 2 controls the shape of
accumulated volume change with number
of cycles. In many cases, C 2  0.4
C1 , and
so equation 4 involves only one
independent constant. For small damping ratios, equation 9
indicates that amplification by a damped
Byrne (1991) notes that the constant, C1 , soil layer varies with frequency.
can be derived from relative density, D r ,
in percentage as follows, In the present problem, in order to
validate the computational technique,
C1  7600( Dr ) 2.5 amplification factors have been calculated
(5) using equation 9 and compared with the

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

values obtained for the three dimensional amplification, computed using FLAC3D are
case using FLAC3D. The depth of soil layer compared with the respective one
considered is 20 m and the value of dimensional ground response analysis
damping ratio is assumed 5 % of critical performed using eq. 2. This comparison is
damping. Figure 1 shows the properties of shown in Fig. 3 (a) for Vs=170 m/s and
soil deposit used in the problem. Fig. 3 (b) Vs=300 m/s. First natural
frequency for the stratum is given by
A three dimensional model using brick Vs/4H and thus works out to be 2.125 Hz
element has been generated in FLAC3D to and 3.75 Hz for Vs=170 m/s and Vs=300
represent the soil stratum. The size of the m/s, respectively.
stratum considered in the analysis is
50 x 15 x 20 m. In absence of any It can be observed from Fig. 3 (a) and (b)
structure the boundary conditions at the that there is a little shift in the natural
sides of the model must account for the frequencies at the higher side for the three
free-field motion. FLAC3D has an option to dimensional case when compared to one
enforce the free-field motion via free-field dimensional case. Moreover, due to
boundary command in such a way that increase in damping the amplification
boundaries retain their non-reflecting factor reduces at first natural frequency for
properties- i.e., outward waves originating the three dimensional case. Similar
from the structure are properly absorbed. observation was made by Deka (2008). It
The lateral boundaries of the main grid are shall be noted that computation in FLAC3D
coupled to the free-field grid by viscous is performed in the time domain, thus at
dashpots to simulate a quiet boundary and discrete frequencies only while for 1-D
the unbalanced forces from the free-field case it is continuous using Eq. 9.
grid are applied to the main-grid
boundary. In this way, plane waves The results obtained from present analysis
propagating upward suffer no distortion at in FLAC3D are reasonably in good
the boundary because the free-field grid agreement with those obtained from 1D
supplies conditions that are identical to analysis. This verifies the model and
those in an infinite model. However, if the computation methodology used.
main-grid motion differs from that of the
free field due to surface structure that Effects of Nonlinearity
radiates secondary waves, then the
dashpots act to absorb energy in a similar
The effects of site conditions on seismic
manner to quiet boundaries. The free-field
ground motions are usually interpreted to
model consists of four plane free-field
mean how the waves from the underlying
grids, on the side boundaries of the model
rock are affected by the geometrical and
and four column free-field grids at the
geological structures of the softer surface
corners (see Fig. 2). The model should be
deposits during wave transmission to the
in static equilibrium before the free-field
surface. Under strong shaking, the
boundary is applied. The static equilibrium
response of the soil will be nonlinear. The
conditions prior to the dynamic analysis
shear modulus and damping are strain
are transferred to the free fields
dependent, and therefore the larger
automatically when the command APPLY
strains, associated with strong shaking,
FF is invoked. Thus before conducting the
reduce the effective shear moduli and
dynamic analysis of the soil model to get
increase the damping. The shear strength
the free-field response free-field conditions
of the soil also puts a limitation on the
were applied. The harmonic excitation is
magnitude of the surface acceleration
applied at the base of the model and
because the seismic waves cannot
response is calculated at the free-field
generate shear stresses greater than the
central node of the ground.
mobilized shearing resistance of the soil.
The nonlinear behaviour of soils causes the
The amplification factor is computed as the amplification factors to be dependent on
ratio of the amplitude of free surface the intensity of shaking. This has been
motion to the amplitude of base motion. clearly demonstrated in case of 1989 Loma
The results of three dimensional

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Prieta earthquake. The comparison of the The size of the stratum considered is 50 x
amplification factors for a site on Treasure 50 x 5 m. Displacement in the z direction
Island in San Francisco Bay relative to the is restrained at the base, simulating the
rock motions at adjacent Yerba Buena roller boundary condition. The motion of
Island, using data from the main shock of the sides follows that of a base, except
the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and that the amplitude diminishes to zero at
seven subsequent aftershocks, has shown the top. This modelling essentially
that the reduction in amplification occurs simulates the stress condition that is
with increased intensity of shaking over a developed for the simple shear case.
wide frequency band of engineering Vertical loading is by gravity only. Cyclic
interest (Finn and Wightman, 2003). loading is applied by means of a velocity
Though, it may not always be the case. By input (Itasca, 2003). An initial pore
studying the average strong- to weak- pressure is installed in the soil and excess
motion amplification ratios during the 1989 pore pressure developed is monitored in
Loma Prieta and 1987 Whittier Narrows four different zones within the soil in the
earthquakes in California, Beresnev (2002) vertical direction. The stratum is modelled
has shown that the strong-motion using brick element and it is discretized
amplification is reduced by a factor of 1.7– into five zones in the z direction. Only one
2 on average, relative to a generic weak- zone is modelled in the x- and y-
motion response. directions, since the horizontal variation is
of no particular interest here. Figure 5
In the present study, the effect of soil non- shows the schematic sketch of the model
linearity on the amplification factor, as a used in the study.
function of the input motion amplitude,
has been investigated. Varying the A parametric study is conducted to
amplitude of input motion to 0.2 g, 0.5 g examine the effect of cyclic loading
and 1 g, the amplification factor with magnitude, relative density, and friction on
frequency has been plotted. It shall be the liquefaction resistance of the soil. The
noted that there will be no effect of soil stratum is assigned Finn Model (Martin
amplitude of input motion on the elastic et al., 1975) incorporated in Flac3D, which
response. The shear-wave velocity for all employs Byrne parameters (Byrne, 1991)
the cases has been kept constant, at a in order to capture the pore-pressure build
value of 170 m/s. The result of 3D up with the application of cyclic loading.
analyses using FLAC3D and Mohr-Coulomb
material model to simulate nonlinearity is The formula proposed by Byrne involves
shown in Fig. 4. two constants C1 and C2, which can be
calculated from the known normalized
As evident from Fig. 4, the effect of standard penetration test values (N 1)60.
nonlinearity becomes more and more Here, three different values of (N1)60 i.e. 7,
prominent with increase in the amplitude 15 and 28 are considered for the
of the base motion. It is observed that for parametric study. Further, (N1)60 may be
the base motion of 0.2 g amplitude, the considered as the representative of the
results of the linear elastic model and that relative density of soil. Using an empirical
of the nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb model relation between Dr and (N1)60 given by
almost coincide but as the amplitude of Eq. 10.
the input motion is increased to the value 1

of 1 g, a vast variation in the amplification Dr  15( N 1) 60

factor can be observed.
From Eq. 10 it can be inferred that the
Liquefaction Studies (N1)60 values of 7, 15 and 28 represent the
soils with relative densities 40 %, 58 %
In the present problem of the liquefaction and 79 % respectively. Excess dynamic
analysis, a „shaking table‟ condition is pore pressure is monitored at different
modelled. This consists of a sand stratum depths. Using an in-built programming
that is given a periodic motion at its base. language, FISH, of FLAC3D, excess pore-

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

pressure ratio, Ru and effective stress  that the rate of generation of dynamic
plots against time of loading are obtained. pore-pressure is more for the sand with Dr
Excess pore-pressure ratio Ru can be value of 40 % and it decreases as the Dr
defined as the ratio of excess pore water value increases to 79 %. For Dr = 40 %,
pressure developed due to dynamic the pore water pressure ratio Ru reaches
loading, uexcess to the initial effective over- unity in 10 cycles. However, with Dr = 58
burden pressure  v 0
' %, it requires more than 50 cycles for Ru
. to reach unity while with Dr = 79 %, Ru
Mathematically, doesn‟t reach to unity even after 1000
Ru = uexcess /  v' 0 (11)
To study the effect of cyclic shear stress
on the liquefaction phenomena, four
Three different values of relative density
different values of cyclic shear stress (6,
(40 %, 58 % and 79 %) have been
10, 20 and 30 kN/m2) have been used as
considered for a sandy soil stratum with
the input. The frequency value is kept
cohesion C = 0, to study its effects on the
constant at 5 Hz for all the cases.
liquefaction phenomena. The analyses are
Table 2 gives the values of number of
conducted for the constant cyclic shear
cycles required to cause liquefaction for
stress value of 6 kN/m2 applied at a
different values of applied cyclic shear
frequency of 5 Hz. This excitation was
stress. It can be seen that, for a given Dr,
found to be adequate to cause liquefaction
the number of cycles required to cause
for Dr = 40 % sand stratum. Figures 6 (a)
liquefaction decrease with increasing value
and 6 (b), obtained as FLAC3D output,
of applied shear stress. Also, for the given
show the variation of excess pore-pressure
value of applied cyclic shear stress the
ratio with respect to time for the depth of
number of cycles required to cause
2.5 m and 4.5 m respectively. Table 1
liquefaction increase with increasing Dr.
shows the values of Ru against the depth
for the constant value of 25 cycles of
loading, for different values of Dr. EFFECT OF FRICTION ANGLE ON
It can be observed from Table 1 that the LIQUEFACTION RESISTANCE
excess pore-pressure ratio Ru, at a
particular depth decreases with increase in To study the effect of friction angle on the
the relative density of soil. Also, for a liquefaction phenomena, the soil model
particular value of relative density, as the was analyzed for friction values of 25 and
depth (which can be considered as a 35 degrees keeping all other parameters
measure of confining pressure) increases constant. The results of the analyses are
the pore-pressure built-up decreases presented in Table 3. It can be inferred
resulting in the decrease of the excess from this table that as the friction value is
pore-pressure ratio Ru increased, the pore pressure ratio
Figures 7 (a) and 7 (b) show the number
of cycles required to cause liquefaction at Conclusions
various depths for Dr = 40 % and Dr = 58 The following conclusions are deduced:
%. It can be inferred from these results  Due to increase in damping the
that the number of cycles to cause amplification factor reduces at first
liquefaction increases with increase in the natural frequency for the three
depth (and thus the confining pressure) as dimensional case as compared to
well as with increase in the relative density one dimensional case.
of the soil.  The effect of nonlinearity of the soil
Figure 8 shows the plot of excess pore- medium becomes more and more
pressure ratio against the number of prominent with increase in the
cycles. It can be inferred from this plot amplitude of the base motion. This

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

conclusion is consistent with the

findings of Jarpe et al. (1989) and
Beresnev (2002).
 The effect of increasing relative
density is to decrease the Table 1: Effect of relative density on
development of excess-pore
excess pore-pressure ratio Ru
pressure ratio.
 The number of cycles required to Ru at 25 cycles of loading
cause liquefaction increases with
the depth (and thus the confining Depth Dr = Dr = Dr =
pressure). (m) 40 % 58 % 79 %
 For a given Dr, the number of cycles
required to cause liquefaction 1.5 m 1 0.9 0.64
decreases with increasing value of 2.5 m 1 0.75 0.55
applied shear stress.
 The effect of increasing friction is to 3.5 m 1 0.63 0.5
decrease the pore –pressure build-
4.5 m 0.95 0.56 0.476
up in the soil for the applied cyclic
shear stress.

References Table 2: Effect of cyclic shear stress

[1] Beresnev Igor A. (2002), “Nonlinearity at on the number of cycles causing
California Generic Soil Sites from Modeling
Recent Strong-Motion Data” Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 92,
No. 2, PP-863–870 Cyclic Number of cycles to
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Volume Coupling and Pore Pressure Model for Shear cause liquefaction at 1.5
Sand‟, Proceedings: Second International
Conference on Recent Advances in Stress,  m depth
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and
Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, Missouri, March 11- (kN/m ) Dr = Dr = Dr =
15, Paper No. 1.24
[3] Deka Parthajyoti. (2008), „Effects of Soil- 40 % 58 % 79 %
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(1977), „An Effective Stress Model for 20 1 4 15
Liquefaction‟, Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, PP-
30 1 2 6
[5] Finn W. D. L. and Wightman A. (2003),
„Ground Motion Amplification Factors for the Table 3: Effect of friction angle on
Proposed 2005 Edition of the National excess pore-pressure ratio
Building Code of Canada‟, Can. J. Civ. Eng.,
PP- 272-278
[6] Itasca Consulting Group, (2003), „Fast Depth Ru at 10 cycles of
Langrangian Analysis of Continua- 3 (m) loading
Dimensional, Manual‟, Minnesota, USA.
[7] Kramer, Steven L. (2004), „Geotechnical  = 25  =35
Earthquake Engineering‟, Pearson Education, 1.5 1 1
Indian LPE, New Delhi.
[8] Martin G. R., Finn L. W. D., and Seed H. B. 2.5 1 0.96
(1975). “Fundamentals of Liquefaction under 3.5 0.9 0.84
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ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Density ρ= 2000 kg/m3

Damping ξ= 5 %
Shear Wave Velocity, Vs =
170 m/s or 300 m/s
20 m


Fig. 1: Soil deposit considered in the analysis

Fig. 2: Soil stratum modelled in Flac3D

(a) (b)

Fig. 3: (a) Free field amplification for Vs = 170 m/s (b) Free field amplification
for Vs = 300 m/s

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Fig. 4: Effect of nonlinearity of soil on ground response for Vs = 170 m/s

Soil Medium

Fig. 5: Boundary conditions for soil mass model


Time (Sec.) Time (Sec.)

(a) (b)
Fig. 6: (a) Excess pore-pressure ratio Ru at depth 2.5 m (Dr = 40 %). (b) Excess pore-
pressure ratio Ru at depth 4.5 m (Dr = 40 %)

ACSGE-2009, Oct 25-27, BITS Pilani, India

Fig. 7 (a): Number of cycles causing liquefaction for sand with Dr = 40 %

Fig. 7 (b): Number of cycles causing liquefaction for sand with Dr = 58 %

Fig. 8: Effect of relative density on the number of cycles causing liquefaction

(Depth = 1.5 m)


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