Verbe Care Nu Au Aspect Continuu

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Verbe care nu au aspect continuu

1.Verbe de perceptie: to see; to hear; to smell; to taste; to feel etc.

e.g.: The garden smells nice in spring.
Obs 1. Atunci cand subiectul savarseste actiunea exprimata prin predicat, verbele de
perceptie pot avea aspect continuu.
e.g.: The little girl is smelling the red rose.
Obs 2. Verbele de perceptie mai pot avea aspect continuu si atunci cand sun folosite cu
alte sensuri decat cele de baza.
e.g.: John is seeing has dentist on Monday.

2.Verbe care exprima activitati mentale: to agree; to disagree; to believe; to doubt; to

trust; to distrust; to think; to understand; to recognize; to recall; to remember; to forget; to
foresee; etc.
e.g.: I know what you mean.

3.Verbe care exprima dorinta: to wish; to ward; to desire etc.

e.g.:I want that dress now.

4.Verbe care exprima posesia: to own; to owe; to posess; to belong to.

e.g.:I own this big house.

5.Verbe care exprima sentimente, stari sufletesti: to love; to hate; to like; to dislike; to
adore etc.
e.g.: I think he loves me.

6.Verbe modale: can; may; must

e.g.: I can drive a car now.
The degrees of comparison


a)adjectivele monosilabice isi formeaza comparativul prin adaugarea terminatiei er si
superlativul prin adaugarea terminatiei est.
e.g.:new newer the newest
bright brighter the brightest
b)adjectivele formate din trei sau mai multe silabe isi formeaza comparativul prin
adaugarea lui “more” in fata adjectivului si superlativul prin adaugarea lui “ the most”
e.g.:interesting more interesting the most interesting
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
c)adjectivele formate din doua silabe urmeaza una din cele doua reguli de mai sus.
-adjectivele terminate in y, ly, er urmeaza regula a
obs.holy holier the holiest
pretty prettier the prettiest
clever cleverer the cleverest
-adjectivele terminate in re, ful urmeaza regula b
e.g.:doubtful more doubtful the most doubtful
obscure more obscure the most obscure
d)adjectivele cu grade de comparative neregulate:
good/better/the best
bad/worse/the worst
little/less/the least
much/more/ the most
many/more/the most
far/farther/the farthest
far/further/the furthest
old/older/the oldest
adjectivele terminate in consoana precedate de o vocala accentuate isi dubleaza aceasta
consoana inainte de adaugarea terminatiei.
Big/bigger/the biggest
Fat/fatter/the fattest
Thin; sad; wed
The plural of the noums
Majoritatea substantivelor din limba engleza isi formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea
terminatiei s sau es.
a)substantivele terminate in y precedate de o vocala isi formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea
terminatiei s.
b)y precedat de o consoana; se transforma y in i + es
e.g.: country/ countries;
c)o precedat de o vocala; o + s
v + o -> s
e.g. radio/radios
d) c + o ->es
wolf/woves leaf/leaves
shelf/sheves life/ lives
thief/thieves knife/knives
h) e.g.:month/months
i)substantivele cu plural neregulat
chil/children tooth/teeth
man/men foot/feet
women/women ox/oxen
mouse/mice louce/lice
j)substantivele care au aceiasi forma si la singular si la plural
->carp; salmon; deer; stag
k)substantivele care au numai forma de singular
->singularia tantum(uncountable): milk; sugar; rice; flour; butter; honey; sand; peace;
police; furniture; luggage; intelligence; luck; information; advice; bread etc.
l)substantivele care au numai forma de plural
->pluralia Tantum: trousers; jeans; pyjamas; tights; shorts; card; billiards; mups; news;
customs; contents; savigs; fireworks; corps; economics; the Alpes; Carpathians; glasses;
spectacles; soissons etc

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