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B =C BHSJC Banlr

(Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited)
Main Branch {D uplicate C• R/
October 21, 2020

Khaleda Jasmin
130/D, East
Subject: Sanction of SOD Limit for Tk.3.64 kac (Three lac sixty four thousand) only for the
period of one year from the date of disbursement A/C — Klialeda Jasniin

Dear Sir,
As per your request letter vide dated: (14.1 t4.2020, .›‘e are pleased to inform you t.hat the SOD limit for
Tk.3.éi4 Lac (Three lac sixty four thousand) on ly la as been sanctioned in your favor for the period of 0.1
(one) year fTOm the date of disbursement under the following terms and conditions:
1. Name of the Borrower : Khaledii Jasmin
2. Address
Present 130/D. East Monipur, hIirpur,Dhaka.

II. Permanent . I4ousei/ Nazim I?ddin Bhuiyan Bari, *11: Balia Direr. PO:Dalia
Bazar-3 7GS, Khi1 Para. Cliatkhil. Noakhali, Chattagi am.
III. Mobile qppy
IN. Father’s name Sliofiullah Bliui›an
V. Mother’s Name Momotaj Begum
VI. NID no. 751102S774638
VIII. Date of Birth 01/02 '1978
3. Nature of the facility SOD (S“cciired Overiliait).
4. Limit Tk.3.64 1..o.i: rent y
Expiry One '‘ear from the d a*e of hrst disbursement.
6. Rate of Interest Intercept will bc criarge d ya14.% p.a (2%5 above of BASIC
fortune PI a.S !’ate l v ith gis :*erly resl — subject to c'aange from
time to time at the discreli‹in of’the Bank.
7. Purpose To meet up personal fund requirement.
8. Margin 20% of BAS IC Fortune l*lus.
9. Mode of adjiistment To be adjusted regularly from borrower’s own sources.
10. Security . Lien of fcllo» iii “BASIC fioi’tune Plus” issued bv BASIC
Bank *limit.-.d, '\4min branch; already duJ ¿ «J isi:har¿•ed and
marked lien with us.
BASIC Fortune Plsr›osition (Anlt. ii‹ Lac)
.BASIC Fortune
issue Date 1.Ioliler Named
Plus Rate Amount in "*k. i & branch

022 /-02-0003035 ' 04.04.201?› %› Limited Jasmin

i\in Bra ch

Bana Shilpa Bhaban (Ground Floor) 73 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000, Phone : 956.3068, 956.3069, 955.3322
Fax : 88-02-956 9417, Swift : BKSIBDDH002
Bank Limited
(Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited)
Main Branch
Subject: ?xanciion of $BB Limit lot 'Ok.3.ti4 Lac t’€t•ree lac siaty four thousand) only for the
period aI one year from these of disbursement A/C — Khaleda Jasinin
11. Oth•r conditions:

a) All cc›sts and charge (incliidii g ,process.n1g .'sanction Fee) regard in.•, documentation,
Stamping etc. have to be borne by y:Qtr.
b) The bank has the right to set off any outstanding on on.e account against any other account
held in your name at the bank whether in debt or credit.
c) Sanction of the SOD liniii proposal w'ith all required information must be submitted 3
(Three) months before from the enpiry of the limit.
d) The Rank reserves the right to amend, modify or withdraw any or all the terms of the loan
at any time during its currency witiiout assigning any reason whatsoever or tcp terminate /
call back the loan facility at anv time the *which [:ank or its ‹official cannot be held
responsible for any loss.losses for such cancellation of the loan.

Plense retuni the Duplicate copy oJ this sanction letter ii-smediately duly sealed and signed as a token of
acceptance of the terms and csnditionâ stated above 07 tlajs; *ailing of which will be deemed as

Yours sincerely,

Xazi Reza ‘» Rasbid

Old. Mom ue
Assistant Gene at Xlariager
General Manager

Ah te terms and condition of sanction admire are accepted and undertook to comply in accordance
with the sanction advice.

Khateda 4asmin

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