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De Vera, Jenny Vhe F.


1. What is the message of the following:

a. Hidden Injuries of the poor.

-This message is sent for us to be aware of feelings, and situations of others. It is to enlighten people
especially the politicians, that some people are looking for light and hope because they are being humiliated and
having confusions. They are humiliated with their own country and they can’t find a way on how to raise their
family or their lives because there is no humility.

b. Process of God-making.

- This message is on how we value God in our heart. God is the center His creations. In the process of
God-making we accept and have faith with God because of the things that are unbelievable turns out into
believable. When we create our God, there is we share our joys and fears and nothing become unbelievable to

c. Picture in # 3 (children)

- The picture of number 3 shows the happiness of every children. Their smile gives hope that whatever
their situations, they are still people that we need to value and respect. They deserve to accept and feel the

d. Picture in # 4 (candies)

-The candies gave us idea that this is how the children lives. They are selling candies in the street to
earn money to live. Even it is dangerous, they cannot refuse to do this because of their own good to survive in
poverty and to survive in hunger.

2. What are the hidden injuries of the poor in today's society?

-The hidden injuries of the poor in today’s society is that they are humiliated and accused of a crime
that they never committed. They are also being ignored by people to whom they give their
pun.conditional loyalty.

3. How does one create his God in this modern world?

-In this modern world, we create God as our savior and our protector. Some people may create their
God only if they are in the midst of problem. They only remember God if they are in a danger. Not all people
are the same, but as I encounter some people, this is how they create God.

4. Write your opinion/reaction/reflection for c and d.

-The children are the one who are looking or seeking for job to earn money and not their parents who
are responsible to feed them. They are selling candies everywhere even in the middle of street, and public
transportations. I already encountered this situation when we went in Lingayen Capitol with my friends. We
asked question to a child selling ice candy why did she suppose to sell that item instead of her parents. She
answered that she has a lot of sisters and brothers and her mom is pregnant. In this situation, we shouldn’t judge
them or avoid them. Let us feel to them that they are human and they need to be treated as well.

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