Rotaion of Vessels by Engr. Ben David

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Module 2 Rotation Of Vessels – Analysis & Formulas – For C.

E Students

Ben David’s Tutorials And Lectures – Hydraulics

No water will be spilled in the rim of the container in the formula

y = 2(h – d) ,r = radius of the vessel SLIDE NO453H
h = height of vessel d = depth of water
Example: An open cylindrical vessel having a base radius of 500 mm and
2.5 m tall is 2/3 full of water. The vessel is rotated about its vertical axis
at a constant angular speed.Determine the value of this angular speed
such that the water will just reach the rim of the vessel: A 157.2rpm B
104.2rpm C 128.4 rpm D 119.6 rpm This is a past C.E Board Exam

From the figure d =3/5(2.5) = 1.5 , Y 2(2.5 – 1.5) = 2

r = 500/1000 = .5

Substitute values : = = ( )

119.607 R.P.M Select D answer

Module 2 Rotation Of Vessels – Analysis & Formulas – For C.E Students

Ben David’s Tutorials And Lectures – Hydraulics

Slide 454H

The depth of water at the center of vessel is zero

Using the formula y = Height of vessel

r = radius of vessel
Example: An open cylindrical vessel having a base
radius of 500 mm and 2.5 m tall is 2/3 full of water. The
vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a constant
angular speed. Determine the value of the angular speed
such that The depth of water at the center of vessel is
zero A 133.8rpm B 163.3 rpm C 178.8 rpm D 155.5 rpm

r = 500/1000 = 0.5 m y = 2.5 m Subs in the formula

= , =

= 84.588(1.581) = 133.733 rpm

select A answer
Module 2 Rotation Of Vessels – Analysis & Formulas – For C.E Students

Ben David’s Tutorials And Lectures – Hydraulics

Example: An open cylindrical vessel having a base radius of 500 mm and 2.5 m tall is 2/3 full of water. The
vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a constant angular speed. Past C.E board exam

There is no water at the bottom of the vessel within 200mm from the vertical
A 145rpm B 102.3 rpm C 189.7rpm D 174.2 rpm
= Here r = Raduis of vessel 500/1000 = 0.5

Using squared property of parabola solve Y

From the figure then

.25(y – 2.5) = .4(y) Solving for y = = 2.9761

Then =

= 84.588(1.7251) Slide 455H of the Green

145.92 rpm

Select letter A Answer

Module 2 Rotation Of Vessels – Analysis & Formulas – For C.E Students

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