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(A)Why productivity is Important?

At the END OF THE DAY OR MONTH what you kill, you have to Eat that only.
The use or Misuse (or Abuse by others) of your TIME. The Degree to which you Achieve
peak Productive will Determine your success.
If you the productivity of BILL GATES, you can BILL GATES INCOME
(B). Millionaire productive Habits
What is Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is Turning your Knowledge, talent, guts, Intelligent and
experience through investment of time INTO money
So, don’t think time is time, time is an investment and it will give you Consequences

(C). Conventional Time management Strategies fails.

Its works for Employees not for Entrepreneur. Because you don’t get paid of hours
you will be paid for Results.
Base Earnings target
*Take you Income Goal
*……………………. /220/8 hours
*Take that number times 3. That is, you base Earning Target

(D) How to Be More Productive

Learning and attending class is not a productive time, Learning is just Learning. When
you convert what you learn into Results and Action then it’s a productive time.
The Key questions you should have on your mind CONSTANTLY?
“Is what I am doing worth ………….an hour to do it?
(E) How to Manage Time Like A Millionaire
Time Management is ultimately is Self-Management
Self-management is Knowing what to do at any given moment?
Dealing effectively with the things we have to do to achieve our goals and Fulfils our purpose
Question you DO TO LIST Every day. why you need to do this
(F) Entrepreneurial Growth.
Definition of productivity -Maximum Results in Minimum time
Maximum productivity with minimum efforts

(G)The Biggest Myth in Time Management

Time is Much more VALUABLE than Time
*You cannot buy back TIME
*You cannot save time
You cannot make more of it
It is not a lack of time, It’s a lack of Direction. Working very hard in a Wrong Direction
(H) 3 Questions to ASK Yourself to Improve Productivity
*What is the Highest and best use of my time Right now?
*why am I doing this?
*what is the payoff of this Activity?
(J) Managing Money
*Money is attracted to people who know how to Multiply it. That why Rich getter Rich.
* Do you Really want that? Spending principal
* It’s totally different making money and creating Wealth.
(K) Money principle
*High income skills -The skill has the potential that allow you make more than 5L to 7L
* Scalable business -Something that you can Repeat, some that you grow without a lot
infrastructure, without hiring more people
*High Return Investment -Minimum of 10 PERCENT increase
High income skills you making your money, Scalable business people are your system
making Money, High Return investment money making you money
When you are making money from your High-income skills, invest 30 to 40 percent on
personal Development
When you are making money from your scalable business, invest 50 percent onHiring better
people and Team
(L) Time Management Secret of Highly Productive People.
1.Put a stop for Interruptions
Research shows the average business owner is Interrupted once every 8 minutes
Think about your productive if you work with Any Distractions
The more employees or associates you have got the more successful you become, the
more you get interrupted
Everybody Thinks that in their Business thy have to Be immediately and constantly
It is not open-door policy its close door Policy
*Pre -scheduled Appointments and Phone calls
* Pre-scheduled Appointment and phone calls always effective and WIN-WIN
* Don’t say call me Any-time

(M). How to stay Focused and Get Things Done

* what you focus will get Expand
* You focus Determines Your Reality
Money Now and Money Future
*Create peak productive Environment
You are a product of Your Environment and circle, Your Environment is More power
that your will power
*picture and Objects that Reminds me to think a certain way
*Script your Day.
The script will produce predictable Results

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