Argumentation vs. Persuasion - What's The Difference 1

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Amy Ruiz 08

Argumentation vs. Persuasion: What’s the

Objective: I can explain the difference and identify examples of argumentative and persuasive writing.


1. Is there a difference between them?

Argumentative writing is backed up with facts while persuasive writing takes is backed up by one
sided facts and is based on opinion.
2. Give an example for each:
a. Argumentative writing: Is college the only way to be
b. Persuasive writing: Presidential elections

TED Talk: For Argument’s Sake, by Daniel H. Cohen (9 min 35 sec)

1. What is Cohen’s profession? How does his job influence his bias/opinion on this topic?
He is an academic and a philosopher. His job makes him think about what he says he Is most
likely not a persuasive person while arguing.

2. “The more that I argue… the more that I Lose!”

3. His questions:
a. “What do good arguers win when they win an argument?”
b. “Why do we try to convince others about academic matters?”
c. “Is trying to make someone believe something they don’t want to believe a nice way to
treat another human being?”

4. Three models for arguments:

a. Argument as Dialect model.
b. Arguments as Proofs (such as in math: “Does it work? Is it any good?”).
c. Arguments as Rhetorical model (with audiences, juries, etc. “You have to tailor your
argument to the audience at hand…”).

5. “The war metaphor has deforming effects on how we argue.”

a. Follow-up question: explain this statement made by Cohen. What are the downsides of
only thinking about arguments with the “argument-as-war” model?
Ait elevates tactics over substance, it magnifies the difference between an un vs. them,
and the only foreseeable outcomes are a glorious victory or an ignominious defeat. It
also prevents things like deliberation, negotiation, compromise, and collaboration.

6. What does Cohen suggest that arguments should be like instead?

He suggests stat srguments should be more like sharing beliefs. H ebelieves we need
new exit and enterance strategies.

7. “How can arguing be made into something positive?”

8. “We need to think of new kinds of exit strategies.”
9. Cohen proposes that you imagine yourself as the arguer AND the audience.
a. Follow-up question: What does he mean by this?

He means that if you still lose an argument but are able to gain something out of it you still had a good

After the Video: Reflection Questions

10. Do you agree or disagree with Cohen that not every argument needs a winner and a loser?
Explain your answer.

Yes, I do agree because if you leave an argument winning and not learning you gained nothing but if you
give your opponent a chance to shair their views there is more to learn

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