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communications systems.

Product Catalog

Schrack Seconet AG has been known as an innovative company since it was founded. In all our product divisions
we offer solutions that are in line with market requirements, which are highly valued by our customers and
partners far beyond our national boundaries. We constantly attempt to address the constantly and rapidly growing
demands of the market with our products.
We therefore offer you, as a company specialising in security systems, a wide range of different systems and
devices, especially with regard to communications systems. All product families are closed and autonomously
functioning systems, which are also able to communicate with one another by means of the available systems
interfaces. Furthermore, we are also able to rapidly and reliably connect to foreign systems, if particular
requirements stipulate this.

Schrack Seconet AG is a guarantee for security and quality! You can rely on us to also rise to challenges in the
future too, so that current and future systems and platforms can also be offered in line with market requirements
and offering user friendliness.

Schrack Seconet AG wishes you every success.

2 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOCALL PLUS Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Page

Foreword................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents .................................................................... 3

General................................................................................... 6
SystemDescription ................................................................... 7
1 Characteristic System Properties.......................................................................................7
2 The types of system .......................................................................................................10
3 The system functions......................................................................................................12
4 System devices ..............................................................................................................19

Datasheets ............................................................................ 22
1 Connection Devices .......................................................................................................22
2 Patient handsets and Accessories ...................................................................................25
3 Call and cancel button combinations .............................................................................29
4 Signal lamps .................................................................................................................32
5 Room terminals .............................................................................................................35
6 Mini terminal.................................................................................................................37
7 Bus interface .................................................................................................................39
8 Miscellaneous................................................................................................................41
9 Text terminal .................................................................................................................44
10 Ward Terminal ..............................................................................................................46
11 Control panel/Ward control panel .................................................................................48
12 Interfaces ......................................................................................................................51
13 TV devices and accessories ............................................................................................53
14 Power supplies ..............................................................................................................62
15 Installation accessories ..................................................................................................66

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VISOCALL PLUS Table of Contents

General................................................................................. 72
System Description ................................................................ 73
1 General.........................................................................................................................73
2 Hardware......................................................................................................................77
3 The Software .................................................................................................................80
4 The Components ...........................................................................................................82

Datasheets ............................................................................ 84
1 Hardware......................................................................................................................84
2 Software Modules..........................................................................................................87
3 Hardware Cash Register ................................................................................................90
4 Software Cash Register ..................................................................................................93
5 TV Interfaces .................................................................................................................94
6 Accessories....................................................................................................................97

System Description ................................................................ 99
1 Characteristic System Properties.....................................................................................99
2 The types of system .....................................................................................................101
3 The system functions....................................................................................................101

Datasheets .......................................................................... 102

1 Terminals ....................................................................................................................102
2 Connectable components ............................................................................................103
3 Power supply and Transformer.....................................................................................105
1 Characteristic System Properties...................................................................................108

Datasheets .......................................................................... 109
1 Radio components.......................................................................................................109

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5 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


Internal messaging systems are an absolute necessity in hospitals. Everyday life in the hospital is marked by staff
stress and time pressure. Nonetheless, every patient wants to see the best possible conditions for his care. Hence,
the great importance of having optimal access to information throughout the entire hospital.

Nurse call systems assist in this task. They enable rapid contact between patients and nursing staff, as well as
between nursing-staff members. Every patient is able to reach "his" nurse, and every nursing-staff member can call
additional staff members and the doctor. Light signals in the place from where the call has originated and voice
circuit connections ensure optimal communications.

However, every hospital is an individual entity. Various criteria for evaluation must also be observed, such as the
fact that demands, opinions and necessities can change.

VISOCALL PLUS offers optimal solutions for this problematic area:

• State of the art technology allows a “standard installation” for every forms of patient care.

• Room terminals and patient handsets with autarchic single chip processors render controlling processes
from above superfluous, simultaneously acting as switchboards for data and docking with other intelligent

• Multiplex sound-control as well as new hardware and software components offer further advantages as
well as allowing the integration of additional systems.

• Monitor systems with colour graphical displays with automatic sector overlays with their many buttons
and lamps make it possible to dispense with voluminous switchboard queries.

6 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

1 Characteristic System Properties

1.1 Standards
VISOCALL PLUS complies with the current standards and regulations:

• DIN-VDE 0834 - Call systems in hospitals, care homes and similar establishments,
valid from 1 April 2000
• DIN-VDE 0834 / Part 1 - Device specifications, installation and operation, valid from 1 April 2000
• DIN-VDE 0834 / Part 2 - Environmental conditions and electromagnetic compatibility,
valid from 1 April 2000
• Provision of electricity in accordance with EN60950, EN61000-4-2 to -4-6 as well as
EN61000-3-2 and EN55011 (Class B)

as well as all standards and regulations referred to in these standards.

All VISOCALL PLUS system components conform to environmental class I, whilst all components which are
installed in sanitary units, bathrooms etc. conform to environmental class II. In accordance with VDE0834 part 2
this means:

Environmental class I: +5°C to +40°C *) with an relative air humidity of up to a maximum of 85%
Environmental class II: +5°C to +40°C with an relative air humidity of up to a maximum of 95%

*) +55°C when installed in medical supply units

When planning and constructing nurse call systems the currently applicable regional regulations must also be
observed from the installation to the operation of call systems in hospitals, old people’s homes and similar
establishments. Many of the VISOCALL PLUS system’s properties considerably exceed these requirements.

1.2 Maximum Security

Complete system failure impossible
Every terminal possesses an autarchic single chip processor containing comprehensive software. System-related
complete system failures can therefore be ruled out.

Self monitoring
Self-monitoring of the computers and data and voice circuits ensures that faults are displayed and that safety
features are triggered.

Storage of data
In the event of a power-cut all pending information remains saved, and is then automatically restored when the
power returns. The minimum permitted storage period in accordance with DIN standards is 15 seconds.
VISOCALL PLUS saves the pending information permanently and can not lose it during a power-cut.

Safety features
Automatic call forwarding and automated monitoring processes at regular intervals prevents the blocking and
disconnection of call and speech circuits.

LEDs and security against short circuits

Controllers use LEDs and terminals contain short circuit-proof lamp outputs.

7 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

1.3 Basic Installation

Infinitely variable system construction
Each room terminal forms an independent system with the devices present in rooms Two terminals on a bus
connection already form a functional system with call forwarding, intercom system etc. Any system can be created
by connecting room terminals to one another and can be universally used with system queries.

Identical Room Terminals

Room terminals are identical in all rooms; however, different functions are still possible. Terminals with a display
can indicate the type of call and location of the call straightaway.

Safe planning
A “Standard Installation” allows the realisation of every possible type of system, and it is always possible to make
changes. System cables are available for the wiring system, and terminal sockets simultaneously act as room

1.4 Optimal concept for devices

Components which have been thoroughly thought out down to the finest details are a hallmark of the VISOCALL
PLUS device concept:

Connection Devices
to be built into countersunk switchboxes or installation units for hospital rooms (service ducts).

Patient handsets
Various versions available - the optimal solution for every use.

Call and cancel buttons

For toilets, bathrooms and day rooms etc.

Signal lamps
For signalling on a room, area and ward-related basis, also available on request using LED technology.

Room terminals
As autarchic communications and data centres, with integrated speech communication, available in several forms,
all with a membrane keypad.

Mini terminals
To allow additional rooms to be incorporated with selective functions without speech functions.

ELAC radio controller

Connected to room terminals to activate radio reception

Bus interface
To control ward signal lamps and as interfaces to other systems

Text displays
For quick, comprehensive and clear signalling.

Ward Terminal
With a ¼ VGA colour display and a few interactive buttons.

Control Panel
Colour graphical monitor system for an optional overview and easy operation.

Serial interfaces
For communication with other systems

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

Power supplies
For supplying power to the ward or a particular sector (24V=).

Switchboxes and cases, soffit lamps, special system cabling etc.

1.5 Realisation of all types of system

Just by connecting the necessary query locations to the standard installation it is possible to realise:

• Decentralised systems or/and

• Centralised systems or/and
• Combination systems

It is possible to change from one type of system to another at any time. The room terminals allow the formation of

Communication Islands
For bathrooms and treatment wards with an self-contained functional flow within every type of system.

1.6 Combination with other systems

VISOCALL PLUS can work in combination with a wide range of other systems:

• In combination with ELAC and TV systems

• In combination with Schrack-Seconet’s automatic billing system
• In combination with lighting controls
• In combination with the wireless paging system
• In combination with DECT systems
• In combination with the IT system
• In combination with the fire alarm system
• In combination with the in-house IT system
• In combination with the system for disoriented persons.

VISOCALL PLUS is the symbiosis of the complex requirements placed on future looking communications
systems in the healthcare sector, the highest level of security and optimal operating comfort. All these features are
bundled together with state-of-the-art technology and a cutting edge design.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

2 The types of system

VISOCALL PLUS makes it possible to implement any type of system in accordance with DIN 41050 Part 1 whilst
additionally offering practice-specific customisability.

• Global measures can also be implemented for decentralised systems (using possible extensions).

• There are no limitations to the number of possibilities for extending VISOCALL PLUS’ functions and
configurations. All important system devices contain single chip processors with comprehensive software,
which permits the required function.

• Any system configuration is possible, based upon a standard installation of the system, by simply
connecting room terminals, ward terminals and control panels. If all types of connector are present, then it
is possible to use or remove any type of device at any time. Devices automatically recognise the current
status of the system.

2.1 Decentralised systems

Decentralised nurse call communication systems consider each ward as an individual sector, in which the system-
related interests of patient care by nursing staff in the ward are detected directly.

All calls by patients reach nursing staff immediately, and are followed up by the nursing staff either via using the
system’s speech circuits or by them going to the place where the call originated.

Each ward is equipped with a ward terminal, from which the current functional status of the system can be
ascertained, and can be acted upon accordingly. Room terminals offer assistance in all important areas, and each of
these can be used as a “sub-terminal”.

Decentralised stations can be combined practically for operation with reduced staff levels. The duty area of
members of the nursing staff is then no longer linked to a specific sector; functions (including call-forwarding und
speech circuits) cover all interconnected wards and can be accessed at every room terminal and ward terminal. The
interconnection of groups can be activated and deactivated again at any time. In critical cases, the interconnection
process occurs automatically.

2.2 Centralised Systems

Centralised nurse call communications systems possess a control panel covering all wards in the building.

• All calls are displayed on the control panel and are monitored by a control centre operator. The tasks to be
carried out in the various wards are then transmitted to the nursing staff members working in that area via
the system’s speech circuits. Communication with nursing staff and patients is carried out via the room
terminals or patient handsets. Other sectors can also be integrated in to the functions section of the
control panel.

• Any ward can be detached from the control panel at any time and then function in a decentralised manner.
Speech transmission in every detached ward remains possible, even when the are doesn’t contain any ward
terminals. Equally, each decentralised ward can also be reconnected to the control panel. If the control
panel is unmanned, then all wards function as decentralised wards. The type of system can be changed at
the push of a button, or, in critical instances, automatically.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

2.3 Combination systems

Combination systems make it possible to selectively use both types of care systems listed above.

• All types of system can be used with the corresponding query locations. Activated configurations can
function separately from one another or in harmony with one another. It is possible to change from one
type of system to another at the press of a button or (in critical instances) automatically.

• Combination systems offer the advantages of both decentralised and centralised forms. The
(decentralised) wards that are no longer being operating centrally can also be combined with one another.
It is therefore possible, for example, to have all wards attached to the control panel by day, whilst each
ward is decentralised during the night. Or, all wards can function as decentralised ones, whilst a control
panel is activated for the centralised night watch duty, on which checks or combining of functions can be
carried out.

2.4 Communication Islands

It is possible to create independent communications islands without any specific measures necessary by connecting
room terminals with call buttons and cancel buttons. Communication islands function either with or without
speech connections and can for example be used for therapy wards. If need be, then these communications islands
can also work in collaboration with other wards.

2.5 Group Care

In certain cases it is necessary to define care groups within communication islands. Different nursing staff
members are responsible for different patient groups. Calls made in a care group remain within the group and are
then also treated within the group. In the event of a call not be answered in time, then the automatic override
function becomes effective and diverts the call(s). Up to 7 care groups per ward can be assigned, either within their
own ward or in multiple wards.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3 The system functions

VISOCALL PLUS doesn’t require superordinated controls – neither for functions, nor for speech circuits or
system configuration.

• All system functions are stored, ready-for-use, in the microcomputers of the autarchic room terminals
and query locations.

• Each room terminal recognises the attached system components (e.g. patient handsets, call buttons,
signal lamps etc.) by means of programming and signals all activities within the area.

• Every ward terminal or every control panel automatically recognises the accompanying room terminals
and ward terminals and displays the functions for the entire area.

• System devices communicate with one another via the bus circuits, whilst making the relevant decisions
about functions autarchically.

• Every important function (doctor call, diagnostic call, emergency call etc.) can be monitored via the system
interface and can be transferred to other systems or communications processes.

The following functions are as standard. Additional property-specific customisations can be carried out using the
system’s software structure.

Light signals, call signs and signalling intervals etc. are in accordance with DIN and VDE requirements. In the
explanation of functions and system parts, the terms mentioned therein are also observed.

3.1 Presence indicator

In which rooms nursing staff members are to be found is displayed by light signals in the corridor and in the query
locations. Presence is marked via the presence keys on the room terminals, and is displayed on the presence key
that has been pressed being continuously lit, as well as being displayed on room signal lamps in the corridor, and
the relevant room indicator lamp on the ward terminal or the control panel. Up to three possible presence
indications are possible - namely for:

Nurses green
Helper nurses yellow
Doctors orange

Calls and reminders are also cancelled, by pressing the presence buttons, and emergency calls, doctor calls, calls
forwarded and secondary queries initiated by the same process.

3.2 Telephone Call

This call originates from the nurse’s room telephone, and is automatically triggered if the receiver is not picked up
when a phone call is received. The call is intended for the nurse and can reach her wherever she is within the ward.
This call can not be queried; it is cancelled once the nurse picks up the phone receiver in the nurse's room, or if the
caller has already hung up earlier. This call is signalled by a continuous red light and as an audio signal in the form
of a slow ring tone. This call is suppressed in centralised systems.

3.3 Bed call with speech connection

This call is made by the patient from his/her bed. It is intended for the nurse and can be answered by her at room
terminals, or at the ward terminal or at the control panel, and remotely cancelled. This call is signalled by a
continuous red light and as an audio signal in the form of a slow ring tone.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3.4 Enhanced patient call

This call is made by the patient from his/her bed. It is intended for the nurse and can be answered by her at room
terminals, or at the ward terminal or at the control panel, and remotely cancelled. This call is signalled by a
continuous red light and as an audio signal in the form of a slow ring tone. This call is first incorporated in version
2.1 of the software. It has a higher priority than the normal bed call.

3.5 Removal call

This call is automatically made, if the connection plug of a patient handset is pulled out of its connection device.
The removal call can not be queried, is made to the nurse and is followed up by her immediately; plugging the
device in again will restore the communication for the patient. The call is signalled by a continuous light and an
audio signal in the form of a slow ringing tone, and as an engaged tone after the call has been answered.

3.6 Room call with speech connection

This call is made by the patient from the room terminal. It is intended for the nurse and can be answered by her at
room terminals, or at the ward terminal or at the control panel, and cancelled remotely. This is signalled by a
continuous red light and as an audio signal in the form of a slow ringing tone.

3.7 Bathroom or VC call from a room’s sanitary unit

This call is made by the patient from a room's sanitary unit (toilet, shower, etc.). The call can not be queried and is
followed up by the nurse directly. This is signalled by a continuous white light and as an audio signal in the form of
a slow ringing tone.

3.8 Bath or WC call from a separate sanitary unit

This call is made by the patient from a separate sanitary unit (toilet, toilet block, ward bathroom). The call can not
be queried and is followed up by the nurse directly. This is signalled by continuous white and red lights and as an
audio signal in the form of a slow ringing tone.

3.9 The Bathroom of WC Emergency Call from the room’s sanitary unit
or from a separate sanitary unit
This call is made from the separate sanitary unit (toilet, toilet block or ward bathroom) by the nurse whose
presence has been marked. This call can not be queried and is first incorporated in version 2.1 of the software.

3.10 Bed emergency call with speech connection

This call is triggered by the nurse, if the assistance of a second nurse is required at a patient's bed. The call can be
made where presence has been indicated and can be answered by the second nurse at room terminals, or at the
ward terminal or at the control panel, and cancelled remotely. This call is signalled by a blinking red light and as an
audio signal in the form of a quick ringing tone.

3.11 Room emergency call with speech connection

This call is made by a nurse from the room terminal to a second nurse. The call is made where presence is
indicated and can be answered by the second nurse at any other room terminal, or at the ward terminal or at the
control panel, and cancelled remotely. This call is signalled by a blinking red light and as an audio signal in the
form of a quick ringing tone.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3.12 The Diagnostic Call

This call is automatically triggered by a monitoring device at the patient’s bed. The call can not be queried and is
followed up by the nurse directly. This call is signalled by a blinking red light and as an audio signal in the form of
a quick ringing tone.

3.13 Doctor call with speech connection

This call is made by a nurse from the room terminal to a doctor. The call can be made where presence has been
indicated and can be answered by the doctor at other room terminals, or at the ward terminal or at the control
panel, and cancelled remotely. This is signalled by a blinking orange light and as an audio signal in the form of a
quick ringing tone.

3.14 Doctor call via pager system

A doctor call as per point 11 can automatically activate the pager system. This may be done for an area or as a
group call. The call is displayed by a blinking orange light as a signal on the doctor’s pager.

3.15 Doctor call via a DECT system

When a doctor call, as described in point 13, is not answered in VISOCALL PLUS, it can automatically be
forwarded to a DECT system. The may be done for an area or as a group call. When the call is picked up, a speech
connection will be made with the place from where the call originated. The call is displayed by a blinking orange
light and by signals to the doctors’ DECT devices.

3.16 The Priority scheme

The various types of calls are placed in a priority hierarchy. This hierarchy ensures that in the event of different
calls happening simultaneously, that the nursing staff answering the calls are directed to the highest ranked of the
calls. Nursing staff are able to take action manually at the ward terminal and the control panel and to query the call
that is more important for them. Call prioritisation is therefore circumvented. This however must be done
consciously by pressing a button.

3.17 Answering a call at

at the ward terminal, at the control panel
Presence and call indicators as well as call queries are carried out by room, with diversion through to patient
handsets happening automatically. The nurse is able to accept one call after another (using free room selection or
automated querying). Each call is instantly marked as being queryable or not queryable. Text displayed on the
screen optimises the operation process.

Queryable calls:
After the call has been queried, a speech connection is made to the caller, which is displayed by means of an
attention indicator to both parties in the conversation. Additionally, the type of call and location of the call are also
displayed. After the conversation has been ended, each call can be remotely cancelled or be replaced by a reminder.

Non Queryable calls:

They are also immediately displayed according to type of call and location of call after having been received. The
call is acknowledged at the place where the call was triggered, which can additionally be ascertained by means of a

Appearance on the display:

Up to 4 of all the currently pending calls can be displayed simultaneously on the ward terminal. It is possible to
view all the calls using the scroll function. On the right hand side next to the call symbol the type of call and call
location is displayed as plain text.

3.18 Call answering from the room terminals

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

Room terminals with presence marked are automatically activated in decentralised systems for call diversion and
secondary queries. As a result the nurse can be reached in every important room in the ward, and is therefore
informed of existing calls. Linking to the network happens according to the priority hierarchy, and each call is
immediately recognised as being queryable or non-queryable.

Queryable calls:
When a queryable call is accepted, a speech connection to the person making the call is made. After the
conversation has been ended, each call can be remotely cancelled or be replaced by a reminder.

Non Queryable calls:

They can be recognised as such straightaway and can only be acknowledged from the location where the call was

Appearance on the display:

The type of call and location of the call is displayed as text on room terminals with a display. Additional calls made
during the conversation are signalled by a changing display.

Note about points 3.17 and 3.18:

Queryable calls can naturally also be reacted to directly (without the prior conversation process) as non-queryable
calls, and can be acknowledged in the room the call came from by pressing the corresponding presence key on the
room terminal (or the separate cancel button of e.g. the sanitary unit).

3.19 Reminders
The purpose of a reminder is to indicate (mark, identify) rooms, which are to be visited by a member of the
nursing staff as a follow-up to a call. A reminder is generally activated by nursing staff themselves, if there is no
reply from the person making the call when querying a call, or if there is no speech connection for a call, or if there
is an engaged tone, or if other calls are to be queried before going to the location of the call or if calls are delegated
to other nursing staff members. Calls with reminders can be repeated and queried several times. It is possible to
activate up to three reminders either at room terminals and at the ward terminal or at the control panel - for

• Nurses green
• Helper nurses yellow
• Doctors orange

The reminder has to be cancelled in a “marked” room.

3.20 Call to a room

The nurse at the ward terminal or the control panel can address every room in the same area via the room
terminals. There is a mute function at terminals where presence has not been marked, which can be lifted by
replying from this terminal. The call to a room is indicated on the terminal being called.

3.21 Call to a bed

The nurse at the ward terminal or the control panel can address every bed in the same area via the patient handsets.
The call is signalled on the patient handset, and the existing eavesdropping mute function is removed by being
called back by the device being called.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3.22 Ward announcement (collective announcement)

The nurse at the ward terminal or the control panel can make group announcements via the room terminals, which
are signalled by calling. Announcements can be made based on presence or generally.

• Presence related announcements only go to the room terminals of the ward being called,
where nurses have marked their presence.
• General announcements include all room terminals inclusive of the patient handsets used within
those rooms in the selected ward, regardless of whether presence has been indicated or not.
• It is also possible to make additional collective announcements to all rooms in the building from
the control panel. These announcements can also be activated dependent upon presence or generally.

3.23 Group Interconnection

This allows the formation of care areas, which consist of two or more wards. The opportunity to query or divert
each individual call is now increased (in the priority scheme) to encompass all ward and room terminals in the
whole area. Additional group signal lights display in which wards there are calls or reminders. Interconnection of
groups can be carried out separately for:

• calls for nurses and

• calls for doctors,

since doctors generally have different duty areas.

Ward terminals and room terminals with a display also display the ward number when the call is sent.

3.24 Group Care

Group care, as opposed to interconnection of groups, makes it possible to assign rooms within a ward or even
across several wards into logical groups. This can either be done as a one-off event or during normal system
operation. Up to 7 different care groups are permitted per ward. Calls from a care group remain exclusively within
this group as long as they are answered promptly. If this is not the case in an individual instance, then the call is
automatically forwarded and received by the ward terminal or the control panel.

3.25 Centralisation
Centralisation blocks call forwarding and the ability to query the call at room terminals across the whole ward. All
calls from the ward are only displayed at the ward terminal and can only be queried from here. Centralisation is
said to have occurred, if, for example, all calls are queried by a nurse at the ward terminal, although calls will be
delegated to only nursing staff in the ward for being dealt with.
Such a system is as a rule however only usual in CENTRALISED SYSTEMS.

3.26 The Ward Call

This call is made by a nurse from the ward terminal or the control panel. It is intended for a second nurse in the
relevant part of the ward, and can be queried and remotely cancelled by this nurse at the room terminals or be
replaced by a reminder.

3.27 Testing and service functions

Important components and connections are automatically monitored. Errors are reported on the ward terminal or
in the control panel, according to their cause, as “Ausfall” - “Failure” or “Störung” - “Fault”, and unaffected
devices continue to function normally. Test functions which can be carried out at any time, for LEDs, lamps and
audible alarms, allowing the problem-free testing of these system components.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3.28 Automatic safety functions

Automatic and time-controlled monitoring processes prevent signal and speech circuits from being disruptively
affected or blocked by user errors as well as preventing calls from being lost in the event of a power outage.

Regulated call forwarding

The querying of a call stops it from being displayed at other query locations, although new calls are immediately
displayed again. A conversation can neither be influenced nor terminated from another location.

Automatic call forwarding

Calls which are not answered within a certain time in a ward are forwarded to the neighbouring ward, and can be
queried from there (with automatic interconnection of groups in critical cases). This is also the case for calls within
a defined nursing group.

Automatic call termination

To avoid speech circuits getting blocked, patient calls are terminated after a specific time period. This is also the
case if, after having finished the conversation, call cancellation has been forgotten.

Data storage
The system computer saves its current information status for at least 15 minutes during a power failure, and then
saves it again after the power outage. If there is a power cut during a conversation, then the affected room is
marked with a reminder when the power returns.

3.29 Switching of lighting circuits

Every patient handset contains two light switches with faint guide lighting. They are used for the indirect switching
on and off of two lighting circuits (e.g. a “reading light” and “reduced room lighting”).

3.30 Receiving audio programmes

Room terminals and patient handsets also allow the reception of six radio programs via the internal ELAC system.
In addition to the 6 radio programs, sound for television programs can also be separately transmitted to every bed.
If patient calls are being connected and taking place, then the selected program is automatically switched off on the
affected devices.

• All connection devices, apart from parts SVM and SVM-K support the additional connection of
headphones, with sound reception being diverted from the patient handset to headphones when the
headphones are plugged in.

• Also using room terminals in nurse’s rooms and day rooms etc. for ELAC reception too makes it possible
to dispense with separate speakers.

• A separate amplifier in room terminals and patient handsets substantially reduces the workload of the
ELAC control centres.

3.31 Additional Programs

The system software also makes the following additional functions possible from every room terminal:

Group announcements:
Members of nursing staff can make presence-related or general group announcements from any room terminal in
the ward.

Incorporation of additional sanitary units:

The “mini-terminals” that are specifically designed for sanitary units can be used, with each mini-terminal enabling
selective displays for the included rooms. This information is available throughout the entire ward.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

3.32 The connection to the in-

in-house IT control centre
Data can be obtained via the control interface and sent for system surveillance purposes or logging of calls and
their completion to the in-house IT control centre.

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VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

4 System devices
Using the aforementioned system devices it is possible, in practice, to create any type of system imaginable.
Functions are automatically adapted using the device’s in-built software. The system devices correspond to the
relevant VDE and DIN standards. The devices use screw clips, screw-free clips or ribbon cable connectors for the
wiring connections. Every system device contains all the components and software modules which are required for
all possible system-related uses; an initial supply of LEDs is also included.

• Boxes for counter-sinking, materials for use in the installation process, light bulbs, cabling etc. are all listed
separately in section “11. Accessories” and should be acquired separately.
• Switchboxes and double switchboxes for use in installation in cavity walls and concealed installation are as
standard (as described in section 14 “Accessories”) and can also be obtained elsewhere. The same is also
true for the various wiring materials.
• Some system devices are delivered as individual pieces for economic reasons and installation purposes.
These parts for shipping are listed alongside the relevant devices, including their order numbers.
• Precise advice and recommendations for the selection, planning and configuration of system devices in the
various types of room within a hospital can be found in the chapters “Planning and Installation” and
“Placement of devices” which feature many diagrams and examples.

The standard programming of room terminals and the ward terminals are designed to display consecutive room
and ward numbers (i.e. 01-... in an unbroken sequence). For its part the ward terminal also displays, in addition to
the normal information, other further detailed information about individual wards and the various
interconnections of wards. These devices can also optionally be supplied with a project-specific software package
to display the actual (individual) layout.

4.1 Communication and security from your hospital bed

Patient handset as a handheld unit

Moveable and easy to manoeuvre like a telephone receiver, it

is the ideal communications device for the hospital bed. The
follow functions are available as standard:

• call nursing staff,

• voice connection with staff members,
• operate reading light and room lighting and
• listen to the radio.

The following options are possible:

• Making telephone calls

• Controlling the room’s television and
receiving TV sound
• Operating the patient’s television and
receiving TV sound
• Pre- and post-paid outgoing telephone calls

Staff members use the same device if they require assistance.

Each device contains a single chip processor running ist own
software to enable fully autarchic intelligence from each bead,
as well as a multiplex sound connection to the relevant room

19 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

4.2 Communication and safety in every room

Room terminals

The room autarchic communications centre for every

important room. From here nursing staff members
and doctors can:

• indicate their presence,

• clear calls,
• acknowledge and query calls,
• Set reminders
• call for assistance and even
• make ward announcements.

Each room terminal contains its own computer

system with multifunctional software and many new
advantages - e.g.:

• designed for 6 beds with speech

• Room sanitary units
• beds without a speech connection,
• multiplex sound transfer to patient handsets,
• Membrane keypad, display for plain text
display and LEDs that are not subject to
wear and tear etc.
• Integrated TV controller for two room
TVs (Loewe)

4.3 Communication and security in the ward’s nurses room

Ward Terminal

The ward terminal is mainly used in the event of a

decentralised system being in effect. Its large colour
screen display and the surrounding functions keys
arranged around it clearly display information for the
user, such as:

• Presence lists arranged by room,

• Signalling and querying of calls, both
chronologically and selectively
• Set reminders
• Bed, room and group announcements etc.

Password-protected programmer level and selection

by room of group care and selection by bed of
enhanced bed calls.

20 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOCALL PLUS SystemDescription

4.4 Communication and security in the central query station

Control panel query

Modern (multifunctional) colour graphical monitor

system for control panel queries to create
ergonomically perfect offices.
Autarchic functionality with the following

• Realistic (flicker-free) overlays of areas

to display,
• context-sensitive graphic symbols and
plan text descriptions,
• Choice of various listening devices and
console modules,
• Hardware and software components for
multifunctional application.

21 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1 Connection Devices
For connecting patient handsets, for concealed installation or through service ducts; in the latter case for
installation and wiring by the manufacturer of the service ducts.

1.1 Connection Device

To be installed in a double switchbox, for connecting patient handsets “PBG”/“PBG-
T” or push button “BT-R”/“BT-RL”; consisting of a supporting frame with a circuit
board, which contains the necessary electronic components for amplifiers, call
monitoring and addressing etc. as well as

• One 15 pin connection socket (SUB-D) for connecting the

patient handset or push button
• One connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls,
• One 3 pole plug contact for headphones, with automatic sound
switching when the listener plugs the headphones in.
• Connection for controlling a power supply relay
• Connector blocks for connecting the TV sound signal
• One connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SV Order number: FC008302

1.2 Connection Device

To be installed in a service duct, for ribbon cable wiring to connect patient
handset “PBG”/“PBG-T” or push button “BT-R”/“BT-RL”; consisting of a
supporting frame with a circuit board, which contains the necessary electronic
components for amplifiers, call monitoring and addressing etc.

• One 15 pin connection socket (SUB-D) for the patient handset or

push button connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls,
• One 3 pole plug contact for headphones, with automatic sound
switching when the listener plugs the headphones in.
• Connection for controlling a power supply relay
• Two connector blocks for connecting the TV sound signal
• One 40 pole connector base for ribbon cable connectors;
• Two 4 pole connector bases (for connection to a power supply relay)
• Circuit board for the (screw-free) snap-in attachment in the relevant
prepared service ducts.

Type: SV-
SV-B Order number: FC008303

22 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1.3 Connection Device

To be installed in a double switchbox, to connect patient handsets “PBG”/“PBG-T”
or push button “BT-R”/“BT-RL” and to additionally use the telephony function of
patient handset “PBG-T”; consisting of a supporting frame with a circuit board, which
contains the necessary electronic components for amplifiers, call monitoring and
addressing etc. as well as

• One 15 pin connection socket (SUB-D) for the patient handset or push
• One connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls,
• One 3 pole plug contact for headphones, with automatic sound
switching when the listener plugs the headphones in.
• Telephone module incl. in the connection device in the form of a extn. board
• Connection for controlling a power supply relay
• Connector blocks for connecting the TV sound signal
• One connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SVT Order number: FC008300

1.4 Connection Device

To be installed in a service duct, for wiring the ribbon cable for connecting patient
handsets “PBG” or push buttons “BT-R”/“BT-RL” and to additionally use the
telephony function of patient handset “PBG-T”; consisting of a supporting frame with
a circuit board, which contains the necessary electronic components for amplifiers, call
monitoring and addressing etc. as well as

• One 15 pin connection socket (SUB-D) for the patient handset or push
• One connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls,
• One 3 pole plug contact for headphones, with automatic sound
switching when the listener plugs the headphones in.
• Telephone module incl. in the connection device in the form of a extn. board
• Connection for controlling a power supply relay
• Two connector blocks for connecting the TV sound signal
• One 40 pole connector base for ribbon cable connectors;
• Two 4 pole connector bases (for connection to a power supply relay)
• Circuit board for the (screw-free) snap-in attachment in the relevant
prepared service ducts.

Type: SVT-
SVT-B Order number: FC008301

1.5 Connection Device

23 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


To be installed in a double switchbox, to connect patient handsets “PBG”/“PBG-T”

or push button “BT-R”/“BT-RL”, only for triggering calls and switching of 2 power
supply relays, consisting of a supporting frame with a circuit board, which contains the
necessary electronic components for call surveillance etc. as well as

• One 15 pin connection socket (SUB-D) for the patient handset or push
• One connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls,
• One call button with a control LED, finder light included
• One connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SVM Order number: FC008310

24 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


2 Patient handsets and Accessories

Patient handsets (in the form of handheld devices or for mounting into bedside cabinets) are the patients’
communications devices. Anyone can reach the nurse via his console and use additional convenient features.

2.1 Patient handset

The user-friendly handheld device for communication for the patient to allow rapid
and easy triggering of calls and also containing other meaningful functions:
1x circuit board with a quartz-powered micro computer system, mask programs and
amplifier for bed-autarchic functions, with multiplex processing for speech and 6
sound channels, with electronic volume control and program selection with last
number redial and with a plug for the connecting cable;
• 1 membrane keypad to operate the unit, with:
1x display to display the time or number of the TV or radio program
• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) with 2 control LEDs.
(location lights)
2 lighting buttons with guide LED,
2 buttons for electronics volume control;
• 1 call button (red) on the top side of the handheld device, finder light
• 1 loudspeaker and 1 microphone for voice connections or receiving sound;
• including 2.8m (plug-in) connecting cable with high tensile strength and a 15
pole SUB-D plug

Dimensions: 218x60x25mm (HxWxD) plastic casing

in colour RAL 9010

Type: PBG Order number: FC008210

2.2 Patient handset

Technically and functionally the same as patient handset PBG described above,
however, with the additional possibility of a telephone function using an additional
integrated numeric keypad on the membrane keypad. A prerequisite for this is the use
of a connection device with a telephone module (“SV-T” or “SVT-B”). After pressing
the telephone button, a dialling tone will sound from the integrated loudspeaker, and
the desired telephone number can be dialled using the numeric keypad. Depending on
customer requirements, the telephone function can either be used for free or at a
charge, via the VISOTAX PLUS billing system. For the latter option, a smartcard
reader for ISO smartcards has been integrated in the “PBG-T” as standard.

Type: PBG-
PBG-T Order number: FC008200

25 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


2.3 Patient handset TV

Technically and functionally identical to patient handset PBG-T described above,
however, with a coiled connecting cable for connection to Patient TV Terminal PTVT.

Type: PBG-
PBG-TV Order number: FC009604

2.4 Patient handset TV without call button

Technically and functionally like the patient handset PBG-TV described above,
however without call button on the top of the unit and on the membrane

Type: PBG-
PBG-TVL Order number: FC009608

26 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


2.5 Handheld buttons

The simple push button for the patient for rapid and easy call triggering, containing the
necessary monitoring circuitry as well as:
• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) with 2 control LEDs,
finder light included.
• 15 pin SUB-D connector plug for connection with all connection devices
with a SUB-D connector.
• Includes a 2.8m connection cable

Dimensions: 90x60x20mm (HxWxD) plastic casing

in colour RAL 9010

Type: BT-
BT-R Order number: FC008220

2.6 Push button

Simple push button for the patient for rapid and easy call triggering, with integrated
lighting buttons for room lighting and the reading light, containing the necessary
monitoring circuitry, as well as:
• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) with 2 control LEDs,
finder light included
• two lighting buttons (yellow, reading light and main light) with control LEDs.
• 15 pin SUB-D connector plug for connection with all connection devices
with a SUB-D connector.
• Includes a 2.8m connection cable

Dimensions: 90x60x20mm (HxWxD) plastic casing

in colour RAL 9010

Type: BT-
BT-RL Order number: FC008221

2.7 Push button

Simple push button for the patient for rapid and easy call triggering, containing:

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) with 2 control LEDs,
finder light included.
• 6.3mm jack plug for connection to unit “SVM-K”
• Includes a 2.8m connection cable

Dimensions: 90x60x20mm (HxWxD) plastic casing

in colour RAL 9010

Type: BT-
BT-RK Order number: FC008230

2.8 Mounting bracket

For securing the connection cable of the patient handset or the push button.

Dimensions: 20x26x10mm (HxWxD) plastic case in colour red

Type: HKL VCP Order number:

number: FC006209

27 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


2.9 Mounting clip

For securing the connection cable of the patient handset or the push button.

Dimensions: 30x20mm (W x Diameter) Grooved metal piece in colour silver

Type: HL VCP Order number: FC12803-


2.10 Headphones
For receiving radio and TV sound, with a 2.0m connecting cord, and a 3 pole 3.5mm
diameter jack plug, for connection to connection devices and headphones connection

Type: KH Order number: FC005205

2.11 Cradle
To hold patient handsets from the PBG and BT series, made of plastic in colour RAL
9010, with mounting holes.

Type: HK PBG/BT Order number: FC008240

28 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


3 Call and cancel button combinations

For installation in sanitary units and day rooms, for making or cancelling calls. The Telephone signalling device
also indicates outstanding telephone calls from e.g. the ward’s nurses’ room.

3.1 Call button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane keypad with
2 control LEDs, finder light included
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: RT Order number: FC008400

3.2 Pull button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• Membrane with a control LED, finder light included

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;
• including 2m cord with grip

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: ZT Order number: FC008410

3.3 Pneumatic button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• Membrane with a control LED, finder light included

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;
• incl. 2 m pneumatic tubing with a pressure ball

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD) in colour RAL 9010

Type: PT Order number: FC008420

3.4 Cancel button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 cancel button (green) on a membrane keypad with a control LED,

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: AT Order number: FC008430

29 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

3.5 Call and Cancel button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane keypad with
a control LED, finder light included
• 1 cancel button (green) on a membrane keypad with a control LED,
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: RAT Order number: FC008450

3.6 Doctor Call button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 call button (orange, marked with a doctor symbol) on a membrane keypad

with control LED, finder light included
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: ART Order number: FC008470

3.7 Presence button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 presence button (green, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane

keypad with control LED
• 1 presence button (yellow, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane
keypad with control LED
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: AW2 Order number:

number: FC008460

3.8 Connection Device

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 connector for contact for push button type “BT-RK”

• 1 call button (red, nurse symbol) on a membrane keypad with control LED,
finder light included
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SVM-
SVM-K Order number: FC008320

30 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


3.9 Noise
Noise Monitor
For connection to connection devices SV/SVT/SV-B/SVT-B or SVM, consisting of a
plastic case, as well as:

• 1 call button (red) on a membrane keypad to trigger calls with a control LED.
• 1 function key (green) to activate the noise monitor
• 15 pin SUB-D connector plug for connection with all connection devices
with a SUB-D connector.
• Includes a 2m connection cable

Dimensions: 50x110mm (H x Diameter)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SW Order number: FC008480

3.10 Telephone call unit

To initiate an acoustic call forwarding signal when Telephone calls are received and the
receiver is not picked up, the function being integrated into the software structure of
the room terminal and the ward terminal; for surface mounting.

Caution: For unit D1/F a screw clip (STV) must also be ordered,
see below.

Type: D1/F Order number: YY208980

Type: STV Order number: FC78737-

31 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


4 Signal lamps
For the widest possible range of uses the VISOCALL PLUS system offers various signal lamps. Both soffit lamps
and LED signal lamps are used as room signal lamps and as direction signal lamps.

4.1 LED Signal lamp

Multiple LED signal lamp with up to 5 LEDs per lamp, for use as room and direction
signal lamps and for surface installation or mounting on U1 or H1 single switchboxes;
consisting of:

• Circuit board with 5 LED panels

• 5 translucent plastic segments
• 2 grey plastic cabs at the top and at the bottom

Dimensions: 86x86x52mm (HxWxD) pyramid shaped

Type: ORION 1S rd Order number: FD8061

Type: ORION 2A rd/gn Order number: FD8062
Type: ORION 3A wh/rd/gn Order number: FD8063
Type: ORION 3B rd/gn/or Order number: FD8063
Type: ORION 4A wh/rd/gn/or Order number: FD8064
Type: ORION 5 wh/rd/gn/ye/or Order number: FD8065

4.2 Room signal

signal lamp
Single, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
1 holder (including clips) for 1 soffit lamp
including trapeziform lamp cover 85x85x42mm

Type: LV1 Order number: FD805100

4.3 Room signal lamp

Double, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
2 holders (including clips) for 2 soffit lamps as well as 1 dividing wall including
trapeziform lamp cover 85x85x42mm

Type: LV2 Order number: FD804200

32 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


4.4 Room signal lamp

Triple, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
3 holders (including clips) for 3 soffit lamps as well as 2 dividing walls including
trapeziform lamp cover 85x85x42mm

Type: LV3 Order number: FD804300

4.5 Direction signal lamp

Single, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
1 holder (including clips) for 1 soffit lamp
including trihedral lamp cover 85x85x74mm

Type: LD1 Order number: FD803100

4.6 Direction signal lamp

Double, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
2 holders (including clips) for 2 soffit lamps as well as 1 dividing wall including
trihedral lamp cover 85x85x74mm

Type: LD2 Order number: FD803200

4.7 Direction signal lamp

triple, opal-coloured; consisting of a base with
3 holders (including clips) for 3 soffit lamps as well as 2 dividing wall including
trihedral lamp cover 85x85x74mm

Type: LD3 Order number: FD803300

33 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


4.8 Group signal lamps

For n*) wards, consisting of a base frame (colour RAL 1013) for surface installation
with n*) signal lamps of type “LD1” each with 1 holder (including clips) for 1 soffit

Type: Rn*)xLD1 Order number: YY20851n*)

For n*) wards, consisting of a base frame (colour RAL 1013) for surface installation
with n*) signal lamps of type “LD1” each with 2 holders (including clips) for 2 soffit
lamps as well as
1 dividing wall

Type: Rn*)xLD2 Order number: YY20852n*)

For n*) wards, consisting of a base frame (colour RAL 1013) for surface installation
with n*) signal lamps of type “LD3” each with 3 holders (including clips) for 3 soffit
lamps as well as
2 dividing walls

Type: Rn*)xLD3 Order number: YY20853n*)

Type and Order numbers:

Instead of “n”, the number of wards that can be combined into one area is to be used;

Group signal lamps

for 4 wards, consisting of a base frame (colour RAL 1013) for surface installation with
4 signal lamps of type “LD3” each with
3 holders (including clips) for 3 soffit lamps as well as 2 dividing walls

Type: R4xLD3 Order number: YY208534


L=(n*) x 86) + 24mm, W = 103 mm, H = 90 mm

4.9 Soffit lamps

24V / 5W for room, direction and group signal lamps;
Length (tip to tip) = 42mm, diameter 14mm

Type: Gd5-
Gd5-9 wh Order number: FL73309-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-2 rd Order number: FL73310
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-3 gn Order number: FL73311-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-6 ge Order-
Order-number: FL73321-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-7 or Order-
Order-number: FL73330-

34 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


5 Room terminals
For countersunk installation in patient rooms and other important rooms; communications centres for nursing
staff, for ELAC reception etc.

5.1 Room terminals

With integrated functions and user membrane with coloured panels and symbols;
consisting of
• 1 connecting circuit board for installation with countersunk case type
"ZEK2" or "HZEK2" or surface mounted case "APA-ST", with screw clips
(for power supply connections) and screw-free clips (other connections), with
fuse and terminating resistors as well the connecting base for the room
control unit;
• 1 box frame, for the screwless installation of the room terminal control unit;
• 1 Room terminal control unit for connection to the connecting circuit board,
comprising of
- 1 Terminal case with speaker and microphone apertures as well as a
membrane with user panels; built into the terminal case
- 1 function circuit board with single chip processor, 10W lamp outputs and
DIL switches for addressing and selection functions; designed for 6 beds
with or without speech communication, sanitary unit for additional rooms
without speech connection; designed for multiplex sound transmission to
beds, ELAC reception, group announcement and group signals,
1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol)
with control LED, finder light included
1 query off button (white, question mark symbol)
with control LED
1 call button (orange, marked with a doctor symbol)
with control LED.
3 presence buttons (green/nurse, yellow/helper
nurse, orange/doctor) each with a control LED,
1 loudspeaker and 1 microphone

Room terminal with connecting circuit board, case frame and control unit with
standard programming, ready for addressing and connection. The TV control unit is
included in the electronics of the “ST”. To use the TV control unit, a 3 pin connection
cable (not included in the delivered unit) must be connected from the ST to the
distribution board.

Dimensions: 255x176x25mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL9010

Necessary components for countersunk mounting:

Type: ST Order number: FC008102

Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: DR-
DR-ST Order number: FC008101
Type: HZEK-
HZEK-2 Order number: FC88008-

Necessary components for surface mounting:

Type: ST Order number: FC008102

Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: APA-
APA-ST Order number: FC008990

35 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


5.2 Room terminals

With integrated functions and user membrane with coloured panels and symbols;
consisting of
• 1 connecting circuit board for installation with countersunk case type
"ZEK2" or "HZEK2" or surface mounted case "APA-ST", with screw clips
(for power supply connections) and screw-free clips (other connections), with
fuse and terminating resistors as well the connecting base for the room
control unit;
• 1 case frame, for the screw-free installation of the room terminal control unit;
• 1 Room terminal control unit for connection to the connecting circuit board,
comprising of
- 1 Terminal case with speaker and microphone apertures as well as a
membrane with user panels; built into the terminal case
- 1 function circuit board with single chip processor, 10W lamp outputs and
DIL switches for addressing and selection functions; designed for 6 beds
with or without speech communication, sanitary unit for additional rooms
without speech connection; designed for multiplex sound transmission to
beds, ELAC reception, group announcement and group signals,
1 display unit 2 lines each with 16 characters
1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol)
with control LED, finder light included
1 query off button (white, question mark symbol)
with control LED
1 call button (orange, marked with a doctor symbol)
with control LED.
3 presence buttons (green/nurse, yellow/helper
nurse, orange/doctor) each with a control LED,
1 loudspeaker and 1 microphone

Room terminal with connecting circuit board, case frame and control unit with
standard programming, ready for addressing and connection. The TV control unit is
included in the electronics of the “ST-D”. To use the TV control unit, a 3 pin
connection cable (not included in the delivered unit) must be connected from the “ST-
D” to the distribution board.

Dimensions: 255x176x25mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL9010

Necessary components for countersunk mounting:

Type: ST-
ST-D Order number: FC008103
Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: DR-
DR-ST Order number: FC008101
Type: HZEK-
HZEK-2 Order number: FC88008-

Necessary components for surface mounting:

Type: ST-
ST-D Order number: FC008103
Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: APA-
APA-ST Order number: FC008990

36 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


6 Mini terminal
Mini terminal for connection to the ward bus (like room terminals) for areas without speech connection. Designed
for calls, emergency calls, presence indication, call forwarding, doctor calls and doctor presence. Cancelled and
displayed at the main query location and the query control centre.

6.1 Mini terminal

For installation in a double switchbox; consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, a single chip processor, DIL switches for addressing and button programming.

• 1 display unit 2 lines each with 16 characters

• 1 call button (red) with control LED (red), finder light included
• can be programmed using DIL switches:
- Room call button with indicator lamp
- WC call button with indicator lamp
• presence buttons, orange button (doctor) and green button (nurse) including
control LEDs and can be programmed using DIL switches.
- Presence button (nurse) with cancel function and presence indicator lamp
- Presence button (nurse) without cancel function and presence indicator
- Cancel button
• 1 doctor call button (orange) including control LED (orange) The doctor
call input can also be programmed and used as a second WC call input via
the DIL switches. In this case the doctor call function is disabled.
• 1 audible alarm (call forwarding)
• 1 diagnostic call circuit
• indicator lamp outputs (dependent on programming)
• call lamp circuits (each 10 Watt)
• 1 presence lamp circuit (10 Watt)
• including connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: including covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL 9010

Type: STM-
STM-AD Order number: FC008115

6.2 Mini terminal

As per 6.1 but without display

Type: STM-
STM-A Order number: FC008114

37 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


6.3 Mini terminal

As per 6.1 but without doctor call and presence buttons.

Type: STM-
STM-D Order number: FC008113

6.4 Mini terminal

As per 6.1 but without display and without doctor call and presence buttons.

Type: STM Order number: FC008112

38 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


7 Bus interface
For controlling group signal lamps as well as activating the paging system and message transfer; the necessary
control modules must be ordered separately.

7.1 Bus interface

Fr controlling group signal lamps, activating the paging system and for messages to the
in-house IT centre; consisting of

• 1 connecting circuit board for mounting in type “GBI” installation case, with
screw clips (for power supply connections) and screw-free clips (other
connections), with fuse and multipoint plug base for the controller bus
interface as well as four multipoint plug bases for a maximum of four control
modules of type “TBI” or “RBI”,
• 1 controller bus interface (connectable) with microcomputer systems and DIL
witches for addressing and assignment of functions;
• ready for addressing and connection
• For installation in unit GBI (Bus interface case) - see point 7.4

A functioning group terminal contains the following components:

Type: VBI Order number: FC008500

Type: CBI Order number: FC008503
Type: GBI Order number: FC008504

For extra fitting upon demand:

7.2 Transistor Bus interface

Fr connection in the bus interface distributor of type "VBI"; with the necessary
electronics and outputs for 8 lamp circuits (each 10 Watt)

Type: TBI Order

Order number: FC008501

7.3 Relay Bus interface

Fr connection in the bus interface distributor of type "VBI"; with the necessary
electronics and outputs with 8 make contacts (voltage-free, each 1A/60V=)

Type: RBI Order number: FC008502

39 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


7.4 Bus interface

interface case
Polycarbonate plastic case for surface mounting for installation of the bus interface
distributor “VBI”.
Screw-on cover with rubber seal
Colour: shiny light grey, similar to RAL 7035

Dimensions: 264x214x91mm (HxWxD)

Type: GBI Order number: FC008504

40 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


8 Miscellaneous
Various components for assorted special functions

8.1 Group call interface

For fitting to room terminals (insertion into the installation case) for activating a
direction lamp circuit for as many rooms as required; consisting of a circuit board with
a microcomputer system programmed using masks and outputs (10 watts) for

• Call display,
• Reminder / Nurse,
• Reminder / helper nurse and
• Reminder doctor;

including wiring connections and connection panel with screw-free clips;

Type: SI Order number: FC008910

8.2 Radio Controller

For installation in a single switchbox, for connection to room terminals with ELAC
reception, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit board, on which there is a
mask programmed microcomputer system for 6 programs with last program memory
and electronic volume control; consisting of:

• 1 program button (“P”),

• 1 single character display for displaying the selected program and
• buttons (“<” and “>”) for volume control.

including connection panel with screw-free clips and covering panel

Dimensions: 80x83x13mm (HxWxD) in colour RAL9010

Type: RDF Order number: FC008130

8.3 Power supply relay

For operating light sources e.g. room lights and/or reading light.
The relay is connected to the relevant connection device and operated via patient
handset “PBG” or “PBG-T” or via push button “BT-RL” and consists of:

• a plastic case with the following connections

• connection clips for 24V inductance coil
• connection clips for potential-free contact (250V~/10A)

Dimensions: 29x61x26mm (HxWxD)

Type: FS1/24DC Order number: FC008996

41 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


8.4 Control module

Foreign systems e.g automatic blinds can be controlled using this module. The
systems are operated only with patient handset PBG-T. The module consists of:

• a plastic case with connection clips for the room bus

• Connection clips for the foreign system

Dimensions: 25x85x42mm (HxWxD)

Type: SM Order number: FC008340

8.5 Diagnostic extension

For extending the diagnostic connection in a patient bed. Up to 4 additional foreign
devices can be connected to the diagnostic extension. It comprises of:

• Printed circuit board with electronics for installation in a double connection

box or in a double surface mounted case.
• Connection socket (4 pin) for diagnostic calls
• Screw-less connection clips for extensions for each patient bed

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: DE Order number: FC008330

8.6 Intercom Terminal

Allows call handling from an external location. The doorphone intercom can either be
used for a barrier system or external doors. It is connected to typical VISOCALL
PLUS nursecall components via the ward bus. If a call is made from this doorphone
and queried from another location, (ward terminal or room terminal) and a reminder
then set, then a GND signal is sent to lamp output L-S1 for 5 seconds (if a S1
reminder has been set) and to lamp output L-S2 for 500 milliseconds (if an S2
reminder has been set) on the door terminal. This allows, for example, a magnetic
door opener to be controlled.

• 1 stainless steel call button

• Integrated speaker and microphone
• Connection panel with screw clips

Dimensions: 255x160x40mm (HxWxD)

stainless steel metal case

Necessary components for countersunk mounting:

Type: IT Order number: FC008110

Type: HZEK-
HZEK-2 Order number: FC88008-


Type: ZEK-
ZEK-2 Order number: FC88009-

42 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


8.7 Door terminal

Room terminal without a display, and with a special membrane keypad and
special software. The installation process is analogue to that of conventional
room terminals. If a call is made from this terminal and queried from another
location, (ward terminal or room terminal) and a reminder then set, then the
special software sends a GND signal to lamp output L-S1 for 5 seconds and to
lamp output L-S2 for 500 milliseconds. This allows, for example, a magnetic
door opener to be controlled.

• 1 connecting circuit board for installation in countersunk case type "ZEK2"

or "HZEK2" or surface mounted case "APA-ST", with screw clips (for
power supply connections) and screw-free clips (other connections), with
fuse and terminating resistors as well the connecting base for the room
terminal’s control unit;
• 1 case frame, for the screw-free installation of the room terminal control unit
• 1 room terminal control unit to connect into the connecting circuit board
comprising of:
- 1 terminal case with speaker and microphone apertures as well as a
membrane with user panels; built into the terminal case
- 1 function circuit board with a single chip processor, 10 W lamp outputs,
and DIL switches for addressing and selection of functions;
1 call button (red, with nurse symbol) with a control LED, finder
light included
1 loudspeaker and 1 microphone;

Dimensions: 255x176x25mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL9010

Necessary components for countersunk mounting:

Type: ST-
ST-Tür Order number: FC008105
Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: DR-
DR-ST Order number: FC008101
Type: HZEK
EK-2 Order number: FC88008-

Necessary components for surface mounting:

Type: ST-
ST-Tür Order number: FC008105
Type: VST Order number: FC008100
Type: APA-
APA-ST Order number: FC008990

43 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


9 Text terminal
Display in corridor for recapitulating displaying of emergency calls, calls, reminders, time and date

9.1 Connection splitter to text displays

For installation in a double switchbox consisting of a supporting frame with a
connecting circuit board for the splitting and clearing of bus connections, equipped
with the necessary clips, a plug block for attaching the connecting cable for the text
terminal, as well as power supply protection with fuses.

Dimensions: including covering panel 160x83x13mm (LxWxD)

plastic case in colour RAL 9010

Type: VTXT Order number: FC008815

9.2 Text terminal

12 character LED display with terminal amplified loudspeaker for wall mounting for
recapitulating display of emergency calls, calls and reminders by group. Displays the
call that is most important according to the priority scheme, with a changing display, if
there are several calls.
Displaying of group/ward 3 characters e.g. G02
Displaying of room 3 characters e.g. 203
Displaying of room 2 characters e.g. B1
By using the integrated RS485 interface, texts from other sources can be displayed on
the text display. The relevant corresponding item, a PC, uses software to load the text
in to the corridor display.
The current time is displayed in standby mode, and the unit is made up of a series of
modules, consisting of an independent microcomputer system for independent data
processing, evaluation and controlling of 12 LED matrix displays, character height
80mm, mounted in an aluminium casing.

Dimensions: 978x110x40mm (LxWxD)

Type: TXT Order number: FC008810

9.3 Text terminal

With a 12 character alphanumeric display and loudspeaker with wall mounting,
adjustable. Functions as described in 9.2.

Type: TXT-
TXT-W Order number: FC008811

44 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


9.4 Text terminal

With a 12 character alphanumeric display and loudspeaker for ceiling mounting,
adjustable. Functions as described in 9.2.
The text terminal can be suspended at variable heights between 820 and for about
1000mm from the ceiling using the flange.

Type: TXT-
TXT-D Order number: FC008812
9.5 Text terminal
A double display consisting of two 12 character alphanumeric displays facing in
opposite directions and loudspeakers with wall mounting bracket, adjustable.
Functions as described in 9.2.

Type: TXT-
TXT-2W Order number: FC008813

9.6 Text terminal

A double display consisting of 2 opposite facing 12 character alphanumeric displays
and loudspeakers with ceiling mounting bracket, adjustable. Functions as described in
The text terminal can be suspended at variable heights between 820 and for about
1000mm from the ceiling using the flange.

Type: TXT-
TXT-2D Order number: FC008814

45 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


10 Ward Terminal
For area-related and general signalling, speech connections, announcements etc. Each query location automatically
recognises it corresponding area.

10.1 Ward Terminal

For ward-autarchic deployment in decentralised systems for connection to
connecting terminal of type "AE-DZT"; consisting of a table mounted case,
in the usual Visocall Plus look with a receiver rest, containing:

• 1 function circuit board with a microcomputer system and the necessary

interfaces, designed for all the functions that can be queried here, as well
as for interconnection of groups, group care, interconnection of rooms
from different wards and enhanced patient calls; furthermore designed
for programming (addressing, automatic time-related formation of
groups etc.).
• simple to use thanks to multiple uses of function keys
• Colour graphic display, 1/4 VGA resolution (320 x 240 pixels) with
relevant menu display and status and functions line
• blue function keys to the left and right of the display for menu selection
• yellow function keys below the display for scrolling or also for menu
selection purposes
• RS232 interface for connection to control panel
• 1 sound emitting device for acoustic signals as well as
• 1 query receiver (connectable) containing a loudspeaker and microphone
unit, can automatically be switched to hands-free mode and built-in for
this purpose.
• 1 loudspeaker and 1 microphone
• Volume and microphone levels can be set via the software menu
• Ward terminal with standard configuration program for system related
settings without opening the case
• including 3m connection cord and multipole connector plug.

When the ward terminal is connected to a control panel, the control panel receives
all the relevant information it requires from the ward terminal via the RS232 serial
interface. The ward terminal itself is then used a hands-free unit or as a classical

Dimensions: 310x232x35mm (LxWxD)

plastic case in colour RAL 9010

Type: DZT Order number: FC008001

46 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


10.2 Connecting terminal

For connection of a ward terminal or a ward interface; consisting of:

• Plastic cover (“ST”) for connection of the ward terminal.

• using integrated multiple connector plug
• ribbon cable connection ready for connection to the distribution
board "V-DZT"

Dimensions: 255x176x50mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL9010

Type: AE-
AE-DZT Order number: *)

*) Parts for "AE-DZT":

Type: Order number:
1 Cover A-DZT
1 distribution board V-DZT FC81441-

Necessary components for installation in a countersunk case:

Type: DR-
DR-ST Order number: FC008101

Necessary components for installation in a surface mounting case:

Type: APA-
APA-ST Order number: FC008990

47 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


11 Control panel/Ward control panel

For area-related and system-related signalling, speech connections, announcements etc. Each query location
automatically recognises it corresponding area.

11.1 Nurse call Software - Control Panel

Software license for the Windows-based application with a graphical user interface
for centralised or decentralised system configurations. The control panel can
communicate with all the ward terminals connected in the system and can monitor
all activities for the ward which it controls or for the system as a whole and react
accordingly. An SQL database is installed on the PC in conjunction with this

Control panel software:

A graphical representation of the ward which the control panel is in or all
interconnected wards offers a rapid overview of the nurse call components
integrated in the system. Regardless of call location and call priority, the control
panel can react to a call by means of a single mouse click, connect a call and, if
necessary, set the relevant reminder. Equally it is possible to select a single room or
bed, as per general announcements and those destined for specific people; the latter
being applicable for nurses as well as for doctors. The system distinguishes
between announcements intended for the ward in which the control panel is
located and those intended for the entire system. Up to 7 care groups per ward can
also be assigned up the freely selectable group care options in the standard

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: SWP-
SWP-LS Order number: FC008050

11.2 Software - Control panel extensions

Software license for control panel extension - adding an additional control panel in
an already functioning VISOCALL PLUS system. Using this extension, a fully
functional control panel is available for use in the ward in which it is located as well
as in multiple wards.

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: LSE Order number: FC008052

11.3 Software - Patient database

Software license to use a patient database in conjunction with a nurse call control
panel. Consequently, when a call is connected, the most important patient
information will be displayed as an overview on the nurse call control panel.

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: SWP-
SWP-PV Order number: FC008055

48 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


11.4 Software - Event database

Software license for logging all events within the VISOCALL PLUS system. The
records can be displayed or printed out clearly by setting various filters. This
software package can also be used without a nurse call control panel.

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: SWP-
SWP-EDB Order number: FC008056

11.5 Software - Foreign System Connection

Software license for data connection of a foreign system. Data is either transferred
from the VISOCALL PLUS system to the foreign system or from the foreign
system to the VISOCALL PLUS system as required via the RS232 serial interface.
These systems can be, for example, the central process control system, the alarm
server or the BMZ Integral fire alarm control panel. A separate serial interface is
required for each additional connection to a foreign system.

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: SWP-
SWP-AS Order number: FC008057
Type: SWP-
SWP-ISP Order number: FC008059

11.6 Toolbox
The toolbox contains a CD for the installation as described in the software modules
from 11.1 till 11.5. The applications will beinstalled with this CD but not licensed.

• Minimum system requirements: see point 11.9

Type: SWP-
SWP-TP Order number: FC008040

11.7 Connection cable for Control Panel

The connection cable is used for establishing a physical connection between the
ward terminal and the control panel. It is designed specifically for use with a control

pin plugs (RS232) at both ends for connecting to the control panel
and the ward terminal.

Length: 3m

Type: LST-
LST-AK Order number: ZZH08051

49 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


11.8 Service Monitor Connection Cable

The connection cable is used for establishing a physical connection between the ward
terminal and the control panel. It is also possible to carry out programming of the
firmware as well as customer specific programming using this cable.

9 pin plugs (RS232) at both ends for connecting to the control panel
and the ward terminal.

Length: ca. 3m

Type: SMK Order number: FC008051

11.9 Control Panel - Hardware package

The hardware package consists of a computer with at least one free serial interface
for connection to ward terminal “DZT”. On the hardware there have to be
installed only WINDOWS 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher) or WINDOWS XP pro
(Service Pack 2 or higher).

Minimum system requirements:

• Intel Pentium 1.8Ghz

• RAM: min. 512KB
• LAN Intel 10/100/1000 onboard, RJ45 connection
• VGA Graphics card (onboard or PCI)
• Keyboard and mouse
• 1 serial interface

Type: LS-
LS-HW Order number:
number: FC008053
Type: Monitore VGA Order number: on demand

50 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


12 Interfaces
The central interface acts a central interface between all ward terminals installed in the system. Furthermore,
foreign systems can also be connected, so that status information about the nurse call system can also be used
outside of VISOCALL PLUS.

12.1 Central interface

For networking up to 15 wards or ward terminals and integrated interfaces to
foreign systems, e.g.
Potential-free inputs and outputs
Analogue AF input for importing external audio sources with
mandatory reception characteristics
consisting of:

• Central master circuit board

• pole SUB/D socket for upload and configuration using a PC
• Insertion slots for expansion using slave components
• Blue metal case for surface installation in electricity distribution case
• Ambient temperature: 0°C to +50°C
• Relative Air Humidity: 5-95% without condensation

Dimensions: 345x300x105mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 5kg

Type: ZI Order number: FC008002

12.2 Central interface slave

For extending the central interface by an extra 15 wards or ward terminals.

Type: ZI-
ZI-S Order number: FC81443-

12.3 QSIG Data interface

A call made using the nurse call system, which has not been queried within a pre-
defined time limit, can be diverted to a DECT handset by means of the DECT
connection. The location of the call and the type of call can be displayed based on
available data on the handset's display. Nursing staff members will be alerted to
this message by means of an acoustic signal being emitted by the DECT handset.

Type: SWP-
SWP-QD Order number: FC008041

51 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


12.4 QSIG Speech/data interface

A call made using the nurse call system, which has not been queried within a pre-
defined time limit, can be diverted to a DECT handset by means of the DECT
connection. Nursing staff members will be alerted to this call by means of an
acoustic signal being emitted by the DECT handset. The location of the call and
the type of call can be displayed based on available data on the handset's display.
The member of the nursing staff can receive the call by either pressing the button
"Answer telephone" or the "Yes" key, and talk to the relevant person. A pre-
requisite for this is that the call has been made from a component with speech
capability. The person making the query is also in the position to then set a
reminder via DECT.

Type: SWP-
SWP-QSD Order number:FC008042

52 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13 TV devices and accessories

For the room-by-room extension of the nurse call system, in order to offer patients the chance to take advantage
either of a room TV set or a patient TV terminal.

13.1 55cm TV set

TV set for watching television in the room; it can be mounted on the opposite
wand to the patient using the wall console. The external loudspeaker is
deactivated, and the TV set can be controlled using the VISOCALL PLUS nurse
call system. A requirement for this to be possible is a three pole connection cable
between the unit "ST" / "ST-D" and the "VST". This cable is used for
transmitting IR control signals.

Electrical details:

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Power consumption: in operating mode, max. 65W
(including additional hospital interface
power supply)
standby mode, 9W
Ambient temperature: < 40° C
Tuner VHF/UHF/cable
(Hyperband): VHF 2-12, UHF 21-69, S1-S41
Program memories: 100
TV Standards: PAL BG, DK
Optional: PAL I, H,

Mechanical details:

Tube: 21”, 55cm, visible 51cm

Format: 4:3

Dimensions: 440x490x470mm (HxWxD)

Weight: 19.8 kg


IEC socket: 75 Ohm, aerial / cable

Hospital interface: Interface for VISOCALL PLUS (RSIG)
IR and sound (Scart II)
Full load max. 25W
Standby 5W

Power cable and plug integrated into the set.

TV set in colour RAL9010

Type: SOLEX M55B Order number: FC007020

53 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.2 Wall console

Wall console for wall mounting of TV set Solex M55B (see point 13.1).

• Metal console, with an attachment plate to attach the TV set to

• Flange prepared for wall-mounting


Mounting flange: 355x205x25mm (HxWxD)

Arm: 40x30x365mm (HxWxL)
Mounting panel: 430x275mm (WxD), 3 mm panel

Type: WK-
WK-S Order number: FC007004

13.3 Connection Cable

Connecting cable for the transmission of IR control signals from the distribution
board "VST" to the electronics of "ST" or of "ST-D".

• pole cable with pre-fitted plug at both ends

Type: KAB-
KAB-VST Order number: FC81806-

13.4 Connecting unit

Connecting unit for installation in single switchboxes, consisting of:

• 1 carrying ring with a 5 pole / 270° DIN socket

The cover is to be provided for separately, to match the switch used.

Type: AE-
AE-FAK Order number: YY241011

13.5 TV Cable set

Connecting cable to connect the TV set to the connecting unit described below
in 13.4, consisting of:

• Aerial cable for transmission of the aerial signal

• SCART cable for transmission of the IR and sound signal

Type: TV-
TV-KOAX Order number: FC81712-
Type: TV-
TV-SCART Order number: FC81729-

54 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.6 Programming module

Connecting plug for the TV set, to save TV specific settings and for re-entering
into other TV sets, consisting of:

• SCART plug with integrated memory unit

Type: SOLEX E9A Order number: FC007026

13.7 Service remote control

Service remote control for TV set for setting TV-specific information.

Type: PR106GR Order number: FC007025

55 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.8 TV Terminal
TV Terminal for watching television and listening to the radio for each bed.
The unit is mounted on a wall-mounted arm or an arm attached to the bedside
cabinet and can easily and comfortably be moved into any desired position by
using the hand grip; The screen can either be delivered in a 10” or a 12” screen
size (see article no.), with the plastic case being the same size for both versions.

Games console/DVD:
Y/C and CVBS inputs can be found on the underside of the unit for connecting
a games console or a DVD player respectively.

Reading light::
A reading lamp on the underside of the unit provides adequate light. The
neighbouring patient will not be disturbed by this lighting source.

Electrical details:

Power supply on console: 230V~/50Hz 50W (see 13.12/13.17)

Power consumption: in operation 12V/40W (including reading
standby mode typically
Ambient temperature: +5°C to +40°C
Tuner VHF/UHF/cable
(Hyperband): TV: 48.25MHz to 855.25MHz
Radio: 87.5MHz to 108MHz
recommended signal strength: >65dBµV for TV reception
>30dBµV for stereo radio reception
TV program memoriess: 99
Radio program memories: 99
TV Standards: PAL B/G for Austria, Germany and Italy

Mechanical details:

Monitor: TFT LCD

Format: 10", 640x480 pixels (VGA)
12", 800x600 pixels (SVGA)

Dimensions: 270x370x55mm (HxWxD)

Weight: 3 kg


IEC socket: 75 Ohm, aerial / cable

Y/C, Hosiden DIN socket: SVHS input
CVBS, Cinch socket: Cinch input - video
Audio left/right, Cinch WH/RD: Cinch input – audio
3.5mm jack plug: Output for stereo sound

Caution: When using a TVT unit, the handset must be ordered separately. Two
different versions of handset exist for this purpose, see points 2.3 and 2.4.

Type: TVT-
TVT-12 Order number: FC009601

56 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.9 Multimedia Terminal

TV Terminal as described in 13.8 with the added possibility of internet access.
The unit is either mounted on a wall-mounted arm or a bedside cabinet-mounted
arm, and can be moved easily and comfortably to any position using the handle.

Games console/DVD:
Y/C and CVBS inputs can be found on the underside of the unit for connecting
a games console or a DVD player respectively.

Reading light::
A reading lamp on the underside of the unit provides adequate light. The
neighbouring patient will not be disturbed by this lighting source.

A embedded PC is integrated into the Multimedia Terminal, which is connected
to the applications server , see 13.11, via a CAT5 LAN connection. The
operating system is loaded from this server. The patient has the opportunity to
surf the internet/intranet using the wireless keyboard with integrated trackball.

Electrical details:

Power supply on console: 230V~/50Hz 50W (see 13.2/13.17)

Power consumption: in operation 12V/40W (including reading
standby mode typically
Ambient temperature: +5°C to +40°C
Tuner VHF/UHF/cable
(Hyperband): TV: 48.25MHz to 855.25MHz
Radio: 87.5MHz to 108MHz
Recommended signal strength: >65dBµV for TV reception
>30dBµV for stereo radio reception
TV program memoriess: 99
Radio program memories: 99
TV Standards: PAL, SECAM, PAL I, PAL D/K,

Mechanical details:

Monitor: TFT LCD

Format: 12", 800x600 pixels (SVGA)

Dimensions: 270x370x55mm (HxWxD)

Weight: 3 kg


IEC socket: 75 Ohm, aerial / cable

USB socket: input for USB keyboard
CVBS, Cinch socket: Cinch input - video
Audio left/right, Cinch WH/RD: Cinch input - audio
3.5mm jack plug: Output for stereo sound

Caution: When using a MMT unit, the handset and keyboard must be ordered
separately. Please consult points 2.3, 2.4 and 13.20.

Type: MMT Order number: FC009614

57 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.10 Internet keyboard with trackball

Cordless keyboard with integrated trackball for operating MMT in Internet

Type: on demand Order number: on demand

13.11 Internet application server

The Internet application server acts as the central interface between the
multimedia terminals installed in the hospital and the Internet/Intranet.

• Intel 2,8 GHz

• Min. 4GB RAM
• min. 80 GB HDD IDE (Suse Linux 9.0 kompatibel)
• min. 48x DVD-R LW
• FDD 3.5” 1.44MB
• LAN Intel 10/100/1000 onboard, RJ45 connection
• LAN network card PCI 100Mbit, RJ45 connection
• 56Kbaud Modem (Remote maintenance)
• Keyboard and mouse (including mousepad)
• operating system Suse Linux 9.0
• Including all necessary applications

Caution: The maximum number of patients simultaneously surfing the Internet

will be assumed to be approx. 10% of all MMT units in operation. If the above
number of 30-40 is exceeded, we recommend installing an extra application
server. Internet set-up times on MMT units will thereby be shortened.

Type: APS-
APS-MMT Order number: FC009618

58 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.12 Wall console

Wall console for wall-mounting of the patient TV terminal.

• 230V~ AC power supply connection

• Aerial connector case for connecting aerial wires
• Metal panel for mounting the console on the wall
• Plastic covering in colour RAL9010

Caution: neither unit “SV-B”, “SVT-B” nor “TVI” are included as supplied.

Dimensions: Metal base plate: 249x241x14mm (HxWxD)

Cover: 290x245x12.5mm (HxWxD)

Weight: 8 kg

Type: WK-
WK-TVT Order number: FC009605

13.13 Wall mounted arm

Wall mounted arm for attaching the patient TV terminal to the wall console

• jointed swivelling arm, moveable through all three axes.

• Bottom joint of the arm can be tilted up to 50°
• Internal pre-fitted cable
• Case made of metal in colour RAL9010


Extended: 220x1710x70mm (HxWxD)

Upper arm: 105x750x70mm (HxWxD) measurement points to the
centre of the joints
Lower arm: 80x800x70mm (HxWxD) measurement points to the
centre of the joints

Weight: 10 kg

Type: WA-
WA-TVT LAN Order number: FC009606

13.14 Grip for TVT/MMT

Metal grip for the correct positioning of the TV- or the Multimedia

• Comfortable to use modern design hand grip, silver

Type: WA-
WA-Griff Order number: FC009607

59 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.15 Bedside cabinet-

cabinet-mounted arm
For mounting the patient TV terminal on a bedside cabinet, consisting of:

• Shaped metal tube in colour RAL9010

• Internal pre-prepared cable for various connections

Dimensions: 850x500x35mm (HxW x Diameter)

Weight: 6 kg

Type: NA-
NA-TVT Order number: FC009612

13.16 Mounting bracket

Metal bracket for holding the bedside cabinet-mounted arm, consisting of:

• Aluminium cast part in colour RAL 9010

• Aluminium base plate for fixing to the bedside cabinet or item of

Dimensions: 150x60x70mm (HxWxD)

Type: NA-
NA-H Order number: FC009613

13.17 Network box LAN

Network box for bedside cabinet-mounted arm for TVT variants, consisting of:

• Metal case in colour RAL 9010

• Connection box for aerial connection (coaxial cable)
• LAN connection (only applicable for Multimedia Terminal)
• Connection clips 230V~ Alternating Current
• 12V DC power supply
• Mounting holder for TVI and SVB/SVB-T

Caution: neither unit “SV-B”, “SVT-B” nor “TVI” are

included as supplied.

Dimensions: 130x300x130mm (HxBxT)

Weight: 5 kg

Type: AB-
TVT LAN Order number: FC009610

60 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


13.18 TV Interface
TV interface for controlling TV terminal, installed in the wall console or the
connection box and consists of:

• Insertion slots for PTVT connection cable

• Connection for 24V power supply
• Connection for VCK-B2
• Dimensions dependent on placement in the wall console

Caution: for controlling unit TVT you will require in this instance
patient handset PBG-TV (FC009604) with coiled connection cable.

Type: TVI Order number: FC81456-


13.19 TV Interface
Interface standalone
TV interface for controlling unit TVT as per 13.18, however, as a standalone
variant. In combination with this TV interface, the TV terminal can be operated
without being connected to the VISOCALL PLUS system, and consists of:

• Insertion slots for TVT connection cable

• Connection for 24V power supply
• Dimensions dependent on placement in the wall console

Caution: for controlling unit TVT you will require in this instance
patient handset PBG-TVL (FC009608) with coiled connection cable.

Type: TVI-
TVI-STA Order number: ED010714

13.20 Cable remote control for TVT/MMT

For the standalone variant of the TV terminal or the Multimedia terminal
without using a TVI controller circuit board. Used as an operating component,
for program search process and programming the TV terminal and the
Multimedia terminal. Without nurse call, telephony and billing functions,
consisting of:

• coloured multifunctional keys (red, green, yellow and blue)

• On and off buttons for radio and TV
• On and off buttons for radio and TV menu as well as Teletext
• Arrow keys for changing program and setting volume as well
as menu navigation
• Numerical keypad for direct entry of numbers
• includes coiled cable with high tensile strength and RJ45 connector
(connection to RS485 interface on TVT or MMT)

Dimensions: 218x60x25mm (HxWxD) plastic case

in colour RAL 9010

Type: RC-
RC-TVT Order number: FC009609

61 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


14 Power supplies
For power supply within each type of system throughout the ward.

14.1 Power supply (In accordance

accordance with hospital standards)
For use throughout the ward, whilst considering the particularly high input surge
currents, in accordance with the relevant VDE, EN (EN61558 and EN60601-1)
and DIN standards (DIN 0551), current and voltage stabilised, short-circuit
Assembled in accordance with VDE0804/ level of protection II;
Technical details:

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Primary power consumption: 6 A at full load
Output: 24 V=
Output current/from cold start: maximum 28A
Average continuous current: 15 A short circuit resistant
Peak current: 30 A
Residual ripple: 50mV at full load
Insulation voltage: 3KV between input and output
(parts checked)
Ambient temperature: max. 40°C at 15A
Load variation: 1A per °C at ambient temperature
max. 40°C at 15A
Air humidity: < 80%
Parallel operation: activated

Dimensions: 241x130x88mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 2,5 kg

Leakage current and circuit insulation voltage in accordance with EN60601-1

(DIN 750, part 1)
Transformer in accordance with VDE 0551
Device earthed, with power switch and control lamp; including power cable and
In accordance with VDE0384 the power supply must be connected to its own
electric current The primary electrical circuit earthing must be done using a 16A
circuit-breaker with B type tripping characteristics.

Type: D-
TOP500ME/1-ME Order number: FC008702

14.2 Cable for D-

Cable for power supply for connecting to 230V~

Lenght: 2,5m

Type: ZUB NG KAB Order number: FG020231

62 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


14.3 UPS Module

UPS Module for power supply D-TOP500ME consisting of two sections:

UPS module as a device for building into the distributor case, can be snap-fitted on to
standard profile duct TS35 in accordance with EN50022
Battery module as a device for building into the distributor case, attached using 4
M5x8 screws (not supplied)
Protection class III in accordance with EN60950
Safety: SELV classified in accordance with EN60950
Class of protection IP20 in accordance with DIN VDE 0470, 11.92

Cooling: Air convection

Operating temperature: Battery: +5°C to +40°C
UPS: 0°C to +60°C

Current limiting:
Mains operation: using DC supply (e.g. D-TOP500ME: 20A)
Battery operation: UPS module by circuit breaker approx. 120A
dependent on temperature
Battery module: protected by a 25A flat fuse

Discharge time: 30 min. at full range, accu for 7Ah

(up to 20.8V; with a fully loaded buffer battery; IL=20A)

Dimensions: UPS Module: 200x125x80mm (WxHxD)

Battery module: 175x170x126mm (WxHxD)

The battery module contains two maintenance-free lead storage batteries connected in
series, each 12V (7Ah)

Type: D-
D-TOP BAT550 Order number: FC008710
Type: DBAT-
24-7Ah Order number: FC008711
Type: DBAT-
24-14Ah Order number: FC008714

63 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


14.4 UPS Case

Complete UPS Case (conforming to VDE0834) consisting of:

Steel case with lockable doors

D-TOP 500/1-ME power supply unit (see item 14.1)
Electronic module for controlling the UPS (see 14.3)
Battery module for maintaining the supply voltage in the event of the mains power
supply going down (see 14.3)
Mini room terminal for indicating the power failure in the system

Messages: Both faults (temperature sensor fault or battery fault) and the
failure of the mains supply voltage are communicated to the rest of
the system by means of the integrated mini room terminal. If a
fault occurs, then it is forwarded to all components in the system and
indicated at these components. If there is a mains supply voltage
failure, then the system also receives a failure message from the mini
room terminal.

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Primary power consumption: 6 A at full load
Output: 24 V=

Discharge time: 1 hour at 14 A

Ambient temperature: 35°C

Dimensions: 445 x 600 x 225mm (W x H x D)
Weight: ca. 20 kg

Caution: There is also the possible option of building in an additional battery

module in to the UPS case. This add-on increases the battery
capacity to 28Ah.

Type: VCP-
VCP-USV Order number:
number: FC008720

64 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


14.5 Power supply

Power supply for use in care homes and old people’s home, where the current
hospital standards for power supplies are partially not applicable:

Power supply 230V/47-63Hz +15%, -20%

Output: 24-28V (adjustable using the covered potentiometer)
Output current: 20 A
Input surge current: 33 A from 264V AC
Fuse: 10 A

Input rated current: 5A

Residual ripple: < 100mV
Ambient temperature: 0°C to +70°C
Load variation: 1A per °C at ambient temperature
max. 40°C at 15A
Overvoltage protection: +/- 10% at 32V
Parallel operation: yes, up to 10 devices

Dimensions: 220x124x102mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 1.8 kg

Recommended cooling clearance: above/below 70mm each, right/left 25mm each

All connection terminals can be easily reached from the front side of the device,
furthermore PVC cable can be used for all the connections terminals, because they
are on the bottom side of the cool area.

Type: SL20.101 Order number: FC008722

65 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


15 Installation accessories
All materials which are used during the installation of a system which can be delivered in advance or separately for
installation and stock reasons are listed here. These parts are also purchased and billed separately.

Standard parts are marked by the symbol "*)", and they can also be obtained and provided elsewhere.

15.1 Switchbox *) (AT, RT, ZT, PT, ART, AW2, RAT, RDF, SVM-
SVM-K, ...)
For countersunk installation; made of plastic, flame retardant in accordance with
DIN/VDE 0606 Part 1 /11.84; main body conforms to DIN 49030; suitable for parts
in accordance with DIN 49200.
Plastic part does not contain halogens.

Dimensions: 60 mm diameter, H=40mm, distance between device screws 60 mm

Type: U1 Order number: FC88010-


15.2 Double switchbox *) (SVs,

For countersunk installation; made of plastic, flame retardant in accordance with
DIN/VDE 0606 Part 1/11.84; main body conforms to DIN 49030; suitable for 2
units or 1 double unit in accordance with DIN 49200.
Plastic part does not contain halogens.

Dimensions: W=60 mm, D=40mm, H=142mm

Distance between screws 60mm/2x 71mm apart

Type: U2 Order number: FC88012-


15.3 Switchbox *) (AT, RT, ZT, PT, ART, AW2, RAT, RDF, SVM-
SVM-K, ...)
For cavity wall installation with mounting screws and device screws; made of plastic,
flame retardant in accordance with DIN/VDE 0606 Part 1 /11.84; main body
conforms to DIN 49073; suitable for parts in accordance with DIN 49200.
The switchbox is available on request in a halogen-free variant.

Dimensions: 60 mm diameter, H=45mm, distance between device screws 60 mm

Type: H1 Order number: FC88011-


15.4 Double switchbox *) (SVs, SVM, STMs, VTXT)

For cavity wall installation with mounting screws and device screws; made of plastic,
flame retardant in accordance with DIN/VDE 0606 Part 1 /11.84; main body
conforms to DIN 49073; suitable for parts in accordance with DIN 49200.
The switchbox is available on request and upon special demand in a halogen-free

Dimensions: W=68 mm, D=45mm, H=142 mm

Distance between screws 60mm / 2x 71mm apart

Type: H2 Order number: FC88013-


66 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


15.5 Installation Case (ST, ST-

for countersunk mounting, with device screws for the terminal box frame; made of
plastic, flame retardant in accordance with DIN/VDE 0606; with holes for attaching
the connecting circuit board and guide rails for sub-circuit boards. Supplied with
cover PZEK2.
Plastic part does not contain halogens.

Dimensions: 140x242x65mm (WxHxD)

Type: ZEK2 Order number:

number: FC88009-

15.6 Installation Case (ST, ST-

for cavity wall installation, with device screws for the terminal case frame; made of
plastic, flame retardant in accordance with DIN/VDE 0606 with holes for attaching
the connecting circuit board and guide rails for sub-circuit boards.
The switchbox is available on request and upon special demand in a halogen-free

Dimensions: 140x242x65mm (WxHxD)

Type: HZEK2 Order number: FC88008-


Note: Screws for devices in countersunk switchboxes (2 per single box, 4 per double box) as well as for
connecting circuit boards in installation cases (4 screws each) are not included. The following are required:
standard countersunk self-tapping screws with 3.2mm diameter, L = 15 mm, corrosion resistant
in accordance with DIN50018.

15.7 Terminal Clip

for attaching screw-free clips to devices and connecting circuit boards

Type: HB Order number: FC005998-


15.8 Removal tool

for removing the room terminal control unit (terminal case) from the case frame.

Type: AZ2 Order number: FC005999-


67 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


15.9 Soffit lamps

24V / 5W for room, direction and group signal lamps;
Length (tip to tip) = 42mm, diameter 14mm

Type: Gd5-
Gd5-9 wh Order number:
number: FL73309-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-2 rd Order number: FL73310-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-3 gn Order number: FL73311-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-6 ye Order number: FL73321-
Type: Gd5-
Gd5-7 or Order number: FL73330-

15.10 Connecting cable CAT5 (from DZT to ZI)

For the star formation cabling of the ward terminal to the control interface including
the copper cores.
Laying cable 4x2x0.8mm CAT 5 100MHz,
twisted core pairs, foil and braid shielding, halogen free; plastic sheathing

Type: CAT-
CAT-5 Order number: on demand

15.11 Ward bus cable

For the BUS line sections from terminal to terminal, including copper cores
1x2.5mm2 (for 24V= power supply),
1x2x0.6mm diameter stranded and
x2x0.6mm diameter twisted pairs, shielded and with a shielded drain wire;
all cores are collectively encased and with a shielded drain wire; with a plastic sheath
(grey, ca. 9.5mm diameter; in Germany: blue) and blue (marking) inscription.
The cable with the type no. “VCK-2HF” is halogen free.

Type: VCK-
VCK-2 Order number: L224225607
Type: VCK-
VCK-2 HF Order number: L224225608

15.12 Room bus cable

For connecting the room terminals with the connection devices at patient beds, or
with the service duct, designed for 3 beds, including copper cores.
5x2x0.6mm diameter stranded in pairs and
2x2x0.6mm diameter twisted pairs, shielded and with a shielded drain wire;
with a plastic sheath (grey, ca. 9mm diameter; in Germany: blue) and blue (marking)
The cable with the type no. “VCK-B2HF” is halogen free.

Type: VCK-
VCK-B2 Order number: L224001406
Type: VCK-
VCK-B2 HF Order number: L224001407

68 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


15.13 ELAC Transmitter *)

for the connection of a program circuit throughout the ward to the riser circuits
coming from the ELAC control centre; technical specifications:

Primary voltage 100V ~

Secondary voltage 2.5V ~
Secondary power 0.6/1.25/2.5/5/10W;

with connecting ties and soldered connections

Type: RFUE Order number: FC005980

Type: GAT5 Order number: YY208786

15.14 Surface mounting case

case for ST
for surface mounting, made of plastic (ABS, colour: RAL 9010) for connection of the
connecting circuit board "VST" or "V-DZT" and for snap in the eletronic part "ST"
or "AE-DZT" (the DOSENRAHMEN "DR-ST" is not required!).

Dimensions: 255x176x30mm (HxWxD)

Type: APA-
APA-ST Order number: FC008990

15.15 Double surface mounting case (for STM, SV, etc.)

for surface mounting, made of plastic (ABS, colour: RAL 9010) with 6 prepared cable
inlets (10 and 16mm) and 4 screws for attaching the carrying ring.

Dimensions: 160x83x40mm (HxWxD)

Type: APA-
APA-2 Order number: FC008992

69 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


15.16 Single surface mounting case (for RT, AT, etc.)

for surface mounting, made of plastic (ABS, colour: RAL 9010) with 2 prepared cable
inlets (10 and 16mm) and 2 screws for attaching the carrying ring.

Dimensions: 86x83x40mm (HxWxD)

Type: APA-
APA-1 Order number: FC008991

70 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A



71 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


In many hospitals the requirement for the provision of services for patients is constantly increasing. TV and radio
as well as telephones are available, either free of charge or as a chargeable extra. For this reason, the competent
specialist companies are called upon to offer new innovations and complete solutions time and time again. Schrack
Seconet has created a solution with its VISOTAX PLUS solution, which not only contains the functions listed
above, but also additionally allows billable internet access.

The VISOTAX PLUS billing system is installed as an independent system, but can, however, also be combined the
already familiar VISOCALL PLUS system. The patient handsets with telephony functions possess an integrated
smart card reader. All services that are used are debited from the account which has been assigned to the patient
using the ISO smart card.

Schrack Seconet would also like to be able to offer innovative customer-oriented systems in the future and
therefore hopes for the continued support from hospital decision-makers.

72 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

System Description
1 General
VISOTAX PLUS is a very flexible billing system. It can be customised to suit customer-specific requirements and
wishes by means of simple programming. The greatest demand is placed on such a system by the billable services,
which the hospital is able to make available to the patient. These services include, for example:

Telephone billing
TV billing for a basic fee (daily fee for 24 hours)
TV billing based on a tariff model (billing per minute)
Internet access based on duration charges (billing with billing interval to the second)

There are different billing models for the billing of services (telephony, television and Internet access). The key to
the system is the smartcard. It is used to identify the patient, and allows the patient to take advantage of the
services on offer. Crediting accounts at the payment station is just an unproblematic as the corresponding debiting
of the account after a phone call has been made, TV has been watched or an Internet access session. On leaving
the hospital the card is surrendered at the payment station and the remaining credit on the account paid out again
The type of billing required can be chosen for each patient. Basically there are two modes: pre-paid and post-paid
billing (see below).

Pre-paid billing
In most instances, this type of billing is preferable. The patient purchases a smartcard at the payment station and
the billing system sets up an account for this smartcard. Then it is possible to credit this account with the desired
sum of money. The patient then uses the desired services. Prior to leaving the hospital, the patient hands back the
smartcard at the payment station and received the balance for his remaining credit there and then.
By using this type of billing there is very little administrative effort required and even then it is restricted to system
maintenance as well as filling and emptying the payment stations of money.

Post-paid billing
This type of billing does not require the smartcard account to be in credit when first making use of the available
The post-paid billing system is primarily used, if the patient should not be burdened with making pre-payments.
The patient either receives a smartcard either at the payment station or from a workstation and can then use all the
services he wishes to. Shortly prior to leaving the hospital he allows his account to be billed and settles the
outstanding sum of money.

Tariff levels
In order for VISOTAX PLUS to remain flexible enough, so-called tariff levels have been prepared for use in the
system. The reason for this is varying charging for all charges that can be incurred. Up to 5 different levels can be
pre-defined for each system. The levels may have differing levels for basic charges and duration charges as well as
for the entering of value added tax.

Analyses and financial statements
All services which the patient has made use of can be traced at any time via the billing server. All telephone calls,
all credits and debits, as well as TV and Internet access charges are logged and can be printed out at any time.
The data remains saved for as long as has been configured in pre-programming.
A data backup module allows all data to be archived.

The system concept allows for occasional faults to be displayed by pop-up windows on the server’s monitors and
on workstations. On which monitors these faults are to be displayed can be determined by means of programming
and can be changed at any time.

73 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

1.1 Telephone billing

The very diverse range of requirements for the billing of telephone calls made by patients and the variety of
telephone systems made by various manufacturers ensures that the area of billing of telephone calls can be a very
comprehensive one.
Basically, the billing of a telephone call occurs as follows:

Telephone call without call termination when credit reaches “0”

The patient has credited his account using the smartcard and is logged into the billing system. VISOTAX PLUS
knows which physical extension the patient is at. As per the operating instructions, the patient presses the
“exchange key”. The PINCODE for this card is entered and the patient receives a dialling tone, and thereby the
opportunity to dial a telephone number. Once the call is finished the telephone system sends a billing record to the
billing system. Based on this record, VISOTAX PLUS is able to charge the incurred telephone costs to the
patient's account.
Not all telephone systems offer the possibility of terminating a call using an available interface from an analogue
extension once a pre-defined account balance has been reached. In light of this fact, it is possible to have a
negative account balance when using this type of billing system, but due to the partial authorisation required by the
extension this negative balance can be kept very low.

Telephone call with call termination

termination when credit reaches “0”
The patient has credited his account using the smartcard and is logged into the billing system. VISOTAX PLUS
knows which physical extension the patient is at. As per the operating instructions, the patient presses the
“exchange key”. The PINCODE for this card is entered and the patient receives a dialling tone, and thereby the
opportunity to dial a telephone number. As soon as the call is connected, the telephone system informs the billing
system which number was dialled at what time of dial and using which PIN code. The billing system is then able to
ascertain based on a chart and the dialling code number, to which zone this telephone call is being made. At the
start of the call, it works out and determines the point at which the call is to be cut off. The telephone system can
then alert the patient to the imminent termination of the call prior to the call being ended by means of a short
This type of billing is carried out by the interface which is described in chapter 2.x. (Telephone Systems). The
patient’s account balance may not become overdrawn due to a telephone call under any circumstances.

Caution: Not all telephone systems support the “termination when account balance reaches 0" function, therefore
in this instance it is essential that discussions are held with the relevant firms involved.

Number portability
By using the log-in process (by pressing a button for the patient) the billing system will be informed at which
physical extension the patient is located. It is possible for VISOTAX PLUS to carry out the number portability
function using the programming interface described in chapter 2.y. Regardless of where the patient is then moves
to during his/her hospital stay, the patient always remains contactable on the same internal call number for
external callers. The system internally forwards all calls for this virtual telephone number to whichever physical
phone number from which the patient last logged on.

74 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

1.2 Television billing

TV basic fee billing (only for TV terminals
terminals and room TV sets)
The patient has the opportunity to activate his television set for 24 hours. For this process, the hospital
administration can demand a so-called daily fee or basic fee.
The patient has credited his account using the smartcard and is logged into the billing system. VISOTAX PLUS
knows which physical extension the patient is at. In accordance with the operating instructions, the patient would
like to activate his TV set by making a phone call.
The billing server checks whether the account 's balance based on its PIN code and calls the patient back at
his/her extension. The patient finds out via the voice processing system from the billing server, that his/her TV
set can be operated freely for 24 hours.
After this period has expired, the TV set is once again blocked, and the patient has the choice whether he wishes to
watch TV for another 24 hours or not.

TV time-
time-based tariff model (only for TV terminals or Multimedia terminals)
A more detailed billing mode is one whereby charges are debited from the patient's account based on a basic fee
and a time-based tariff. A TV billing tariff model which is saved on the server, allows per minute TV billing.
The patient has credited his account using the smartcard and is logged into the billing system. VISOTAX PLUS
knows which physical extension the patient is at. In accordance with the operating instructions, the patient wishes
to use his/her TV set. If he selects a channel which is liable to charges, then the charge is debited from the
patient’s account. If there is no credit remaining in the account, then a message will appear on the TV terminal
informing the patient that he is no longer able to operate the television.
The billing server receives data from the patient TV terminal (TVT) on a permanent basis. This data includes the
pin code, date, time and channel at which the television terminal was showing pictures. Based on the billing table,
the server knows exactly how much must be booked from the relevant account. As soon as the channel is changed,
then the server also recognises that this has happened and starts the billing process again.
The TV billing model is so flexible, that it is not only possible to define groups of channels but also to define
billing groups. These billing groups can then be combined in every possible way with the channel groups.

75 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

1.3 Internet
Internet time-
time-based tariff (only for Multimedia terminal)
The billing for internet access is done in a similar fashion to television billing.
The patient has credited his account using the smartcard and is logged into the billing system. VISOTAX PLUS
knows which physical extension the patient is at. In accordance with the operating instructions the patient would
like to surf the Internet.
The Internet server receives the information about how long the patient has surfed the Internet for using his/her
Multimedia terminal via the LAN connection. As soon as the Internet access session has been terminated, the
Internet server sends the billing system the relevant information to that VISOTAX PLUS can debit the costs
incurred from the relevant account. If the account’s credit has been used up, then the patient is no longer about to
start up the Internet browser, and a message also appears on screen with the information that the user is no longer
entitled to Internet access.

1.4 Services for Staff

VISOTAX PLUS also offers the possibility, not just to offer patient services, but also to bill private phone calls by
staff members, in one system. Hospital employees either receive a similar smartcard to the patients, or when
dialling private phone numbers, they use their PIN code as a pre-dial code. Digital telephony devices have speed
dialling memory keys, with whose help it is no longer necessary to have to enter the whole number.
The flexibility of the system can be seen in every kind of application. Even in the deployment of staff member
billing. The available tariff levels can also be used for staff members.
All reports as well as being able to trace all debits and credits at any time as well as expenses incurred can also been
seen, in the same manner as they are in normal patient billing.

76 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

2 Hardware
A standard PC with the relevant hardware (see p.9) is used in the VISOTAX PLUS system. The PCs can then be
used both as servers as well as workstations.


Each system to be installed requires a server. The server is the central location upon which the databases are
stored. The server serves all the workstations and payment stations integrated into the billing system via the
available LAN, or a LAN that is installed separately.

2.2 VISOTAX PLUS Workstation

The number of workstations to be used within the system can be freely determined and is based entirely on the
needs of the customer.

2.3 TV Server
The TV server acts as an interface between the VISOTAX PLUS Server and the TV hub. It is used when the TV
terminals and Multimedia terminals which have been installed are to be billed using a channel-based and time-
based billing model.

2.4 Internet Applications Server

An additional software package is installed on the Internet Server listed in section 12.10, which transfers the logout
and logout times for Internet access for each individual patient via LAN to the VISOTAX PLUS server.

2.5 Payment Station

without Credit Card Interface
The electronics and the embedded PC as well as the necessary components (banknote acceptor, coin checker, coin
hoppers, receipt printer, smartcard dispenser, smartcard writer, banknote dispenser) are installed and securely
housed in a robust armour-plated steel case. The payment station can be used throughout Europe, and is equipped
to read all Euro denominated banknotes and coins in circulation. For export to other countries using a different
currency, it is necessary to check whether, and how the necessary modifications can be made. The embedded PC
has a LAN interface which is used to connect it to the server. The embedded PC has no hard drive and loads the
operating system in to the cash register directly from the server.

With credit card interface

The payment station mentioned above also offers a credit card interface as an optional extra. The patient thereby
no longer necessarily requires cash in order to make a payment into his/her account, this being carried out via
credit card in this instance. Since there can be several operators of credit card interfaces in every country, it is
necessary to check out the various possibilities for extensions for this option.

2.6 Central POS Server

The central POS server serves the payment stations with their boot software via LAN. It also acts as a
communications interface between the VISOTAX PLUS billing server and the individual payment stations.

77 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

The installed software must perform various tasks. On the one hand it is used to receiving and processing patient
and/or staff data as well as the correct assignment and debiting of all services that have been used, as well as one
the other hand being used for setting the system and interface parameters.
WIN NT4.0 (Service Pack 5) or Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2) acts as a platform for all computers integrated
into the system. The LAN is also defined using one of the two operating systems.
The collected data is not just centrally managed and saved on the server, but is also served to every workstation
and cash register as required.
Physically the server is not just connected to the LAN, but is also connected to the telecommunications system.

2.7 Telephone system

Standard interfaces such as the billing data interface (GDE) and the programming interface are connected to the
server via the RS232 port. For special functions, e.g. call termination when account balance reaches 0 and number
portability (every patient is assigned a virtual number on which he/she can be reached anywhere in the building) a
CTI interface or a LAN interface in the telecommunications network are required in most instances. This must,
however, always be clarified in the presence of the relevant contact person from the telecommunications company,
because standard configured Hardware is not always deployed.

Telecommunications system billing data interface
The server receives all billing records which occur within the system via this interface and filters out the relevant
PIN code phone calls which it requires. Based on the assignment of PIN codes the server is able to bill call charges
to the correct patient account. The telecommunications system, however, only sends the call record after the
telephone call has ended. The last call may in certain circumstances lead to a negative account balance. The CTI
interface provides workaround for this problem (see below).

Telecommunications system programming interface

Basically patient telephones are barred and only cleared for making calls to emergency numbers. Upon being
assigned to a bed, the patient must first of all log-in into the billing system. This is done by using the “check in”
function, either on patient handset PBG-T or Chiptel 190 payphone kiosk. The server now knows at which
physical extension the patient is logged in at and grants the relevant privileges to this extension device based on the
patient's current account balance (depending on customer wishes and account balance – local, national or
international calls…). Activations, privileges, deactivations are carried out using this interface in this way.
For some telephone systems, it is also possible to use so-called “number portability” via this interface. The patient
logs in at his/her new extension each time after having been moved and keeps the same internal number as far as
external calls are concerned, on which he/she can be reached throughout the entire hospital.

CSTA (TAPI or TSAPI) for the Telecommunications System

The term CSTA means Computer Supported Telecommunication Applications and is also often mentioned in
close association with the term CTI. Computer Telephony Integration is a general term.

This interface is basically used in telecommunications systems, when a foreign PC system wishes to connect to the
telephone system.
This type of interface is necessary for special billing system functions. As described above, the server always only
receives the billing records once the telephone call has been ended. A negative account balance in certain
circumstances is unavoidable. However, there is now also the opportunity to receive a brief record from the
telephone system via the so-called CSTA immediately after the call has been connected. The server is able to
calculate the amount to be billed in advance based upon this information which is received, and is able to then
terminate the telephone call.
Some telecommunications systems also support the previously mentioned “number portability” function using this

78 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

Telecommunications system server already available

Some telephone systems providers do not want to allow foreign systems to connect to the programming interface
for security reasons. Via the programming interface it is possible, in principle to carry out all the available
commands listed in the specification, even if they are not necessarily requires by VISOCALL PLUS. Various faults
can therefore occur in the telecommunications system as a result.
In order to keep the risk of this happening as low as possible, the operators have made a computer application
available. This PC may use the widest variety of different systems:

Application Link MD110 (ERICSSON)

Communication Link ALCATEL 4400 (ALCATEL)

The PC regulates communications between both foreign systems and VISOTAX PLUS is able to tailor the
specifications of its interface accordingly. It can also be ascertained based on this specification, which functions
can be carried out from the PC.

The basis premise is:

For all future projects and also possibly for some currently hitherto unknown software applications, specifications
and software descriptions must be obtained from telecommunications systems providers. We will then carry out
the necessary customization.

79 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

3 The Software
Based upon the variety of demands placed upon VISOTAX PLUS, it was essential to implement the concept on a
modular basis. The number of extensions used in the system is irrelevant. The modules described below are
optional and can be obtained in the form of licenses.

3.1 Single license modules

Patient management
Application for the server or for a workstation. All patient information, e.g. personal information, account balance,
where they have been moved to etc. can be viewed via this overlay. The software provides a complete overview of
the patient as well as displaying call information and the possibility to log the patient in and out, as well as the
possibility to analyse all patient records, as well as smartcard operation.

Staff management
The VISOTAX PLUS billing system is not only deployable for patients, but also for employees or other
companies. For this overlay, the same functions are available as previously described above in the section about
patient management.

Electronic Phonebook
VISOTAX PLUS offers an optimal opportunity for creating an electronic phonebook. This is, however, only
possible, if patient records are personalised. In an anonymous system, it is possible to find extensions, but no
names can be found for them.

3.2 Network modules

Charges receiver
The charges receiver module is responsible for the billing data interface between the server and the telephone
system. It is used to accept and supply phone call data from the telecommunications system.

Interface program for data transfer

If a server is networked with one or more workstations, then this module takes care of the necessary data transfer
using the TCP/IP protocol.

Television billing - basic fee

VISOTAX PLUS enables a daily / use-related basic fee for using the room TV set, the patient TV Terminal or the
Multimedia terminal. If this software module is integrated into the system, then a flat rate sum is defined for each
patient class, which is debited from the patient’s account if the device is used. This type of TV billing differs from
the time and channel fee billing model.

Discount levels
The hospital's administrators also have the opportunity to offer discount levels which benefit so-called "frequent
callers". Two levels are available per patient class. Once a certain „frequent caller“ sum has been reached, a
predefined percentage reduction is applicable.
Of course it happens time and time again, that patients have to stay in hospital for a longer than average period of
time. In such instances, it is possible to apply discount levels to currently outstanding flat rate fees. Once a certain
number of days have been exceeded, then a predefined percentage reduction is enforced.

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VISOTAX PLUS System Description

3.3 Cash register modules

Payment station integration
In a normal case, the controller software is installed on the billing server. It runs in the background, and collates all
data from all the payment stations in the network. If there are more than 5 payment stations installed, it is
necessary to obtain a central POS server, which takes over the POS tasks from the billing server, so that the billing
server is not overloaded.

Language modules
The payment station’s user interface is in German as a default. Dependent on a customer’s requirements, other
languages can also be installed, such as English, French, Italian etc. To enable this, the additional languages
required will be included in the database.

3.4 Accessory modules

Smartcard integration
In order to be able to read the smartcard on the server or at one of the workstations, a keyboard is required in
which a smartcard reader/writer is integrated or an external chipcardreader.
There are two interfaces available, first the serial one (RS232) and second the USB 2.0 (seperate chipcardunit), you
can use one of them.
The module is able to automatically detect the interface of the smartcard reader is connected to.

Remote maintenance module

The system offers complete access to all PCs connected to the billing system for maintenance and testing purposes
via the remote maintenance module, including the server, the workstations and the embedded PCs in payment

Backup module
Due to the large quantity of data involved, it is essential to carry out orderly backups. The databases are
permanently in an online state and must therefore be closed and duly backed up. This is not possible with
traditional backup programs. The backup module saves the relevant data on a removable data carrier which has
been specially prepared for the hardware.

3.5 Telephone exchange

Connection to a telecommunications system
VISOTAX PLUS can be customised to accommodate any PABX system, on the condition that the telephone
exchange’s hardware contains RS232 serial interfaces. The module ensures the faultless communication between
both systems.
The following telephone systems have been adapted to would with the billing system.


If a PABX which is not listed is being deployed in a project, then we develop the relevant interfaces and/or
customisations in conjunction with the relevant telecommunications system manufacturer.

81 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISOTAX PLUS System Description

4 The Components
Using the aforementioned components it is possible, in practice, to create any type of system imaginable. The
individual settings are carried out using a pre-defined password level in the patient management overlay.
VISOTAX PLUS offers the user a carefully designed and clear overview.

4.1 The VISOTAX PLUS Billing Server

The server is the heart of the VISOTAX PLUS system. It saves
all collected data in the relevant databases. All data is archived
on the relevant data carriers using the data backup module. All
workstations and payment stations have the appropriate access
to the data which is relevant for them. Communication with the
telecommunications system and possible foreign IT systems is
also included in the VISOTAX PLUS server’s functions.
Additionally, if required, the server also manages the account
balance announcements as well as various announcement texts
using the Voice Processing System.
In the event of servicing, full access is available to all IT
components in the system via remote maintenance.

4.2 VISOTAX PLUS Workstation

From the workstation it is possible to access and modify and/or
delete the data for all patients in the VISOTAX PLUS system.
The entire smartcard operation process also takes place using
this software interface. All data can be analysed using a wide
range of filters. As many workstations as are required can be
used within the system. The system administrator is able to
define user/password profiles for as many VISOTAX PLUS
users as is require from the workstation. This is not only
possible at the start when installing the system, but is also
possible whilst the system is operational.
During the programming of the system, which fault messages
and maintenance messages should appear at which workstations
is also defined.

4.3 TV Server
With help from the TV Server, VISOTAX PLUS is able to bill
TV services according to channels and time watched to the
minute. All data about changes of channel are sent from the TV
hub to the TV server, and are filtered accordingly to be sent to
the billing server. The billing server then bills the user exactly to
the minute for the TV fees incurred according to the billing

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4.4 The Server for the payment station

When installing systems including payment stations a central
POS server is deployed, since the level of data traffic between
the cash registers and the billing server is very high. As many
payment stations can be used as required.

4.5 The Payment Station

Up to 32 payment stations can be installed in a system. An
embedded PC is installed in the payment station, which
functions as an interface between the cash register’s electronics
and the server.
The payment station’s user interface is easy to operate and is
available in various language versions.
The service menu icluded in the software can be reached by
entering a password. In this menu is it possible to fill up the
coin hoppers and the smartcard reservoirs as well as to empty
the banknote checker.

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1 Hardware
The following hardware is used during the installation of the VISOTAX PLUS billing system.

1.1 Billing Server

Server for data transer and data storage, consisting of:

Minimum system requirements:

• Intel P4 Celeron 1.3 GHz processor

• min. 40 GB HDD
• min. 48x CD-R LW
• FDD 3.5” 1.44MB
• Onboard i845G graphics and soundcard
• Onboard Intel 10/100 LAN
• serial interfaces (2 onboard, 2 PCI)
• Smartcard keyboard and mouse (including mousepad)
• Windows 2000 professional edition
• maximum power consumption 200W at 230V~

Dimensions: 444 x 205 x 500 mm (H x W x D)

Weight: ca. 15 kg

as optional extras, there are: 250MB ZIP drive

Internal 56Kbps modem

Caution: If patient Internet access is also to be billed, then the applications server
described in the VISOCALL PLUS chapter (see 12.11) is also required.

Type: VTP-
HW-SRV Order number: FC007300

1.2 TV Server
Server for data transer and data storage, consisting of:

Minimum system requirements:

• Intel Pentium 2,8GHz processor

• RAM: min. 512MB
• LAN Intel 10/100/1000 onboard, RJ45 connection
• VGA Grafikadapter (onboard or PCI)
• Keyboard and mouse

Type: VTP-
HW-TVS Order number: FC007360

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1.3 Central Server for payment station

Server for payment station boot process via LAN, consisting of:

Minimum system requirements:

• Intel Pentium 2,8GHz processor

• RAM: min. 512MB
• LAN Intel 10/100/1000 onboard, RJ45 connection
• VGA Grafikadapter (onboard or PCI)
• Keyboard and mouse

Type: VTP-
HW-KS Order number: FC007370

1.4 Workstation
Workstation for editting all patient information, consisting of:

Minimum system requirements:

• Intel Celeron 1.3GHz processor

• 256 MB SDRAM
• min. 20 GB HDD
• min. 48x CD-R LW
• FDD 3.5” 1.44MB
• Onboard i845G graphics and soundcard
• 56Kbps Modem
• 10 MBits LAN connection
• 2 serial interfaces (RS232)
• 2 x PCI slots
• 1 x AGP slot
• Smartcard keyboard and mouse
• Windows 2000 professional edition
• VISOTAX PLUS software package
• maximum power consumption 200W at 230V~

Dimensions: 361 x 196 x 350 mm (H x W x D)

Weight: ca. 10 kg

Type: VTP-
HW-WS Order number: FC007310

1.5 Laser Printer

For printing out group and individual invoices as well as analysis reports
Parallel port for PC
Connection ~230V

Type: Drucker Order number: on demand

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1.6 ZIP
ZIP Disk Drive
Hardware for reliable backups of data generated by the VISOTAX PLUS system
(phone call data, patient data, settings, tariff data, fee data etc.)

Type: VTP-
HW-ZIP Order number: FC007312

1.7 4 Channel Voice Processing System

PCI card for installation in the VISOTAX PLUS server, wirh speech processing
system for account balance announements as well as possible login / logout texts.

Type: VTP-
HW-VPS4 Order number: FC007314

1.8 Keyboard with chipcardreader

PC keyboard mit an integrated chipcardreader for connection to the PS2.

Type: CHC-
CHC-KEYB Order number: FC73100---

1.9 Chipcard unit

External chipcard unit for connecting to USB2.0.

Type: Chip-
Chip-USB Order number: FC73100--

1.10 VGA Monitors

VGA colour monitor for use with server or workstation.

Type: Monitor Order number: on demand

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2 Software Modules
The following software modules are available based on the requirements of the operator.

2.1 Patient Management Module

Patient management module can either be installed at a separate workplace or on the
server, and is intended for the following functions:

• Admission and discharging of a patient

• Logging in and logging out of a patient at an extension
• Debiting and crediting a patient account
• Deleting recently discharged patients
• Writing to the smartcard using the smartcard keyboard
• Assigning the smartcard to a specific patient account
• Setting the 5 different patient classes
• Separate way of setting charges for each patient
• Analysis of call data
• Printing out invoices

Type: VTP-
SW-PAV Order number: FC007301

2.2 Staff Management Module

The module is similar in terms of its functions to the patient management module, as
is available as an optional extra.

Type: VTP-
SW-PEV Order number:
number: FC007302

2.3 Television billing - basic fee

For billing for a usage / daily flat rate fee for using the room TV set, the patient TV
terminal and the multimedia terminal. One daily rate is defined for each patient class.

Type: VTP-
SW-TVG Order number: FC007316

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2.4 Electronic Phonebook Module

Optional Module as an extension of personalised patient and staff management.
Requires personal information to be stored.

Type: VTP-
SW-ETB Order number: FC007315

2.5 Discount levels module

This module allows VISOTAX PLUS the opportunity to offer discount levels for
frequent callers and patients who have a long stay in hospital.

Type: VTP-
SW-RAB Order number: FC007317

2.6 Charges Receiver Module

This module allows charging data to be entered. The VISOTAX PLUS server receives
all call information from the telecommunications system via the RS 232 serial
interface. Since VISOTAX PLUS does not require all the data available, the system
filters and processes only the data which is relevant.

Type: VTP-
SW-GDE Order number: FC007303

2.7 Data Transfer Module

The server makes the necessary data available to all workstations within the system.
This is either done via a separate LAN, or there is also the possibility to use the
internal network.

Type: VTP-
SW-DT Order number: FC007304

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2.8 Smartcard integration module

Software drivers for the smartcard keyboards mentioned in 1.8and 1.9

Type: VTP-
SW-CC Order number: FC007305

2.9 Remote maintenance module

The remote maintenance module allows support technicians to enter the system from
outside up to the cash register user level, and to thereby offer rapid and reliable
support in the event of a system fault or failure.

Type: VTP-
SW-FW Order number: FC007306

2.10 Data backup module

The continuous collection of data by the billing system necessitates easy and
appropriate data backup. This module prevents possible data loss and saves all the
data on a ZIP drive which has been pre-configured to suit the hardware (see 1.6)

Type: VTP-
SW-ZIP Order number: FC007307

2.11 Telecommunications System Customisation Module

Since the necessary interfaces for telephone systems differ from one manufacturer to
another, VISOTAX PLUS uses this module to adapt itself to the relevant telephone

Type: VTP-
SW-TK Order number: FC007308

2.12 Internet Module

This module is for accouting the internet surfing time. The billing for the internet
usage depends on the settings from the patient classifications. If there is too less
money on the account, the access will be denied.

Type: VTP-
SW-IG Order number: FC00731

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3 Hardware Cash Register

For low-maintenance VISOTAX PLUS operation there are various types of payment stations available.

3.1 Standard payment station

User-friendly payment station for reduction of the amount of management required,
for opening, crediting, displaying and closing a smartcard account as well as pay out
remain account balances. When opening an account, a smartcard will automatically be
issued against a deposit, and the smartcard will be sucked in when the account is
closed, consisting of:

• Solid sheet steel case (grey) for screwing onto mounting frame, with a
lockable door with a security lock and with 4 retaining clips for increased
• 10.4” TFT colour display (resolution 640x480 pixels)
• optional multilingual user interface
• operator assistance via 8 interactive function keys
• Banknote checker for recognition of up to 4 banknotes
• Coin checker for recognition of 6 denominations of coin
(€0.05/€0.10/€0.20/€0.50/€1.00/€2.00), of which alternatively three
denominations can be accepted.
• Accepts 3 chosen denominations of coin with automatic coin circulation
• Combined mechanical smartcard issuing and redemption unit
with integrated reader and writer, for up to 443 smartcards.
• Thermal receipt printer (58 mm width paper roll)
• Wide change return tray with transparent protective flap
for receiving change and receipt.
• Centralised configuration
• Maintenance messages are automatically transferred
• Embedded PC with operating system, software and LAN connection for
connection to central billing system or POS server.
• Remote maintenance possible
• Connection ~230V
• 10Mb LAN RJ45 connection

Weight: ca. 90 kg
Dimensions: 1000x580x340 mm (HxWxD)

Type: VTP-
VTP-KA Order number: FC007410

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3.2 Payment station with credit card interface (Austria)

User-friendly payment station for reduction of the amount of management required,
for opening, crediting, displaying and closing a smartcard account as well as pay out
remain account balances. When opening an account, a smartcard will automatically be
issued against a deposit, and the smartcard will be sucked in when the account is
closed, consisting of:

• Solid sheet steel case (grey) for screwing onto mounting frame, with a
lockable door with a security lock and with retaining clips for increased
• 10.4” TFT colour display (resolution 640 x 480 pixels)
• optional multilingual user interface
• operator assistance via 8 interactive function keys
• Integrated Austrian credit card and debit card interface for
cash-free money transfer
• in to the VISOTAX PLUS account, for which purpose an
ISDN S0 connection is included
• Banknote checker for recognition of up to 4 banknotes (€5/€10/€20/€50)
• Coin checker for recognition of 6 denominations of coin
(€0.05/€0.10/€0.20/€0.50/€1.00/€2.00), of which alternatively three
denominations can be accepted.
• Accepts 3 chosen denominations of coin with automatic coin circulation
• Combined motorised smartcard issuing and redemption unit
with integrated reader and writer, for up to 443 smartcards.
• Thermal receipt printer (58 mm width paper roll)
• Wide change return tray with transparent protective flap for
receiving change and receipt.
• Centralised configuration
• Maintenance messages are automatically transferred
• Embedded PC with operating system, software and LAN connection for
connection to central billing system or POS server.
• Remote maintenance possible
• Connection ~230V
• 10Mb LAN RJ45 connection

Weight: ca. 90 kg
Dimensions: 1000x580x340 mm (HxWxD)

Type: VTP-
KA-KIA Order number: FC007420

3.3 Payment station with credit card interface (Germany)

Type: VTP-
KA-KID Order number: on demand

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3.4 Installation
Installation frame
Coated sheet steel frame for affixing to the wall for installation of payment stations.

Weight: ca. 10 kg
Dimensions: 1000x580x20 mm (HxWxD)

Type: VTP-
KA-MR Order number: FC007400

3.5 Floor stand

Sheet steel enamel coated floor stand for free-standing installation of payment
stations, to be fastened to the floor using a high performance anchoring unit.

Weight: ca. 15 kg
Dimensions: 770x580x300 mm (HxWxD)

Type: VTP-
VTP-KAF Order number: FC007401

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4 Software Cash Register

For controlling payment stations as well as for multilingual user interface, the following software modules are

4.1 CashConfig Interface Application

This software module is installed on the billing server or the central POS server and is
used to configure, as well as being an interface to, payment stations. The software
includes also the bootserver (software for booting the payment station)

Type: VTP-
SW-CC Order number: FC007371

4.2 Payment station connection

Software module for installation on the billing server. This module handles
communications between the billing server and the central POS server.

Type: VTP-
VTP-KIK Order number: FC007321

4.3 Language modules

The multilanguage module is used in hospitals with patients of international origins.

Type: VTP-
SW-L Order number: on demand

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5 TV Interfaces
For the various billing methods of TV charges, there are various TV Interface controller units available:

5.1 TVI standard

Using this TVI interface it is possible to bill the patient for the use of the room TV set
or the Patient TV Terminal using a daily fee. This controller user can only be used in
conjunction with the VISOCALL PLUS nurse call system.

Type: TVI Order number: FC81456-


5.2 TVI stand alone

Using this TVI interface it is possible to bill the patient for the use of the room TV set
or the Patient TV Terminal using a daily fee. This variation can be used without

Type: TVI-
TVI-STA Order number:
number: ED010714

5.3 TVI deluxe

With this TVI interface, it is possible to bill patients for use of the Patient TV
Terminal using time and channel-based TV chargings. This variation requires the
installation of a TV hub and a TV server.

Type: TVI
VI-LUX Order number: ED010713

94 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


5.4 Connection Device

This connection device has a special interface for daily flat rate billing for room TV

• pole RS485 connection cable (50 cm long)

Type: SVT-
SVT-BZTV Order number: FC008304

5.5 TV Hub
Interface between TV Server application and TV terminals and/or Multimedia
terminals for data acquisition, compression and transferring to the billing system,
consisting of:

• Sheet steel case which can be locked using a key lock for connection of a
maximum of 256 TV terminals or Multimedia terminals
• Power supply 230V~ with cold connector for connection to the power line
• 19” rack contains:
• -) 230V~ power supply
• -) Slots for a maximum of 8 slide-in cards each with 32 connections
• pin SUB-D connector for connection to the TV server (RS422)
• Possibility to connect an additional TV hub
• Blue metal case for surface installation in electricity distribution case
• Ambient temperature: 0°C to +50°C
• Relative Air Humidity: 5-95% without condensation

Dimensions: 600 x 445 x 225mm (H x W x D)

Weight: ca. 15kg

Type: TVH Order number: FC009611

5.6 TVNI32 push-

push-in card
The TV hub can control up to 32 TV terminals using this push-in card. Up to approx.
8 push-in cards can be used simultaneously in each TV hub.

• Connection strip for 32 TV terminals

Type: TVNI32 Order number: ED010711

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5.7 Adam Converter (RS232 to RS422/RS485)

The Adam Converter is required for converting the TV server’s serial interface
(RS232) into the interface (RS422) used by the TV Hub.
Plastic case with:

• Connection for 9 pin SUB-D female connector (RS232)

• Connection for connection strip (RS485 and RS 422)

Type: ADAM 4520 Order number: FG020212

5.8 Power Supply for Adam Converter

This power supply with plug is used as the power supply for the Adam Converter.
Plastic case with:

• 2 pin connection for a 12V DC load.

• 350mm connection cable
• Maximum output current 2.5A, stabilised
• Wattage: 15W

Dimensions: 165x65x40mm (HxWxD) without plug

165x65x75mm (HxWxD) with plug

Type: NE 109 Order number: 73827

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6 Accessories
The smartcard serves as a key for access to VISOTAX PLUS’ services.

6.1 Smartcard
Standard smartcard in accordance with ISO standard 7816. It acts as the key to
VISOTAX PLUS. With the smartcard, the patient has access to all services offered in
the system.
The smartcard can be printed with any graphic (in jpeg format) on both sides using 4
colour printing.

Type: VTP-
VTP-CK2x4C Order
Order number: FC007830

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VISO-OPT PLUS System Description

System Description
1 Characteristic System Properties
The VISO-OPT PLUS emergency call system enables people requiring assistance to raise the alarm at a central
location within a building or building complex. The system can, for example, be deployed in the following areas:
Bathroom emergency calls in hotels, emergency calls for disabled toilets in public buildings, schools etc. or also for
emergency calls for changing room cubicles in out-patient clinics and doctors’ practices.

1.1 Standards
Presuming that established VISOCALL PLUS call components (RT, ZT and PT) have been installed in the call
inputs for VISO-OPT PLUS, VISO-OPT PLUS adheres to the following currently valid standards and regulations:

VDE 0834 Part 1 – area of application A

1.2 Maximum Security

Self monitoring
Self-monitoring of the data circuits guarantees operational security. A fault is displayed as applicable at the base

Safety features
Automatic call reminders, integrated into the system prevent calls for being deleted.

1.3 Basic Installation

Infinitely variable system construction
A base terminal and the relevant call device connected to one of the four call inputs form a functional system. The
system can then be expanded on a modular basis. If more than 4 call inputs are required, up to 15 extension
terminals (each with 8 call inputs) can be connected to the base terminal. Consequently there are a maximum of up
to 124 call inputs available. If required, a complete terminal unit can also be installed in parallel.

1.4 Optimal concept for devices

Well thought out components are the mark of VISO-OPT PLUS’ devices concept:

Base terminal
For installation in a double countersunk case or surface-mounted case (vertically or horizontally) for use as a basic

Extension terminal
For installation in a double countersunk case or surface-mounted case (vertically or horizontally) for use as a
extension unit.

Call and cancel buttons

Even various VISOCALL PLUS call components can be combined with VISO-OPT PLUS.

Signal lamps
VISOCALL PLUS signal lamps can be used for displaying the local call location.

Power supplies
A 24V= power supply, with a maximum power supply of 2A is available for supplying the basic terminals and
extension terminals with power. For calculation of power supply requirements the following applies:

99 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS System Description

Fully equipped basic terminal (4 soffit lamps): 0.98A with 100% concurrence
Fully equipped extension terminal (8 soffit lamps): 1.86A with 100% concurrence

Accessories, such as countersunk cases and surface mounted cases, can be found in chapter 14 of the VISOCALL
PLUS section.

100 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS System Description

2 The types of system

2.1 Centralised Systems
The basic terminal, which is installed in a central location, offers the user a complete overview for all call locations.
If a call is triggers, the user can either delete the call from this central location or from where the call originated
from: this can be set using the DIL switches.

2.2 Combination systems

If a parallel panel is installed in addition to the basic terminal, then it may be up to 1200m away from the basic
Call cancellation can be blocked from there or activated; this can be set by means of DIL switches.

3 The system functions

3.1 Call display
If a call is triggered from a call device which is attached to one of the call inputs, then an alarm signal will sound at
the basic terminal. The relevant control LED corresponding to the call location will also be lit up on the terminal.

3.2 Cancel cancellation

The call can be cancelled in two different ways:

By pressing the relevant button at the basic terminal or extension terminal (call cancellation must be activated)
By pressing the cancel button from the place where the call was made (call cancellation at the terminal must be

3.3 Buzzer mute control

The basic terminal’s buzzer can be switched to “mute” by pressing a button.
If the call is not deleted within two minutes, the alarm signal will sound again.

3.4 Faults
Since the VISO-OPT PLUS system is an emergency call system, the quiescent current of all call inputs is
monitored, however, only when used with the VISOCALL PLUS call button, pneumatic button and pull button.
In operating conditions this means that a fault is announced immediately, as sound as the call circuits and/or the
call devices are damaged or disconnected (due to a wire break or a short circuit).
The control LED for a fault lights up and the buzzer sounds.
There is also the possibility of transferring the announcement of the fault to other systems, by using the fault relay.

3.5 Group call relay

A group call relay is integrated into the basic terminal. As soon as a call is triggered, the call can be displayed
externally or be connected via this relay.

101 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS Datasheets

1 Terminals
For the centralised displaying of calls from all call locations within the system.

1.1 Base terminal

Base terminal, as a central location for all attached call inputs, to be installed
horizontally in a standard double installation case, consisting of:

• A membrane keypad with:

- 4 cancel buttons including control LEDs
- 1 buzzer acknowledgement button
- description tags
• Electronic audible alarm
• voltage-free group call output
• voltage-free group fault output
• Green operation LED
• Yellow fault LED
• Connection clips for cal components and extension terminal

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: VO-
VO-BT Order number: FC008950

1.2 Extension terminal

The extension terminal acts as an extension to the basic terminal, when more than
four call locations are installed in the system. For horizontal installation in a standard
double installation case, consisting of:

• A membrane keypad with:

- 8 cancel buttons including control LEDs
- description tags
• Connection clips for cal components and extension terminal

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 160x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: VO-
VO-ZT Order number: FC008951

102 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS Datasheets

2 Connectable components
VISO-OPT PLUS offers the optimal solution as well as providing integrated quiescent current monitoring in
conjunction with VISOCALL PLUS components.

2.1 Call button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane keypad

with 2 control LEDs, finder light included
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: RT Order number: FC008400

2.2 Pull button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• Membrane with a control LED, finder light included

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;
• including 2m cord with grip

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: ZT Order number: FC008410

2.3 Pneumatic button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• Membrane with a control LED, finder light included

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;
• incl. 2 m pneumatic tubing with a pressure ball

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: PT Order number: FC008420

2.4 Cancel button

To be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 cancel button (green) on a membrane keypad with a control LED,

• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: AT Order number: FC008430

103 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A
VISO-OPT PLUS Datasheets

2.5 Connection Device

to be installed in a single switchbox, consisting of a supporting frame with circuit
board, on which the function and monitoring circuitry is contained as well as

• 1 connector for contact for push button type “BT-RK”

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) on a membrane keypad
with 2 control LEDs, finder light included
• 1 connection panel with screw-free clips;

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Caution: Connection device SVM-K can only be used in conjunction with the power
supply described in point 3.1 below. If the connection device is connected to
terminals which use the transformers displayed below in points 3.2 and 3.3, then the
connection device will not function properly.

Type: SVM-
SVM-K Order number: FC008320

2.6 Push button

The simple push button for the patient for rapid and easy call triggering, for
connection to the connection device described in point 2.5, consisting of:

• 1 call button (red, marked with a nurse symbol) with 2 control LEDs,
finder light included
• 6.3mm jack plug for connection to unit “SVM-K”
• Includes a 2.8m connection cable

Dimensions: 90x60x20mm (HxWxD)

plastic casing in colour RAL 9010

Type: BT-
BT-RK Order number: FC008230

104 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS Datasheets

3 Power supply and Transformer

As the terminals installed within the system require 24V DC current, the necessary power supply is described

3.1 Power supply with battery modul

For supplying power to VISO-OPT PLUS terminals as well as connected peripheral
devices and signal lamps. The device conforms to EMC standards EN55022 Class B,
EN61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5,6,8,11 and EN61000-3-2 and -3.

Technical details:

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Input current: 1A
Leakage current: 1 mA

Output voltage: 24 V=
Output continuous current: 1.8 A
Peak current: 2A
Residual ripple: 100mVss
Load variation: +/- 0.03% per °C

Ambient temperature: max. 40°C at 1,5A

Power supply operating temp.: -10°C to +60°C
Battery operating temperature: -20°C to +85°C

Changeover interval: 60ms

Dimensions: 220x275x110mm (WxHxD)

Type: NG24-
NG24-2 Order number: FC008723

3.2 Transformer 50VA

Single phase transformer - sealed-in model with electrically isolated primary and
secondary windings. Manufactured in compliance with ÖVE regulation M/EN 61558,
moisture proofed by impregnation.

Technical details:

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Primary current: 0.26 A
Secondary current: 2.08 A
Flat fuse: 3A (secondary)

OEK regulation: M/EN 61558

Warmth class B: max. ambient temperature 40°C at 75°C excess
Isolation range 1: Testing voltage 4000V/50Hz for 1 minute

Connection: sealed cable with earthed plug

Dimensions: 66x68x115mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 1.35 kg

Type: TR50 Order number: KU923050

105 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

VISO-OPT PLUS Datasheets

3.3 3.3 Transformer 100VA

Single phase transformer - sealed-in model (IP56) with electrically isolated primary and
secondary windings. Manufactured in compliance with ÖVE regulation M/EN 61558,
moisture proofed by impregnation.

Technical details:

Power supply: 230V/50Hz

Primary current: 0.52 A
Glass fuse: 0.71A (secondary)
Secondary current: 4.17 A

OEK regulation: M/EN 61558

Warmth class B: max. ambient temperature 40°C at 75°C excess
Isolation range 1: Testing voltage 4000V/50Hz for 1 minute

Connection: Primary and secondary side screw clips

Dimensions: 112x146x158mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 2.4 kg

Type: TR100 Order number: KU923100

106 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A



107 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1 Characteristic System Properties

The VISOCALL FUNK system is used in particular in old people’s homes and care homes or also in certain areas
within a hospital. The system is primarily used to supplement the nurse call system, but can, however, also be
combined with a phone dialling device for use privately.

1.1 Maximum Security

Complete system failure impossible
Each radio transmitter is fitted with an internal capacity controller. The transmitter can display promptly, by means
of the control LED, that it is time to change the battery.

1.2 Optimal
Optimal concept for devices
Well thought out components are the mark of VISOCALL FUNK’s devices concept:

Battery powered radio transmitter for triggering a mobile call.

Radio units which can be connected to VISOCALL PLUS and all foreign systems which have voltage-free inputs.

Power supplies
A 24V= power supply, with a maximum power supply of 2A is available for supplying the radio receiver with
power. When connected to the VISOCALL PLUS connection device, the necessary supply voltage required can of
course be drawn from the power supply network for the nurse call system.

When using VISOCALL FUNK in combination with VISOCALL PLUS, please see connection devices listed in
chapter 1.

108 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1 Radio components
For plugging into the VISOCALL PLUS connection devices or into 6 pin DIN sockets in standard single
installation cases and all other foreign systems which make a voltage-free input available for the call receiver.

1.1 Standard radio receiver

The cablefree radio receiver for connection to connection device SV-F (see 1.3),
which is installed in a single installation case. It consists of:

• A plastic case with membrance and cable approx. 100mm long

• 1 socket for DIN connector
• red control LED for visual signalling of a call having been triggered.
• green control LED for displaying operating status
• yellow control LED for displaying battery status

Dimensions: 95x47x31mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: EE2-
EE2-6 Order number: FC007961

109 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1.2 Radio receiver for VISOCALL PLUS

The cablefree radio receiver is connected to a VISOCALL PLUS connection
device, which is installed in a double installation case. It consists of:

• A plastic case with membrance and cable approx. 100mm long

• 1 socket for a 15 pin SUB/D connector
• red control LED for visual signalling of a call having been triggered.
• green control LED for displaying operating status
• yellow control LED for displaying battery status

Dimensions: 95x47x57mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: EE2-
EE2-15 Order number: FC007962

1.3 Radio Connection Device

Connection device SV-F is manufactured in the VISOCALL PLUS look and is
installed in a single installation case. It is used as a connection device for radio
receiver EE2-6 (1.1) and consists of:

• Plastic case with membrane

• 1 socket for 6 pin EE2-6

Dimensions: incl. covering panel 80x83x13mm (HxWxD)

in colour RAL 9010

Type: SV-
SV-F Order number: FC007980

110 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A


1.4 Wrist transmitter

The wrist transmitter is attached around the wrist and is used for mobile call
triggering, and consists of:

• A plastic case with integrated call button for call triggering

• Plastic wrist strap with fastening
• red control LED for visual signalling of a call having been triggered.
• Range: up to 20m in a clear line of sight and triggered as hip level
• Integrated battery monitoring

Dimensions: Transmitter 45x40x15mm (HxWxD) in anthracite colour

Wrist strap 200x25x5mm (LxWxD) in colour black

Type: AS2
AS2 Order number: FC007964

1.5 Pendant transmitter

The pendant transmitter is worn around the neck and is used for mobile call
triggering, and consists of:

• A plastic case with integrated call button for call triggering

• Plastic chance with fastener
• red control LED for visual signalling of a call having been triggered.
• Range: up to 20m in a clear line of sight and triggered as hip level
• Integrated battery monitoring

Dimensions: Transmitter 60x40x16mm (HxWxD) in anthracite colour

Chain 800x5mm (LxDiameter) in colour grey

Type: US2 Order number: FC007965

1.6 Pneumatic transmitter

The pneumatic radio call button is used for mobile triggering of calls on a table or
by pressing it with the foot or chin etc., consisting of:

• A plastic case with integrated call button for call triggering

• red control LED for visual signalling of a call having been triggered.
• Range: up to 15m in clear line of sight
• Integrated battery monitoring

Dimensions: 100x35mm (Diameter x H), red button

Weight: ca. 165g

Type: PS2 Order number: FC007966

111 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A



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Tel.: +43-1-81157-0


112 product catalogue V1.2 FC38502E-A

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