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Applying the Quantitative Reasoning Process

Please answer the following question as a group:

Why are foresight and follow-through important when applying the Quantitative
Reasoning Process?
These two elements to the reasoning process are so important becuase they are what help us to have a b
vision as we develop a plan ans have accelerate our motive to exceute the plan in an accurate and timely
manner. As a group, we we dicussed how the two combined help a plan to be better implemented.

plying the Quantitative

they are what help us to have a better

he plan in an accurate and timely
to be better implemented.
Scenario: You are a new college freshman and haven’t selected a major yet. You pla
Quantitative Reasoning Process to help you think through your options and select a

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

-Understand what it taskes to acquire to a major aka credit amount requirements
-Ask experienced people how they approached their major selection process\Revie
recommended major plans
-Look into personality/college career and major quizzes recommended by the schoo
-Search for colledge preparartion classes/workshops to be know what to expect in a

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

-Share your plan with someone trsusted and confident in who can help you stay acc
your plan
-Create a relationship with the schools admission/student succes offices in order to
place o ask questions and to share your plan with.

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec

- The prophet Joseph Smith taught by example the principle of follow through when
young boy wanting answers for questions of eternity and his own salvation-this can
unserstand that when we have questions we must follw the direction/quidance, and
recieve from the Holy Ghost.
ected a major yet. You plan to use the
your options and select a major.

it amount requirements
or selection process\Review

ecommended by the school

e know what to expect in a major

who can help you stay accountable to
succes offices in order to have a safe

leaders applies to the decision?

le of follow through when he was a

his own salvation-this can help us to
he direction/quidance, and th answer we
Scenario: Your doctor has advised you to exercise more often. You plan to use the Q
Reasoning Process to select an exercise plan.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

-Ask a questions on a particular exercise he/she would recommend for a particular h
-Ask the doctors ofice for the most science backed health/exercise plans
-Ask others in similar age/health bracket what they may do for exercise
-Consider current daily schedule and upcomming plans such as vacations/trips, in or
consistent to an exercise plan

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

-Establish and commit to a student time to exercise in the day

-share with your doctor your plan
-Exercise with a friend to help creat a sense of accountability to one another
-Inpute plan into a mobile device to keep track of efforts and improvements.

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec

- The word of Wisdom is a great scripture for someone to co sider and reflect on to i
into a daily practice and prayer to help the eternal view of the principle.
ften. You plan to use the Quantitative

ommend for a particular health concern

/exercise plans
o for exercise
ch as vacations/trips, in oredr to stay


e day
ility to one another
and improvements.

leaders applies to the decision?

co sider and reflect on to incorporate

the principle.
Scenario: You have a desire to serve others and would like to organize a humanitaria
you and some friends. You plan to use the Quantitative Reasoning Process to consid
and select a project.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

-Determine as a gruop what type of work you would like to do to narrow a couple o
-Reflect together as a group what has given you fulfillment when you serve to bette
kind of project to select
-Consider schedule conflicts and future plans the group may have collectively and in

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

-assure eceryone in the group is on baord and have a time where the project canbe
before the projects to ensure dtails and cinfirmations
-Creat a system of accounatability and motivation to encourage one another when t
chage in plans.
-Creating timeline points to have expected completed tasks done by the to help stay

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec
-The experience that Nephi and his family had when they were instrcted by the Lord
boat would be a great study for the group in order to see how different approaches
to a projects can affect the group effort
to organize a humanitarian project for
asoning Process to consider your options

o do to narrow a couple of project

nt when you serve to better know what

may have collectively and individually.

e where the project canbe discussed
urage one another when thinhs may

ks done by the to help stay on track

leaders applies to the decision?

were instrcted by the Lord to build a
how different approaches and attitudes
Scenario: You just got engaged and are planning a wedding. You plan to use the Qua
Reasoning Process to help organize your ideas and plan your wedding.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

-consider family/in-law family expectationd to see what is important to them and yo
-Ask married family/friends how they approached the beginning process for plannin
-Pray as a couple for the Lord's Spirit and guidance as you approach the wedding

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

-Keep one another accounatable through a timeline
-Help one another to not fall into others presure and expectations-have clear collec
aggrements and expectations with one another(the engaed couple)
-Review plan and budegt weekly to assure plans and expectations are followed

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec
The Brother of Jared inquiring of the Lord on how to light the boats before their tra
example story of how the Lord wants us to ask Him and use our own agency to mak
that will help us. Similarly, there are many choices to be made in planning a weddin
trusts us to make decisions that are best for us.
g. You plan to use the Quantitative
ur wedding.

s important to them and you(the engaed

ginning process for planning a wedding
approach the wedding


ectations-have clear collective

ed couple)
ectations are followed

leaders applies to the decision?

the boats before their travels is a great
se our own agency to make decisions
made in planning a wedding but the Lord
For this step complete the Week 13
Group Assignment Quiz together.

Also, discuss any homework problems

that you are struggling with.

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