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_S— PT. ADIDAYA ALAM BORNEO T7 MINNING TRADING SUPPLIER TRANSPORTATION JLH Hasan Basri Komp. Simp Gusti No. IS C RT.7 Telp/Fax. 0511-3308417 Barjarmasin CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT SURAT PENGALAMAN KERJA No. 024/HRD-AAB/TX/2021 ‘This is to certify that ini menerangkan bahwa : ASEP SAEPUDIN ‘Nomor Induk Karyawan © AABO2I7 186 Project and Location : PT, ADIDAYA ALAM BORNEO Proyek dan Lokasi Job Site Sebamban, Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan : DRIVER DT Jabatan Periade of Service : Brom : 14/02/2017 Until: 14/01/2018 Masa Kerja Dari sid + Resign Alasan Berhentt We would to take this opportunity to thank you for your past effort and contributions to PT. Adidaya Alam Borneo, and to wish you every success in the future. Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas usaha dan dedikasi yang telah saudara berikan kepada PT. Adidaya Alam Bomeo, dan berharap semoga prestasi dan keberhasilan senantiasa ‘menyertai saudara dimasa yarig akan datang. Banjarmasin, 20 September 2021

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