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Krichelle R.

Pacheco BSED I-A

An Exemplication of the Active and Passive Transport

The Digestive Process is one of the examples of the active and passive transport. With
this process, I found out that the person who was eating e.g. the rice, he/she was both exerting
and not exerting on using any energy in the movement of molecules in his/her body at the same
An active process is used when breaking down the food (through muscle contractions and
production of enzymes and chemicals). Chewing requires muscle construction, so it is active in
that it uses energy. While passive process is used (osmosis) to absorb the food into the
bloodstream. Osmosis, a form of passive transport, occurs in both the small and large intestines,
with the majority of osmosis occurring in the large intestines. As our body processes food, it
moves from the esophagus to the stomach and then the small intestine. While there, our
body absorbs important nutrients via osmosis. As food leaves the small intestine, it travels
to the large intestine, and some osmosis can occur here as well.

Well, the digestive process will tell it so:

The start of the process begins in the mouth, food is partly broken down by the process
of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes. After being chewed and swallowed,
the food enters the esophagus, a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach, thus this is
where the food runs in order to get to the stomach, a sack-like organ that churns the food and
bathes it in very strong acid. The food now enters the small intestines, first in the duodenum (the
first part of the small intestine), next it enters the jejunum, and then the ileum (the final part of
the small intestines). In the small intestines, this is where the breakdown of food happens
through the help of the bile, pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes. After passing
through the small intestines, food passes into the large intestines where some of the water and
electrolytes (e.g. sodium) are removed from the food.

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