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Serial No.

IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

1 2 1968 Route Marker Signs for National Highways Held

2 3 1983 Dimensions & Weights of Road Design Vehicles Held

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

3 4 1998 Held
Bridges.Section I-General Features of Design

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

4 5 2000 Held
Bridges.Section II - Loads and Structures

Recommended Practice for numbering Bridges and

5 6 1971 Held

6 7 1980 Type Designs for Highways Kilometer Stones Held

7 8 1972 Traffic census on Non Urban Roads Held

Recommended Practice for Burrow pits and Road

8 9 1961 Held
Embankments Constructed by Manual Operations

Recommended Practice for Design Layouts of Cycle

9 10 1962 Held

Recommended Practice for Location and Layout of

10 11 1983 Roadside Motor Fuel Filling and Motor - Fuel Filling - Cum Held
-Service Ststions

Recommended Practice for 2 cm Thick Bitumen Tar

11 12 1977 Held

Standard Specification & Code of Practice for

12 13 2002 ||||||||
Construction of Concrete Roads

Specification for Priming of Base Course with Bitumen

13 14 1989 Held

Tentative Specification for Single Coat Bituminous

14 15 1965 Held
Surface Dressing

Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges

15 16 2000 Held
(Post Tensioned Concrete)

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Water

16 17 1977 Held
Bound Macadam
Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Recommended Practice for Bituminous Penetration

17 18 1966 Held
Macadam (Full Grout)

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

18 19 2000 Bridges Section III-Cement Concrete (Plain and ||||||||

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

19 20 1986 Held
Bridges Section VI- Composite Construction

Tentative Specification for Two Coat Bituminous Surface

20 21 1966 Held

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

21 22 2001 ||||||||
Bridge ,Section V -Steel Road Bridges

22 23 1967 Type Designsof Boundary Stones Held

23 24 1967 Type Design of 200- meter stones Held

Tentative Specification for Bituminous Macadam (Base &

24 25 1967 Held
Binder Course)

Tentative Specification for the construction of Stablized

25 26 1967 Soil Roads with Soft Aggregate in Areas of Moderate and Held
High Rainfall

Specification for Bituminous Concrete (Asphaltic

26 27 1988 Held
Concrete) for Road Pavement

Standard Letters and Numerals of Difference Heights for

27 28 1968 Held
Use on Highway Signs

28 29 1969 Route Marker Signs for State Routes. Held

Standard for Vertical and Horizontal Clearances of

29 30 1969 Overhead Electric Power and Telecommunication Lines Held
as Related to Roads

Standard Procedure for Evaluation and Condition Surveys

30 31 1969 Held
of Stabilized Soil Roads

Recommendation for Road Construction in Waterlogged

31 32 1970 Held

32 33 1997 Code of Practice for Road Markings(with Paints) Held

Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Recommended Practice for the construction of Earth

33 34 1970 Held
Embankments for Road works

34 35 2001 Guidelines for the design of Flexible Pavements Held

Guidelines for the design of Horizontal Curves for

35 36 1988 Held
Highways and Design Tables

36 37 1986 Standard for Road Rail Level Crossings Held

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

37 38 2002 ||||||||
Bridges Section IV- Brick Stone and Block Masonry

38 39 1997 Type Design for Check Barriers Held

Proforma for Record of Test Values of Locally Available

39 40 1972 Held
Pavement Construction Materials

Recommended Practice for Tools Equipment and

40 41 1972 Held
Appliances for Concrete Pavement Construction

Tentative Guidelines for Cement Concrete mix Design for

41 42 1976 Pavement (for Non Air Entrained and continuosly Graded Held

Recommendation for Estimating the Resistance of Soil

42 43 1972 below the Maximum Scour level in the Design of Well Held
foundation of Bridges

43 44 1972 A Policy on Roadside Advertisement Held

44 45 1972 Tentative Specification for Builtup Spray Grout Held

Tentative Specification for Bituminous Surface Dressing

45 46 1972 Held
Using Precoated Aggregates

Recommended Practice for the Pulverization of black

46 47 1973 Held
cotton soils for Lime Stabilisation

Recommended Design Criteria for the Use of Cement

47 48 1973 Held
Modified Soil in Road Construction

Guidelines for the use of Soil Lime Mixes in Road

48 49 1992 Held
Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Recommendation about the Alignment Survey and

49 50 2001 Held
Geometric Design of Hill Roads

50 51 1982 Road Accident Forms A-1 and 4 Held

Lateral and Vertical Clearences at Underpasses for

51 52 1974 Held
Vehicular Traffics

52 53 1974 Recommended Practice for Sand Bitumen Base Courses Held

Recommended Practice for Treatment of Embankment

53 54 1974 Held
Slopes for Erosion Control

Recommended Practice for sealing of Joints in Concrete

54 55 1974 Held

Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements for

55 56 1988 Held

Tentative Guidelines for the Design of Gap. Graded

56 57 1976 Held
Cement Concrete Mixes for Road Pavements.

Tentative Guidelines for the use of Lime-Fly Ash Concrete

57 58 1976 Held
as Pavement base for Sub Base

Tentative Guidelines for the construction of Cement

58 59 1976 Held
Concrete Pavement in Hot Weather

59 60 1976 Guidelines for Control of Access on Highways Held

Tentative Guidelines for the use of Low Grade aggregates

60 61 1976 and soil aggregate mixture in Road Pavement Held

61 62 1990 Guidelines for Capacity of roads in Rural Areas Held

62 63 1976 Recommended Practice for Traffic Rotaries Held

Recommended Practice for Sight Distance on Rural

63 64 1976 Held

64 65 2001 Code of Practice for Road Signs Held

Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Tentative Guidelines on Cement Fly Ash Concrete for

65 66 1976 Held
Rigid Pavement Construction

66 67 1977 Space Standards for Road in Urban Areas Held

Guidelines on Regulations and Control of Mixed Traffic in

67 68 1977 Held
Urban Areas

68 69 1977 Recommended Practice for Preperation of Notations Held

Recommended Practice for the use of upkeep of

69 70 1978 Equipment Tools and Appliances for Bituminous Held
Pavement Construction

Geometric Design Standards for Rural (non urban)

70 71 1980 Held

Tentative Guidelines for Lean Cement Concrete and Lean

71 72 1979 Cement Fly Ash Concrete as a Pavement Base or Sub Held

72 73 1979 Guidelines for the Design of High Embankments Held

Tentative Guidelines for Structural Strength Evaluation of

73 74 1979 Held
rigid Airfield Pavements

Tentative Guidelines for Repair of Concrete Pavement

74 75 1979 Held
using Synthetic Resins

Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road

75 76 2000 ||||||||
Bridges ,Section VII -Foundation & Substructure

76 77 1981 Recommended Practice for Road Delineators Held

Type Designs for Pickup Bus Stops on Rural(I,e Non

77 78 1981 Held
Urban) Highways

Tentative Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road

78 79 1997 Held
Pavements using Benkleman Beam Deflection Technique

Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Surface

79 80 1982 Held
of highways

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

80 81 1999 ||||||||
Bridges Section IX-Bearings ,Part I- Metallic Bearings
Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

81 82 1987(Part II) Held
Bridges Section IX-Bearings ,Part II -Elastomeric Bearings

Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road

82 83 2002(Part III) Bridges Section IX-Bearings ,Part III :POT ,POT -cum ||||||||
-PTFE,PIN and Metallic guide

Code of Practice for Curing of Cement Concrete

83 84 1983 Held

Recommended Practice for Accelerated strength Testing

84 85 1983 and Evaluation of Concrete for Roads & Air Field Held

85 86 1983 Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains Held

Guidelines for the Design & Erection of False works for

86 87 1984 Held
Road Bridges

Recommended Practice for Lime Flyash Stabilised Soil

87 88 1984 Held
Base /Subbase in Pavement Construction

Guidelines for the Design & Construction of River training

88 89 1997 Held
& Control works for Roads Bridges

Guidelines of Selection, Operation and Maintenance of

89 90 1985 Held
Bituminous Hot Mix Plants

Tentative Guidelines for Construction of Cement Concrete

90 91 1985 Held
pavements in Clod Weather

91 92 1985 Guidelines for Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas Held

Guidelines on Design and Installation of Road Traffic

92 93 1985 ||||||||

93 94 1986 Specification for Dense bituminous macadam (DBM) Held

Specification for Semi Dense bituminous Concrete

94 95 1987 Held

Tentative Specifications for Two Coat Surface Dressing

95 96 1987 Held
Using Cationic bitumen Emulsion

Tentative Specifications for 20 mm Thick Premix Carpet

96 97 1987 ||||||||
Using Cationic Bitumen Emulsion
Serial No. IRC Number IRC Date About (Description) Remarks

Guidelines on Accomodation of underground utility

97 98 1997 Held
services along and accress roads in Urban areas

Tentative Guidelines on the Provision of Speed Breakers

98 99 1988 Held
for Control of Vehicular Speeds in Minor Roads

Tentative Specifications for Single Coat Surface Dressing

99 100 1988 Held
Using Cationic Bitumen Emulsion

Guidelines for Design of Continously reinforced Concrete

100 101 1988 Held
Pavement with Elastic joints

101 102 1988 Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses Aroung Towns Held

102 103 1988 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities Held

Guidelines for Environmental Impacts Assessment of

103 104 1988 Held
Highway Projects

Tentative Specification for Bituminous Concrete (Asphaltic

104 105 1988 Held
Concrete) for Airfields Pavements

105 106 1990 Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas Held

Tentative Specifications for Bitumen Mastic Wearing

106 107 1992 Held

107 108 1996 Guidelines for Traffic prediction on Rural Highways Held

108 109 1997 Guidelines for Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) Held
Serial No. IRC SP Number IRC SP Date About (Description) Remarks

1 4 1966 Bridge Loading Round The World ||||||||

Handbook on Quality Control for Construction of Roads

2 11 1998 Held
and Runways

Tentative Recommendation on the Provision of Parking

3 12 1973 Held
Space for Urban Areas

4 13 1973 Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges & Culverts Held

A Manual for the Application of the Critical Path Method to

5 14 1973 Held
Highways Projects in India

6 15 1996 Ribbon Development Along Highways and its Prevention Held

Recommendation about overlays on Cement Concret

7 17 1977 Held

8 18 1978 Manual for Highways Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Held

Manual for Survey, Investigation and Preparation of Road

9 19 2001 Held

10 20 2002 Rural Roads Manual ||||||||

Recommendations for the Sizes for each type of Road

11 22 1980 Marking Machinery to cater to the general Demand of Held
Road Works

12 23 1983 Vertical Curves for Highways Held

Guidelines on the choice & Planning of Appropriate

13 24 1984 ||||||||
technology in Road Construction

Gopi and his Road Roller - Guidelines on Maintenance of

14 25 1984 ||||||||
Road Rollers

Reports Containing Recommendations of IRC regional

15 26 1984 Workshops on Rural Roads Development (With Held
Supplementary Notes)

Reports Containing Recommendations of IRC regional

16 27 1984 Held
Workshops on Highways Safety

17 28 1995 Road Transport and Energy Held

Directory of Indigenous manufacturers of Road / Bridges

18 29 1994 Held
Construction Machinery & important Bridge Component

Manual on Economic Evaluation of Highways Projects In

19 30 1993 Held
Serial No. IRC SP Number IRC SP Date About (Description) Remarks

20 31 1992 New Traffic Signs Held

21 32 1988 Road Safety for Childrens (5-12 Years) Held

Guidelines on Supplimental Measures for Design,

22 33 1989 Held
Detailing & Durability of Important Bridge Structures

General Guidelines about the equipment for Bituminous

23 34 1989 Held
Surface Dressing

24 35 1990 Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance of Bridges Held

25 36 1991 Guidelines on Format for IRC Standards Held

Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of

26 37 1991 Held

27 38 1992 Manual for Road Investment Decision Models Held

Guidelines on Bulk Bitumen Transportation & Storage

28 39 1992 Held

Guidelines on Techniques for strengthening and

29 40 1993 Held
rehabilitation of Bridges

Guidelines on Design of Art-Grade Intersection in Rural &

30 41 1994 Held
Urban Areas

31 42 1994 Guidelines on Road Drainages Held

Guidelines on low cost traffic Management Techniques for

32 43 1994 Held
Urban Areas

33 44 1994 Highway Safety Codes Held

Time Series Data on Road Transport Passenger and

34 45 1996 Held
Frieght Movements

35 46 1997 Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Pavements Held

Guidelines on Quality Systems for Road Bridges (Plain,

36 47 1998 Held
Reinforced, Prestressed and Composite Concrete)

37 48 1998 Hill Road Manual Held

Guidelines for the use of Dry lean Concrete as Subbase

38 49 1988 Held
for Rigid pavements
Serial No. IRC SP Number IRC SP Date About (Description) Remarks

39 50 1999 Guidelines on Urban Drainages Held

40 51 1999 Guidelines For Load Testing of Bridges Held

41 52 1999 Bridge Inspections Reference Manual Held

Guidelines on Use of Polymer and Rubber Modified

42 53 2002 ||||||||
Bitumen in Roads Construction

43 54 1999 Projects Preparation manual for Bridges ||||||||

44 55 2001 Guidelines for Safety in Construction Zones Held

45 56 2000 Guidelines for Steel Pedstrian Bridges Held

46 57 2001 Guidelines for Quality Systems for Road Construction Held

47 58 2001 Guidelines for Use of Flyash in Road Embankments Held

Guidelines for Use of Geotextiles in Road pavements and

48 59 2002 ||||||||
Associated Works

An approach Documents for Assesments of Remaining

49 60 2002 ||||||||
Life of Concrete Bridges
Serial No. Most Publication Date About (Description) Remarks

1 1983 MOST - Manual for Maintenance of Roads Held

2 1981-2001 MOST - Road Development Plan for India ||||||||

3 2000 MOST - Pocketbook for Bridge Engineers ||||||||

4 2002 MOST - Pocketbook for Highway Engineers Held

5 1985 MOST - Handbook on Road Construction Machinery ||||||||

6 2001 MOST - Specifications for Roads and Bridge Works Held

MOST - Standard Plans for 3 m to 10 m span reinforced

7 1991 cement concrete solid slab Superstructures with and ||||||||
without footpaths for highways

MOST - Standard Plans for Highway bridges RCC T-

8 1991 beam & Slab Superstructures - Span from 10 m to 24 m ||||||||
with 12 m width

MOST - Standard Plans for Highway bridges PCC girder

and RC Slab Composite superstructure for 30 m span
9 1991 ||||||||
with and without footpaths, 35 m span with footpaths and
40 m span without footpaths

MOST - Standard Drawings for Road Bridges - RCC

10 1992 Solid Slab SuperStructures (150 & 300 SKEW) apan 4 m ||||||||
to 10 m (with or without footpaths)

MOST - Type Designs for Intersections on National

11 1992 Held
MOST - Standard bidding Documents Procurement of
12 Civil Works, Part - I : Complete Bidding Documents, Part ||||||||
- II : Forms

MOST - Computer Aided Design System for

13 1993 ||||||||
HighEmbankment Problems

14 1993 MOST - Standard of Data Book for Analysis of Rates ||||||||

MOST - Standard Drawings for Road Bridges - RCC

15 1993 Solid Slab SuperStructures (250 SKEW) R.E. Span 4 m ||||||||
to 10 m (with or without footpaths)

MOST - Standard Plans for Highway Bridges -

16 Prestressed Concrete Beams & RCC Slab Type ||||||||
Superstructures - Volume II

MOST - Model Concession Agreement for Small Road

17 ||||||||

MOST - Standard plans for Single, Double and Tripple

18 Held
Cell box Culverts with and without Earth Cusion

19 MOST - Manual for Safety in Road Design ||||||||

MOST - MORT&H Report of the Committee on Norms for

20 2001 Held
maintenance of Roads in India

MOST - MORT&H Road Development Plan - Vision

21 ||||||||

MOST - MORT&H Manual for Construction and

22 2001 Held
Supervision of Bituminous Works

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