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ESO EXPLORATION PRODUCTION CHAD INC. ECS 4-9-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 13 SPECIFICATION Rev.1 | aug 1997 Changes shown by = Co Raven By Aprved By Rev. bate Disp Engineering Proet ne thane Manager Engineer Wanaget | 24 seh 14 ChwWey ene WE Yorwae) E550 EXPLORATION E PRODUCTION CHAD INC. ECS 4.9-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 2 of 14 PECIFICATION -Rev.1 Aug. 1997 Changes shown by => ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: 4.0 GENERAL sorecsse 2.0 DEFINITIONS... 3.0 SCOPE. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES........ 5.0 SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS... 6.0 GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE. 7.0 SOIL BORING: 8.0 IN SITU TESTING...... 9.0 LABORATORY TESTING... 10.0 REPORT. LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 Revision Memo sni987 Revision 1, Original Issue based on CCS 4.9-4, Rev 0. ESSO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD INC. ECS 49-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 3 of 13 SPECIFICATION Rev. 4 Aug, 1997 Changes shown by => 1.0 GENERAL 4.1 This specification defines the requirements for comprehensive geotechnical investigation. The investigation shall provide the soil properties and parameters ‘and recommendations needed for engineering and construction. 4.2 A pound sign (#) indicates that ESSO review/approval is required before design is finalized or equipment is purchased. 4.3. An asterisk (*) indicates that additional information is provided by ESSO in an addendum to this specification. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Consultant: Geotechnical Consultant or Contractor's engineer who will perform all of the Geotechnical investigation of Work stated in this specification. 22 Contractor: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contractor. 3.0 SCOPE The Consultant's Scope of Work shall include all necessary exploration, field investigation tests and analyses required to provide the following: 3.1 Recommendations for earthwork and other phases of site development, including sewage disposal and landfils. 3.2 Recommendations for the most suitable foundations for the project. 3.3 Soil data for the design of foundations for vibratory loads. 3.4 Soll data for the design of underground utilities and corrosion or chemical attack potential to underground utilities or concrete. 3.5 _ Environmental analysis of soil and ground water for possible contamination 3.6 Recommendations for roads including design and construction. 3.7 Recommendations for bridge foundation at river crossings. Although the main requirements of the investigation are set forth in this document, the Consultant may make minor changes and adjustments to the work as directed by field conditions with the approval of the Contractor. ESSO EXPLORATIONS | ECS 4.9.4 PRODUCTION CHAD NC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION | Page 4 of 13 SPECIFICATION Rev. ua, 1997 Changes shown by => 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES A. description of facilities and th Memorandum (DBM) or in the Project Technical Basis. 5.0 SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Tabie 1 lists the specifications, codes, and standards which shall be used with this specification, ‘TABLE 1 ‘CODES AND STANDARDS. Standard Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering, Design and Construction Purposes ‘Standard Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis ‘and Determination of soil Constants ‘Standard Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils ‘Standard Test Method for Spocific Gravity of Soils ‘Standard Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (TS) Sieve Repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and Design of Aiport and Highway Pavements ‘Standard Practice Method for Soll Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings Density of Soll n-Place by the Sand Cone Method Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Mocified Effort (58,000 fbtif® (2,700kN-MINF) ‘Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split Sarrel Sampling of Soils ‘Standard Practice for Thin Walled Tube Sampling of Soils. Standard Test Method for CBR (Califomie Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soils Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil Density and Unit Weight of Soll n-Place by the Rubber Balloon Method ‘Standard Test Methed for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soll and Rock ‘Standard Practice for Wet Preparation of Soll Sempies for Particle Size analysis and Determination of Soil Constants Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head), Test Method for ‘One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils, Test Method for ‘Standard Test Method for Classification of Solls for Engineering Purposes Standard Practice for Description and Identification of soils (Visual Manual Procedure) ‘Standard Methed for Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soi Standard Test Method for Resistance R-Value and Expansion Pressure of Compactes Soils Standard Test Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxal Com: Rivenstoneuocemuenstt-doc GH location are provided in the Design Basis ESSO EXPLORATION PRODUCTION CHAD ING. ECS 4.9.4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 5 of 13 SPECIFICATION, Rev. 1 Aug 1997 6.0 Changes shown by = TABLE 1 (CONT'D) ‘Dae Density of Soil and Solr Aggragato n-Place by Nuclear Methods (Shaliow Depth) 2937 Density of Sel In-Piace by the Drive-Cylinder Method 1D3080 Method for Direct Shear Test of Solls Under Consolidated Drain Conditions aaa Standard Test Method for Deep, Quasi Static, Cone ané Friction Cone Penetration Tests of Sail 3550 ‘standard Practice for Ring Lined Barrel Sampling of Soils 4015 Standard Test Method for Modulis and Damping of Solls by the Resonant- ‘Column Method pares ‘Standard Test Method for One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Scils Using Controlled Strain Loading ps220 ‘Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples 4263 ‘Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils ‘Using a Vibratory Table paste ‘Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastcty Index of Soils 4373 ‘Standard Test Method for Calcium Carbonate Content of Soils, Standard Test Methods for Crosshole Seismic Testing ‘Standard Test Method for Pore Water Extraction and Determination of the ‘Soluble Salt Content of Soils by Refractometer sae Standard Test Methods for One Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils D534 Standard Test Method for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soll and ‘Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure 81 ‘Standard Test Method for pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing os7 Standard Method for Field Measurement of Soll Resistivity Using the Wenner Four Electrode Methos IEEE 4a Guide for Soll Thermal Resistivity Measurements Expansion Index Test GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE Provide a visual inspection of the site with description of observed soil types in accordance with ASTM 02488, soil quality, rock outcrops, drainage conditions and nearby sources of laterite and aggregate for concrete. Provide information on local geology of each site including seismicity, faulting, liquefaction potential, ground rupture, seismic compaction and settlement, seismic shaking, slope instability, flooding, landslides, subsidence and soil profile coefficient. Report information about local wells including well depth and drawdown, iventeegensninaned ace Ct ESSO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD ING. ECS 4.9-4 Page 6 of 13 SPECIFICATION Rev. 1 Aug. 199) GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Changes shown by => 7.0 SOIL BORINGS TA 72 73 74 75 76 17 Perform borings with appropriate equipment for type of soil or rock and depth of hole. Use casing or other methods to prevent collapse of hole or disturbance of the soils within the immediate vicinity of the drill hole boundaries. Upon completion of the work, backfill borings up to the surface with onsite soil Field supervision of borings, preparation of field logs, and handling of samples, shall be done by a qualified geotechnical engineer. The coordinates and elevation of each soil boring shall be recorded. Obtain samples at intervals not exceeding 1 meter (3 ft.-3 in.), to. a depth of § meters (16 ft-5 in.), and then at a maximum intervals of 2 meters (6 ft~7 in.) and at all change in strata. In general, thin walled tube samples shall be taken in cohesive soils, and split spoon samples shall be taken in noncohesive soils, Obtain 88.9 mm (3.5 in.) diameter thin walled tube samples in accordance with ASTM D 1587. Obtain pocket penetrometer readings in the field on all cohesive samples Obtain standard penetrometer test (SPT) samples for granular soils in accordance with ASTM D 1586. Preserve these samples in airtight clear glass jars labels to show date, boring number, sample number, blow count, and the depth and elevation at which the sample was taken. A split spoon sample with core retainer rings and an inside diameter of (2-1/2) inches may be required in granular soils. Soil and rock samples shall be classified by a geotechnical engineer in the field using ASTM D 2488, Prepare and maintain a field log of boring. Clearly record the type and details if the drilling equipment, the number of blows, hammer weight and fall, and the amount of recovery for soil samples. Take water level measurements in ali open boreholes at the completion of drilling. Record the elevation of the top of the water table. Obtain water samples for analysis at various depths throughout each boring. 8.0 INSITU TESTING 8.1 Percolation tests shall be performed at each pump station site. Perform percolation tests in accordance with a procedure outlined in Manual of Septic Tank Practice, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service or equivalent if approved by ESSO for the design of leach fields or seepage pits for sewage disposal. Percolation rate shall be provided in Riventiozencnsnunesie-.doe cH ‘SSO EXPLORATION PRODUCTION CHAD INC. ECS 49-4 Page 7 of 13 SPECIFICATION, Rev. 1 Aug. 1997 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 82 a3 a4 85 #86 87 ‘Changes shown by => minutes per inch. Conduct Field Permeability Tests using the Opened Constant Head Method, Excavate test pits to depths of § feet or to the point where refusal is encountered. Test pits shall be logged by a geotechnical engineer or a ‘geologist in the field using ASTM D 2488. Grab samples shall be taken and in- situ tests such as pocket penetrometer and torvane shall be performed when appropriate. Soil sample classification shall be adjusted according to ASTM D 2487 after completion of the laboratory test. ‘Temperature probes at locations 300mm (1 foot), 900mm (3 feet), and 4500 mm (5 feet) below grade shall be recorded every hour for a 24 hour period. Perform field thermal resistivity tests to provide data for soils to a depth of 100mm (5 feet) below existing grade. In general, the thermal resistivity tests shall follow the procedure of ASTM D5334 or IEEE 442. Perform field electric resistivity tests to provide data for soils at depths of 750 mm (2.5 feet) and 1500mm (5 feet) below grade. Perform field electrical resistivity tests in accordance with ASTMG 87. Perform crosshole tests in accordance with ASTM D4428/D4428M in the vicinity of the crude oil pumps and other vibrating equipment in order to determine the dynamic properties of the soil Soil investigations related to road design shall include test pits or augering or shallow boreholes for ground condition of existing and new roads, potential laterite borrow-pits, and drilling borings or performing static or dynamic cone penetration tests for bridges and other major structures, ‘The strength of existing pavements will be evaluated using a repetitive static plate load test in accordance with ASTM D 1795 or Benkeiman beam surveys in accordance with ESSO. The density of in-place soils shall be determined by tests in accordance with ASTM D1556, D2187, 02922 or D2937. 9.0 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing may consist of the following tests. Actual tests shall depend on the type of soil or rock encountered. Perform testing in accordance with the most recent ASTM standards, where applicable. Perform adequate number and type of tests on representative samples in order to characterize the subsurface soils and to develop representative strength, compressibility and corrosivity properties of the soils as onebonemenamunerdtt- doc GH E5ES PLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD IC. ECS 4.94 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 8 of 13 SPECIFICATION Rev.1_| Aug, 1997 Changes shown by => indicated in the specification. The scope of laboratory work shall be determined by the Consultant and submitted to the Contractor for approval before start of the testing. 9.1 Identification Tests a h, Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) Unit Weight (dry) ‘Specific Gravity (ASTM D 854) Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D 422) Minus No. 200 Sieve (ASTM D 1740) Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Permeability Test (ASTM D 2434) Corrosivity (Chloride, Sulfate, pH, Electrical Resistivity) Thermal Resisitivty (IEEE 442, ASTM D5334) 9.2 Compaction, Strength and Compressibility Tests Moisture Density Testing (ASTM D 1557 or ASTM D4253) California Bearing Ratio (ASTM D 1883) or R-value (ASTM D 2644) Unconfined Compression Test (Soil, ASTM D 2168) Unconfined Compression Test (Rock) Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test (ASTM D 2850) Consolidation Test (ASTM D 2435, ASTM D 4186) Expansion Index Test (UBC Standard 29-2) Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Test with Pore Pressure Measurements EESO EXPLORATIONS: PRODUCTION CHAD INC. ECS 4-9-4 Page 9 of 13 SPECIFICATION _Rev.1 Aug, 1997 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 93 Changes shown by = i Direct Shear Test (ASTM D 3080) k. Resonant Column Test (ASTM D 4015) Analysis of water samples shall be performed in order to determine potabilty. Chemical analysis shalt be performed on water samples in order to determine pH, organic and inorganic chemical content including sulfate content and chloride content. Tests shall be performed to determine the level of microbiological contaminants including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites. 10.0 REPORT 10.1 DRAFT REPORT Present the results of the geotechnical investigation in a written draft report in 5 copies to Contractor within 4 weeks after authorization to proceed. This draft report shall be in English and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following instructions: a. General Data 1. ‘A general description of field procedures, equipment, and testing techniques, and of the site, soil, and drainage concitions of each site. 2 ‘A drawing showing the coordinates of each boring, test pit, percolation test, and soil temperature measurement for each site. 3. ‘A log of each boring showing as a minimum, the following information: * Ground elevation with reference to the datum. Coordinate location of the boring. Depth below ground level to the top of each stratum, and final depth of penetration. Unified Soil Classification of the soils encountered Location of samples taken for laboratory testing, size and type of samples, and an indication of whether the tube was driven of pushed into the soil. ESO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD INC. SPECIFICATION GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ECs 49.4 Page 10 of 13 Rev, 1 Aug. 1997 6. 7. Changes shown by => Elevation and resulting values of standard penetration tests. Size of STP spoon, weight of hammer, and drop height. Date and time at start and completion of each boring. Ground water level with date and time of measurement. ‘The results of all field and laboratory tests. All data points shall be shown on plots of consolidation and shear strength data. Physical characteristics of the soil at each site, Ground water analysis. Test data of percolation tests and temperature of soll Earthwork and Other Phases of Site Development 1 Recommendations for the necessary earthwork to develop the site including the following: Recommendations for excavation, including evaluation of any difficulties that might be expected with the excavation operation. Where rock is present, recommendations regarding need for ripping or blasting shall be provided. Recommendations for clearing and grubbing and topsoil removal. Evaluation of onsite soils for use in various types of compacted fills. Recommendations for compacting and placing of compacted fills for the support of structures, slabs and pavements. Treatment of expansive, blending, chemical treatment or removal. Recommendations for shrinkage and bulking factors to be used for earthwork estimating. Recommendations for the construction of cut and fill slopes and slope protection. ESSO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD INC. SPECIFICATION ECS 49-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 11 of 13, | Rev.t Aug. 1997 7. 8. Changes shown by => + Recommendations for frequency of field soil compaction and density tests during construction. Estimated range of depths of ground water table, and evaluation of high ground water problems and recommendations for dewatering during construction. Recommendations for potable water. Estimate well depth, capacity and drawdown, Evaluation of the permeability property of the soil Recommendations regarding the disposal of septic tank effluent and percolation rates of leaching fields appear to be practical. Recommendations for roads, parking areas, area paving, and the airport runway capable of landing DeHaviliand DHC-6 (Twin Otter) for each site. This shall include types of material for subbase and base course, compaction requirements, as well as CBR of R values and other appropriate design data. Evaluation of laterite available for road surfacing, Recommendations for dikes around storage tanks. Evaluation of aggregate available for concrete ¢. Foundations 1 Recommended foundation types and depths for different facilities at the pump stations and pressure reducing station. Allowable bearing values for a range of sizes of spread footings at various recommended depths. Allowable bearings shall be indicated as net values. Load settlement vs. foundation size curves for the recommended foundation types. Coetficients of active earth pressure and coefficients of earth pressure at rest; angles of intemal friction. Allowable passive pressures, coefficients of friction and cohesion values for resisting lateral loads ESSO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD INC. SPECIFICATION ECS 4-9-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 12 of 13 Rev. 1 Aug. 1997, 10. Changes shown by => If the use of piles is indicated by the analysis, recommendations for the types and depths of piles and allowable capacities for downward, uplift and lateral loads. If the use of piles is recommended to resist lateral forces acting ‘on foundations supporting vibratory loadings, recommend allowable capacities and stiffmess of downward, uplift and lateral loads as well as types and depths of piles to be used. Recommendations for special soil conditions, collapsible or highly compressible soils. Soil properties for static and dynamic loads as follows: Mass density Poisson's ratio Modulus of elasticity (E) Dynamic Shear Modulus (G) Coefficient of vertical subgrade reaction (kv) Coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (kh) The potential for other geological/geophysical phenomenon such as soil liquefaction, hydro-compaction, and landslides may be present in limited areas along the pipeline right-of-way. Consultant shall develop a plan for identifying and mitigating geological hazards. d. Design of Underground Utilities and Corrosion or Chemical Attack Potential 1. Rivertezasestmnest- Evaluation of the corrosive nature of the soil and its potential effect on underground utilities, concrete or tank bottoms. Preventive measures shall be recommended such as coatings, inert membranes or cathodic protection. Determination of sulfate concentration in soil in percent by weight, and evaluation of possibility of harmful sulfate action on conerete below ground and advisability of using sulfate- resisting portland cement. Determine Chloride content of soil and groundwater. SEO EXPLORATIONS PRODUCTION CHAD INC. SPECIFICATION ECS 4-9-4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page 13 of 13, Rev.1 Aug. 1997 4 5. 6 Changes shown by => Provide field data on temperature of the soil for each site Provide data on thermal resistivity of the soil for each site. Provide data on electric resistivity of the soil for each site #10.2. Final Report Submit 5 bound copies and 1 unbound reproducible copy of the final geotechnical report to Contractor within 2 weeks of the receipt of the review ‘comments of the draft report. Consultant shall submit 1 bound copy and 1 unbound copy to ESSO for review. 10.3 Data and Records Data that requires recording according to the ASTM or other standard test methods as indicated in the specification shall be obtained, recorded, and if requested, made available to Contractor and ESSO.

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