Step-By-Step Plan Exam Task White Paper 1920

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Step-by-step plan for exam task ‘Whitepaper’

In order to be able to write the white paper, you first have to thoroughly do research. The next steps
describe the procedure for the research, so that you can collect and analyse the necessary information.

Step 1 - Objective and research question

Describe the backgrounds of the white paper you are going to create. Proceed as follows:
- Describe briefly which trend is central in this assignment.
- Formulate a goal for the white paper.
- Formulate a research question for the white paper.

Step 2 – Searching for sources (articles and books)

The basis for the white paper is a literature review. The main objective of the text is to inform and
stimulate readers about the latest trends and developments in the hotel industry. The basis for this is
information found in scientific articles and statistics. This also includes a continuous reference to these
sources in accordance with APA guidelines on referrals.

Search for sources in the form of articles and books. Proceed as follows:
- Determine which search methods you will use. This means that you will at least indicate which
search engines, (Saxion) databases and which search terms you are going to use. Display the
search results in a table as shown below:

Search term Search Engine Number of hits Chosen source* Database/

Author (year) website
journal/website/book etc.
hospitality Google Scholar 1.810.000 Brotherton & Wood (2001) ScienceDirect
In: In Search of Hospitality
hospitality Saxion Library 48,822 Ariffin, Maghzi, Soon & Alam Hospitality &
AND hotel (2018) Tourism
e-Review of Tourism Research Complete (by
(eRTR) Ebsco)
“hospitality Google Scholar 1,210,000 Knutson, Beck, Kim & Cha (2010) Emerald Insight
experience” Journal of Food Service
gastvrijheid Google  5.730.000 Rabobank (n.d.) https://www.rab
Gastvrijheid in de Horeca

- Check whether you can find additional sources using your first search results (snowball method).
- In the end, select at least five sources to use to answer your research question. You must consult
at least two articles from scientific databases.
- Indicate the extent to which the selected sources meet the AAOCC-criteria. Make a table of this
(as below) in which you describe using information about the writer, the studies on which the
article is based and the information given in the article to what extent the sources found meet the
AAOCC criteria:

Source Authority Accuracy Objectivity Currency Coverage

Author (year)
Brotherton & Wood
Ariffin, Maghzi, Soon
& Alam (2018)
Knutson, Beck, Kim &
Cha (2010)
Rabobank (n.d.)

- List these sources with the APA guidelines for referencing (as above).

Step 3 – Specification of the trend

In reviewing literature you found in the previous step, some initial insights about the trend will have
emerged. At the same time, you will probably have noticed that the trend is still very broad and can be
interpreted in many different ways. Therefore, you will have to specify the trend.

To specify the trend, proceed as follows:

-Use the information from the articles to create an overview of the parts of the trend.
-Further elaborate these parts in a tree diagram. The intention here is to unravel the parts of the
trend into aspects and (possibly accompanying (sub-)aspects) until you've reached a level that
offers sufficient starting points for your further research (this process is called operationalization
and this will be further explained in class).
-Determine which of these (sub-)aspects you want to work out in the white paper. Choose a
maximum of 3 to 4 aspects and substantiate the chosen (sub-)aspects by means of arguments.
-Formulate sub-questions to work out the (sub-)aspects. Make sure that the focus of the white
paper (the impact of the trend, both positive and negative, on the hotel industry and how they can
anticipate the trend) is guaranteed in the questions.

Step 4 – Optional: Searching for additional sources

Now that the trend is operationalised, you probably have a better idea of the direction of your white
paper. It may therefore be wise to look for additional sources now. If you choose to do so, repeat the
instructions in step 2.

Step 5 – Analysis, results and conclusions

In the conclusions, you start by answering the subquestions (sub-conclusions) that you formulated in
step 3. Refer to the results. Then repeat the research question as formulated in the introduction (step
1) and write a final conclusion in which you answer it. Specifically, consider the value and/or impact of
the trend on the hotel industry.

Step 6 – Writing the whitepaper

After doing the research, you will present your knowledge in the form of a white paper, in which you
will work out the chosen (sub-)aspects of the trend and present your conclusions. Structure the white
paper as follows with the help of headings:
- Lead (short introduction of the trend and the white paper to arouse interest)
- Introduction of the trend (where does the trend come from, what is the current situation,
research objectives and questions)
- Development of the trend in selected (sub-)aspects in relation to:
 The impact of the trend (both positive and negative) on the hotel industry.
 How the industry can anticipate the trend
- Conclusion (highlighting the value and/or impact of the trend on industry)
- Literature list according to APA guidelines
- Mandatory appendices:
 Description of search methods
 Description of the quality of the sources used to answer the question: to what extent
do the sources meet the AAOCC criteria?
 Tree diagram(s) specifying the trend

When writing the white paper, take these important requirements into account:

1. The white paper is informative and substantive. The aim is to share knowledge. Your expertise and
experience are central. It is therefore not a commercial text. On the other hand, the text must be
convincing and attractive, and must be formulated in a short but powerful way. A short overview for
the industry, so that they can keep abreast of the latest developments around the trend with little
reading time, helps in this respect. You stimulate the reader to read your white paper by means of a
'lead' in which you explain your subject and convince the reader that the content of your white paper is
important to him/her.

2. A white paper is written for a specific target group. Therefore, when writing, consider the jargon
that is appropriate in the hotel industry. The white paper as a whole is an ongoing text in well-kept
colloquial language, in which you try to inform and stimulate the hotel industry with new insights and

3. Just text is not enough: the design of the white paper is equally important. Any appropriate
illustrations (such as useful images or statistics) and well-designed texts contribute to the reading

In class, the language requirements for the white paper as well as examples will be further explained.

Use relevant citations in your text and refer to the sources used in accordance with APA guidelines of

Note: When writing, make sure there is a balance between writing the review in your own words and
substantiating it with citations. This concerns specifically between 'speaking yourself' (paraphrasing)
on the one hand, and 'letting others speak' or 'displaying statistics' (citing) on the other.

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