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Project Title: Promotion of Women’s Role in Peace Building

Mogadishu, Banadir region

Project’s Focal Person: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Contact Address:
Mobile Phone 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Project area: Benadir Region

Project Duration: Three Months

Project Budget: $xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Implementer Contribution: $xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Partner Contribution: $xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

II. Project Description

1. Project Area

The project is located in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. Mogadishu City is
situated in Benadir region which has border with Middle Shabelle region and Lower
Shabelle region.

2. Project problem to be addressed

After the collapse of the central government in 1991, Somalia has plunged into relentless
conflicts devastating all the social infrastructures. The prevailing consequences of the
anarchy and conflict situation, for the past twenty years, are continuing to have negative
impact for Mogadishu city.

The complete collapse of all governance structures and the destruction or looting of all
socio-economical infrastructures tore the country apart completely.

More than a million people are thought to have died since Somalia descended into civil
war twenty years ago. It’s estimated that more than 2.4 million Somali are currently
experiencing dual tragedy of conflicts and droughts are in need of humanitarian aid while
1.4 million others are internally displaced.

The population of Mogadishu city estimated to be more than two million is suffering
from the consequences of the constant conflicts. The conflicts have resulted in heavy
casualties among the population, destruction of properties and massive displacement of

Mogadishu city consists of sixteen districts, it’s estimated that the TFG only controls
forty percent of the city, while sixty percent of the city falls under the control of Al
Shabab movement. In general, Mogadishu is presently lacking effective stability and
peaceful environment as result of the ongoing conflicts.

Given to these situations, xxxxxx I made efforts aiming at promoting women in the
media through capacity building in professional journalism and use of media for
promoting peace.

Furthermore, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXhas established close working relationships and

cooperation with the other local organizations and communities involved in promoting
and strengthening the civil society activities focusing on advocacy for the culture of
peace and women journalist empowerment within the community through capacity
building projects and awareness raising in the media.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXhas strong and good working relationship with the various
media outlet stations in Mogadishu and other civil society organizations.

The proposed project is targeting Somali women journalists from the different media
stations to play key role in promoting peace through public awareness raising in the

3. Project Beneficiaries

The main targeted group directly benefiting of this project will be

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXprofessional female journalists’ participants attending two
media forums, which will be drawn from the key media stations in Mogadishu, Benadir

The existing influential civil society organizations in Mogadishu and media associations’
network agencies will also be approached to get their full support in participating
implementation of the project. Both groups will be taking active role in advancing and
improving the issues of peace promotion efforts, women rights, governance and

The entire community residing in Mogadishu estimated to be more than two million
people will be indirect beneficiaries of the project.

4. Project Justification

After the fall of the central government in twenty years ago, the country has plunged into
bloody civil wars that have devastated the country and have consequently caused
destruction and displacement.

Like the rest of Somalia, Mogadishu city in Benadir region has experienced the heavy
destruction resulting from the conflicts that have been raging in the country for the past
twenty years. The conflicts have resulted from the collapse of the government in January

The conflicts have caused most of the community in Benadir region to bear the
consequences of the civil unrest. Most of the community has suffered from the insecurity

There is a heavy psychological affecting the communities in the district who have not had
the fruits of the peace and reconciliation process. The community has no effective
communication towards establishing peace and stability due to lack of adequate
awareness raising through the media, and close joint coordination with the civil society
organizations and media stations.
The lack of good governance and active role of the media, and the civil society
organizations played gap in encouraging the interaction between the communities who
are divided by clan affiliation, religious groups and support of either the established TFG
or the opposing insurgents.

The conflicts have created atmosphere of mistrust and skepticism among the various
communities. This could lead to escalation of the conflict if not properly addressed to.

Due to the conflicts, the community has experienced killings, rape, looting, massive
displacement and violations of their basic rights. This has attributed the community to
being unorganized, weak and scattering; they have no strong networking promoting peace
and defending their basic rights. In the absence of such strong networking and effective
trainings and awareness raising the lack of peaceful environment and violations will
definitely continue without termination.

In respect with the grim situation detailed above, there is need for promoting the role of
women, especially female journalists in peace building in Mogadishu, Banadir region

Therefore, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXhas the necessary technical expertise and experience

to implement the proposed project.
The XXXXXXXXXXXXXXorganization will mobilize women groups and female
journalists in the community towards media based peace promotion project awareness
raising and community interaction and peaceful coexistence.
5. Project Goal, objectives and expected outcomes
The Project Goal:-

The overall goal of the project is to improve the capacity and role of women through
providing necessary tools and awareness rising on relevant issues focusing on peace

The Objectives

 Empower 20 key women from media stations in Mogadishu through peace

promoting forums in three months.

 Improve the role of women in peace promotion, and women participation in

campaigning for peace through awareness rising in the media and meetings.
Expected Outcomes

 20 targeted women journalists’ participants trained on role of women in peace

 Two forums on promoting women’s role in peace building attended by twenty
targeted women implemented.
 Trained women journalists demonstrate their skills on women’s role in peace
 conflicts and disputes among warring parties and community in Mogadishu

5. Implementing Strategy

The main project components will be implemented through the following intervention

1. Conducting two forums for women journalist focusing on promotion of Women’s

Role in Peace Building Mogadishu, Benadir region

2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXwill engage the media outlets and civil society

organizations to take part in all the stages of the project In the first place.
3. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXwill explain the community the objectives of the project
and final expectations of the project. The implementation process will be
inclusive and participatory based.
4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXwill establish working implementation committee to
engage with the selection of the targeted beneficiaries. Their input will be the core
undertaking of the project activities.
This project is aiming to provide capacity building on promoting the role of women in
peace building through forums for twenty female journalists and civil society activists for
three months tentatively beginning from March 2011 to May 2011.

Since XXXXXXXXXXXXXXorganization is lacking the necessary and required funding

for the project, the Peace Line Organization is approached and requested to be the
financial stakeholder of the upgrading towards promotion of women’s role in peace
building in Mogadishu, Benadir region.

The XXXXXXXXXXXXXXorganization closely works with other key civil society

organizations and community stakeholders involved in comparable type of projects in
Mogadishu to strengthen close harmonization in promoting and conducting promoting
women’s role in peace building efforts.

The XXXXXXXXXXXXXXorganization will undertake the implementation of the two

forums for women journalists immediately after funding is received.

7. Project Success and Sustainability

The implemented forums will eventually upgrade the capacity of 20 selected women
from the media outlets and they will subsequently take major role in promoting role of
women in peace building process through making media projects such as conducting
debates, awareness raising radio project for reaching the wide public, discussions,
printing articles and producing feature projects.
The twenty trained women journalists will always contribute their acquired skills on
women’s role in peace promotion through the media, and will eventually make lasting
impact on encouraging women to take leading role in peace advancement processes.
8. Monitoring and evaluation Mechanism

The Project Coordinator and other XXXXXXXXXXXXXXstaff would supervise,

monitor and assess all the major activities of the project.

The Project Coordinator would produce final narrative and financial reports in order to
measure the outcomes to the project against designed objectives of the planned two
forums focusing on Promotion of Women’s Role in Peace Building Mogadishu, Benadir
III. Project Work Plan

SN Description of activities 1st 2nd 3rd

month month month
1 Employment of project coordinator and other facilitators of the
2 Promotion of project objectives within the targeted media stations
and civil society activities and selection of women journalists
participating in the forums
3 First Training Forum on promoting women’s role in peace building
for 10 selected women journalists in Mogadishu, Benadir region
4 Second Training Forum on promoting women’s role in peace
building for 10 selected women journalists in Mogadishu, Benadir
5 Final reports (Financial & Narrative) on the conducted forums and
other preparatory activities
6 Monitoring and supervision
VI. Budget

S/N. Description Duration Unit Rate total Partner Implementer Total

$ funds funds
1.0 Staff cost
Project Coordinate
2.0 Administration costs
2.1 Communication
2.2 Stationary
2.3 Transportation
2.4 Utility Expenses
3.0 Activity costs
3.1 Selection from radio stations
3.2 Meeting with the directors
3.3 Meeting with the women
3.4 forum with twenty women
journalists from radio stations
3.5 Training women journalist
3.6 Competition committee
3.7 Closing the events
3.8 Final Narrative and Financial
report writing

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