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Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol.21, No.2, pp.

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Geology and metallogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt:, a survey


Mineral Resources Division, Council for Geoscience, Pretoria, South Africa

(Received 5 April 1994; revised version received 26 May 1995)

Abstract - The principal episodes of the geotectonic history of the Barberton greenstone belt span some 400 Ma
from the initial submarine eruption of the Onverwacht lavas (at about 3500 Ma) to the compression and inversion
of the depository as a fold-and-thrust belt between 3230 and 3215 Ma, followed by late-tectonic hydrothermal Au
mineraliT~fion at about 3100 Ma. The crust beneath the greenstone belt was fortified by sialic underplafing due to
episodic felsic plutonism at about 3445 Ma, 3227 Ma and 3105 Ma. The main stratigraphic units of the Barberton
Supergroup comprise the Onverwacht Group, a thick assortment of ultramafic and mafic volcanics including a
number of sill-like layered ultramafic complexes, which is overlain by the Fig Tree Group of turbiditic greywacke
sandstones and associated mudstones and banded ferruginous shales. These strata are, in turn, paraconformably
overlain by contiuentally-derived shallow-water arenites of the Moodies Group. The broader aspects of the defor-
mation of the Barberton depository can be considered in terms of one of two models: either the structures represent
a single compressional episode of upright folding accompanied by high-angle thrusting between 3230 and 3215
Ma, or they resulted f ~ m an early episode of tectonic stacking, followed by a later event involving the rotation of
early thrust slice~.;into upright folds and accompanied by high-angle thrusting. Substantial deposits of chrysotile
asbestos, magnesite and talc were developed in the ultramafic host rocks of the Onverwacht Group and important
mesothermal deposits of Au were formed in the reactive host rocks belonging to all three Groups in splays adjacent
to regionally-developed shear zones. There is still uncertainty as to the primary metallogenic setting of the belt
during Onverwacht limes and what part accretionary or collage tectonics may or may not have played in the evo-
lution of the Barberton greenstone belt.

R~sum~ - Les ~pisodes g~otectoniques principaux qui ont aff~t6 la ceinture de roches vertes de Barberton
s'~talent sur quelque 400 Ma, depuis les 6ruptions sous-marines initiales vers 3500 Ma, en passant par la compres-
sion et l'inversion des d~p6ts en tant que chaine charri6e et pliss6e vers 3230-3215 Ma, jusqu'/t, enfin, la min~rali-
sati0n aurif~re tarcli-tectonique et hydrothermale vers 3100 Ma. La cro~te de cette ceinture de roches vertes s'est
consolid~e par accretion sialique sous-crustale lors de phases plutoniques felsiques ~pisodiques/~ 3445, 3227 et
3105 Ma. Les tmit~s straligraphiques principales du Supergroupe de Barberton comprennnent le Groupe de
l'Onverwacht surmont~ par le Groupe de Fig Tree qui est lui-m~me situ~ sous le Groupe de Moodies. Le Groupe
de l'Onverwacht est u n ensemble de roches volcaniques mafiques-ultramafiques des sills de complexes ultrama-
fiques stratiformes. Le Groupe sus-jacent de Fig Tree est compos~ de gr~s greywackeux tuxbiditiques associ~s ~t des
argilites et des schistes ferrugineux ruban~s. I1 est surmont~ de mani~re paraconforme par les ar~nites d'origine
continentale et de faible profondeur d'eau du Groupe de Moodies. Les aspects principaux de la d6formation qui a
affect~ les d6p6ts de Barberton peuvent ~tre int~gr~s dans deux modules alternatifs: ou bien ces structures repr6sen-
tent un seul ~pisode de compression de plis droits lors d'un cfiarriage redress~ entre 3230 et 3215 Ma, ou bien elles
r~sultent d'un ~pisode pr~coce d'empilement tectonique suivi par une phase plus tardive incluant la rotation des
~cailles du charriage prLScoceen plis droits et u n charriage redress& Des gisei/lents importants d'asbeste chrysolite,
de magn~site et de talc se sont d~velopp~s dans l'encaissant des roches ultramafiques du Groupe de l'Onverwacht.
Dans les trois Groupes, d'important gisements m~sothermaux d'or se sont form,s dans des excroissances adjacen-
tes a des mega-shear zones. I1 reste une incertitude quant au milieu m~tallog~nique primaire de la ceinture
l'~poque Onverwacht, et quant au role qu'a pu avoir jou6 la tectonique de type collage ou d'accr6tion dans
l'~volution de la ceinture verte de Barberton.

INTRODUCTION SAMINDABA (the South African mineral deposit da-

tabase), the Council for Geoscience has undertaken a
The Barbexton greenstone belt is internationally re- metallogenic assessment of the region. The work has
nowned for its antiquity, preservation, exposure, involved compiling mapping and other information on
lithologies, early life forms, structure and mineraliza- record, and information made available in publications
tion (Hall, 1918; Visser et al., 1956; Ramsay, 1963; An- and otherwise by mining houses, research institutes
haeusser, 1965 et seq.; Viljoen and Vilj0en, 1969 et seq.; and individual researchers, to produce a metallogenic
Lowe and Knauth, 1977 et seq.; Knoll and Barghoorn, map of the greenstone belt. The process of compilation
1977; de Wit, 1982 et seq.; de Ronde et al., 1991 et seq.). has facilitated a synoptical appreciation of the geology
Accordingly, and as part of the development of and structure of the Barberton fold-and-thrust belt,

214 J.H.W. WARD

which has assisted in the understanding of the tecto- in a description to accompany the future publication
genesis and mineralization of the region. of a metallogenic map of the region.
Following the outstanding pioneer field work by
Hall (1918), the publication by the Geological Survey STRATIGRAPHY
of South Africa of 1:50 000 scale maps and a descrip-
tion of the geology of the Barberton region (Visser et In arriving at a lithostratigraphical classification of
al., 1956) was a significant advance in the understand- the Barberton Supergroup, the South African Com-
ing of the Early Archaean greenstone belt. Subse- mittee for Stratigraphy (Kent, 1980) considered the
quent work by the mining companies operating in the proposals of Hall (1918), van Eeden (1941), Visser et
area, and by research groups led by Anhaeusser, Vil- al. (1956), Steyn (1965), Viljoen and Viljoen (1969) and
joen and Viljoen, Lowe, de Wit and others (see An- Anhaeusser (1975), among other opinions.
haeusser, 1976, 1986, 1992), has served to refine and The rocks of the Barberton greenstone belt have
elaborate this knowledge, but there is still a basic sci- been classified into three main groups on the basis of
entific enigma with regard to the geotectonic setting lithostratigraphical associations (Kent, 1980). In short,
of the Barberton basin: namely, was the depository the principal units of the Barberton Supergroup com-
episialic, ensialic or ensimatic? There is no ready an- prise the Onverwacht Group, the Fig Tree Group and
swer to this question, which provides fertile ground the Moodies Group. The Onverwacht Group is
for speculation and continuing research. chiefly an assortment of ultramafic and mafic sub-
Stratigraphically, the Barberton greenstone belt marine volcanics, including a number of sill-like, lay-
appears to comprise elements of oceanic and conti- ered, ultramafic complexes. This group is overlain by
nental lithological affinity. It represents an Early Ar- turbiditic greywacke sandstones, associated mud-
chaean volcano-sedimentary terrain surrounded by stones and banded ferruginous shales of the Fig Tree
invasive sial, which has masked the geotectonic Group and shallow-water clastics of the continen-
foundations and sett~g of the deformed depository. tally-derived Moodies Group (Visser et al., 1956). The
Submarine extrusion of high temperature komatiitic general distribution of the regional geology of the
and then tholeiitic lavas, with subordinate felsic sills Barberton area is depicted in Fig. 1.
and lavas, was succeeded, after a prominent hiatus, Available radiometric ages (Kamo and Davis,
by further ultramafic to mafic volcanicity. Thereafter, 1991; KrOner et al., 1991; Lopez-Martinez, 1992; de
early flysch-like and later coarse-clastic sedimenta- Ronde and de Wit, 1994) indicate that the Barberton
tion may have been initiated by post-magmatic ther- cycle began between 3490 and 3470 Ma when volu-
mal relaxation of the overheated lithosphere beneath minous komatiites, komatiitic basalts and tholeiites
the Barberton basin. In terms of a speculative model, were extruded subaqueously. However, recent dating
this response to an incipient or primitive Wilson Cy- of felsic tufts of the Theespruit Formation in the
cle probably included the ductile thinning and hot- Steynsdorp anticline has provided an age of between
rifting of the sialic crust, with attendant mid- 3547 and 3530 Ma (Kr6ner et al., 1992) for the lowest
continental rift, continental margin, back-arc or small formation of the Onverwacht Group (Viljoen and
ocean basin magmatism, followed by sedimentation Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f). Onverwacht volcanism
and then closure and inversion of the basin by re- continued, with a hiatus at the Middle Marker, until
gional compression of indeterminate cause. The brunt about 3445 Ma when the Hooggenoeg Formation fel-
of the compression was buffered by the yielding sic volcanic rocks were extruded and comagmatic to-
character of the lower plate, including the effects of nalite-trondjhemite-granodiorite (TTG) plutons in-
early-tectonic sialic diapirism, and the crumpling of truded the lowermost formations. Then followed a
the interposed greenstone belt. It is probable that evi- major hiatus in Onverwacht magmatism during
dence of the depository would not have survived for which the Buck Reef chert and associated minor fer-
long in a hyperactive oceanic crustal setting, respond- ruginous shales were deposited at the top of the
ing to the higher heat-flow in Archaean times, had Hooggenoeg Formation. Subsequently, effusion of
the oceanic ultramafic to mafic volcanics not been mafic tufts and extrusion of ultramafic to felsic lavas
buoyed-up and preserved by sialic underplating, of the Kromberg and Mendon Formations (Viljoen
possibly the result of obduction, during or soon after and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f; Lowe, 1991) termi-
eruption (e.g. Anhaeusser et al., 1967; de Wit and nated at about 3298 Ma (KrOner, 1993). There fol-
Stem, 1980; Heinrichs, 1980; Jackson et al., 1987; de lowed another period of quiescence during which the
Wit et al., 1987a, b). Msauli oolite horizon was deposited. Subsequent
Among other factors, this paper will examine deposition of debris flow conglomerates, greywacke
stratigraphical, structural, metamorphic, geochro- sandstones, mudstones, tufts, carbonaceous shales
nological and mineralization aspects of the Barberton and banded iron formations of the Fig Tree Group (ca
greenstone belt in an endeavour to substantiate ele- 3260-3225 Ma) culminated in the eruption of arc-like
ments of a geotectonic framework to be incorporated felsic agglomerates, tufts and lavas of the Schoon-
Geology and metallogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt 215

y V

v v
3105 Ma
+ + +\"
3226 M8


4" Barberton.l. J
V v

~ - - v v v v V , V V
26°00'S V Y'~v /
3445 M8

Fig Tree Group

..... 0~meln PJ
3215 Ma
Onverwacht Group


Figure 1. Generalized geology of the Barberton greenstone belt (after Kent, 1980).

gezicht Formation at the top of the group at about comprising a number of formations. During Onver-
3225 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1990; Kr6ner et al., 1991). wacht times there was an eruptive hiatus between the
Arenites of the Moodies Group were then deposited Komati and Hooggenoeg volcanicity, which is re-
paraconformably on the underlying Fig Tree Group. corded by the Middle Marker sedimentary horizon,
Field evidence suggests that part of the continentally- and, in geochronological terms, there was a major
derived Moodies sedimentation was syntectonic with apparent hiatus at the top of the 3445 Ma Hoog-
respect to the main episode of deformation, which genoeg Formation, as evidenced by the Buck Reef
created the regionally-developed upright folds Chert Marker. Lowe and Byerly (1991) have identi-
(Lamb, 1984, 1987; Heubeck and Lowe, 1994a, b). fied serpentinized komatiites and other volcanics of
Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the Barber- the Mendon Formation (3298 Ma) as the uppermost
ton stratigraphy showing the principal litho- unit of the Onverwacht Group along the western limb
stratigraphic divisions, prominent marker horizons, of the Onverwacht anticline and above the Buck Reef
and some key radiogenic ages. chert. In spite of some criticism (Williams and
Prior to deformation, the Barberton basin may Furnell, 1979; de Wit, 1982; de Wit et al., 1987), the
have accommodated as much as 20 km in thickness of broad outline of the field classification appears to be
lavas and sediments. If this was the case, the wide- sound and it is evident that a great thickness of voL
spread occurrence of pillow structures in the Onver- canics accumulated under subaquaeous conditions in
wacht mafic lavas indicates comparatively rapid ba- the lower part of the Barberton basin. The extent to
sin subsidence under subaqueous conditions in order which the Onverwacht stratigraphy was tectonically
to permit the accumulation of up to 15 km of ul- thickened as a result of thrust-related structural du-
tramafic and mafic vok'anics. Following extensive plication or tectonic stacking has yet to be demon-
mapping of the Onverwacht Group in the type area strated and the postulation that the stratigraphy
(Viljoen and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f), it was pro- comprises juxtaposed accreted terranes has yet to be
posed that the rocks be classified into a lower ul- verified (de Ronde and de Wit, 1994; Lowe, 1994).
tramafic unit and an upper mafic to felsic unit, each The geochemistry of the metavolcanics comprising
216 J. H. W. WARD

I D A L M E I N PLUTON I Post-tectonic granitoid

3216 Ma (Kamo & Davis 1991)

apparent Early-tectonic Moodles

thickness MOODIES Ramsay's F 1 = de Ronde & de Wit D 3
6 0 Q m O O ~ a a a Moodles Basal Marker
FIG TREE 3225 Ma (felsics: Armstrong et al., 1990)
3256 Ma (felsics: Kohler et al., 1993)
3229 Ma (Tegtmeyer & Kr6ner,1987) GROUP
= Msauli Oolite Marker
MENDON Fm 3298 Ma (felsics: Kr6ner. 1993)

- Buck Reef Chert Marker

I STOLZBURG & THEESPRUIT 1-1"G PLUTONS 3445 Ma (porphyry: Armstrong et el., 1990)
3445 Ma (Kamo & Davis, 1994) HOOGGENOEG (tuff: KrOner et al., !991)

,0i O
~= Middle Chert Marker

'~ KOMATIFm 3470 Ma (intrusive dyke: Kamo & Davis, 1994)
3490 Ma (alteration: Lopez-Martinez et al., 1992)

s 0 4. __ m - - Komati fault
THEESPRUIT 3453 Ma (volcaniclastic: aL, 1990)
3547-3530 Ma (felsic tufts: KrOner et eL, 1992)


ANCIENT GNEISS 3644 Ma (Compston & Kr6ner, 1988)

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the apparent stratigraphic column for the Barberton greenstone belt (modified after Lowe, 1982,

the formations of the Onverwacht Group has received members of mafic to felsic volcanic cycles (Viljoen
considerable attention since the recognition of primi- and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f). Identification of pal-
tive ultramafic komatiite lavas (Viljoen and Viljoen, impsest pillow structure and spinifex textures charac-
1969a, b, c, d, e, f; Smith, 1980; Smith and Erlank, teristic of less-viscous mafic volcanics within these
1982; Smith et al., 1980, 1984; Viljoen et al., 1983). An- zones of silicification led to the recognition of the
haeusser (1981) provided a convenient excursion original nature of the flow-top alteration zones
guide and general summary Of the geology and geo- (Heubeck and Lowe, 1986a, b). However, similar
chemistry of the Onverwacht Group in the Komati zones of silicification have also been interpreted (de
valley type-sections. Alteration of Onverwacht lavas Wit, 1982) as fuchsitic d~ollement zones marking
has been extensive and includes serpentinization, early thrust planes.
spilitization, carbonation and silicification. In the case The structural and metamorphic complexity of the
of silicification, koma~'tes, komatiitic basalts and Onverwacht Group along the northern (Anhaeusser,
tholeiites have been so altered as to resemble felsic 1963, 1972; Viljoen, 1963; Wuth, 1980) and southern
volcanics (de Wit et al., 1982), to the extent that some or Swaziland margins of the greenstone belt (Barton,
silicified zones have been interpreted as the upper 1982) is such that the lithologies comprise amphibo-
Geology and metallogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt 217

lites and mafic schists, serpentinites, talc-carbonate The sedimentary textures have been interpreted as
rocks, tufts and agglomerates, felsic schists and por- turbiditic in origin, but whether the depositional en-
phyries together with rainor intercalated sediments. vironment was deep or shallow-water is debatable
Large, differentiated ultramafic bodies, which were (Kuenen, 1963; Eriksson, 1980). Condie et al. (1970)
either subvolcanic sills (Viljoen and Viljoen, 1969a, b, concluded that up to 50% of the Fig Tree greywacke
c, d, e, f; Anhaeusser, 1976a, b, c) or tectonic peri- is composed of chert and quartz and, in a diagram
dotites (Barton, 1982; de Wit et al., 1987a, b), are illustrating the secular variation in the content of rock
prevalent in the greenstones of the northern and fragments in greywackes from the Sheba Formation,
southern margin. Although the Onverwacht Group in Condie et al. (1970) emphasised the predominance of
the type area may be 15,000 m thick, in the Jame- siliceous volcanic fragments over mafic fragments.
stown Hills area it is probably much less and in Danchin (1967) noted the unusually high content of
Swaziland the group is only 1500-2000 m thick Cr and Ni in the Fig Tree shales and concluded that
(Barton, 1982). The Onverwacht Group underlying the sediments were derived from ultramafic source
the northern margin of the greenstone belt has been rocks.
correlated, in the main, with the Lower Onverwacht The southern facies of the Fig Tree Group, which
Theespruit and Komati Formations (Viljoen and Vil- was subdivided after the Kent (1980) classification,
joen, 1969a Fig. 6). This correlation has yet to be veri- comprises the ferruginous Ngwenya Formation,
fied by radiometric dating and it remains a possibility probably deposited under relatively deep-water
that the greenstones trnderlying the northern and conditions, overlain by the coarsening-upwards fan-
southern margins of the greenstone belt may correlate delta sediments of the Mapepe Formation (Heinrichs,
with the Upper Onverwacht Mendon Formation 1980). In the Mapepe Formation, Nocita and Lowe
(3298 Ma) rather than the Lower Theespruit and (1990) have recognized the onset of tectonism in the
Komati Formations (3547-3460 Ma). Lowe (1991, sedimentary record, or alternatively concurrent vol-
1994) has suggested that the proposed Weltevreden canic activity and concluded that the "depositional
Formation to the north of the Inyoka fault may be model is that of a fan delta building into a relatively
equivalent to the upper part of the Mendon Forma- shallow body of water in response to a developing
tion. fold and thrust belt". Following the lead of Jackson et
The Msauli (Umsoli) o61ite horizon in the type lo- al. (1987) they also concluded that the depositional
cality has been used to define the basal contact of the environment was that of an evolving foredeep. The
overlying Fig Tree Group (Heinrichs, 1980) and Jack- ferruginous strata of the underlying Ngwenya For-
son et al. (1987) have drawn attention to the fact that mation indicate formation within a relatively stable
the "upper contact of the Onverwacht Group marks basin (Heinrichs, 1980) prior to deposition of the
the extremely significant transition from exclusively Coarsening-upwards fan-delta sediments of the
oceanic sedimentation in a volcanic environment to Mapepe Formation, when the basin began to close
sedimentation dominated by the massive influx of gradually in response to regional compression. As a
terrigenous debris". The Fig Tree Group has been di- result of field work in the southeastern portion of the
vided into a deeper-water northern facies, in which greenstone belt, Fig Tree Group equivalents underly-
turbiditic greywackes predominate, and, south of the ing the Ngwenya range of Swaziland have been
regionally-extensive Inyoka fault, a shallower-water called the Diepgezet Group and comprise 1800 m of
southern facies comprising shales and jaspilites with sediments, which have been interpreted as deep wa-
subordinate greywackes (Heinrichs and Reimer, 1977; ter, submarine fan deposits (Lamb and Paris, 1988).
Heinrichs, 1980). While the simple categorization of Overlying the two lower formations of the Fig
the Barberton Supergroup into three groups based on Tree Group, in both the northern and southern facies,
gross lithostratigraphical differences remains Valid, at is the volcanogenic Schoongezicht Formation. In the
formation level there have been some additions, southern facies of this formation, Heinrichs (1980) re-
noted below, that modify the original Kent (1980) corded the felsic and calc-alkaline character of the
classification. metavolcanics, whereas in the Stolzburg syncline of
The lower and middle strata of the northern facies the northern facies Reimer (1967) noted that the
of the Fig Tree Group may be as much as 1800 m in Schoongezicht Formation comprises 500 m of coarse-
thickness and comprise the Sheba and Belvue Road grained tufts grading upwards into finer-grained
Formations (Reimer, 1967; Condie et al., 1970; An- tufts capped by lava and agglomerates. Dacitic tufts
haeusser, 1976a, b, c). The strata consist of massive and agglomerate in the Fig Tree Group have been
volcaniclastic greywackes in the lower formation, dated at 3259-3225 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1990; Kamo
grading upwards into finer-textured greywackes ex- and Davis, 1991; KrOner et al., 1991) with the younger
hibiting a progressive increase in granitic detritus age (3225 Ma) being characteristic of the Upper Fig
higher in the group, together with more abundant Tree Schoongezicht Group whereas the older age
shale, chert and banded ferruginous shale horizons. (3259 Ma) has been assigned to basal Fig Tree Group
218 J.H.W. WARD

felsics (Kr6ner et al., 1991). In the Ulundi-Eureka area, most of the Barberton depository into a major fold-
the Schoongezicht Formation is less well-developed and-thrust belt (Heubeck and Lowe, 1994a, b).
and comprises tufts and agglomerates (Anhaeusser, In southern Swaziland, the Moodies Group has
1976a, b, c) together with shales, grits, cherts and been called the Malolotsha Group and comprises
banded iron formations having a total thickness of about 1800 m of coarse siliciclastics with minor finer-
about 100 m. To the northeast, similar rocks, known grained sediments exhibiting desiccation cracks,
as the Bien Venue Formation, have been dynamo- which overlie the Diepgezet or Fig Tree Group with
thermally altered to silicic schists and were probably an angular unconformity and contain internal uncon-
originally rhyodacitic to rhyolitic in composition. formities. The relationship of these progressive un-
They have been dated at 3256 Ma (Kr6ner et al., 1991; conformities to regional fold structures has been in-
Kohler et al., 1993). terpreted to indicate the syndepositional timing of the
The arenaceous Moodies Group includes more deformation (Lamb, 1987).
distal shales, shaley sandstones, jaspilites and a thin
horizon of amygdaloidal andesite north of the Inyoka STRUCTURE
fault, which are absent from the more proximal
arenites in the southern facies (Visser et al., 1956). The broader aspects of the deformation of the
Anhaeusser (1976) has pointed out that the Moodies Barberton depository can be considered in terms of
sediments are continental in character and, north of one of two models - either the structures represent a
the Inyoka fault, he defined three upward-fining cy- combination of early upright folding accompanied by
cles as the Clutha, Joe's Luck and Baviaanskop For- high-angle thrusting (Anhaeusser, 1975), or they re-
mations. Jackson et al. (1987) have deduced that up- sulted from early tectonic stacking followed by a later
ward-coarsening sequences in the Moodies Group, event involving the rotation of early thrust slices into
and the recycled oceanic volcanic detritus from the upright folds, accompanied by high-angle thrusting
Onverwacht in the Fig Tree Group imply an active (de Wit et al., 1987a, b). In other words, and in ele-
tectonic setting, such as a foredeep or foreland basin, mentary terms, crustal shortening across the Barber-
rather than the passive continental margin setting ton basin has been interpreted as being accommo-
originally proposed by Eriksson (1980). Widespread dated either by a relatively simple response to
evidence for desiccation in the form of mudcracks in regional stress, whether dominantly vertical or lateral
the Moodies sediments attests to a shallow-water de- or a combination of both, involving the development
positional environment. North of the Inyoka fault, the of early upright folds during which later steep
Moodies strata are up to 3700 m thick and Heubeck thrusting was initiated (Visser et al., 1956; Anhaeu-
and Lowe (1994), adopting Anhaeusser's (1976) unit sser, 1975, 1984, 1986), or by a more complicated
codes and classification, confirmed that the Lower combination of stress reaction involving early sub-
Moodies Group north of the fault comprises a fining- horizontal thrusting and tectonic stacking, including
upward sequence, which was derived from a proven- the possibility of obduction of oceanic crust, followed,
ance to the north. after a period of sedimentation, by later upright
Eriksson et al. (1988) observed that, whereas the folding and steep thrusting (de Wit, 1982; de Wit et
Moodies Group conformably overlies the Fig Tree al., 1987a, b; Tomkinson and King, 1991; de Ronde
Group in the northern parts of the Barberton green- and de Wit, 1994).
stone belt, in the southern section there is a marked Anhaeusser (1975, 1984) emphasised the effects of
unconformity between the groups. In the southern vertical tectonics and noted that the arcuate pattern of
section, the Moodies Group is made up of a consider- relationships between the greenstone belts and the
able thickness of conglomerate, grading upwards into surrounding granitoids resulted from "dominantly
sandstone while north of the Inyoka fault, in the Stol- gravity-induced deformational styles that accompa-
zburg, Saddleback and Eureka synclines, the Moodies nied the emplacement of granitic magmas and dia-
Group is composed of one upward-fining and two piric plutons." According to this model, sialic diapir-
upward-coarsening sequences. More recently, Heu- modified gravity-induced structures resulting from
beck and Lowe (1994) have concluded, on the basis of the unstable ensimatic geotectonic setting of the de-
extensive field work, that the Lower Moodies was veloping greenstone belt and such diapirism pro-
"deposited in one or more intramontane basins in an duced structures that were superimposed onto
extensional setting." In the Upper Moodies, a south- lithologies that may have experienced a complex
ward-thinning fan-delta conglomerate, which was structural pre-history (Anhaeusser, 1984). Citing
derived from the north and unconformably overlies structural evidence from the New Consort and Sheba
lower strata, suggests that the Upper Moodies was areas straddling the Eureka syncline, Anhaeusser
deposited in a foreland basin in the initial stages of concluded that almost the entire range of structural
southward shortening and basin closure during a de- features resulted from granitic diapirism, but he con-
formational episode that eventually incorporated ceded that in some granite-greenstone terrains diapir-
Geologyand metallogenyof the Barbertongreenstone belt 219

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X "-x ,,
I× × × "'.,.7 .: !1# o
, ,

Figure 3. Central portion of the Barberton greenstone belt showing some of the major regional folds and strike faults mentioned in
the text (modified after Visser, 1956; Anhaeusser, 1976a, b, c; Heinrichs, 1984; Heubeck and Lowe, 1994a, b). For stratigraphy see
Fig. 1.

ism alone is insufficient t:o explain the structural his- tectonics (sagduction) or horizontal tectonics
tory and that horizontal shortening, resulting from (subduction) can be invoked as processes in the
regional compression, must have been a contributory geotectonic evolution of this shallow fold-and-thrust
factor. belt. Metamorphic evidence from the Komati and
An integrated geophysical survey of the Barberton Hooggenoeg Formations in the Onverwacht type area
greenstone belt has revealed, as a result of a detailed (Cloete, 1994) indicates that these formations were
gravity survey constrained by deep electrical resis- not subjected to pressures of greater than 4 kbar in
tivity soundings, that the maximum depth extent of anything other than a hydrostatic stress field due to
the Barberton Supergroup is "less than 8 km, but al- burial metamorphism. Evidence for regional dynamic
ways more than 4 km, on all profiles" (de Beer et al., or dynamothermal metamorphism, which would
1988). This evidence for the shallow, physical nature tend to provide support for the interpretation that
of the greenstone belt, which is shown as being un- imbricate thrusting and tectonic stacking has thick-
derlain by undifferentiated granitoids, is a practical ened the Onverwacht greenstones, perhaps by as
constraint on the extent o:f the depth to which vertical an order of magnitude (de Wit et al., 1987a,
220 J.H.W. WARD

b), is absent from the Onverwacht type locality. all plainly identified by regional mapping and re-
In a traverse across the Barberton fold belt, from corded in the text. The periclinal character of some of
Piggs Peak in the southeast to Consort mine in the the structures was implicit in the descriptive terms
northwest, the effects of compression and basin in- 'canoe shaped' and 'boat shaped' as well as 'inverted
version due to regional overthrusting from the south- canoe' folds (Visser et al., 1956, pp165-171). At the
east can be recognized in the kinematic evidence of same time, major regional 'strike-faults' or 'longitudi-
the regional variation in structural style. Diminishing nal faults' were identified and shown on the 1956
finite strain conditions from southeast to northwest geological map, including the Sheba, Scotsman, Bar-
may be interpreted from the imbricate thrust-stacking brook, Saddleback, Inyoka and Kamhlabane faults.
of the rocks underlying the Swaziland sector of the The location of many of these regional structures is
belt (Jones, 1969; Barton, 1982; Lamb, 1987), the re- shown in Fig. 3. In addition, the Ulundi, Barite Valley
gionaUy developed synclinoria and anticlinoria un- and Manzimnyama anticlinoria are depicted. These
derlying the Lomati and Manzimnyama basin sector complex regional structures, affecting relatively in-
(Visser et al., 1956) and the more open regional folds competent Fig Tree strata, have been incorrectly
of the Saddleback and Eureka synclines and the in- shown as synclines in the past (Ramsay, 1963; An-
tervening Ulundi anticlinorium (Visser et al., 1956; haeusser, 1976a, b, c; Heinrichs, 1984).
Ramsay, 1963). In an analysis of strain using de- Ramsay (1963) published the first detailed struc-
formed pebbles in the Moodies conglomerate, and in tural analysis of the Eureka and Ulundi folds in the
apparent contradiction to the generalization that re- general area of the Consort, Sheba and Fairview Au
gional strain decreased in a northwesterly direction mines. Ramsay concluded that the "first deformation
across the deforming Barberton greenstone belt, Gay gave rise to many folds whose steeply-inclined axial
(1969) concluded that the regional strain had been planes were probably initially oriented in a northeast-
much greater in the northern part of the Mountain sou~west direction. The second deformation resulted
Land than in the centre. However, he suggested that in the widespread development of slaty cleavage and
this was probably because the rocks along the north- schistosity which cuts obliquely across the first folds".
ern margin of the Eureka syncline have experienced As de Wit (1982) has noted, Ramsay's (1963) meas-
two phases of deformation, whereas those in the urement of bedding-cleavage relationships led him to
Makonjwa synclinorium do not show cleavage, thus conclude that the cleavage-forming event post-dated
indicating that Ramsay's "second phase of deforma- a fabric-free fold forming episode. In a commentary
tion did not extend this far into the Mountain Land" on the regional faults in the area he examined, Ram-
(Gay, 1969, p. 392). Although he did not specifically say (op cit, p. 392) concluded that the "great strike-
exclude the possibility of earlier deformation, Ram- faults seem to be developed in the overturned limbs
say (1963) referred to the upright Eureka syncline of the first-fold anticlines" and he suggested that the
generation of folds, which includes the Makonjwa faults were probably initiated during the first defor-
synclinorium (Visser et al., 1956), as "the first recog- mation, although they appeared to have been subse-
nised phase of deformation". Heubeck and Lowe quently reactivated.
(1994) produced a semi-quantitative strain map of the Ramsay's work was followed by a number of
Barberton greenstone belt showing higher strain publications presenting the results of research under-
along the southern as well as the northern margin of taken by staff from the Economic Geology Research
the belt, but they did not consider the possibility of Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand
distortion of the regional strain markers occasioned (Anhaeusser, 1963, 1969, 1976; Anhaeusser et al.,
by two episodes of deformation affecting the rocks 1967, 1969; Gay, 1969; Poole, 1964; Viljoen, 1963; Ro-
underlying the northern margin. ering, 1965). With the exception of Roering, these
Following investigation of the mineralized Sheba authors accepted Ramsay's structural episodes and,
hills area, van Eeden (1941) concluded that the re- in particular, his conclusion that the first episode of
gional application of major stress from the southeast deformation produced the major regional synclines
had resulted in a single period of deformation, dur- on which the subsequent development of cleavage
ing which overfolding of the rocks towards the and schistosity was superimposed. Roering (1965), on
northwest was distorted by the buttress effect of the the other hand, suggested that the "systematic spread
Kaap Valley pluton. Publication of mapping by of fold axes within the axial plane indicates that this
members of the Geological Survey of South Africa folding must have been superimposed on an already
(Visser et al., 1956) depicted the structural work of the deformed strata". Anhaeusser (1976) also noticed the
time, which was most clearly displayed in the spread of the plunge of minor fold axes in the Eureka
mapped stratigraphy of the Moodies Group. Thus, syncline and concluded that "some of the folds may
the Eureka and Moodies syncline, the Stolzburg, represent a superimposed phase of deformation". It is
Saddleback, Lily and Hlambanyati synclines and the now recognized that the variable plunge of fold axes
Makonjwa, Heights and Emlembe synclinoria were within the axial plane can be indicative of sheath-like
Geologyand metallogenyof the Barbertongreenstonebelt 221

folding (Cobbold and Q~ainquis, 1980) and the varia- showing axial culminations and depressions, have
tion in the plunge of fold axes noted by Roering been described from the Superior Province of the Ca-
(1965) may be due to the curvilinear character of the nadian Archaean (Dimroth et al., 1983; Daigneault et
folds along the axes resulting from the differential al., 1990) and this indication of crustal plasticity may
contractive response of the developing folds to re- prove to have been a feature typical of the Archaean
gional compression and "elongation of the (folded) 'permobile regime'.
beds radially upwards" (Visser et al., 1956, p. 179). In An extraordinary structural feature of the Barber-
a comment on the variable axial plunge displayed by ton greenstone belt is the occurrence of these sheath-
folds of the first defolrmation (F1), Ramsay (1963, like folds in rocks that have only experienced low-
pp371-2) noted that "it seems unlikely that the re- grade burial and regional metamorphism. It is con-
gional compression would be taken up by uniform cluded that this early phase of folding took place in a
shortening across the folds" and he went on to con- high-level geodynamic regime, within which pore
clude that "the plunges of folds developing in adja- fluids and a low strain rate promoted ductile condi-
cent zones of large anti small strain might be ex- tions and facilitated the development of fabric-free
pected to show considerable variation." In a recent sheath-like folds on a local and regional scale. The
study of structures in the Moodies Group, Heubeck superimposed cleavage transects the fold axes in a
and Lowe (1994) have commented that many small- clockwise sense in the Eureka syncline (Ramsay, 1963,
to medium-scale folds in the underlying Fig Tree and Figs 18 and 20) and this characteristic, together with
Onverwacht rocks have approximately the same ori- the apparent en echelon disposition of the major lin-
entation as the post-Moodies folds affecting the ear synclines, is interpreted to result from regional
overlying rocks and that "it was generally impossible sinistral transpression (Blewett and Picketing, 1988;
to identify these structures as pre-Moodies or post- Murphy, 1985; Woodcock et al., 1988; Ward, 1991;
Moodies in age." In other cases, such as structures in Pratt and Fitches, 1993). However, in a critical exami-
the Fig Tree rocks within the Manzimnyama syncline, nation of the association between transected folds
the authors found that "folds trend slightly obliquely and transpression, Treagus and Treagus (1992) con-
to the large, regional folds and are apparently re- cluded that "a clockwise sense of transection should
folded by them." It remains to be seen whether this not be used as sole indicator of sinistral transpression
apparent evidence for pre-Moodies folding is real or (nor counter-clockwise for dextral) without support-
whether it is more a function of the competence con- ing structural data". In the Barberton case, some ad-
trast between the Fig Tree and Moodies rocks in a ditional corroboration is provided by the prominent
structurally complex area (Heinrichs, 1980). sinistral drag evident in the Moodies sediments, adja-
Sheath folds seem to result from the kinematic cent to the Saddleback fault underlying the south-
amplification of 'deflections' in folded layers, which western corner of Dycedale farm. This distinctive left-
produced curvilinear folds that became progressively lateral movement indicator can be observed clearly in
more elongated during deformation (Lacassin and the field and on the aerial photograph of the locality.
Mattauer, 1985). The steeply-plunging attitude of the In another explanation of the structural evolution
fold axis of the Eureka and, especially, the Stolzburg of the Barberton greenstone belt, it has been proposed
synclines and the generally eye-shaped outcrop pat- (de Wit, 1982; de Wit et al., 1983) that the field rela-
tern of these folds promote the deduction that the tionships in the southern mountain land reveal "an
structures are sheath-like, although the possible earlier period of deformation, manifested in the Ge-
periclinal closures have been disrupted by transcur- luk Subgroup and overlying stratigraphic units by
rent faulting. The fact that the folds in the Sheba an- regional recumbent folds, inverted stratigraphy, nap-
ticlinorium, for example the Birthday anticlines pes and original sub-horizontal thrusts or glide
where the Zwartkoppie Formation sediments are de- planes" (de Wit et al., 1983, p. 23). This has been in-
formed into a series of paraUel isoclines, also prove to terpreted by the authors to indicate that the 'upright
be sheath-like, as demonstrated from exposures in the structures' of Ramsay's main phase or first deforma-
underground workings, serves to enhance the prob- tion folds (F1) are, in fact, folds of a later episode of
ability that during Ramsay's first fabric-free fold deformation related to sub-horizontal shortening,
forming event (F1), conditions were such that sheath- which was preceded by an episode of thrusting and
like folds developed on a local and regional scale in nappe formation that resulted in the tectonic stacking
the supracrustal rocks trader unusually ductile con- of the stratigraphy. Geochronological research on the
ditions of regional deformation. In relation to the rocks at the base of the Onverwacht has provided
major folds exposed in a narrow transect across the some support for this contention in that an ion mi-
central Barberton mountain land, Heubeck and Lowe croprobe study of zircons, extracted from a volcani-
(1994, Fig. 4) demonstrate the variable plunge of fold clastic horizon in the Lower Theespruit Formation
axes within a general axial plane. Certainly what ap- (Armstrong et al., 1990), indicated that at 3453 Ma this
pears to be large-scale periclinal or sheath-like folds, formation could be younger than the overlying vol-
222 J . H . W . WARD

i I
31°00'E ....~igaro/ ~ J - -• ~ ~Salisbury
Mine . . Kop Pluton

-- W CONSORTGOLDM I N E ~ , / ,. ~, w,, s" ~ ~l'*llvf"

+ + +'~,,,e ~_ / ,-%'~oe~- . ~ - 7
\ , , ",:: : : . . .
. .. "Z ~o~~c%"
~ --,~G'
~,*~O ~/"'~
~- t ~,,ViEWGO.D.,#E/j " -~0~ ~ .;'~< • / ~

~k ~ AGNESGOLDMINE'S,,* / m 6j'i~ . ~,~¢.. e~: j

1,~.~" . . . -~," . . j ~ , ~

-: fx.."-"i..,"" +of
:.::< ..,,,,,o,o,,,,,,o,,,,o.O,,L,,,
Dlilmeln Piuton . / ~ / major tectonic break
3'~e. i i l l ~ . ~ . ~/oti,ll Ne•l Mine ll3_- " mlneraiilled ahear/thmit

Figure 4. Diagram of the Barbe~on greenstone belt showing the proposed tectonic zones, as well as the location of four major Au mines
and three minor Au mines mentioned in the text.

canics of the Komati Formation and the authors pro- the younger 3453 Ma age of the Theespruit Formation
posed that the two formations may have a major following work in the Steynsdorp anticline, where
structural discontinuity between them. Subsequently, samples of felsic tuff have yielded ages of 3547-3530
a maximum age of alteration in the overlying Komati Ma (Kr6ner et al., 1992). The fact that the Buck Reef
Formation lavas has been measured using 4°Ar/39Ar chert at the top of the Hooggenoeg Formation can be
at 3490 Ma (Lopez-Martinez, 1992) and a quartz- followed along the strike for more than 30 km with-
feldspar porphyry dyke intruding the Komati For- out any indication of the duplication that would re-
mation volcanics has been dated at 3470 Ma (Kamo sult from imbrication along sub-horizontal thrusts
and Davis, 1994). These data are compatible with the also lends little support to the postulation that exten-
age of zircons from the Middle Marker horizon and a sive early tectonic stacking thickened the Onverwacht
lower volcaniclastic unit in the Komati Formation Group as a whole.
that yielded ages of 3472 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1990). Using a m o d e m geotectonic approach, de Ronde
Accepting the reliability of the 3453 Ma age obtained and de Wit (1994) proposed that the Barberton
on zircons from the diamictite at the base of the greenstone belt comprises two terrains: Arc and
Theespruit Formation means that the major shear Trench Block I (3445-3416 Ma), which outcrops south
zones in the Komati valley represent planes along of the Inyoka-Saddleback fault system boundary, and
which tectonic stacking took place (de Wit et al., Arc and Trench Block II (3259-3222 Ma), which out-
1983). However, detailed mapping at 1:10 000 (V. crops north of the boundary. As a caveat, the authors
King, unpubl.) clearly demonstrates that the Komati note that there is insufficient evidence to define
fault is not folded by the Onverwacht bend or anti- whether the terrains are allochthonous with regard to
cline and therefore can hardly have acted as the plane each other or whether they were part of a larger co-
along which the Komati Formation was thrust over herent geologic province which has been subse-
the Theespruit Formation prior to this deformation. quently tectonically disrupted. Hence, the writers
In addition, there is now doubt as to the validity of make use of the term 'block', which does not have the
Geologyand metallogenyof the Barbertongreenstonebelt 223

allochthonous connotations often associated with the across the Maanhaar fault and thereby across the
term 'terrane'. Recently, Lowe (1994) has proposed boundary between the STZ and the CTZ. Similarly,
that the Barberton greenstone belt can be "divided the Geological Survey (Visser et al., 1956) found no
into four tectono-stratigraphic blocks that become reason to question the correlation of post-Onverwacht
younger towards the northwest" and suggested that lithology and deformation between the CTZ and the
the Barberton belt grew as a result of magmatic ac- NTZ across the Inyoka fault. Subsequently, Heubeck
cretion "along the rifted margins of older blocks, and and Lowe (1994) have reported that thinner Moodies
not the tectonic assembly of unrelated terranes along sections to the south of the Inyoka Fault may corre-
a subduction zone." This postulation readily lends it- late with the basal Moodies Group to the north of the
self to testing by more detailed radiometric dating of Inyoka Fault, but were probably deposited in sepa-
the suggested tectono-stratigraphic terranes. Heubeck rate basins. In the same way that the Saddleback and
and Lowe (1994, Table 2) assert that, according to the Inyoka faults are shown to unite, so too the Maan-
field evidence from a transect across the central por- haar-Kamhlabane fault is shown to join the Saddle-
tion of the Barberton greenstone belt, the fold-and- back-Inyoka fault on the Singerton farm (Fig. 4). The
thrust belt can be subdivided into four major struc- lithological and structural differences and similarities
tural blocks, according tlo the orientation and plunge across the tectonic boundaries, which have been used
direction of the major fold axes. However, the plunge to distinguish the NTZ, CTZ and STZ, indicate that
of the major and minor fold axes varies along strike the Barberton greenstone belt, certainly in post-
within the general east-northeasterly striking axial Onverwacht times, probably comprised a single
planes, therefore the apparent structural rule from complex depository rather than a collage of two or
the central transect cannot be regionally extrapolated three comparatively small allochthonous terranes.
along strike as a characteristic feature of the proposed Support for a single depository is provided by the
four tectonic domains. This is clearly demonstrated similarity in 207pb/2°6pb zircon ages of 3225 Ma ob-
by a comparison of the structural evidence from the tained from a dacitic conglomerate collected from the
Heights syncline, unde:rlying the transect in which type-section of the Schoongezicht Formation north of
the fold axes plunge to the northeast (Heubeck and the Inyoka fault and a dacitic tuff collected from the
Lowe, 1994a, b), and the Heights synclinorium, un- Upper Fig Tree Group in the Barite valley anticli-
derlying the farms Vooruitzicht and Duurstede fur- norium to the south of the Inyoka fault (KrOner et al.,
ther along strike to the east, in which the fold axes 1991).
plunge both to the northeast and the southwest The late-tectonic Dalmein granodiorite pluton
(Visser et al., 1956). (3216 Ma; Kamo and Davis, 1991) outcrops in the
In the present synthesis of Barberton geology, it is southwestern extremity of the CTZ where the intru-
convenient to use the term tectonic zone, within sive truncates the Kromberg fold structure and the
which there are distingaiishable tectonic domains, in eastern limb of the Onverwacht anticline (Viljoen and
analysing the regional tectonics of the greenstone Viljoen, 1969e, Fig. 8, p. 130), otherwise termed the
belt. To this end, Fig. 4 has been prepared to show the Kromberg antiformal syncline and the Onverwacht
situation of the Inyoka J~ault and the Maanhaar fault bend (de Wit et al., 1987a, b). In the de Ronde and de
which, as regional tectolxic breaks, are used to distin- Wit interpretation, the Kromberg structure is "most
guish three tectonic zones as depicted: the Northern likely of D2 age" and the Onverwacht fold is "almost
Tectonic Zone (NTZ); the Central Tectonic Zone certainly" D3 in age. However, the authors suggest
(CTZ) and the Southern Tectonic Zone (STZ). The that "early D3 deformation may represent a contin-
CTZ and STZ equate to Arc and Trench Block I and uum of D2 deformation as folds related to both these
the NTZ to Arc and Trench Block II of de Ronde and phases are commonly co-axial". According to the age
de Wit (1994). The basis for recognizing the three of the Dalmein pluton, the D3 deformation was ac-
tectonic zones stems from the obvious difference in complished by 3216 Ma, when structures of this gen-
the style of regional deformation between the imbri- eration were truncated by this discordant granitoid
cate thrust-stacking characteristic of the STZ (Hunter intrusive.
and Jones, 1969; Jones, 1969; Barton, 1982), the re- To minimise confusion, it should be stated that in
gional anticlinoria and synclinoria as well as the On- this paper the conventional structural prefix 'F' is
verwacht anticline do:main underlying the CTZ used for the deformation episodes recognized by
(Visser et al., 1956; Heinrichs, 1980; Heubeck and Ramsay (1963) whereas the conventional prefix 'D' is
Lowe, 1994a, b) and the more open, regional, sheath- used for the episodes recognized by de Ronde and de
like folds typical of the NTZ, which also includes the Wit (1994). Correlation of these episodes of deforma-
unique Jamestown hills tectonic domain (Visser et al., tion between the structures in the Southern Tectonic
1956; Anhaeusser, 1969; tteubeck and Lowe, 1994a, b). Zone (Jones, 1969; Lamb, 1984), the Central Tectonic
In post-Onverwacht lithologies, Lamb and Paris Zone (e.g. Visser et al., 1956; Heubeck and Lowe,
(1988) correlated both stratigraphy and structure 1994a, b; de Ronde and de Wit, 1994) and the North-
224 J.H.W. WARD

ern Tectonic Zone (Ramsay, 1963; Anhaeusser, 1969: deformation, which apparently correlates with de
Heubeck and Lowe, 1994a, b) is no easy matter and Ronde and de Wit's (1994) D3 in the southern part of
may best be attempted in a semi-quantitative, the mountain land. Fripp et al. (1980) suggested, but
mechanistic and regional manner rat.her than on a did not confirm, that the "early deformations in the
rigidly statistical basis. In formulating a classification northwestern part of the belt involved the formation
of the episodes of deformation affecting the Barberton of fold nappes and thrusts", which, in the case of the
greenstone belt (BGB), de Ronde and de Wit (1994) Eureka syncline, became steepened and transected
state that "D3 deformation affects all of the BGB during the diapiric rise of the Kaap valley pluton.
stratigraphy. It is most pronounced along the flanks However, neither the definitive work by Ramsay nor
of the BGB and particularly in the central and north- that undertaken by more recent researchers in the
ern regions of the belt; this phase of deformation ac- field has offered any proof in support of Fripp's
counts for the NE-SW map pattern of the belt. D3 de- structural model.
formation is responsible for the approximately NE- In an attempt to explain on a regional basis the
SW striking open-syncline/tight-antiform pairs with fact that Ramsay's (1963) first or main phase defor-
related thrust- and significant strike-slip compo- mation F1, that correlates with the D3 of de Ronde and
nents". From this description it is apparent that the de de Wit (1994), seems to have succeeded two earlier
Ronde a n d de Wit D3 category of deformation episodes of deformation, D1 and D2, it is pertinent to
probably includes the earlier-defined main phase or remember that the recognition of the D2 episode of
first deformation F1 (Visser et al., 1956; Ramsay, 1963), deformation stems from detailed fieldwork in the
which was responsible for the development of the Montrose-Mendon area (de Ronde, 1991). In this case
prominent northeaster!y-trending regional synclines "D2 deformation is responsible for the effects of tight-
cored by Moodies arenites. The field evidence for to-isoclinal folds manifested in Fig Tree Group shales
syndepositional deformation during Moodies times and BIF, and also for the regionally extensive E-W
(Lamb, 1984; Heubeck and Lowe, 1993, 1994a, b) has striking shear zones (predominantly thrusts) in the
been related to sub-horizontal regional compression, central parts of the belt" (de Ronde and de Wit, 1994).
possibly resulting from sialic plate collision (Lamb, Examination of the field area shows it to be in the
1984, 1987; Jackson, 1984; Lamb and Paris, 1988). In hangingwall of the western limb of the Onverwacht
agreement with the age of the transgressive Dalmein 'bend' where there must have been a considerable
pluton, Kamo and Davis (1994) have concluded, on space problem during the formation of this large re-
the basis of U-Pb dating, that much of the deforma- gional F1 (=D3) fold structure, therefore it is feasible
tion of the Barberton greenstone belt "can probably be that the D2 deformation occurred in response to the
accounted for by a single short-lived compressional formation of the Onverwacht fold. This leaves the
event within the time span 3230-3215 Ma". question of the D1 deformational episode that appar-
Until recently, comparatively little structural work ently involved early sub-horizontal thrusting and
has been undertaken in the northeastern portion of tectonic stacking, including the possibility of obduc-
the Barberton greenstone belt. Ward (1979, 1987) re- tion of oceanic crust (de Wit, 1982; de Wit et al.,
ported from the Figaro mine area near Malelane that 1987a), and which affected the type-area of the On-
the whole sequence has been deformed about north- verwacht Group in a sub-domain of the CTZ. The Ds
easterly trending axes, resulting in the development structural domain has been recognized only below
of tight to isoclinal folds (F1), which can be observed the Buck Reef chert unconformity and may be pecu-
in the field on a scale ranging from that of an outcrop liar to the type-Onverwacht submarine volcanics.
to regional synclines exhibiting a wavelength of 2 km The deformational episode, during which the
or more. The Minerals Division of Shell, South Africa Eureka syncline and similar structures of Ramsay's F1
undertook a thorough prospecting operation for base (=D3) category were formed, took place during and
metals on the farm M'hlati, about 6 km southwest of after the emplacement of the Kaap valley tonalite at
Figaro mine, including detailed mapping and exten- about 3229-3227 Ma (Tegtmeyer and Kr6ne r, 1987;
sive surface diamond drilling. The structure of the Kamo and Davis, 1994) and before the intrusion of
area was evaluated by Vearncombe (1986), who rec- the discordant Dalmein pluton at 3216 Ma. During
ognized one major and a second minor deformation regional convergence and the compressional event
and noted that both "small and large scale folds of the that formed the upright F1 folds, the early-tectonic
first deformation are noncylindrical, northward Kaap valley tonalite acted as a diapiric-like structural
verging and overturned" and that the "mineralised salient, which indented the deforming greenstone
southern synform is probably boat shaped with a flat belt. The resulting space problem was accommodated
keel and about 500 m deep". This detailed informa- by folding, refolding, faulting and thrusting
tion, supported by drilling sections, from the Male- (Anhaeusser, 1984), including the development of a
lane area serves to confirm Ramsay's finding with re- positive flower structure between the transected
spect to the primary nature of the main phase or F1 Moodies and Saddleback synclines (Ward, 1992), and
Geologyand metallogenyof the Barbertongreenstonebelt 225

by prominent secondary inflexion of the Eureka and the upper part of the overlying Mendon Formation
Moodies synclines. Sub:u~tuently, and probably dur- has been dated at 3298 Ma (Byerly et al., 1993). In
ing relaxation of the regional compressive stress, ex- between, the Buck Reef chert horizon at the top of the
tensive granitic magmatism at about 3105 Ma re- Hooggenoeg Formation marks an interval in the On-
sulted in the emplacement of remobilized TTG sial in verwacht volcanism that may be as great as 100 Ma.
the form of the Piggs Peak-Mpuhizi batholith, along Another hiatus of as much as 50 Ma occurred be-
the southern flank of the greenstone belt, and the tween the 3298 Ma Mendon Formation and the
Nelspruit granite, gneiss and migmatite along the dacitic tufts at the base of the Fig Tree Group, which
northern flank (Hunter, 1973; Robb et al., 1983; Kamo have been dated at 3243 Ma, or the proximal breccias
and Davis, 1991). and tufts in the Fig Tree which have been dated at
Structural investigations at the New Consort Au 3256 Ma ( KrOner et al., 1991)
mine (Tomkinson and Lombard, 1990; Harris et al., In terms of the interpretation of Japanese accre-
1992) indicate three phases of deformation of which tionary complexes of Cretaceous age, the consider-
the first is recognized as isoclinal folds and associated able time interval between the Upper Hooggenoeg
tectonic slides, which probably equate with Ramsay's Formation and the Mendon Formation, and between
F1 or first structure and thereby are analogous to the the Mendon Formation and the overlying terrigenous
Zwartkoppie anticlines at Sheba Au mine. The pos- sediments of the Fig Tree Group, may be analogous
sibility of this correlation was considered by Ramsay to the case when there is a difference in age between
(1963, p. 371), but metamorphic recrystallization of • ocean-floor basalts and terrigenous sediment, which
the New Consort host rocks is such that primary way- is interpreted to indicate the "subduction of an ac-
up criteria have been obliterated, thereby complicat- tively spreading mid-ocean ridge", whereas the simi-
ing the recognition of the structural relationship be- larity in age between the ocean-floor basalts and as-
tween the Consort bar and the Hangingwall bar. The sociated terrigenous sediments is taken to indicate
second episode of deformation is represented by proximity to a trench (Osozawa, 1994). This line of
north-south to northwest-southeast striking shear reasoning is more in agreement with Cloete's (1994)
zones, such as the Shires shear zone (Tomkinson, suggestion that, although the Komati and Hoog-
1991), which are steeply dipping and deform the ear- genoeg Formations do not exhibit morphological,
lier structures. Later, moderately dipping, normal structural or volcanological characteristics of typical
fault zones, such as the ]31uejackets fault, displace the mid-ocean ridge crust, they may represent an oceanic
previous structures and constitute a third episode of plateau allochthonously thrust onto the back-arc ba-
deformation in the mine. sin stratigraphy of the Theespruit Formation. On the
After the main phase of Au mineralization and the other hand, the}" may not represent anything of the
emplacement of the late-tectonic plutons, the Barber- kind. At an age of 3547-3530 Ma (Kr6ner et al., 1992;
ton granitoid-greenstone terrain was riven and in- Lowe, 1994) the Theespruit Formation may siill con-
vaded by a swarm of northwest-striking mafic dykes stitute the oldest and lowest formation in the Onver-
of pre-Transvaal Supergroup age that follow the 2870 wacht Group (Viljoen and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f).
Ma (Hegner et al., 1984) Usushwana mafic complex If this proves to be the case then the modelling of the
trend. The swarm is normal to the northeasterly basaltic and felsic volcaniclastics of the Theespruit
structural trend of the greenstone belt and the dykes Formation as being consistent with sedimentation in a
probably afford a convenient post-tectonic indication back-arc basin (Cloete, 1994) could be relevant to the
of the maximum principal stress direction during the identification of the initial geotectonic setting of the
Barberton deformation episode that developed the Barberton depository.
northeast-southwest striking regional folds (see Fig. 5). The nature of the basement to the Onverwacht
Finally, in an endeavour to conceptualize the eruptives has been obscured by subsequent tectonism
geotectonic setting of the Barberton orogeny, it may and by invasive granitoids which encompass the•
be useful to consider the general evidence that is greenstone belt. Unless the Onverwacht Group itself
available for reconstructing the evolution of the Bar- represents primitive oceanic crust, whether alloch-
berton depository. It is axiomatic that a knowledge of thonous or autochthonous, the alternative and rea-
the floor to any sedimentary basin is a prerequisite sonable deduction that is left is that the intrusive
for the tectonic classification of the basin (Einsele, granitoids represent remobilized tonalite-trondhjem-
1992; Mitchell and Reading, 1978). In the case of the ite-granodiorite (TrG) sialic basement. Apart from
Barberton depository, it is clear that the siliciclastics the evidence for pre-Onverwacht primitive sialic
of the Fig Tree and Moodies Groups were deposited crust in the Ancient Gneiss complex, the older TTG
on ultramafic, mafic and lesser feisic volcanics of the granitoids and the early-tectonic Kaap valley mag-
Onverwacht Group. Here one should recall that the matism indicates TTG-style calc-alkaline oceanic or
dacitic tuff in the Upper Hooggenoeg Formation has continental arc granitoid plutonism at about 3445 Ma
been dated at 3445 Ma (Kr6ner et al., 1992), whereas and again at 3227 Ma, if uniformitarian comparisons
226 J.H.W. WARD

were valid in the Archaean. This was succeeded by and the younger apparent age from the Theespruit of
extensive potash-rich magmatism at about 3105 Ma in 3453 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1990) requires explanation.
the intrusion of the Nelspruit, Mpuluzi and Piggs Did the Onverwacht lavas pile-up in a mid-
Peak batholiths, which were derived by extensive continental rift similar to the setting of the Protero-
partial melting of a heterogeneous crust comprising zoic Keweenawan flood basalts (Green, 1983), or did
tonalite and trondhjemite gneisses (Robb et al., 1983). the Onverwacht accumulate in a continental margin
The Barberton greenstone belt was preserved by sialic setting, in an arc-trench environment, in a back-arc
underplaffng resulting from or reinforced by episodic basin, or does the Onverwacht represent primitive
felsic plutonism at about 3445 Ma, 3227 Ma and 3105 oceanic crust which was obducted onto continental
Ma. In this case, the uniformitarian evidence of the crust and thereby preserved from mantle engulf-
remobilized and reconstituted sialic floor to the Sar- ment? Everything else in the geotectonic interpreta-
miento complex of the Cretaceous back-arc basin in tion of the Barberton depository is secondary to the
southern Chile (Bruhn et al., 1978; de Wit and Stern, one fundamental uncertainty as to whether the floor
1981) has considerable modelling relevance to the to the Onverwacht was originally sialic or simatic and
interpretation of the geotectonic history of the Barber- some progress in the testing of these alternatives may
ton basin, which may also have been wholly or par- be achieved through isotopic studies of the granitoids
tially ensialic. Certainly, although not undisputed in the future (Hoffman, 1990). Comparison of such
(Kusky et al., 1994), the evidence from younger Ar- data with isotopic evidence from the remobilized and
chaean lithologies in Zimbabwe has been interpreted reconstituted sialic floor to the Chilean Sarmiento
to indicate that the komatfitic greenstones overlie complex (de Wit and Stern, 1981) may provide the
sialic basement above an unconformity and that the key to the Barberton enigma with regard to determin-
Ngezi Group of the Belingwe greenstone belt accu- ing the most likely nature of the original floor to the
mulated on a tonalitic basement (Bickle et al., 1975; depository. It should then be easier to decide whether
Blenkinsop et al., 1993). Therefore, the presence of the Barberton orogeny was ensialic or ensimatic or a
komatiitic greenstones may not necessarily infer an combination of both; whether the orogeny was
oceanic environment to the exclusion of proximity to diachronous or largely synchronous; whether the re-
sialic basement. gional structures developed in response to several
In the same way that there is no evidence for oce- separate episodes of deformation between 3445 Ma
anic crust older than the Onverwacht volcanics, nor is (D1) and 3215 Ma (D3) or whether they resulted from
there an obvious sheeted dyke complex (de Wit et al., a single compressional episode between 3230 and
1987a, b; Bertrand et al., 1993) to demonstrate beyond 3215 Ma (F1). In either case, the geophysical struc-
doubt that the Onverwacht itself represents a small or tural and metamorphic evidence indicates that the
large oceanic spreading centre, so too there is little or compression and inversion of the Barberton fold-and-
no evidence for a sialic floor to the Onverwacht thrust belt occurred in a low-pressure high-level geo-
Group. However, circumstantial evidence in the form dynamic regime with comparatively little burial or
of the contiguous 3644 Ma (Compston and Kr6ner, subsequent exhumation of the original depository.
1988) Piggs Peak inlier of the Ancient Gneiss complex
of Swaziland, provides a clear indication of sialic METAMORPHISM
crust that is older than the basal Onverwacht by some
150 Ma. In the greenstones of the Theespruit Forma- The metamorphic map of South Africa (1992) de-
tion, Lower Onverwacht, a small but significant tec- picts the Barberton greenstone belt as comprising a
tonic wedge of tonalitic gneiss has yielded zircon central zone of Very low-grade zeolite facies terrain
ages of 3538 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1990) and this has that is surrounded by a narrow margin of greenschist
been interpreted as being the basement to the facies lithology with a very thin peripheral band of
Theespruit. However, felsic rocks in the greenstones amphibolite facies rocks, which is developed along
near the margin of the 3509 Ma Steynsdorp pluton the contact between the greenstone belt and the sur-
have provided an age of 3547 Ma (KrOner, 1993) and rounding invasive granitoids of different ages.
may indicate that either older Onverwacht or older Following the regional mapping of the geology of
basement is more prevalent along the southwestern the Barberton greenstone belt, Hall (1918) described
margin of the greenstone belt than formerly recorded contact metamorphic rocks which outcrop around
(de Ronde and de Wit, 1994). On the other hand, the almost the entire granitic margin of the belt. Along
wedge of tonalitic gneiss in the Theespruit may be a the southeastern border, from the Figaro and Exile
tectonized intrusive, marginally younger than the mines in the northeast to the Forbes Reef area in the
Theespruit and the 3547 Ma age could well represent southwest (Fig. 4), Hall noted the development in ap-
the age of the Theespruit Formation (M. Viljoen, pers. propriate host rocks of andalusite and ottrelite, chi-
comm.). In this case, the evidence is dealing with the astolite, staurolite, garnet and tourmaline. He re-
age of older Onverwacht rather than older basement ported the occurrence of the same metamorphic index
Geologyand metallogenyof the Barbertongreenstonebelt 227

minerals from suitable host rocks underlying the Wit et al. (1982) to display relict spinifex texture and
northern margin of the greenstone belt, from the New ocelli, as well as pillow structures, and the horizons
Consort mine eastwards, with the addition of sflli- can be traced into less-altered serpentinites and mafic
manite and cordierite. lavas. Subsequently, Lowe and Byerly (1986) and
Visser et al. (1956) confirmed Hall's observations Duchac and Hanor (1987) agreed that these bleached
with regard to the index minerals developed along flow-top alteration zones which exhibit remnant
the northern margin of the greenstone belt, with the spinifex texture probably resulted from sub-surface
exception of cordierite, but they also noted the hydrothermal alteration of submarine komatiitic la-
prevalence of schists in the Onverwacht. The Komati vas during periods of volcanic quiescence. Exhalative
valley, Jamestown schist belt and the Kaapmuiden- products of this sea floor metasomatism probably in-
Malelane areas were described as being underlain by cluded stratiform barytes deposits (Heinrichs and
a wide variety of chlorite-talc-amphibole schists. Vil- Reimer, 1977) and sea floor hydrothermal vents or
joen (1963) mapped the area to the east of the New ironstone pods (de Wit et al., 1982, 1987). Fluid inclu-
Consort mine and produced a diagram showing t h e sion work indicates that the formation of the iron-
distribution of greenscltist facies, albite-epidote horn- stone pods may have been linked to the hydrother-
fels facies, and hornblende hornfels facies lithologies mal circulation of evaporitic brines (de Ronde et al.,
with increasing grade towards the margin of the Nel- 1994).
spruit batholith. In fact, the tremolite-diopside skarn Although not proved beyond doubt, it seems
exposed underground in the New Consort mine • probable that pervasive serpentinization, carbona-
(Tomkinson and Lombard, 1990) extends the horn- tion, spilitization and silicification were metasomatic
blende hornfels or amphibolite facies metamorphism processes that resulted from sub-surface hydrother-
further south of the Nelspruit granite than originally mal convection (de Wit and Stern, 1976) in rocks be-
shown by Viljoen. Anhaeusser (1972) observed that neath the Barberton sea floor. Initially, percolating
the Jamestown schist belt "has suffered extensive dy- aquaeous solutions would have been heated by the
namothermal metamorphism that owes its origin unusually high temperature of the pile of rapidly-
mainly to the emplacement of the Kaap valley granite extruded submarine komatiitic volcanics. Therefore,
in the south. In addition, there appears to be super- attendant sea floor metasomatism in the Archaean
imposed on the regional metamorphic event, a ther- may not necessarily signify proximity to an associ-
mal or contact metamorphic episode related to the ated high heatflow Phanerozoic-style oceanic spread-
Nelspruit Granite." The regional development of ing centre marked by gabbro and a sheeted dyke
thermal metamorphism along the northern and complex. Cloete (1991, 1994) suggested that an early
southern margin of the Barberton greenstone belt high-temperature episode of hydration and mostly
may have resulted from the intrusion of the 3105 Ma greenschist facies sea floor metamorphism affected
potash-rich granitoids. 11tis appears to have been su- both the Lower and Upper Onverwacht Group strata,
perimposed on earlier dynamothermal metamor- whereas lower-temperature pervasive silicification
phism that probably accompanied the deformation of was largely confined to rocks in the Upper Onver-
the greenstone belt and the emplacement of the early- wacht, which tend to be more siliceous in composi-
tectonic Kaap valley TrG pluton at 3227 Ma. An even tion.
earlier episode of metarflorphism must have been as- The complicated tectonic history of the Barberton
sociated with the intrusion of the 3445 Ma Stolzburg greenstone belt has been accompanied by an equally
and Theespruit TI~G p]Lutons, which are now pre- complex metamorphic record that ranges from the
served along the southwestern margin of the green- early development of sea floor metasomatism,
stone belt (Lopez-Martinez et al., 1992). through extensive burial or static metamorphism, to
De Wit et al. (1982, pp1784-87) drew attention to regionally-developed dynamothermal metamorph-
the extensive silicification affecting the cherts and ism, associated with the periodic emplacement of
volcanics of the Hooggenoeg Formation and which TrG plutons, and superimposed peripheral thermal
can be identified as metasomatism due to the preser- metamorphism related to the intrusion of the younger
vation of palimpsest sedimentary and igneous tex- potash-rich granitoids.
tures in the affected rocks. Paris et al. (1985, p. 127) Following the determination of the composition of
concluded that hydrothermal alteration and leaching minerals in pillow lavas of the Komati Formation,
of pillow lavas accompanied the convection of sea Cloete (1991, 1994) concluded from the results that, at
water through the Archaean oceanic crust, thus pro- approximately 4 kbar, conditions at the base of the
moting the silicification of the upper part of the vol- Komati Formation correspond to the apparent overly-
canic pile. This metasomatism led earlier workers ing stratigraphic thickness of 15-16 km. The common
(Viljoen and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f) to describe as preservation of primary textures in these igneous
pillowed dacites and rhyodacites cream-coloured sil- rocks suggests that prevailing pressure conditions
icified lava horizons which have been shown by de were dominantly hydrostatic and parallel isopleths in
228 J.H.W. WARD,

the Komati Formation indicate an increasing grade of In summary, the complex metamorphic history of
metamorphism with increasing depth. Cloete de- the Barberton greenstone belt includes the recogni-
duced that the regional burial metamorphism was tion of the effects of sub-sea floor metasomatism (M1),
superimposed on earlier sea floor metasomatism and followed by extensive burial or static metamorphism
he noted the documentation of similar burial-type (M2), which was succeeded by peripheral metamor-
static metamorphism in the Canadian and Australian phism accompanying the emplacement of the early
Archaean. 3445 Ma TTG plutons (M3) and the much younger
However, between the extensive burial or static Kaap valley TTG pluton at about 3227 Ma (M4).
metamorphism that accompanied the filling of the Around 3220-3215 Ma, a cleavage and schistosity-
Barberton basin and the peripheral thermal meta- forming episode of regional dynamothermal meta-
morphism that resulted from the intrusion of the morphism (Ms) affected the entire greenstone belt
younger granitoids, the Onverwacht was invaded by during the deformational event that resulted in the
early TrG granitoids and, some 200 Ma afterwards, formation Of the NE-trending, regional folds. The re-
the entire Barberton basin was compressed and in- gional dynamothermal metamorphism was suc-
verted during folding and thrusting accompanying ceeded by extensive, superimposed, peripheral
Ramsay's (1963) first deformation episode (F1), which thermal metamorphism (M6) that accompanied the
was a fabric-free folding event. The widespread de- intrusion of the younger potash-rich granitoids at
velopment of slaty cleavage and schistosity on a re- about 3105 Ma. Finally, localized, dynamic metamor-
gional scale accompanied the second episode of de- phism (M7)resulted in the development of a number
formation (F2), according to Ramsay, and evidence of thrusts and wrench faults, which exhibit a compli-
for the imposition of this cleavage on the earlier fab- cated history of localized metasomatism, reactivation
ric-free folds can be recognized in the transected fold and mineralization. Commonly, the regional aspects
that is the Eureka syncline. Elsewhere, the cleavage of this polymetamorphism have been recorded in a
and schistosity is more or less parallel to the north- general manner and few facets have been researched
easterly-trending regional fold axes. The episode of in detail.
regional dynamothermal metamorphism must have
accompanied and succeeded the emplacement of the ECONOMIC MINERALIZATION
early tectonic Kaap valley pluton at 3227 Ma. This
diapiric-like intrusive (Anhaeusser, 1975) indented Introduction
the deforming greenstone belt and deflected the
Eureka syncline so that the superimposition of tran- As has been recorded above, the principal units of
secting cleavage can be identified readily in the the Barberton Supergroup comprise of the Onver-
Sheba-Fairview area (Ramsay, 1963). Regional cleav- wacht Group, mainly an assortment of ultramafic and
age and schistosity appears to have been developed mafic submarine volcanics, including a number of
in the rocks of the greenstone belt prior to the inva- sill-like layered ultramafic complexes, which is over-
sion of the younger 3105 Ma granitoids and the ac- lain by the Fig Tree Group of turbiditic greywacke
companying thermal metamorphism. sandstones and associated mudstones and banded
Subsequent dynamic metamorphism, which ac- ferruginous shales. These groups are overlain by
companied the development of the major strike faults continentally-derived shallow-water arenites of the
(Ramsay, 1963), produced localized cataclastic fabrics Moodies Group.
associated with shear zones accommodating thrust- The metallogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt
ing, oblique-slip and strike-slip movements. Either has been the subject of several publications
during or following the reactivation of these faults, (Arthaeusser, 1976a, b, c; Anhaeusser and Viljoen,
they were silicified and carbonated and can be rec- 1986) and this summary can highlight only some of
ognized as linear zones of metasomatized host rocks, the more recent developments in metallogenic re-
which sometimes provide favourable sites for Au search and understanding of the mineralization of the
mineralization. The Pioneer fault is a good example Barberton greenstone belt. Asbestos, barytes, cinna-
of one such mineralized, carbonated and silicified bar, Au, hematite, magnesite, stibnite, talc and
shear zone (Wuth, 1980), which traverses greenstones verdite have all been won from orebodies in the
of the Onverwacht Group that had already experi- greenstone belt at one time or another during the last
enced sea floor, burial, regional dynamothermal and hundred years (Hall, 1918; Groeneveld, 1975; An-
extensive peripheral thermal metamorphism prior to haeusser, 1986a, b, c). Currently, Au, asbestos, mag-
the late-tectonic Au mineralization. Initial age meas- nesite and talc are being recovered from operating
urements indicate that the deposits formed in suitable mines in the area. In addition, there has been consid-
structural settings of low mean stress at about 3100 erable prospecting for Cu, Ni and Zn without eco-
Ma (de Ronde et a/., 1991) and therefore just after the nomic success. The Kuroko-like deposit of Ag-Pb-Zn-
intrusion of the younger potash-rich granitoids. barytes in metamorphosed felsic volcanics of the Bien
Geology and metaUogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt 229

I • , . .


,=,ml , ~ , o



Gold Production - Generalised

• 1550 kg
- 2¢oo's \ \ \ 155 - 1580 kg

," ~ I rninerallsed thrust

~ NNW dyke swarm

I ! I

Figure 5. Distribution of Au production from the Barberton greenstone belt in relation to prominent NE-trending mineralized
shears/thrusts (modified after Anhaeusser, 1969,1976a, b, c,), and the NW-striking dyke swarm from Sheet 2530 Barberton, 1:250 000.

Venue Formation, Fig Tree Group, has been exten- ton Au ores are either free milling, moderately refrac-
sively explored on the surface and underground tory or highly refractory depending on the extent to
within the last decade and is of particular metallo- which the precious metal is occluded within the as-
genic interest, although uneconomic at present sociated sulphides, commonly pyrite and arsenopy-
(Murphy, 1990). The small pod of Ni-spinel in tec- rite. Supergene enrichment of Au appears to have
tonized ultramafite at Bon Accord provides a metal- been an important factor in the payability of some of
logenic poser, having been interpreted, on geochemi- ~ e more disseminated deposits, such as those which
cal grounds, as either a palaeometeorite or of deep were worked .in the oxidized portion of mineralized
mantle origin (de WaaL 1978, 1986; Tred0ux et al., banded ferruginous shales.
1989). Figure 5, modified after Anhaeusser (1969), de-
picts the regional concentration of Au production
Gold from the Barberton greenstone belt, including those
centres of mineralization from which more than 1.5
Gold mineralization occurs associated with late- tonnes of Au have been mined since the pioneer dis-
tectonic shears and fracl~res within the rocks of the coveries in 1884. Also shown on the figure are some
Onverwacht, Fig Tree and Moodies Groups (An- of the major regional strike faults or thrusts, with
haeusser, 1986a, b, c; Wagener and Wiegand, 1986; which Au mineralization is spatially associated, as
Voges, 1986; Wiggett et al., 1986; Wagener, 1986; de well as the NNW-trending dyke swarm that may
Ronde et al., 1992). Host rocks, which have been serve as a late tectonic marker of the principal stress
variably silicified, sericitized, carbonatized and sul- direction during the main episode of deformation.
phidized along the fractures (Schouwstra and de Vil- The greater part of the Au that has been won from
liers, 1988; Tomkinson artd Lombard, 1990) vary from the Barberton greenstone belt was mined from three
greenstones to greywackes, shales, banded ferrugi- separate complexes of epigenetic mesothermal ore
nous shales and quartzites or sandstones. The Barber- shoots - the Sheba-Fairview, New Consort, and Ag-
~0 J.H.W. WARD

nes-Princeton Au mining centres. The lodes comprise The same geological contact in the New Consort
mineralized quartz veins or impregnated and re- mine, between the Onverwacht and Fig Tree Groups,
placed wallrock in systems of both concordant and is a cherty horizon termed the Consort bar which
discordant shears and fractures within the Onver- separates the amphibolite-grade ultramafic and mafic
wacht, Fig Tree and Moodies host rocks. All three metavolcanics from the metasediments. Two gently
complexes sustain producing Au mines which have converging payshoots in the mine, the PC (Prince
been in operation for over a century. Geochronologi- Consort) shoot and the Seven Shaft shoot, are associ-
cal work so far indicates that Au mineralization in the ated with this cherty contact, strike northwest and
Fairview mine occurred between 3126 and 3084 Ma plunge steeply towards the southeast (Fig. 6). Some
(de Ronde et al., 1991). 800 kg of Au are produced annually from the New
More than 120 tonnes of Au have been recovered Consort oreshoots at a recovery grade of about 13 g t-1
from the Sheba-Fairview complex, 60 tonnes from the (Voges, 1986; Tomkinson, 1991; Tomkinson and
New Consort complex and 30 tonnes from the Agnes- Lombard, 1990).
Princeton complex out of a total of some 250 tonnes Hall (1918, p. 236) emphasised the strike-parallel
won from the entire goldfield. For the rest of the linear belts of economic importance in the distribu-
workings in the greenstone belt, 14 mines have tion of Au mineralization in the Barberton mountain
yielded more than I tonne of Au from each working land. Anhaeusser (1965, 1969, 1976 et seq.) later drew
and another 15 mines have produced over 500 kg of attention to the regional association between Au de-
Au each. More than 50 kg of Au have been recovered posits and wrench faulting in the Barberton green-
from each of a further 40 smallworkings. The princi- stone belt. Gold mineralization is commonly concen-
pal focus of the Au mineralization in the greenstone trated in secondary shear zones and fractures near
belt is spatially associated with the arc of the refolded regional NE-trending reverse, oblique or strike slip
Eureka syncline. More than 40 original surface reef faults, depending on the degree of thrusting and
workings comprise the whole Sheba-Fairview Com- transpression. Faults such as the Lily, Scotsman, Pio-
plex, which occurs along the inner arc of the regional neer, Moodies, Sheba, Barbrook and Saddleback all
structure. In general terms, the New Consort Au mine have some adjacent Au deposits of varying size at ir-
complex is developed within the ambit of the outer regular intervals along the strike (Gribnitz, 1964). In
arc of the refolded Eureka syncline. terms of the principal centres of Au concentration, the
The overall geometric relationship between the reefs constituting the Sheba-Fairview complex occur
Fairview and Sheba reefs in the Sheba-Fairview within the general proximity of the Sheba fault, but,
complex is becoming clearer in the lower levels of the according to Tomkinson and Lombard (1990), at least
Sheba mine where the mineralization is dominated some of the New Consort Au mineralization is asso-
by two converging oreshoots: the MRC or Main Reef ciated with NW-trending shear zones. From these
complex and the ZK or Zwartkoppie shoot. The MRC facts it may be deduced that controls of hydrothermal
is the down-dip extension of the Fairview mine to the mineralization or metallotects in the Sheba-Fairview
west, whereas the ZK shoot has been mined down and New Consort case include:
along a southwesterly plunge from the original lower i) a NE-trending thrust or wrench fault;
Sheba surface workings to the south of Golden ii) NW-trending shear zones and tension joints;
Quarry. Current underground development has ex- iii) regional arcuation of the Eureka syncline;
posed both oreshoots on 35 level, some 1100 m below iv) local shears and fractures .that provided a fo-
surface (see Fig. 6). cussed 'plumbing' system; and
Nowadays, approximately 2 tonnes of Au are v) favourable host rocks, especially near the con-
produced each year from the oreshoots in the Sheba tact between the Onverwacht metavolcanics and the
workings at a recovery grade of about 16 g t-1. The Fig Tree metasediments.
MRC comprises three sets 6f shear zones hosted The northwesterly alignment corresponds to the
within the greywackes and shales of the Fig Tree maximum principal stress direction during the re-
Group and economic mineralization haloes up to 5 m gional deformation which formed the major north-
wide are a feature of the main shears. In the case of east-southwest trending folds in the greenstone belt
the ZK shoot, ore occurs in greenschist-grade reactive and is a prominent joint direction throughout the
host rocks of the Zwartkoppie bar adjacent to the greenstone belt. Some general aspects of these struc-
southern limb of the Zwartkoppie anticline. The bar is tural relationships are depicted in Fig. 6.
developed along the contact between the Onverwacht In terms of the apparent temperature and pressure
and Fig Tree Groups and Au concentrations occur of formation, major Au deposits in the Barberton
where the chert horizon is intersected by mineralized greenstone belt are mesothermal in character. Accord-
fractures (Robertson, 1989; Robertson et al., 1993). ing to available geothermometry, the payshoots, in
Geology and metallogeny of the Barberton greenstone belt 231

K. \ ¥
* K\ X
3105 Ma ~"

x'~ \\
v v v \~..
v ,.- , ,, .-,..o ,,.,; ,
,.:j :'..:..-:':....j.'.:
V v F

v v V V V .. :'.;., v v \V
Mnie •
W . ~.%
V ~ v

. . ,~.,~. ~ ~ . . . .

W " "" %"

%" , , ~ "% o
• • • o"Bonanza Mine
" GoldenQuam/ t t •
+ + / |
o,'._°(o" O',o'.,,','o2~,..~ ~ •

+ + •
(~l)n__ ~';'"i~'~'~'~l :" ""; GOLD .MINE'
. . . , "':;: i"".~ii! .i.~
i"" " "
4" "~ 4" " "~ FAIRVIEW • :.'.'..'.'%,4..~÷...'-:0....... .'..:-" ' ...
KAAP VALLEY PLUTON l, GOLb MINE • ""." ".'.'" '. . " . .
3227 Ma /%eJ,, " ~. ~":~""'. ""-". "-~"' ":"";
+ + + +. '
- " '," ":"
" ",~,- t
"; "':-......ANTICLINoR'IuM
: , ....

i~.~:: °.: . ~+.'<.~.""." " :" : . " . . ." . . " . . ...i.
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I~-' " • :.0.:". "'. " "_,~.'\ ." " " ' . " ' . : : ' . "
8 • ~...'"...' :'.. ,.', "'. ', ~,~'.i"-. ".\\',v.. ,"..' ," ." ,'.', .,..~."
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_" . . ~ ~ ~ . "/ ~\ - . .. . . . . . .. .. # H. w . ~ , / ~

major gold deposits Moodles Group
regional strike faults
J#~B~',lb plunge of payshoots ~ Fig Tree Group
NNW fractures & shears
• minor gold deposits I ~~ Onverwacht Group

Figure 6. Detailed geology of the New Consort - Fairview - Sheba Au mining area showing the generalized metallotects noted in the
text (compiled from Anhaeusaer, 1976a, b, c; Gribnitz, 1964; Robertson, 1989;Tomkin~n, 1991;Voges, 1986; Wiggett et al., 1986).
~2 J.H.W. WARD

which Au is commonly associated with pyrite and ar- the ultramafic greenstones of the Onverwacht Group.
senopyrite, formed above 500°C in the case of the Anhaeusser (1976, 1986) has described in detail the
New Consort mine (Tomkinson and Lombard, 1990) metallogeny of chrysotile mineralization in southern
and in the range 300-425°C at 4.2 kbar in the case of Africa, including the Barberton greenstone belt.
the Sheba mine (Schouwstra and de Villiers, 1988). In the past, important chrysotile asbestos mining
Eastwards from the Sheba-Fairview area, the Au operations have been established in the Kaapsehoop,
mineralization associated with the regional faults Mundt's Concession, Koedoe, Stolzburg, Msauli and
diminishes in tenor from the 17 g t-1 Sheba ore reserve Havelock layered ultramafic complexes (Groeneveld,
to the 6.8 g t-1 in situ grade of the Barbrook deposit 1975; Anhaeusser, 1986a, b, c). Currently there are
and les s beyond. Still further east, and on the exten- only two operating chrysotile mines in the area, one
sion of the Scotsman fault, occurs the Amo Sb deposit at Msauli and the other at Bulembu (Havelock). More
comprising several small bodies grading 5% Sb than 1.5 million tonnes of fibre have been produced
(Viljoen et al., 1986). Southeast of Amo, underlying from each of these two mines, which together have
the farms Kaalrug and Rusoord, are to be found mi- accounted for over 85% of the total chrysotile fibre
nor cinnabar occurrences in proximity to the con- production from the Barberton asbestos field. The
joined Saddleback-Inyoka-Kamhlabane fault (Groen- orebodies occur within deformed serpentinites along
eveld, 1975). This gradation in mineralization indi- a regional tectonic break known as the Maanhaar
cates that there was a variation in the conditions of fault, which underlies ground adjacent to the Swazi-
hydrothermalism channeled along these regional land border in the southern part of the greenstone
conduits, which is expressed as ores that range from belt (Fig. 3). It has been suggested that the Msauh-
mesothermal Au-sulphide concentrations to epither- Havelock serpentinite bodies once formed part of a
mal cinnabar deposits. Whether this was a lateral or conformable sill (Viljoen and Viljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e,
vertical hydrothermal gradient is uncertain. Some Au f), or a differentiated ultramafic layered intrusive
lodes underlying the Swaziland section of the green- (Bfittner and Saager, 1982; Rodel, 1993), or that they
stone belt contain associated Sb and Hg mineraliza- represent allochthonous serpentinite bodies which
tion, which has been interpreted to represent the were emplaced along a regional thrust (Barton, 1982).
distillation of volatile elements along thrusts affecting In all cases, the regional Maanhaar-Kamhlabane fault
the low temperature margin of a geothermal field zone is a major tectonic break similar to the Inyoka-
(Barton, 1982). Saddleback break.
A study of fluid inclusions within samples of In general chrysotile orebodies in the layered ul-
quartz-carbonate vein material collected in the Ab- tramafic complexes are associated with faulting,
botts, Pioneer, Bellevue and Three Sisters mines es- fracturing and folding in the host rock and are best
tablished homogenization temperatures of 290 to developed in altered dunite and peridotite horizons
310°C as representative for the main stage fluid and it locally known as 'ore zone' serpentinite. There has
has been suggested that the "phase separation of an been an obvious combination of host rock and struc-
H20-CO2-NaC1 parental fluid was the principal factor tural control in the development of economic concen-
in producing the Barberton gold deposits." (de Ronde trations of fibre in this asbestos field (Anhaeusser,
et al., 1992). 1986a, b, c; Barton, 1986; Voigt et al., 1986). Late-stage
The determination of light stable isotopes for Au- dilatant'stress in the ore zone serpentinite created
associated fuchsite- and sericite-rich alteration zones vein fractures in which cross-fibre seams and stock-
from the same four deposits plus another three, in- works of chrysotile formed from hydrothermal ser-
cluding the Fairview mine, enabled de Ronde et al. pentinous solutions by a process of transport, diffu-
(1992) to conclude that the source of the mineralizing sion and crystallization (Laurent, 1975; Moody, 1976).
fluids was likely to have been external to the green-
stone belt. The composition of the fluids and the light Magnesite
stable isotope data was found to be remarkably simi-
lar to that determined for Archaean Au-quartz veins Magnesite has been recovered profitably from a
from Canada and western Austraha. number of layered ultramafic complexes in the Bar-
berton greenstone belt, especially in the Kaapmuiden
Chrysofile asbestos area where the Budd, Ship Hill and Magnesite bodies
have supported economic operations (Hall, 1918; van
Economic deposits of chrysotile asbestos, magne- Zyl et al., 1942; Vfljoen and Vfljoen, 1969a, b, c, d, e, f).
site and talc in the Barberton greenstone belt are to be Well over 500,000 tonnes of magnesite have been
found entirely within the host rocks of the Onver- produced from quarries in the Kaapmuiden serpen-
wacht Group. The chrysotile and magnesite ores are finite belt, of which the bulk has come from the
confined to the sill-like layered ultramafic complexes, Strathmore mine. In this operation, low-grade stock-
whereas deposits of talc are more widespread among works of magnesite veinlets, known as 'zebra ore', are
Geologyand metaUogenyof the Barbertongreenstonebelt 233

quarried and up-graded by beneficiation to remove form barytes deposits in the Lower Fig Tree Group
serpenimite and silica impurities. The origin of vein siliciclastics have been interpreted as being exhala-
magnesite deposits in ultramafic host rocks is prob- tive-sedimentary in origin and are worked-out in pre-
lematical and models range from supergene to hypo- sent economic terms (Heinrichs and Reimer, 1977; de
gene processes and from weathering to epithermal Wit et al., 1987a, b). Small bodies of verdite have been
intrusion (Pohi, 1990; Abu-Jaber and Kimberley, exploited in the ultramafic rocks of the Onverwacht
1992). Researchers generally agree that the host rocks Group where they occur as an ornamental variety of
were the source of the Mg, but the carbonate source is serpentinite (Groeneveld, 1975). The Fe deposit at
less obvious, although extensive carbonation is a Ngwenya mine in southern Swaziland yielded 28
feature of hydrothermal metasomatism in the Barber- million tonnes of high-grade hematite ore from the
ton greenstone belt. Preliminary Pb-Pb isotope age Lower Fig Tree Group banded iron formation, which
dating of magnesite from the Budd orebody indicates had been upgraded by supergene enrichment associ-
that the mineralization occurred at about 2990 Ma ated with zones of faulting and the leaching of silica
(Toulkeridis et al., 1993). from the protore (Barton, 1982).


A number of small, lensoid bodies of talc have The depositional history of the rocks of the Early
been exploited along strike-parallel shear zones Archaean Barberton greenstone belt spans about 300
within the serpentinites and talc carbonate rocks of Ma, from the submarine effusion of the lowermost
the Onverwacht Group underlying the Jamestown Onverwacht eruptives at about 3547 Ma to the sedi-
and Kaapmuiden areas of the greenstone belt. Total mentation of the continentaUy-derived Moodies
production has been in excess of 150,000 tonnes of arenites. According to present information, regional
industrial-grade talc, ot! which more than 70% has compression led to basin inversion and the end of the
been won from the Scotia Talc mine underlying the depositional cycle by about 3220 Ma when major NE-
Bon Accord stock farm (Groeneveld, 1975; Keenan, trending regional folds were developed during the
1986). main phase of deformation that was completed by
The Scotia talc mine occurs within the aureole of 3216 Ma, according to the evidence from the discor-
the Nelspruit batholith on the northern flank of the dant Dalmein pluton.
greenstone belt. The underground workings expose Episodes of sialic plutonism underplated the
serpentJnite and talc carbonate (magnesite) schist as greenstone belt and extended from Upper Onver-
well as lenses of apple-green and grey talc, which are wacht times, at about 3445 Ma, to the extensive pe-
associated with secondary shear zones. The formation ripheral invasion of late-tectonic granitoids at about
of the orebodies is ascribed to a combination of dy- 3105 Ma. The nature of the basement to the Onver-
namic and hydrothermal alteration or steatization of wacht Group has been obscured by the invasive
serpentinites derived from ultramafic lavas or sills granitoids which encompass the greenstone belt and
(Anhaeusser, 1972; Groeneveld, 1975). By deduction, hypotheses range from support for an episialic or en-
it can be inferred that the talc-forming processes in- siahc geotectonic setting to argument in favour of an
volved host rock, structural and hydrothermal con- ensimatic environment. There is no evidence for rem-
troll of mineralization not so very different to those nant oceanic crust which is older than the Onver-
associated with the formation of magnesite or chry- wacht volcanics, but there are increasing indications
sotile asbestos deposits in the Barberton greenstone in the vicinity of the greenstone belt of sialic crust
belt. The mineralogy of the host rock, the nature and which was in existence prior to the development of
intensity of deformation and the composition and the Barberton basin. At present, and despite the cur-
temperature of the active hydrothermal solutions are rently-fashionable support of an oceanic and accre-
key variables in the genesis of these ores. tionary model for the geotectonic development of
greenstone belts, there is considerable uncertainty as
General to whether the floor to the rocks of the Onverwacht
Group was sialic or simatic (continental or oceanic)
In addition to the above resources which are cur- crust.
rently being exploited, the Barberton greenstone belt Thus, there can be no certainty regarding the pri-
has yielded lesser amounts of stibnite, barytes, cinna- mary metallogenic setting of the greenstone belt envi-
bar, Ni and verdite, as well as a substantial tonnage rons during Onverwacht times. Geochemical indica-
of Fe ore. Of these, the stibnite and cinnabar ores tions that the Lower Fig Tree Group greywackes and
were very small epithermal deposits associated with shales were derived from ultramafic source rocks
regional faults that constituted hydrothermal con- implies that this sedimentation accompanied the un-
duits (Groeneveld, 1975.; Viljoen et al., 1986). Strati- roofing and erosion of the Onverwacht-type volcan-
234 J.H.W. WARD

ics. The Kuroko-like deposit of Ag-Pb-Zn-barytes in depict all the known mineral occurrences and depos-
deformed and metamorphosed calc-alkaline felsic its set against the geological and structural back-
volcanics of the Fig Tree Group suggests a tenuous ground of the greenstone belt. Appropriate metallo-
uniformitarian analogy to a supra-sialic Japanese is- genic symbols will indicate the nature and extent of
land arc-type of geotectonic setting during Fig Tree the mineralization in each case. The map, and accom-
times. This was followed by syntectonic sedimenta- panying explanation, together with data sheets, will
tion from a northern continental source as indicated provide a useful basic planning tool for environ-
by the deposition of the Moodies Group arenites. mental management, land use control, mineral re-
The development of the Barberton greenstone belt source evaluation, commodity studies and explora-
could have been initiated in response to an incipient tion analysis, as well as for tourism, recreation and
or primitive Wilson Cycle involving the extension, education.
duc~le thinning and perhaps hot-rifting of sialic
crust. Isotopic work on the surrounding granitoids Acknowledgements
may indicate to what extent the intrusives represent
reconstituted and remobilized sial (Hoffman, 1990). Earlier versions of this general survey benefited
This evidence should improve the accuracy of the es- enormously from constructive criticism by Maarten
timation as to the probable degree of extension from a de Wit, Don Lowe, Carl Anhaeusser, Cornel de
rudimentary ensialic rift to a primitive back-arc set- Ronde, and Morris Viljoen.
ting or an ancient oceanic spreading centre, which ac-
companied Onverwacht-style magmatism and the REFERENCES
possibility of later stratigraphic thickening due to
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