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A farmer and a magic wand fairy

A poor farmer sat alone outside his hut. Harvet is poor and he wonders what he can do to support
his wife and children at home.

(every day he went down to the bottom carrying his own iron hoe and crossed the river deep
enough one day while crossing the river on his way down to the farmer without accidentally
dropping his hoe. The hoe immediately sank to the bottom of the river the farmer was just
stunned and lamenting one hoe only that. Suddenly, a fairy with a green trophy appeared in
front of her. "Come with me," said the fairy to the farmer.)

("O farmer, why are you sad" I lost my hoe, but only then can I support my wife and my
children. "Okay, wait a minute, said the fairy while disappearing then appearing while
carrying the hoe from pure gold "Is this your hoe said of the fairy" "no" my hoe is not as
good as that farmer's answer then san fairy disappeared and reappeared while carrying the
original hoe "is your hoe" the farmer suddenly excited "really it's my hoe replied the farmer
while smiling the fairy also smiled and said "I salute with your honesty Mr. Farmer then the
fairy disappeared and reappeared while carrying a stick" come here come with me "said the
fairy and then the farmer was invited to the edge of the river in front of a large rock at once
the stick brought by the fairy was struck to the big rock then )

The stone was split, revealing a deep cave

(then the farmer was invited into a large deep boulder, and even then the farmer was shocked
by what was in the deep cave contained)

a valuable object made of gold

(like a hoe gold, rings, necklaces, etc.)

"Take as much as you want,"

(this is a gift from me for your honesty) ("but take as much as you need") (then the fairy)

He put the stick on the ground and disappeared.

(The farmer immediately took the items made of gold as needed later)

He put all his pockets in gold and left for home. When he set foot outside the cave, the entrance
was sealed. The farmer sells gold

(which has been brought home from the cave to be exchanged for money and suffices for the
needs of his wife and children. The farmer suddenly becomes rich immediately. One day the
farmer wants to take the gold with his wife, which happens to return to the stone. the strange

but, the entrance is still hidden. The farmer has forgotten the most important of all - the magic

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