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3rd & 4th Flr., Martin’s Bldg., Roxas St., District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

Senior High School


Quarter 1 – Module 1-2 (week)
Demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing
one’s health as a habit; as requisite for PA performance, and as a career

Leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.

• Distinguishes aerobic from muscle-and bone-strengthening activities
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
• Define what is Physical Activity and Exercise
• Practice the different type of Physical Activity and Exercise
• Create your routine using the different type of Physical Activity and


Learner’s Activity No. 1

Fill out the concept map below by writing down what you know about
physical activity and exercise.
Physical Act
& Exercise
Physical Activity involves any bodily movement caused by muscular
contractions that result in the expenditure of energy. It is classified
according to its purpose such as occupational, transport-related, and
recreational. Many people believe that one should engage in sports and
exercise to be active, which is a misconception.
In fact, sports and exercise are just part of the activities that can be
classified under recreational physical activity.

Exercise is a planned program of physical activities usually designed

to improve physical fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness
level. “The protection conferred by being fit is higher than being
physically active”

• Physical Fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively

cope with the demands of daily activities and still has the energy to
enjoy other leisure activities.

The Filipino Physical Activity Pyramid

A graphic representation of how Physical fitness can be achieved.
Daily activities at the base of the pyramid are low in intensity and should be
performed as often as possible for at least 30 mins.
The Health- Related Components of Fitness include Aerobic Capacity,
Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility and Body Composition.
These components are important in preventing injuries and non-
communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

1. Aerobic Capacity
It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply
oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to
sustain prolonged rhythmical exercise.
Individuals who can use large amount of oxygen during
maximal exercise have a strong hearts, normal blood pressure and
decreased risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Activity: Running

2. Muscular Strength
It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force. One
repetition maximum is the heaviest load that can be lifted on one
Activity: Weight Lifting

3. Muscular Endurance
It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing
multiple repetitions of a submaximal load.
Muscular endurance is needed to deter injuries that commonly
occur when the individual is tired.
Activity: Curl-ups and Push ups

4. Flexibility
It is the ability to move a joint pain over its range of motion. It
is affected by the structure of the joint and the muscles surrounding
the joint.
Activity: Sit and Reach and Trunk Forward flexion.

5. Body Composition
It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of
two component model: the lean body mass and the body fat.
Many non-communicable diseases are associated with obesity
or having too much fat especially around the abdominal area.
Activity: Waist Circumference



In general, these benefits can be

acquired by adopting a sound exercise
program. A good exercise program will
address the weakness or the demands in
the occupation of an individual. It is
important to note that an exercise
program of a firefighter for instance, is different from a dancer
because of different demands for each fitness component.

What types of exercise can be performed to derive these

health benefits?

Aerobic Exercise
Involve enlarge muscle groups (e.g thighs) that performed
rhythmic and continuous movement for a prolonged period of time in
order to improve aerobic capacity.
Ex. Swimming, Biking, Running, and Dancing
(Running is one of the best aerobic exercise that require minimal
training and equipment.)

Resistance Exercise
Require muscle to contract against an external load (e.g
Barbell) in order to improve muscular strength, and bone
Ex. Total Resistance Exercise, Thera- Band, Resistance
(It is a highly recommended to women to improve bone and muscle

Stretching Exercise
Increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons surrounding the
joint in order to improve flexibility.
Ex. Static stretching, ballistic stretching, and dynamic stretching
(Static stretching is the safest form of flexibility exercise)
Regular Exercise and frequent participation in moderate to high
intensity physical activities lead to changes in the various organs of
the body. These changes will increase the capability of the body to
cope with the increased demands imposed by exercise.
Regular exercise
Will stimulate changes in the various organs and tissue of the
body but is more emphasized in the cardiovascular system.
Joint stiffness
Makes an ordinary movement such as raising the arm difficult
and painful. Additionally joint stiffness increases the risk of re-injury
during sports competition.
Are behavioral patterns that are performed unconsciously, they
are hard to break because the brain had been programmed to make the
behavior or action part of its default setting.

(Prochaska & Velicer 1997)




Pre- contemplation stage

If he/she does not recognize the presence of an unhealthy habit
and the importance of changing his/her behavior.

Contemplation stage

Once the individual becomes dedicated to the idea of adopting a

positive behavior, he/she enters the next stage of change.
Preparation Stage

Once an individual is convinced to make the change he/she

starts to prepare for the actual date and time to start the new behavior.

Action Stage
Which is the day the individual initiates the new behavior.
Maintenance Stage
When the individual has consistently practiced the new
behavior for more than 6 months, where the tendency to backslide to the old
habits is minimal.


Barriers Solution

I do not have time Prioritize activities and cut back some time from
the non-essential act. To be able to exercise.

I am always Tired Make a Physical activity diary and analyze w/c

part of the day you have more energy and
schedule your work- out around the period.

I do not know how Read journals and articles on the best practices as
well as ask people who have been successful at
adopting the healthy behavior.
I do not have money There are numerous exercise regimens that are no
expensive such as running and swimming.

I do not feel support Inform family and friends about the new behavior
or join a activity club that has the same interests.

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