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FOR Sections 2, 4H, 95 Workbook answer key Unit 1 Lesson A Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Lae 2ab 3.a.b Exercise 3 1. was working on his computer he is/ he's watching the storm . was read 8 good book he is / he's finishing the book 3. was driving to Austin she is / she's visiting her friends there 4, was shopping she is J she's taking the bus home 5. were walking to the park they are / they're siting at home 6. were riding their bikes they are / they're eating at a hasn't played played has had 9. haven't heard 10. will watch 1 4, 5. will win 6 1. 8 1-153 Workbook answer key Exercise 5 Lis 2. think 3. has 4, didn't have 6. will offer 8. are 9. doesn't work 10. will ix 11, will be 12, wasn’t 1B. is Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Lesson B Exercise 1 1. Pm not sure about that. 2. Pm not sure that's really true, 3. [feel exactly the same way. Exercise 2 Answers will vary. Lesson C Exercise 1 crashes 1 2. 3. attacks 4. chases 6. threatens 7. misses Mystery word: rescues Exercise 2 1. Storm Coming ~ Threatens Local Beach 2. Dog Chases Boy Up Tree 3. Car Overturns ~ No One Hurt 4, Man Survives Three Days in Ocean Exercise 3 1. were, going have, been were, doing did, survive did, eat . did, feel Will, go will, do Exercise 4 I. have you been here before? 2-how did you hear about us? 3. how are you feeling today? 4, When did you get sick? 5. Have you been to another doctor before today? 6. Are you taking any medication? 7. how will you pay today? Exercise 5 Answers will vary Lesson D Exercise 1 1. Jasmine News 2. Short Message Service Exercise 2 Wording may vary 1. on their cell phones /in text messages 2. in 2007 3. check the information with atleast three sources 4, send a text with the cortect information 5. Sinhala, Tamil, and English Unit 2 Lesson A Exercise 1 1, Watch online video clips. 2, Talk to yourself out loud, 3. Keep a vocabulary notebook. 4, Watch movies with subtitles. '. Talk with native speakers. 6. Make flash cards O4 L« OMODNOHODOHNDNDHHODNHKOKOHOKE oo ‘ Exercise 2 1, She watches online video clips. 2. He talks with native speakers. 3. She makes flash cards 4. She talks to herself outloud, 5, They watch movies with subtitles, 6. He keeps a vocabulary notebook, Exercise 3 1, I've known Tom for ten years av 3 4. Lola has owned her bicyele for a long time, 5. Su Ho hasn't belonged to our club very long. 6 oe 7. They have never believed my story. av Exercise 4 1. Have you been having 2. ['ve/ Ihave been practicing ve Thave been living Tve/ Ihave been talking Tve/Thave been watchin 6. Thaven't/I have not been watchin 7. Has he been using 8, Has the class be 9. Thaven't/Thave not been using 10. I've /Thave been taking watching Exercise 5 1. Yes, she has 2. Yes, they have, 3. No, she hasn't 4. Yes, he has 5. No, they haven" 5. No, be hasn't Exercise 6 1. What have you been studying? 2. How long have you been studying English? 3, Where have you been taking classes? 4. How have you been practicing English? 5. What have you been reading lately? Exercise 7 Answers will vary Lesson B Exercise 1 mommoo Exercise 2 A. 1. I'm looking for a conversation want to consider a local newspaper ot the fnternet, B. 1. I'murying to find a way to improve my vocabulary 2. One possibility is reading a lot of books and magazines €.1. f'm interested in improving my listening comprehension. 2. How about watching movies with subtitles? Lesson C Exercise 1 AQ1. let the call answer the phone ignored my text respond to an email, call my mother back left her a voice message 0 voice mail 2 D. 1. screen my calls 2. don’t check voice mail 3. turn off my phone 44. update your status online Exercise 2 Answers will vary. Exercise 3 1, Would you have Jenny call me tomorrow? 2. Did you ask them to come to the party? 3. Will you help me learn new vocabulary? 4, Mindy let me use her phone today. 5. Dam invited us to go to his soccer 6. Are you going to make them take the bus? Don't tell me to be quiet! 8. I'll remind you to email the information next week. Exercise 4 to take out do have call to help toclean xercise 5 ask let helping invited tell making have Exercise 6 Answers will vary but should include a verb followed by an object and another base verb or infinitive. Lesson D It’s the Philippines. Exercise 2 1, South Korea 2. Finland 3. the Philippines 4. the United States 5. Japan, 6. China Unit 3 Lesson A Exercise 1 1, Boil 3. Bake Workbook answer key -154 Fry Grill Mate Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 1 BY 5. The soup is made atthe restaurant, nd it is served with a salad, Chicken and beef are grilled at your table. ‘The salad is made at your table, ‘The empanadas are fried in the morning, and they are microwaved before serving ‘The cake is baked for 40 minutes. Exercise 5 1 is brought is baked are grown is served are served are listed Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Lesson B Exercise 1 Te Kari This new restaurant is great ‘There are so many things on the menu, 455 Workbook answer key John Uknov. What are you going to have? Kari Everything looks good, Ihave no idea what co get. John Why don't you try the cheese ravioli? Kari No, Thad pasta for lunch, John Then if I were you, I'd get the amb chops. Kari OK. [think | do that. Why don't you get the lamb chops, John That's a good idea. Exercise 2 F You My recommendation would be to (end of answer will vary). ‘rend Sounds good to me Lesson C Exercise 1 9 10, say sticky juicy chewy bland spicy crunchy Exercise 2 1 Put the water and rice in a pan, ‘Then cook the ric ‘After it boils, cover the pan and turn down the heat (Cook it for 15 more minutes or until the water is gone, Once itis cooked, put it in a bow! until the beans are finished, Put some water in a pan, and heat it until i boils ntl it boils / Once it boils, add the beans and a litte salt ‘Then turn dowa the heat, and boil the beans for about 1 1/2 hours. As soon as they're done, pour them cover the rice Exercise 3 3 Before After ‘As soon as 4, once 5. until 6. before Exercise 4 Answers will vary Lesson D Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Unit 4 Lesson A Exercise 1 Lb 6 xercise 2 1 in Hine 7. 8 E: 1 2. offer (that woman) your seat 3. drop litter 4, talk loudly in publie 5. admit a mistake 6. give (a friend) a gift Exercise 3 1. And what would you do if something bad happened? 2. What would you do if someone got sick? 3. No, I wouldn't. 4, What would you do if you werea't a pilot? 'S. I guess I'd like to be an astronaut! Exercise 4 1. 1fsomeone cut inline in front of me, Tdbe angry. NDNDNAADAANDAAAAAARARANADADADADABAADNADAAAANOAAOAOD If people were talking too loudly in the library, ask them to be quiet. If T kept someone waiting, 1 say, “Tm sorry.” Ta be happy if someone gave me a compliment ‘What would you do if your friend ‘were dropping litter out of your car? If your parents gave you a lot of money, what would you say’? Exercise 5 L 4 5 6 a if ‘would you do, were talking ‘sav, would you say liked, would you give would you do, needed would you do, asked ‘made, would you admit were, would you cut would you do, wanted Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Lesson B Exercise 1 L 2 3 4, 5. 6 custom didn't know really, aware supposed realize expected Exercise 2 1 2. ts the custom to leave ati. Oh, I didn’t know that. /Oh, really? wasn't aware of that./ Really? 1 didn't realize that You're expected to leave 15 10 20, percent of the amount on the bill. ‘Oh, [didn't know that. / Oh, really? wasn't aware of that. / Really? 1 didn't realize that. ‘You're supposed to pay the waiter. 6. Oh, I didn’t know that. /Oh, really? wasn't aware of that. / Really? I didn’t realize that, Lesson C Exercise 1 1 afavor a request 3. acompromise 4, an opinion Exercise 2 1. give 2, disagree with 3, return 4, reach, 5. turn down 6, ask her for 7. make Exercise 3 LL should have lent my sister all my I should have remembered to bri my money. 2. TL would have been best to apologize I shouldn't have gotten so upset 3. I should have taken the subway could have driven to work tod Exercise 4 1, [shouldn't have borrowed Julie's ear 2, What could I have done differently? 3. Tcould have taken the bus. 4, I should have driven more slowly 5. Julie woulda’t have driven so fast. 6. She would have seen the stop sign, 1, Should I have offered to pay Julie 10 fix the car? 8. What would you have done? Exercise 5 should, have done could have given shouldn't have said could have microwaved could, have done wouldn't have gotten should have talked ‘would have reached Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Lesson D Exercise 1 (They try to inspire kindness) in schools and at work Exercise 2 v v v v Unit 5 Lesson A Exercise 1 1, world-famous 2. fun-loving 3. densely populated 4, slow-paced 5. well-planned 6. culturally diverse 7. highly educated 8. high-tech 9. open-minded Exercise 2 1. Seattle is wetter than Las Vegas. 2. New Orleans is slower: paced than New York, 3. Kyoto is less expensive than Tokyo. Small cities are usually not as dangerous as big cities. ‘The subway system is better than the buses inthis city. 6. The international restaurants are ‘worse than the traditional restaurants in this town, 7. Paris is as famous as New York City for its great museums. Exercise 3 the most relaxing the least stessful the busiest the most delicious the worst the best Exercise 4 Workbook answer key T-156 Exercise 5 1, New Delhi is bigger than Kolkata 2, Mumbai is the smallest city. /The smallest city is Mumbai 3. New Delhi is the most densely populated (city). The most densely populated city is New Delhi 4. Kolkata is warmer in January than New Delhi. / Kolkata is warmer than New Delhi in January. ‘5. Mumbai is the coolest (city) in August Lesson B Exercise 1 1. Reporting a problem 2. Responding to a problem 3. Reporting a problem 4, Reporting a problem 5. 6 Respondit to aproblem Responding to a problem Exercise 2 ‘A... ‘There's a problem with this pasta 2. Fillet someone know right away. Tl get someone to take care oft! Tthave someone get on it right aay. B. |, I'm having problem with my 2. T'llet someone know right away. / T'l get someone to take care of it./ Til have someon fo it right away. C. 1. There seems to be a problem with our food, 2. T'llet someone know right away. / Tl get someone to take care oft. / Tilhave someone get om it right aw Lesson © Exercise 1 Across Down 3. overrated 1. overpriced 5. upgraded 2. guaranteed 7. everbooked 4. discounted 8. packed 6. expired 9. delayed Exercise 2 1. Thomas told me to find a ticket that was priced right. 1-157 Workbook answer key Pam advised me to upgrade my ticket atthe airport. Seth reminded me to buy a discounted ticket Isabel reminded me not t let my visa expiee My grandmother advised me not to travel alone. She warned me not to take the subway at night Exercise 3 1 3, 4. 6 Jane advised her to take a sweater Melvin advised her to see the Sydney Opera House, Ahmet warned her not to forget her passport. Ling told her to go whale watching. Lori reminded her not to forget an umbrella Freddy told her not to go to the Royal Botanic Gardens. Exercise 4 6 Mateo advised Pilar to use the big bags forthe clothes. . Pilar reminded Mateo to bring ‘enough cash. Mateo told Pilar to remember the passports. |. Pilar reminded Mateo not to forg to pick up their tickets. Mateo told Pilar not to forget to lock the doors. Pilar warned Mateo not to be late 10 the airport. Exercise 5 Answers will vary. Lesson D Exercise 1 L 2 Moscow, Russia Moscow, Idaho (the United States) Exercise 2 1 3 4, 5 6. the United States the United States, Russia Russia the United States Russia Unit 6 Lesson A Exercise 1 1 3 4: 5 6 loyal idealistic logical studious competitive imaginative independent rebellious idealistic competitive logical studious energetic independent rebellious Exercise 3 1 who who which who who which which who Exercise 4 1 Lea and Omar have a hot near the oc Lea is someone who loves the ocean But Omar is the kind of person who doesnt like the water, 4. They have a boat which he never 5. Omar is a person who likes t play golf. 6. Lea and Omar are people who don't always do things together. Exercise 5 My friend Paul is person whe other students want to work with, He has personality rats that people like. For ‘example, he's the kind of student that usually Knows the answers to the teacher's questions, and he's Someone xh always finishes his work. He’s also a person who doesn’t mind helping his classmates with their work Outside of class, Peul is person who is 1 good friend. People say he's a friend that they can talk to. Paul is also the kind of person who is interested in a lot of things. He’s a great musician. The instrument that he plays best is the guitar, but he plays the piano, too. He's the kind of musician that I want to be! Exercise 6 The following phrases are checked: 1. that are hard to understand. which are useful for his job. 2. that like adventure who do many interesting things. teachers like who sings really well 4, that Ihave to have, people are buying. people travel to for fun that gets alot of snow. 6. who are loyal. that like to be independent. Exercise 7 Answers will vary, Students can use the {following pronouns: 1. that / which 2. that / who 3. that f which 4, that J who Lesson B Sorry, can, somethi Yeah, course Before, go, ask Sure 5. but, one, thing 6. Go, ahead Lesson C Exercise 1 He needs to manage time better. ‘They need to live within a budget He needs to lead a healthier lifestyle. ‘They need t0 be more organized. '5. He needs to balance work and play 6. She needs to find time to relax. Exercise 2 Answers will vary: Exercise 3 Le Exercise 4 1. could travel 2. had 3. were 4, didn’t have weren't could see lived could lose 9. were 10. didn’t spend Exercise 5 1. Lwish I were imaginative, 2. L wish my sister weren't extremely / so talk 3. Lwish my travel budget small. 4, Lwish I were studious, 5. Iwish my soccer team were competitive. 6, Twish I weren't always /so busy on weekends, Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Lesson D Exercise 1 a music therapist Exercise 2 T T F F NI “ Unit 7 Lesson A Exercise 1 conventional, unconventional significant, insignificant L 3 4, imaginative, unimaginative 5. creative, uncreative 6. successful, unsuccessful 17. effective, ineffective Be Exercise 2 ent ful, uneventful significant ssful 1 3, suc 4, ineffective 5. imaginative 6. unconventional 7. effective 8. convenient Exercise 3 1, My sister is such a great designer. She is so creative. 3, Her ideas are so interesting She is so imaginative that she decided to open her own store. 5. Her online store was such a good idea. 6. Itwas so successful that she quit her other job, [Now it is such a big company th she has ten people working for her. 8, She is so busy that I hardly ever see her. Exercise 4 xercise 5 Wow! That salesman is so enthusiastic about the Easy Broom. iy 3. 4. 5. s0 6 1 E 1 Butt looks like such an ineffective product! Workbook answer key T-158

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