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In this era, there is change in customer's demands in sewing machine industry. Due to high level
of technical advancement in sewing machines, customer requirements has also changed rapidly.
Customers need specific machine for their use, due to high configurations of sewing machine
customer got confused and needs help of retailer , but when customer is unable to make retailer
understand or retailer is unable to understand - the gap of customer need assessment arise.

To resolve this problem the concept of Artificial Intelligence is studied.

This concept will change the traditional style of retail . This concept will provide knowledge to
both retailer and the consumer about the features of the machine for particular stitch and cloth.
every machine cannot be used for every type of stitch and cloth so, to provide this knowledge to
retailer and consumer the concept of Artificial Intelligence will be used.

KEY WORDS :- Artificial intelligence , technical advancement, sewing machine , customer

MODERN HISTORY OF AI 1950-2000............................................................................................3
WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE?.......................................................................................3
INVESTMENT IN AI.........................................................................................................................6
PROBLEM STATEMENT..........................................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF LITERATURE......................................................................................................................9
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)..................................................................................................9
DEEP LEARNING & MACHINE LEARNING...............................................................................10
USE OF AI IN MARKETING..........................................................................................................12
SUCCESS FACTORS WHEN IMPLEMENTING AI IN BUSINESS..............................................13
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE NEW WAVE..............................................................................15
THREATS IN AI...............................................................................................................................15
OPPORTUNITIES IN AI..................................................................................................................16
INTRODUCTION TO SEWING MACHINE MARKET.........................................................................19
1. Vision Seing.......................................................................................................................................19
2. Pedal-less Sewing...............................................................................................................................20
3. Sewing Machine Settings via Mobile Phone......................................................................................20
4. USB Port in Sewing Machine............................................................................................................20
5. Voice Guide Sewing Machines..........................................................................................................20
6. Real-time Monitoring........................................................................................................................21
7. Modular Sewing Machines................................................................................................................21
8. Digital feed system.............................................................................................................................21
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE....................................................22
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................23
DATA ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................................24
FUTURE IMPLICATION.........................................................................................................................27

This chapter will focus on the main points about the study. The main accomplishments of
Artificial Intelligence in the advanced past yet additionally communicating everything what AI
truly is & how much organizations are putting resources into this new innovation.


John MacCarthy held the first academic meeting to understand the meaning of Artificial
Intelligence regarding the matter in campus of Dartmouth College ( 1956). Amid in 1960's, the
primary object of AI was distributed in the name "computers & Thought" & the PC mouse was
invented by Doug Engelbart. The main global meeting about AI was detained in 1969 in
Washington DC. by the 1970's a popular Scottish robot " Freddy " was assembled, can spot &
accumulate model with observe innovation. INTERNIST-program likewise designed in the
1970's the program can give medicinal findings dependent on what data it gets. In the 1980's
neural systems turned out to be broadly utilized & "The Society of Mind" a hypothetical
portrayal about the aggregate personality, which was distributed by Marvin Minsky. by 1990's
AI take noteworthy improvements about territories, for example, computer generated reality,
machine learning & in diversions. the primary independent mechanical technology apparatus
framework "Sojourner" which was conveyed on the surface of Mars by NASA. robot pets
("brilliant toys") are turned out to be financially accessible, Stanford's self-governing
automobile, Stanley, win DARPA Grand the Challenge race & The traveler robot investigated
the inaccessible areas of Antarctica searching about shooting star tests amid the early long
stretches of the 21st century. (Tekoäly 2018)


Artificial intelligence - a component of computing science which concentrate on making smart
machinery & programs. The reason of artificial intelligence that is to endeavor the imitation
human perception & carry out responsibilities like human . In practical sense it is the capability
of a machine or program to imagine & study. in general, the term artificial intelligence implies a
device or program to imitate people awareness AI now turned into a important component of
the innovation business. (Tekoäly 2018)

AI have three phases since commencement of AI, by 1950's – 1970'S which is the supposed
neural systems time, (1980 - 2000) the machine learning period & deep learning period till now.
A neural system - a type of machine learning which comprised through interconnected units
(like neurons) which procedures data on reacting to the outside sources of info, transferring
data between every unit. The procedure requires numerous goes at the information to discover
relation & get sense from indistinct information.

Machine learning automates analytical model building & implies distinctive strategies for
example; Neural system , operations & research, data & material science to discover undisclosed
bits of knowledge exclusive of definitely being demonstrated wherever to look or what to
accomplish. Deep learning was relatively like device adapting yet by a more profound point.
The objective of study about profound learning was to make a nerve organize and make use of
the calculation which can take care of the issues was given. which utilized specifically to take
care of issues where arrangements through traditional techniques would require exceptionally
compound guidelines. deep learning is utilized, as of instance, in recognizing & dealing with
discourse, pictures & messages. (Sass 2018)

The majority compelling components which leads the grow of AI presently are information,
computing capacity ,power & calculations. The power & capacity of processors have essentially
expanded. Today there is a huge quantity of information available of the climate, online
networking & therapeutic science, & machines are at last ready to use this information. In the
meantime, the capacity expenses for information management have seen the breakdown & the
advancement with information stockpiling have prompted a quicker method to break down huge
amount of information. (Tekoäly 2018)
worldwide AI business worth is predictable to reach $1.2 trillion in 2018, in other words growth
since 2017. The worldwide AI industry worth was predict to reach $3.9 trillion by 2022. AI
industry worth increase by enhanced buyer knowledge, by making more profits with new
services or goods yet in addition by expanding the offers of existing items with decreased costs
both in new & existing items. In the following four years business esteem is relied upon
development and development rate percentage is evaluated to log jam in 2020. (Gartner 2018)
big organizations are securing new startups in AI. Acquisitions are utilized via organizations for
strategically advantage, for example, entrance to another market, items & administrations.
Acquisitions likewise assist organizations with diversifying their product or service portfolios &
to accomplish economies of scale. Organizations require to ensure the share of the overall
industry & be aggressive & with the assistance of acquisitions they will probably do as such. AI
is the new innovation specialty, & AI startups are chosen & focused for acquisitions. Since 2012
in excess of 250 privately owned businesses that utilization AI calculations have been procured.
Organizations produce a lot of information, & with the assistance of new AI advances they can
control, examine & see this information & data to settle on more successful business decisions.
(Business person 2017)

AI is viewed as an means for progress & investments are finished by organizations to remain in
front of their rivals & to gain share of the overall industry. The statistical surveying company
Tractica predictable that AI expenditure is expected to develop to 37 billion US dollars till 2025.
AI will probably going to be the majority put area through organizations in the upcoming years,
as worldwide corporate are going up in opposition to one another gaining small startups.
(Financierworld 2017)

AI acquisitions were made through innovation gaints, Intel, Google, Microsoft ,Apple &
Facebook. small technological brands are likewise building AI acquisitions, yet in addition
brands which doesn't have any innovated are contributing billions of dollars on AI acquisitions.
Acquisitions are anticipated to bang later on with new stages, instruments & applications to be
conceived though current stages will incorporate keen on different associations to address
organizations' issues. (Business person 2017)
1. To study the concept of AI & its opportunity and threats.
2. To understand the role of AI in revamping the Indian market structure w.r.t
Product Innovation , Consumer preferences, product development and need
3. The future of AI in customer experience.
4. To study the impact of AI in improving traditional retail business of sewing

Since ages sewing machine retail business is facing problems in analyzing customer
requirement for sewing machine depending upon the material and stitch. sewing machine retail
business is still using the technique of selling their products. customer who wants to purchase a
sewing machine sometimes find it difficult choose which machine will go with best with their
work out of thousands of sewing machines.

Entrepreneurs also faces the problem while understanding the need or requirement of customer.

This research paper will be exploring how technology ( using AI ) can be employed to meet the
underlined purpose.

The science & building order about making insightful machinery, particularly smart PC
frameworks (McCarthy 2007) & was built up as a subset of Computer Science in 1956 at
Dartmouth College. (Russell & Norvig 2010, 17.)

From 1956, AI have experienced different publicity cycles, which were trailed by times of
lessened financing & enthusiasm for the field, regularly known as the AI winters. Amid the AI
winters, the monetary venture via AI altogether drop, as organizations & the scholarly world
failed to convey on their lavish guarantees. (Russell & Norvig 2010, 17-28.)

After 2001, substantial informational indexes were available on the web, for example, pictures,
that can be utilized to train AI frameworks. current work in AI recommends that information is a
more fundamental element than algorithms for taking care of numerous issues, & even average
algorithms can deliver extraordinary outcomes when given enough information. From that point
forward, commonsense uses of AI have turned out to be more typical & they are installed in
numerous ventures. (Russell & Norvig 2010, 27-28.)

As of now AI has increase noteworthy media consideration & its handy applications have
expanded in business & individual utilize. As indicated by a main analyst in the research,
Andrew Ng, AI has been taking on account of components, for example, propelled algorithms
(like profound neural systems), expanded computational power & substantial arrangements of
information. Ng additionally considers AI the new power & expresses that AI has achieved an
unceasing spring. (Ng 25 January 2017.)

(AGI) artificial General Intelligence & (HLAI) human-level AI are endeavors to make
machines that may play out numerous logical assignments like people (Russell & Norvig 2010,
27).(ANI) Artificial Narrow Intelligence – likewise known as powerless or tight AI is non-
conscious computerized reasoning which is utilized to play out a particular assignment, for
example, perceiving discourse or winning a round of chess (Rouse, M & Laskowski, N
December 2016). Most by far of viable utilizations of AI today are known as limited or feeble
Reasonable utilizations of AI in business incorporate Image Recognition , Automation (RPA),
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Robotic Process, Natural Language Generation (NLG) ,
Computer Vision among others. (Energize, M & Laskowski, N December 2016.)


Machine Learning experts say that - there is certifiably not a generally acknowledged meaning of
Machine Learning (Ng 2017). before time AI specialist Arthur Samuel, who introduced the term
Machine Learning in 1959, characterized AI as: research area that enables PCs to learn without
being expressly customized.

Machine learning as a area investigates & development of calculations which can gain
information (Kohavi & Provost 1998). Machine learning is firmly identified with & here & there
covers with computational insights, or, in other words think about worried about learning &
foreseeing from information (Mannila 1996, 2). Machine learning is additionally a typical
procedure by prescient examination – or, in other words term for methods that create
frameworks which foresee future occasions & practices (Nyce 2007, 1). Deep learning &
Machine learning algorithms are sent via diverse applications today, for example, content &
record characterization (e.g., spam discovery in email), normal dialect preparing, discourse
acknowledgment, optical character acknowledgment ,computer vision, extortion recognition,
diversions, proposal frameworks & web crawlers. (Mohri, M; Rostamizadeh, A; Talwalkar, A
2012, 1-2)

Marketing is the action, set of establishments, & procedures for making, conveying, & trading
contributions that have an incentive for clients, customers, accomplices, & society as whole.
(Endorsed July 2013) (American Marketing Association 2017.)

Top marketing researher Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller characterize marketing
administration as:

marketing is the science & the art of choosing , targeting , influencing & selling the product to
the customer . (Kotler & Keller 2012, 5.)
10 principle substances that are advertised are ideas, persons, information, goods, experiences,
places, properties, associations, places & events. The key client markets to consider are
purchaser, business, worldwide & non-benefit. (Kotler & Keller 2012, 5-9.)

The 4P's of marketing a basic marketing model made by E. Jerome McCarthy, distributed by
1960 to show the main perspectives to think in marketing. The 4P's are: place, promotion,
product, & price. In any case, as marketing was shift from that point forward, the 4Ps have been
refreshed by numerous experts to more up to date models. (Kotler & Keller 2012, 25.)

Marketing as a area is tremendously not quite the same as what it was only ten years prior,
because of worldwide megatrends, for example, digitization & globalization. Customer
purchasing power has fundamentally expanded as buyers can examine data about organizations
& contributions on the web & in addition buy through internet business instead of from stores.
(Kotler & Keller 2012, 14)

Buyers' capacity of impact is likewise expanded same as computerized stages, for example, web
based life enable buyers to express their sentiments & leave audits publically about an
organization, individual and offering (Deloitte 2014, 2). This among different variables which
was driven into the ascent of online networking marketing. Internet based life marketing is a
term for upgrading a brand picture ia social life (Kotler & Keller 2012, 14).

The web was ended up being an intense data & deals channel that empowers advising &
advancing (Kotler & Keller 2012, 14). Customer consideration also additionally moving from
conventional stations, for example, TV, daily papers into advanced channels (Duncan, Hazan &
Roche 2013, 3). It was driven into new advanced marketing methodologies, for example,
content marketing, web index marketing (SEM) & website streamlining (SEO). The ascent of
computerized marketing has additionally introduced numerous difficulties in marketing, for
example, expanded unpredictability, underst&ing the client adventure & absence of capacity in
zones, for example, information & client encounter (Econsultancy 2017).

The numerous advanced stages being used today empower gathering client conduct information
from different sources, for example, web treats, versatile applications, social media channels &
email open-rates. The gathered information can utilized to help with trade choices through
market division & prescient examination. Administration counseling firm McKinsey's
investigation demonstrates that utilizing information to settle on better marketing choices can
expand profitability by somewhere in the range of 15 & 20 % (van Bommel, Edelman &
Underman 2014).

Progressions in AI & it's down to earth applications in different area, have driven towards the
advancement of AI frameworks that have ended up being helpful for advertisers. As
contemporary marketing is progressively advanced, more information is accessible for the
utilization of AI frameworks. Artificial intelligence frameworks can help advertisers in
assignments, for example, statistical surveying, agitate examination, social media observing &
personalization of client encounter (Sterne, J 2017, 145-217).

Computer based intelligence frameworks for marketing can be generally sorted to custom-made
AI frameworks for individual utilize cases & to merchant gave software & software-as-a-service
(SaaS) arrangements which fuse AI highlights. Custom fitted & unique AI frameworks can be
either created by associations' inward AI group, outer specialist co-ops or a blend of both.
Numerous seller gave marketing AI stages likewise require fitting for human being utilize cases.
(Sterne, J 2017, 218-231.)

The author Paul Roetzer of Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute, has built up a system for
AI in marketing known as the 5Ps of Marketing AI. The structure was made to streamline &
picture the field & it depends on his examination directed with different AI suppliers &
architects on how AI may help with marketing. (Roetzer 20 September 2017.)

Artificial intelligence is today used to help advertisers in undertakings, for example, advanced
publicizing purchasing (automatic purchasing), site activity & streamlining, outbound email
marketing ,site design improvement, A/B testing,& lead separating & scoring. (Davenport, T.H.
research on Artificial Intelligence McKinsey Global Institute's 2016: The Next Digital Frontier,
expresses that "Fruitful AI changes require components like those found in effective advanced &
investigation changes". The components are: utilize cases/wellsprings of significant worth,
information biological systems, methods & apparatuses, work process incorporation & open
culture & association. (Bughin, J & al. 2016, 32.)

During assembling a business plan for AI, it is vital to comprehend its capacities & mean to
discover an utilization instance of genuine incentive for it that is lined up with the associations
system. Consolidating AI may lead into structuring new business forms, which ought to likewise
be mulled over. For prompt future, associations should center around effectively demonstrated
innovation arrangements, while assist along distinguish openings that was not demonstrated .
(Bughin, J & al. 2016, 32-33.)

Like further advanced innovations, a dexterous "test & learn" approach is fundamental while
actualizing AI. Organizations can set up cross-practical AI groups, model an answer inside
weeks, test this with specialty units & after that choose how it can progress in the undertaking.
(Bughin, J & al. 2016, 34.)

forming an information biological system is fundamental, since information is the oil that keeps
the AI motor running. Associations ought to assess which information could bring genuine
esteem & an upper h& to their activities. It is likewise helpful to make non-social information –
otherwise called level information - usable with advances, (Bughin, J & al. 2016, 33.)

With the end goal to catch every one of the advantages of AI, associations can b& together with
AI new businesses or driving AI organizations. Nonetheless, it is likewise fundamental to
manufacture associations' interior AI abilities. The inner jobs to fill up are "interpreters" whose
job was to conquer any hindrance among information business & science procedures &
information researchers, who configuration, create, convey & prepare AI advances. (Bughin, J &
al. 2016, 33-34).

At the point, where forms are now updated, modify administration by modifying human work
undertakings may be much more requesting than specialized difficulties. Consequently,
upgrading the human machine interface & building trust to AI-controlled bits of knowledge in
the association is essential. Over the long haul, an AI change additionally requires changes in the
representatives' abilities, mentalities & culture. Administration is additionally imperative, as
solid AI-reception relates with solid authority bolster. (Bughin, J & al. 2016, 33-34.)
This chapter explains the potential threats & opportunities that can come along with AI and all
the countries which are leading in the race of AI. This chapter also enfolds the plans of Finnish
government for AI as being discussed about its future.

A statement by Tesla & SpaceX CEO Elon Musk "Artificial intelligence is a basic hazard to the
presence of individual development" . "how unique the limited knowledge of AI today is from
the general insight of people, saying that when individuals stress in regards to "Eliminator & the
ascent of the machines & so on? Express gibberish, yes. Best case scenario, such discourses are
decades away." (Zdnet 2018) said Bishop, Microsoft's executive of research has finished up

An impossible framework of AI has been l envisioned by the media. Right now artificial
intelligence is simply changing web search , E-commerce ,logistic, finance & advertisement
methods e.g. what's more predictable in future, AI is relied upon to influence of numerous
businesses yet it isn't the supernatural. With AI, information is utilized to produce a reaction. The
measure of information required for forming words recognizer is tremendous & tens or
countless pictures & a huge number of long stretches of sound are required. (Hbr 2016)
AI replacing the employees sooner & there is a more convincing possibility. AI may not replace
all employees, but most definitely will change the way of work. AI computerized machinery
assume to control cyclic & schedule -based jobs. General stores without clerks are the future &
bookkeeping occupations are diminishing step by step. (Zdnet 2018)

by 20 – 30 years it is anticipated that Artificial intelligence will about portion of the existing
occupations. logistic is as of now exceptionally mechanized. Robots working in manufacturing
plants & distribution centers & mechanized human services robots working in medicinal
consideration & healing facilities are ending up more typical. AI revives mechanical & social
change in the general public at a quick percent. As indicated by researcher, this is trailed via
mechanical peculiarity over the long haul. It implies that innovation changes the world so
furiously that regardless we can't comprehend what sort of a world going pursue the change.
(Aamulehti 2017)

Since it is difficult to understand what will the employment market look like in 20- 30years, as
of now present schools don't recognize what to do instruct to kids & data they get may be
absolutely unessential when they are forty years of age. (Harari 2015, 380-381)

money may wind up & become strong in the hands of small leaders that possesses the
calculations, which cause social & political imbalance, when calculations drive people out of the
employment market.. (Harari 2015,)

Artificial intelligence brings numerous opportunity, & Artificial intelligence is as of now
improving individuals' lives, & will do as such later on. Driverless autos will end up available for
everybody later on. The AI robotized Google self driven Car previously stepped through the
main examination drive in 2011. Driverless autos give people time for unwinding or a
plausibility to work yet additionally are considerably more secure than vehicles driven by people.
In the medical field the present AI would already able to make more precise medicinal
conclusions, which can spare lives. Mankind can profit by new innovation, yet it can likewise be
hazardous if insufficient consideration is taken for wellbeing & unanticipated symptoms. With
the new AI advances analysts & pioneers need to ensure balance(Ea-foundation).
AI will replace almost 50% of the current occupations in the anticipated future, however
employments that require social insight, PR discussion, fashion designing & imagination for
instance are the hardest occupations to computerize. Employments prone to be replace by
algorithms by 2033 are for instance, telemarketers & financiers by 99 percent likelihood, 98
percent likelihood for games refs, 97 percent for clerks & 96 percent to chefs, waiters 94 percent,
visit guides 91 percent, bakers 89 percent, transport drivers 89 percent, development works 88
percent, security 84 percent. Archaeological work requires exceptionally complex sorts of
example acknowledgment & the probability they are replace by algorithms by 2033 is just 0.7
percent. (Harari 2015, 380. Ea-establishment)

Media organizations particularly have seen that with the assistance of AI human work can be
opened up for more extreme imaginative endeavors & saw that AI is key need & a opportunity
for the organizations. Individuals can likewise work with AI, doing assignments that are
exceptionally mind boggling & repeatable, which in the meantime saves time for experts to settle
on more clever choices. AI enhances proficiency & to make new & better client encounters &
items. The key is to see all the distinctive measurements in which AI can help an organization.
(Technique business 2017)

AI is as of now improving client encounters & clients can profit quite a bit of AI. With the
assistance of AI organizations can target for a specific group of individuals, yet in addition plan
design that interest to bigger groups of people. In Japan, in a test by a organization, two
commercials were made for Clorets gum, one by AI & one by their own innovative chief.
Japanese open voting ballot which one was better, & the one done by the human chief won,
however just by a 54 to 46 percent edge. (Strategybusiness 2017)

Customized & personalized Spotify, Netflix & HBO proposals for clients are finished by AI,
which causes clients to pick their top picks rapidly & successfully, however this is essentially not
just something worth being thankful for. Buyers are less adjusting to discover new kinds of
substance out of their usual ranges of familiarity. The following stage of for AI to advance could
be to discover approaches to widen the discovery for the customers. (Procedure business 2017)
Nations that will profit the most from the mechanical advancement are the ones with very much
trained PC specialists who can comprehend & utilize the information AI gives. To have the
capacity to limit the dangers, it is critical that legitimate structures are set up before driverless
autos & other AI advancements come to general utilize. Governments ought to get ready for the
up & coming changes ahead. Workforce training & government funded instruction frameworks
should be reexamined so specialists would have the right stuff to supplement with machines &
not to contend with them. (Ea-establishment)
Sewing machines first came into the picture during the first industrial revolution as they were
gravely needed to lower the amount of manual sewing work carried out in clothing industries.
Ever since the Englishman Thomas Saint invented the first sewing machine in 1790, a lot of
advancements has been witnessed in the sewing industry as the use of advanced technologies in
sewing machines are sought to satisfy the growing need for efficiency and productivity in the
clothing industry.

In home sewing machines, individual items are sewed using a single type of stitch. However,
with advancement in technologies, new modern sewing machines now allows for easy gliding of
fabric without the nuisance brought by tools in hand sewing such as needles and thimbles. The
following are some of the advanced technologies used in sewing machines.

1. Vision Sewing

Vision sewing entails an industrial camera and processor that has a software incorporated into
the controller of an industrial sewing machine to carry out some complicated tasks. In decorative
stitching, it is necessary that the fabric is fed accurately to the machine for the stitching to be
precise. The operator thus needs to possess the high skill set to be able to manipulate the
direction of the fabric to come up with ideal sew curves. Vision sewing comes in handy to help
those without this skill set as it provides a much easier way of obtaining decorative stitches
devoid of flaws. Vision sewing provides the following benefits

 It provides for speedy sewing process

 Sewing of patterns can be automated.
 Garment or fabric is less handled
 Does not require any sewing skills from the operator.
2. Pedal-less Sewing

Most sewing machine operators tend to spend a lot of time getting control at the foot pedals
while working on complex critical parts. Technological advancements have seen industrial
sewing machines doing away with the pedal sewing and introducing electronic control of the
stitches. Currently, there exist several sewing machine providers that provide sewing machines
with the option of pedal-less sewing.

3. Sewing Machine Settings via Mobile Phone

Sewing machine settings require continuous adjustments by the garment style worked on by the
operator. Uniformity in every machine is one aspect which is very important. Changing the
settings manually in each of the sewing machines consumes a lot of time. Android phones or
tablets provides can now be used to change the settings over Wi-Fi or in contactless mode. Once
sewing machine settings have been changed, copying is easy as it requires just a single tap.

4. USB Port in Sewing Machine

Various inventions in the line of production have prompted continuous adjustments of sewing
machine settings on every machine. This prolongs the time for changeover hence retarding the
production. With USB port, settings like stitch length and sewing speed can easily be copied
from one sewing machine to the other. The ports can as well be utilized to charge phones making
them even more popular amongst sewing operators.

5. Voice Guide Sewing Machines

A sewing machine can breakdown at anytime. In the event of a breakdown, an operator has to
inform the line supervisor who then informs the mechanic to solve the problem. In many
incidences, the operator is usually unaware of the potential cause of the breakdown.

New sewing machines are now equipped with a voice guide feature that notifies the operator of
machine malfunctions like breakdown or oil leakages.
6. Real-time Monitoring

Technological advancements have considerably heightened the rate of production making it hard
to control and monitor the production status. Most sewing machines can now be linked to a
server where they can easily be viewed on and monitored by tablet or smart phones  in any part
of the world. This network allows one to monitor the production line status in real time. This also
helps detect any malfunctions that may be experienced in the course of production while also
mentioning how the productivity has improved over time.

7. Modular Sewing Machines

Initially, sewing machines were tied to performing a specific function with no room for shifting
of parts to carry out a distinct role. Purchasing a new machine never looked viable. With modular
sewing machines, there is room for changing and fitting components to adjust to the needs of the
future. With this, the sewing machines have become very flexible, which has eliminated the need
for purchasing new machines when the need to fit in new components or configuring the
machine for a different function arises.

8. Digital feed system

Improving productivity is one of the most important things in the sewing industry. Even a slight
rise in productivity can positively impact efficiency by a significant margin. The rise in the cost
of labor has facilitated the need to have more advanced sewing machines. Digital feed system in
sewing machines helps improve productivity while also cutting on labor costs.

This study was done to take in-depth look at the problems faced by the retailers in sewing machine
industry. how the use of AI can deal with the problem of understanding customer needs and requirement
with product innovation which will use AI to understand the requirement of the customer.

The use of qualitative methods was intended to provide the rich view into problems in sewing machine
retail sectors.


10 organizations participated in the study . the eligibility criterion for the participation was that

 the organization must be in retail business of sewing machine .

 The initial requirement consisted of making people understand about the concept of AI and how
this technology can change the concept of retailing in this sector.
 the secondary part of the study requirement included the personal appeal. specifically researcher
learned about the sewing machine and the new innovation in the sewing machine industry.


Number of people interviewed - 10

Education level - high school-5 , graduation -4 , phd -1


 After collecting information of sewing machine sector the research contacted these retail
business owner and conducted the interview.

All the people completed the interview and answers all the question. The interview include question
regarding :-

1. Difficulties in understanding customer need.

2. Understanding the major problem they faced in sewing machine retail sector
3. Their thoughts about the Indian sewing machine retail sector.
4. Are they ready to use the new technologies in the company.
5. To know their thoughts about AI in future.
6. To know any other technology is already there which can serve this issue of need

For this research content analysis is used to explore the theme and the pattern that emerged from the
interview. (boss, 1996,p-90)

content analysis is used to determine the presence of certain words or concept within the text.

To begin all the interviews were read several times to identify the major concepts. then these concepts
were examined and interpret through reading all the interviews. this analysis depend upon the researcher
understanding about the data. concepts begin to emerge , they were introduced by definitions are - needs
assessment and product development.

In this section, major concept from the data - need assessment , product development will be identified.

It has been noted that all the retails are from the same industry, so there views may have some similarity.

first question asked by the researcher was-

question- Are you aware of new technologies like AI which can be used to solve this issue.

awareness about AI


Question 2- Do you face any problems with respect to customer's need assessment? if yes what are they?

Answer- All the 5 retailer said yes, at certain point of time they faced problems.
Retailer #1 Mr. Ajay pal from " Pal International" said that-

"I have spent almost 25 years in this industry so, it is easy to understand my customer needs but problem
arises when I am not present at my store and my employees deals with customer. due to lack of lack of
knowledge and experience they fails to understand customer need".

Retailer#2 Mr. Gupta From "IIGM" said that-

" I have experience of 35 years in this industry and I have spend my years to know my customers needs
but when it comes to my employees they fails because of limited knowledge about the advancement in
sewing machine industry".

Retailer#3 Mr. Bansal from "AOV knitters" said that -

" I have joined my father's business and I have experience of only 2 years . so, when customer asked me
about which machine will go with their requirement sometimes I fails to answer in this situation I have
to take help from my father".

Retailer#4 Mr. Amit from "B.K Fashion" said that-

" I have experience of 10 years and I still face problems to identify my customer need . As new sewing
machines were introduced very frequently and stitch requirement also changes . so, It become difficult to
understand customer need."

Retailer#5 Mr. Satyam from "A.K Industry" said that-

"I have started my business just 8 months ago and it is very difficult to under customer needs . I have lost
my many customer because of lack of knowledge in this industry"

Retailer#6 Mr. Sudhir from "Kanwal machine house" said that-

" there is always a need of technological advancement in every field and retail in sewing machine
industry is very far from technical advancement . if any technology bridges this gap then there will be
huge change in the retail industry".

Retailer #7 Mr. Sunil from " New Era"

"my organization is known for special sewing machine and no one can deal with customers without
adequate experience , and I wish there should be a technology which may solve this problem"

Retailer#8 Mrs.Malti from "pal sewing machine" said that-

" In my organization the biggest is problem that all sales man couldn't attend all needs of customers
because there is lack of knowledge in all of them and they results in confusion.. because of this my
organization suffers lot".

Retailer#9 Mr. Karan from "Ahuja enterprise" said that-

" I have joined my father's business and I have experience of only 5 years and I still face problems to
identify my customer need . As new sewing machines were introduced very frequently and stitch
requirement also changes . so, It become difficult to understand customer need."

Retaier#10 Mr. Vishal from " SEWTECH" said that-

"Now sewing machines are no more traditional sewing machines not everyone can deal in sewing
machines because of high technicality and specialty. This require high amount of knowledge and

so, this case all the organizations were facing this problems which affect their name and the profits of the

Question 3- Do you think Indian sewing machine retail sector is still uses traditional retail techniques?

Answer- Everyone said yes. due to lack to new technology for retail business to understand customer
needs . because of this many retail business in this sector suffering from huge losses.

Question 4- Will you implement any kind of technical advancement in your organization ?

Answer - Everyone said yes. If technology will help them to understand customer need. through this
they serve according to customers and this will also eliminate the confusions.

Question 5- Do you think there is positive scope of AI in the sewing machine Industry?

Answer - Everyone said yes.

Mr. Ajay Pal said that " If this technology help us to understand the customer needs then It may help
many retailer and this technology will have great scope"
Mr. Vishal from " SEWTECH" said that-"Now sewing machines are no more traditional sewing
machines not everyone can deal in sewing machines because of high technicality and specialty. This
require high amount of knowledge and experience and there is scope of that type iof technology"/

Question 6- Do you know any other technology which can serve this issue?

Answer - according to all the retailers there is no technology which is present to serve this issue and
everyone wish for technologies will serve the issue.


so, the results speaks that there is lack of technology in the sewing machine sector which affect a lot of
retailers . customer need assessment is the most important and the most difficult thing to understand. If
technology like AI can help retailer to understand the customer needs the whole scenario of sewing
machine retail industry will change.

After 10 years retail will not be able to sustain without any technology . AI is that platform which can
sustain the retail business. according to the results, many people also suffering from losses because they
are no able to understand their customer need.

AI becomes the need of sewing machine retail business to understand the customer need.

limitations of the study are only few people were interviewed and research comes to conclusion
according to her understanding about the product. there may be more technology which can solve the
same issue.

Main limitation is that this product is in concept and not present in the market so, I can't be decide it will
work or not.

technological advancement became the necessity of sewing machine industry . the future of retail
industry is depend upon the technologies.
 Software will improve and more diverse. Free-of-charge, easily accessible

and adjustable software.

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