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With the rapid development of technology today, especially in the robot

manufacturing industry, do we think "What will humans be like when robots

take over all jobs in the future?" About 12,000 years ago, our only job was to
find food - from hunting and searching. Like other animals, it's our only job all
day long. Then certain random grandparents became adept at using seeds
and before long, food production became an easy affair. A farmer with a few
acres of land can produce more food than dozens of hunters on acres of
forest. This led to the rise of a "terrible" thing known as civilization. Instead of
searching and hunting like the ancients, humans began to focus on other
things - like pottery, painting, urban planning, building houses and sewers,
management, mining, stone quarterly, accounting, medical... A few thousand
years later, a group of other guys began to take advantage of the power of
steam and create "nasty" things called machines. Now let's look further into
the future when AI and robots can do everything that humans can do. What
might happen? We can do things in the arts, in psychiatry, and in many other
humanities that we haven't created yet. Just as people couldn't imagine
professions like art before the invention of agriculture, we have an imagination
problem. And we will spend more time with our children, who often grew up
alone with the TV, and more time with our parents, who are often alone.
Robots, like any other major revolution, can really cause chaos in society. No
different from the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution. There will
be shifts. In fact, anything that's useful can be dangerous - think fire, water, air,
cars, electricity, trains, medicine, petrol, roads - any of those things are also
dangerous. can kill you easily. People say the same things about computers.
Did the people who worried about what computers did in the 1970s think
about the whole new industries created by computing 40 years later? But,
there's a whole bunch of important things running inefficiently today and we
need robots there. Let's try some examples of these cases: 1. An exploding
chemical plant will release harmful compounds that can be instantly deadly.
The robot can be programmed to react immediately and within seconds start
troubleshooting. 2. An old man living alone can't stand being alone or resisting
those who are trying to steal his things. Robots can help reduce loneliness,
reduce pain, and provide quality and security. 3. A little girl is trapped
underneath an abandoned well (this happens all the time in developing
countries). Most of those babies will die. Bots can go down there and do
things humans can't. There are hundreds of such examples and that is the
future. We should prepare for a positive change rather than sit around
worrying and protesting to prevent the common development of humanity.
That is my opinion, what about you ?

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