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 MEGALOPOLIS s a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which

may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region.

 Populations, demand

12. rodents- order Rodentia which are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors in
each of the upper and lower jaws.

Covid- trade and travel have been recognized as significant determinants of the spread of disease.

global interconnectedness. Therefore, globalization has emerged as an essential mechanism of disease


Pollution- ischemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer
and acute lower respiratory infections in children.


Food system- The food system is a complex web of activities involving the production, processing,
transport, and consumption.

Gg Genetically modified organisms

GM food- genetically modified food. Corns , papaya

Tastier, healthier, pest, disease

- energy intensive, greeanhouse gasses kasi would require lots of oils

- destruction of forests and grasslands for new agricultural land= biodiversity loss


Food access- economic + physical

Availability- depends on agricultural sector

Food availability is achieved when sufficient quantities of food are consistently available to all
individuals within a country. Such food can be supplied through household production, other domestic
outputs, commercial imports or food assistance.

Stability- at all times for all people

AFRICA- In Africa, a continent with a high proportion of workers in the informal economy, the most
vulnerable have been hit hard. In Africa, people face the challenges of either too little water or too much
water – cyclic patterns of drought to floods to droughts – impacting vulnerable groups either by floods
or by famine silently due to profound impacts of climate change.

PHhilippines-inflation, conflicts, extreme weather events and disasters, farmers

Agriculture accounts for 18% of the economy’s output and 47% of its workforce.
India is the second biggest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world. Yet, according to the Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, some
194 million Indians are undernourished, the largest number of hungry people in any
single country. An estimated 15.2% of the population of India are too malnourished to
lead a normal life. A third of the world’s malnourished children live in India (n.p.) 216

But perhaps the closest aspect of human life associated with food security is the
environment. A major environmental problem is the destruction of natural habitats, particularly
through deforestation. 217
Industrial fishing has contributed to a significant
destruction of marine life and ecosystems. 218 Biodiversity and usable farmland have
also declined at a rapid pace.

Only four per cent of the world’s total clean water is available

Pollution through toxic chemicals has had a long-term impact on the environment. The use of persistent
organic pollutants (POPs) has led to significant industrial pollution. 223 Greenhouse gases, gases that
trap sunlight and heat in the earth’s atmosphere, contribute greatly to global warming. In turn, this
process causes the melting of land- based and glacial ice with potentially catastrophic effects
, the possibility of
substantial flooding, a reduction in the alkalinity of the oceans, and the destruction of
existing ecosystems. Ultimately, global warming poses a threat to the global supply of food as well as to
human health. 225 Furthermore, population growth and its attendant
increase in consumption intensify ecological problems. The global flow of dangerous
debris is another major concern, with electronic waste often dumped in developing
ere are different models and agenda pushed by different organizations to
address the issue of global food security. One of this is through sustainability. The
United Nations has set ending hunger, achieving food security and improved security, and promoting
sustainable agriculture as the second of its 17 Sustainable Goals (SDGs)
for the year 2030. The World Economic Forum (2010) also addressed this issue through
the New Vision of Agriculture (NVA) in 2009 wherein public-private partnerships were
established. 226
It has mobilized over $10 billion that reached smallholder farmers.

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