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Latihan 1
Baca kalimat berikut ini, setelah itu garis bawahi kata yang diacu atau yang diganti
oleh this dan these pada setiap nomor. Selanjutnya, tulis arti atau maksud dari masing
- masing kalimat tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia pada spasi yang disediakan.

1. When resistors are connected in series, their resultant resistance is equal to the
sum of their separate values: Rt = R1 + R2 + R3. This should be remembered.

2. All voltage sources have some internal resistance. This is resistance which cannot
be separated from the source.

3. V=I.R. This is known as Ohm’s law.

4. There are various ways of joining metal together, for examples; riveting, brazing,
and welding. These are usually adopted for strong permanent joint.

5. Ferrite and carbon can be added to iron. These make up mild steel.
6. The rotor also contains a commutator. This consists of a number of copper
segments insulated from one another.

7. The magnetic circuit is made up of the frame and the poles. Wound round the
poles are the field coils. These form the stator’s electrical circuit.

8. Logic gates contain semiconductors which can be opened and closed, but they
have only two levels of input and output: a high level and a low level. These
correspond to the closed and open states of the switches.

9. A more complex kind of graph is the monograph. This can show the relationship
between more than two variables.

10. When in motion, the machine parts are separated by a thin layer of gas or fluid.
This prevents wear between the moving parts.
Latihan 2
Garis bawahi kata/frase yang digantikan oleh that and those dalam kalimat di bawah
ini. Selanjutnya, tulis maksud dari masing - masing kalimat tersebut dalam bahasa
1. The function of distribution transformer is different from that of power

2. The instrument used for measuring temperature is not the same as that used for
measuring pressure.

3. The type of materials needed for high-speed aircraft differs in properties

comparing with that of materials needed for helicopters.

4. The most difficult problem is that concerning the controlling of the chain

5. Cylinders should never be charged with a gas other than that for which it was

6. The roads built in this area are narrower than those built in large cities.
7. The most suitable conductors are those made of silver.

8. The devices used in laboratories are usually much smaller than those used in

9. Spot welding is the method of joining sheets of metal which differs from that of
joining bars of metal for strong permanent joint.

10. Carbon steels are not as strong as those treated with heat.
Latihan 3
Garis bawahi kata yang diacu oleh one dan ones dalam kalimat di bawah ini, dan tulis
maksudnya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
1. This machine is roughly the same in design as the other one.

2. Copper and aluminium are most widely used for conductors although they are not
the best ones.

3. There are many types of welding. The one employed for welding sheets of metal
is called spot welding

4. We need wires of different length. The longest one is broken.

5. The metal is possesses certain properties and the hard one is suitable for making
cutting tools.

6. One-and-one half-volt flashlight dry cells come in many sizes. The larger ones
will last much longer.
7. This machine is the one having the best quality.

8. Workers who do good work usually the ones who never come late.

9. The new factory is much bigger than the one built here last year.

10. These buildings are exactly the same in design as the other ones they have in the
city center.

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