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MX Full Body Flexibility Routine

Begin with a short warm-up doing any cardiovascular activity at a low intensity for 5-10 minutes.
Stretching is best done while muscles are still warm from a prior activity; so do not skip the warm-up.
Once warm, hold stretches for 15-30 seconds, gradually increasing the range of motion. Do not bounce or
force stretches. Stretch to the point of mild to medium discomfort and hold. Inhale deeply at the start of
the stretch gradually exhaling as you slowly increase the range of motion. Relax…..this should feel GOOD!

If you have questions about this or any of the other workouts, please post them on the Virtual Trainer
Premium Training Forum located within your Training Peaks account.

Good luck with your workout!

Full Body Flexibility Routine
Intensity = Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds to the
Workout Style = Circuit
point of mild to medium discomfort.

Exercise Duration Sets

Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc.) 10-minutes 1

10 Reps per set

McKenzie Stretch (Lower Back) Hold for 1-2 sec at top
2 sets total

Quadriceps – Standing or Lying 30-seconds 2

Hamstring – Rope Assisted 30-seconds 2

Calf – Standing Rear Leg Bent 30-seconds 2

Posterior Hip/Glute Stretch 30-seconds 2

Seated Hip/Glute Stretch 30-seconds 2

Shoulder Stretch – Arm Across Body 30-seconds 2

Lat Stretch – On Floor 30-seconds 2

Triceps Stretch - Standing 30-seconds 2

Butterfly Stretch - Seated 30-seconds 2

Neck Stretch - Standing 30-seconds 2

Rest: Between sets = none. Smoothly transition from one stretch to the next. Take your time and relax

Off-road Full Body Flexibility Routine 2


McKenzie Stretch (Lower


Quadriceps – Standing or
lying on side (your choice)

Hamstring – Rope Assisted

Calf Stretch – Rear Leg


Off-road Full Body Flexibility Routine 3

Posterior Hip/Glute

Hip/Glute Stretch - Seated

Shoulder Stretch - Arm

Across Body

Lat Stretch on Floor

Off-road Full Body Flexibility Routine 4

Triceps - Standing

Butterfly Stretch - Seated

Neck Stretch – Standing

Off-road Full Body Flexibility Routine 5

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