Colegio NG Lungsod NG Batangas: Lovely M. Sarmiento

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450


Rules for Debate that will be used for Final Performance.

1. In every round,  two teams will compete , each consisting of  three speakers.
Every speakers are expected to wear appropriate attire.
2. Each team has  two  constructive speeches, and one rebuttal speech.
3. The first affirmative speaker will
give the first constructive speech for not more than 3 minutes. The first
speaker of the negative will now  interpolate the first speaker for 1 minute. The
first negative speaker gives the first constructive speech for not more than 3
minutes. The first speaker of the affirmative will now  interpolate the first
negative speaker. 
4. The second affirmative speaker
will give the second constructive speech for not more than 3 minutes. The
speaker of the negative will now  interpolate the second speaker for 1 minute.
second negative speaker gives the second  constructive speech for not more
than 3
minutes. The second speaker of the affirmative will now  interpolate the second
negative  speaker. 
5.  The last and 3rd
speaker of the affirmative will now give his rebuttal speech for 3 minutes. The
last and 3rd speaker of the negative will now give his rebuttal speech
for 3 minutes.
6. The affirmative must advocate
everything required by the topic itself. No revision of position of a team is
permitted during the debate.
7. He who asserts must prove. In order
to establish an assertion, the team must support it with enough evidence and
logic to convince an intelligent but previously uninformed person that it is
more reasonable to believe the assertion than to disbelieve it. Facts must be
8. In the questioning period, the interpolator
may ask any fair, clear question that has a direct bearing on the debate. The
may use the period to build up any part of his own case, to tear down any part
of his opposition's case, or to ascertain facts, such as the opposition's
position on a certain issue, that can be used later in the debate.
9. The students will be graded using the following rubrics
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Levels of Performance for AFFIRMATIVE Team

1. Organization & Clarity: 

Main arguments and responses are

outlined in a clear and orderly way.

Completely clear and orderly


Mostly clear and orderly in all


Clear in some parts but not


Unclear and disorganized


2. Use of Argument: 

Reasons are given to support the


Very strong and persuasive

arguments given throughout

Many good arguments given, with

only minor problems

Some decent arguments, but some

significant problems

Few or no real arguments given, or

all arguments given had significant problems

3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: 

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Identification of weakness in
Negative team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack. 

Excellent cross-exam and defense

against Negative team’s objections

Good cross-exam and rebuttals,

with only minor slip-ups

Decent cross-exam and/or

rebuttals, but with some significant problems

Poor cross-exam or rebuttals,

failure to point out problems in Negative team’s position or failure to
defend itself against attack.

4. Presentation Style: 

Tone of voice, clarity of

expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s
attention and persuading them of the team’s case.

All style features were used


Most style features were used


Few style features were used


Very few style features were used,

none of them convincingly

 Levels of Performance for NEGATIVE Team

1. Organization & Clarity: 

Main arguments and responses are

outlined in a clear and orderly way.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Completely clear and orderly


Mostly clear and orderly in all


Clear in some parts but not


Unclear and disorganized


2. Use of Argument: 

Reasons are given against the


Very strong and persuasive

arguments given throughout

Many good arguments given, with

only minor problems

Some decent arguments, but some

significant problems

Few or no real arguments given, or

all arguments given had significant problems

3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: 

Identification of weakness in
Affirmative team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack. 

Excellent cross-exam and defense

against Affirmative team’s objections

Good cross-exam and rebuttal, with

only minor slip-ups
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Decent cross-exam and/or rebuttal,

but with some significant problems

Poor cross-exam or rebuttal,

failure to point out problems in Affirmative team’s position or failure to
defend itself against attack.

4. Presentation Style: 

Tone of voice, clarity of

expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s
attention and persuading them of the team’s case.

All style features were used


Most style features were used


Few style features were used


Very few style features were used,

none of them convincingly
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Problem number 1:
X was the owner of a 10,000- square meter property. X married Y and out of their
union, A, B, and C were born. After the death of Y, X married Z and they begot as
children, D, E and F. After the death of X, the children of the first and second
marriage executed an extrajudicial partition of the aforestated property on May 1,
1970 - D,E and F were given a one thousand square meter portion of the property. At
that time, D, E and F were minors - D was 17 years old, E was 14 and F was 12.
They were made to believe by A, B, C that unless they sign the document they will
not get any share. Z was not present then. In January 1974, D, E and F filed an
action in court to nullify the suit alleging they discovered the fraud only in 1973. Can
the minority of D, E and F be a basis to nullify the partition?
Problem number 2:
A, married to b, donated in 1940 a parcel of land belonging to the conjugal
partnership to c, a minor of 16, subject to the condition that c shall become his
mistress. The donation was duly accepted by c and by her parents. After the
perfection of the donation, c became the mistress of a. When a died in 1945, his
widow, b, and his legitimate children, x and y, took possession of the land.
Subsequently, c commenced an action for recovery of the property. Defendants
advanced the defense that contract of donation is inexistent because of the illegality
of the cause ; consequently, it has not produced any effect whatsoever. Plaintiff,
however, contended that what is illegal is the motive of the donor and not the cause,
since the contract in this case is one of pure beneficence.  Is the contract valid?
Problem number 3:
A died intestate, survived by his wife, B, and several children, X, Y and Z, by a
Chinese wife. B subsequently filed a claim against A’s estate for P250, 000 which the
court approved on the strength of a deed wherein the decedent acknowledged said
indebtedness to his wife. Thereafter, the administrator of the estate proceeded
against A & Co., a firm founded by the decedent, for an accounting of the income
derived from the shares of stock owned by the decedent in the company. In answer,
the company alleged that the decedent had already transferred all his shares to his
children, X, Y and Z. It is admitted that the transfer was made gratuitously. B, on the
other hand, testified that the P250,000 borrowed by the decedent from her had been
invested in the company. Can the transfer be rescinded on the ground of fraud?

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