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Your conclusion:

Discuss these ideas:

1. What did you like most about this video? Did you learn some new things?
I liked to know how the blades are constructing. I Learn how is this process and the I
took dimension of the complexity of this.
The blades are made in halves that will then be joined together with a plastic that is
reinforced with layers of fiberglass and these are sewn together by hand. It is a
painstaking process, but the use of these lightweight materials makes the blades very
efficient. To finish each half of the blade covering the mold, with a plastic shell, and
suck the air to make a vacuum, then they pump liquid resin due to the vacuum, the
resin quickly and evenly spread over the next few days, the resin it fuses with the
fiberglass and tries to form a very solid structure. Then the workers come together to
make a single hollow sheet.
2. Do you think it is cost-and-energy-efficient to set up one wind turbine in your back
garden? Why/why not?
I think that it would not be profitable, especially because the necessary wind force
would probably not exist. In any case, I am talking about a home wind generator,
which has a manageable weight, a simple structure and delivers a power designed for
a single house.
3. Name one economic advantage and one environmental disadvantage of wind power.
An environmental disadvantage is that the installation of wind farms causes damage
and deaths of birds and bats and has a visual impact on natural landscapes.
An economic advantage is that wind energy is indigenous.
It is available almost everywhere on the planet, therefore it fosters wealth and the
generation of local employment.
4. What is the difference between onshore and offshore wind power?
Offshore wind energy is, in the same way as onshore wind, an application of the force
produced by the wind. The difference with respect to that obtained on land lies in the
fact that the wind turbines are located offshore.
5. After watching the video, make an oral presentation.
The video talks about the construction of wind turbines. It begins by preparing the
base where concrete will be poured. It is done since being a tall structure that would
face strong winds, without the steel reinforcement, the concrete would deteriorate
and eventually give way. The steel frame gives the concrete enough flexibility to
withstand shocks.
All sections of the tower are produced by a specialized factory in Denmark. The
lower section has a diameter of six meters that supports the weight of the rest of the
structure. Then three more sections will be installed over the next three days. The
fifth and last section is installed in a tower that is already 120 meters high.
Then the gondola is installed. This is a power station that sits on top of the tower
and this is where the wind energy will be converted into electricity. To hold it,
workers have to climb a ladder that is a vertical track of 40 minutes. When they are
up, they can be raised a cell.
Later, the video talks about the construction of the blades that turn the rotor, which
is connected to a generator. This converts kinetic energy into electrical energy that
can then be stored. It passes through a transformer that pumps it at 1,000 to 20,000
volts and can be diverted to a local substation and the main grid. The blades are
made in halves that will then be joined together with a plastic that is reinforced with
layers of fiberglass and these are sewn together by hand. It is a painstaking process,
but the use of these lightweight materials makes the blades very efficient. To finish
each half of the blade covering the mold, with a plastic shell, and suck the air to
make a vacuum, then they pump liquid resin due to vacuum, the resin quickly and
evenly spread over the next few days, the resin is it fuses with the fiberglass and
tries to form a very solid structure. The workers then team up to make a single
hollow sheet, then test it with a 50-ton weight by moving it from one side to another
5 million times.
Once this test passes, it is taken to the place where the turbine is being installed.
Long vehicles are needed to transport them.
After putting the three blades together, it takes all day to lift the blades to the right
place. Once the guide pins engage, the hard work is done.
This single structure will provide enough to supply 5,000 homes.

El video habla sobre la construcción de turbinas eólicas. Se comienza preparando la base

donde se verterá hormigón. La misma se realiza ya que al ser una estructura alta que se
enfrentara a fuertes vientos, sin el refuerzo de acero, el hormigón se deterioraría y
eventualmente cedería. El marco de acero le da al hormigón la suficiente flexibilidad para
soportar los golpes.

Todas las secciones de la torre son producidas por una fábrica especializada en Dinamarca. La
sección inferior tiene un diámetro de seis metros que soporta el peso del resto de la
estructura. Luego, se instalarán tres secciones más durante los próximos tres días. La quinta y
última sección se instala en una torre que ya tiene 120 metros de altura.

Luego, se instala La góndola. Esta es una central eléctrica que se encuentra en la parte superior
de la torre y aquí es donde la energía eólica se convertirá en electricidad. Para sujetarlo los
trabajadores tienen que subir por una escalera que es una pista vertical de 40 minutos.
Cuando se encuentren arriba, se les puede subir una celda.

Posteriormente se observan las palas que hacen girar el rotor, que está conectado a un
generador. Esto convierte la energía cinética en energía eléctrica que luego se puede
almacenar. Pasa a través de un transformador que lo bombea de 1.000 a 20.000 voltios y se
puede desviar a una subestación local y a la red principal. Las palas están hechas en mitades
que luego se unirán entre sí con un plástico que se refuerza con capas de fibra de vidrio y estas
se cosen entre sí a mano. Es un proceso minucioso, pero el uso de estos materiales ligeros
hace que las hojas sean muy eficientes. Para terminar cada mitad de la cuchilla que cubre el
molde, con una carcasa de plástico, y succionar el aire para hacer un vacío, luego bombean
resina líquida debido al vacío, la resina se esparce rápida y uniformemente durante los
próximos días, la resina se fusiona con la fibra de vidrio y trata de formar una estructura muy
sólida. Luego, los trabajadores se unen para hacer una sola hoja hueca, para luego realizar una
prueba con un peso de 50 toneladas moviéndolas de un lado a otros 5 millones de veces.

Una vez que pasa esta prueba, se lleva al lugar donde se esta instalando la turbina. Se
necesitan vehículos largos para transportarlas.

Luego de juntar las tres hojas, se tarda todo el día en levantar las palas al lugar pertinente. Una
vez que los pernos guías encastran, el trabajo duro termino.

Esta única estructura proporcionará suficiente para abastecer a 5.000 hogares.

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