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who, which y where

who, which y where
who para personas
which para cosas
where para lugares

1 Subraya las palabras correctas.

My mother is a woman who / which works very hard.

1 Medicine is a degree which / where is difficult to get.
2 This is the park where / which we first met ten years ago.
3 Seville is a city where / who over one million people live.
4 That’s the singer who / which won The X-Factor last year.

2 Relaciona los principios de las frases con sus finales.

1 The Siberian tiger is a species c

2 This is the hospital ___
3 She’s the actor ___
4 The Nobel Peace prize is given to people ___
5 New Zealand is the country ___
6 The internet was an invention ___
a) where they take care of young patients.
b) where The Lord of the Rings was filmed.
c) which is in danger of extinction.
d) who promote international cooperation.
e) who won an Oscar last year.
f) which changed the world.

Pulse TRF3 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015

3 Completa las frases con who, which o where.

This is the city where I was born.

1 Is this the disco ______________ you had the party?
2 He’s the teacher ______________ gave us the surprise exam yesterday!
3 This is the key ______________ opens my front door.

Los pronombres indefinidos

personas lugares cosas
anyone anywhere anything
someone somewhere something
no one nowhere nothing
everyone everywhere everything

4 Subraya las palabras correctas.

Is someone / anyone coming to the party?

1 There isn’t anything / nothing we can do.
2 Everything / Everyone is studying for exams at school.
3 Something / Everything has happened to Anna, she’s very quiet and sad.

5 Ordena las palabras para formar frases.

anyone / Is / today / school / at ?

Is anyone at school today?
1 nothing / is / in / fridge / There / the .
2 find / I / to / want / to / somewhere / live .
3 is / Everyone / at / party / the .

Pulse TRF3 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015

6 Subraya las respuestas correctas.

I can’t find ______________ to live.

a) anywhere b) anyone c) anything
1 ______________ can dance as well as Joaquín Cortés.
a) Nowhere b) No one c) Nothing
2 I forgot to tell you ______________ – I’m getting married!
a) someone b) somewhere c) something
3 I went to a Saint Valentine’s Day party and ______________ was wearing
red clothes!
a) everything b) everyone c) everywhere

Pulse TRF3 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015

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