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Tragedy of Love Jayaprana And Layonsari

Disputes between Jaya Prana and Ngurah have started since theywere children. Jaya
Prana has always been a month thereafter Ngurah whose body was bigger than them.
Hostility is what then creates a hatred that is not no cure. One day, due
to the high social nature
of delivering Jaya Prana in anexperience which later changed her life.
Jaya Prana into people who have supernatural powers unmatched. High magic that's
what ultimately save the region from the threat ofattack Cokorda Rai and his
troops are famous. Jaya Prana soon became the proud hero of all citizens. Not to
mention Agung who presented him an important position in the region was. From there, Jaya
Prana met with Layonsari, belle of the villagewho had admired since childhood.
Proximity Jaya Prana with Layonsari to grip Ngurah which of
courseincreasingly sharpened the hostility between them.

One day Layon Sari’s grandmother said something to Jaya Prana.

Grandma: "Jaya Prana take care Layon sari , now my life is getting older, hopefullyyou can be
happy to have a grandchild "(said Layon Sari’s grandmother)

Jaya prana: "Of course Grandma, I promise I will keep Layon sari until my old age "

Grandma: "I am proud of you Jaya Prana You are a hero in this village. You'reproud of
by all citizens. "

Jaya prana: "Thank you grandma."

Grandma: “Jaya Prana, you will wed with my granddaughter layon sari, how,are you willing? "

Jaya prana: "Yes Grandma, I love Layon Sari, thank you Grandma."

Ngurah never stopped to get rid of Jaya Prana in any way. The victim
is Layonsari’s grandmother who had roasted alive inside the burning house.
Experienced successive calamities Jaya Prana and Layon sari arouse the heart of
agung to accommodate them in his house after they married.
Ngurah protested loudly because they do not want to stay the same
roof with arch enemy. But Agung remain in his decision. Of course,
Ngurah sultry look idol girl who now live together at his house. Layonsari so scared to
know, Ngurah ill save him.

Ten years passed, and courage Ngurah to Jaya

Prana feels increasingly frenzied. Ngurah that never run out of ideas to trap Jaya Prana.
But the magic is always making his safe from harm. Genesis after the incident aware
of Jaya Prana, that all the gamesfrom the same person. The climax is the death of
Agung because it was poisoned by his own sonwho was none other than Ngurah.
For Jaya Prana there is no reason to keepworking.

After talks with Layon Sari , Jaya Prana steady to stop working.

Jaya prana: "My wife Layon Sari , after a

few events that befall us, I decidedto stop working, I'll take care of you at home, "

Layon sari: "My husband jaya prana, why did you do that, I'm willing to take care of
myself, you'd better keep working"

But Ngurah very cunning bait to want to do the final task-

controlledwarehouse that is robbed of Cokorda Rai. Jaya Prana which already smelled
a rottenness propose terms to be assisted by loyal minion Ngurah, His name
is Sawunggaling.

Ngurah: "hay Jaya Prana, true what the say Layon sari, you'd better keep working. I
need your help. Are you willing to help me?

Jaya prana: (slightly confused with Ngurah bid) "if it is good, I'll help"

Ngurah: "hahahaha ... do not be hypocritical. I just want you to rob a

warehouse controlled by Cokorda Rai"

Layon sari: "hey Ngurah , do not you tell my husband to do things that are
not. you're crazy. "(snapped Ngurah)

Jaya prana: "My wife's okay, calm down, if it was his

will Ngurah, Iwill obey." (advise layon sari)

Ngurah: (Applause.) "If that, I’m very happy, you are indeed amatching pair"

Jaya prana: "Ngurah, I would obey your wish, but there areconditions."

Ngurah: "tell me .. what do you want ..? hahahaha "

Jaya prana: "I want that with me are your men."

Ngurah: "that's it, all right. Sawunggaling sooner you come

here."(shouted Sawunggaling)

Sawunggaling: "yes sir, what is it sir?"

Ngurah: "tomorrow morning, you accompany jaya prana to rob the warehouse Cokorda
Rai in Karang asem"
Sawunggaling: "What sir ...? Well sir "

Ngurah: yes already, go there. "

Sawunggaling: "good lord."

Ngurah: "do you hear yourself, Jaya Prana, Sawunggaling will stay with you. "

Jaya prana: "Well, thank you."

Ngurah: "ah aha ha hah haha hahah"

The next day, jaya Prana preparing to rob the warehouse owned by Cokorda Rai.

Jaya prana: "my wife Layon sari, I will go to Karang

asem warehouse to seize property Cokorda rai.

Layon sari: "my husband, I'm afraid you...."

Jaya prana: (interrupting layon sari) "no, do not worry. Keep well thisincense, if incense is dead,
it means I've died there. Goodbye layonsari "

Layon sari: "Well, I'll pray for you saved my husband. My husband
husband ... jaya prana "(scream)

Several hours later, came Jaya Prana and layon Sari at Karang asem. Jaya
Prana direct yell Cokorda Rai who was inthe warehouse.

Jaya prana: "Hi Cokorda, come out you. I were requested by Agung for you
to immediately submit it to our warehouse. "

Cok. Rai: "What ..? if it is you want, Skip was my life. hahahahaha "

Sawunggaling: "here apparently the owner

of this warehouse, jayaprana quickly catch him"

Jaya prana: (take a dagger and tried to stab cok.rai)

Cok. Rai: (fight Jaya Prana and finally stabbed Sawunggaling)

Jaya prana and Cok. Rai against each other and finally Jaya
prana died. Before he died, he had plunged his sword into the body Cok. Rai
and finally Cok. Rai died. Incense smoke that smells good initially, have
now died and smelled of carrion. That is a sign of death Jaya Prana. By knowing her
husband died, there was a desire Layon sari to take revenge on ngurah. She
went Ngurah and wanted to kill him.
Layon sari: "O, you who made my husband died" (straight out the sword and wants
to stab Ngurah)

Ngurah: "What ..? hahaha "(trying to escape and eventually fighteach other)

But Ngurah not the right opponent for layon sari. In one occasion Ngurah
managed to stick the dagger into the belly layon Sari. But the sword layon sari it
also has penetrated the Ngurah’s neck.

Ngaben ceremony was done of local people to cremate the bodies jaya Prana
and layon sari.

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