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Obhur International School

Second Semester- 2020-2021

Revision Worksheet # 2
Science - Grade 6 ____
Date: Answer key

Classification and variation

I. Answer the following:

Q.1. List to differentiate between plant and animal kingdom.

Plant kingdom Animal kingdom

Cannot make their own food—eat
Plants make their own food from
01 plants and animals.
air, water, sunlight and chemicals
in the soil.
02 Body does not contain cellulose
Body contains cellulose for
03 They do not have chlorophyll.
They have green coloured pigment
called chlorophyll.
04 They move about.
They stay in one place.

Q.2. How is liverwort different from a moss?

Liverworts do not have true roots, stems or leaves. Mosses have stems and leaves
but do not have proper roots.

Q.3. How is moss different from a conifer?

It has a woody stem, proper roots, produces seeds instead of spores and is

much larger.

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Q.4. How is an earthworm different from a wasp? How is it similar to a wasp?
They both belong to the same group, non-chordata
but different phylum.
Earthworm: Phylum Annelid.
Wasp: Phylum Arthropod.

The earthworm does not have legs, wings, eyes antennae or

hard outer skeleton, but the bodies of both wasp and
earthworm show signs of segmentation and neither have a

Q.5. How is a beaked whale different from a whale?

Beaked whale Sperm whale

Beaked whale is smaller and has more streamlined head.

Q.6. In what way is the reproduction of conifers, mosses, liverworts and ferns similar?

They all use air current to disperse their offspring (spore and seeds)

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Q.7. Answer in a word:
1. Putting thing, such as living organisms, into groups so that they
can be studied more easily. Classification
2. The largest group in classification system for living things. Kingdom
3. A group in the biological classification system which is smaller than
family and larger than species. Genus
4. A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of breeding with
each other. Species
5. Differences between individuals. e.g, in humans, there is(continuous) variation in
height, while sweet pea plants show (discontinuous) variation in flower colour.
6. A group in the biological classification system. A class is smaller than a kingdom, and
larger than order. Class
Q.8. Look at the animals below.

a. State three differences between A and B.
Any three from: A has a shell, B doesn’t; A has a head, B doesn’t; B has five limbs, A
doesn’t have any limbs; A has tentacles, B doesn’t.
b. To which group do A and B belong to?
A: Molluscs
B: Echinoderm

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