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• Troubleshooting of

electronic equipment
Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair
failed products or processes on a machine or a system. It is a logical,
systematic search for the source of a problem in order to solve it, and
make the product or process operational again. Troubleshooting is
needed to identify the symptoms.

Precautions before troubleshooting:

• Technician has a good knowledge of circuit plan and equipments.
• Troubleshooting area should be well lightened.
• Area of troubleshooting should be dust free.
• Technician should have a proper tool kit.
• Test equipments should be handy and ready to use like
multimeter and CRO.
• Service technician should alert of shocks.
• Service technician should alert of capacitors discharge.
• Service technician should know the sequence of opening and
closing the equipment.
• After completing the troubleshooting the area or circuit should be
well cleaned so that no residue of troubleshooting should be left.
Procedure of troubleshooting:

Step 1. Identify the problem.

Step 2. Establish a theory of probable cause.

Step 3. Test the theory to determine the cause.

Step 4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement

the solution.

Step 5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement

preventive measures.

Step 6. Document findings, actions, and outcomes.

Step 7.Now when you find the fault open up the circuit and repair the
circuit as per the plan . And close the same as you opened.
Flowchart of troubleshooting Process

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