Audioscript For Empower A2 Competency Test Listening End of Course

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Audioscript for Cambridge English Empower A2 Competency Test

Listening End of Course

Cambridge English Empower A2 Listening End of Course Test.

Part 1

You will hear five short conversations. For each question, choose the correct picture.

You will hear each conversation twice.

1. Why has Chris got a headache?

F: Hey, what's the matter, Chris? You don't look very well. Come and sit down.
M: Hmm, actually I don't feel very well. I've got an awful headache.
F: Oh dear! You play too many computer games, Chris. Or is it your new hobby –
playing chess? That can give you a headache!
M: Neither of them. I went to see a band last night with Tom and Nick and it was terrible.
So loud!


2. What would the woman like to have?

M: Welcome to King's Hotel. Can I help you, Madam?

F: Yes, I have a reservation in my name, Costello, for two nights.
M: Is that for a double room?
F: I don't need one, it's just me staying. Is breakfast included?
M: It's an extra eight pounds a day. Do you want me to add it?
M: And for another two pounds a day you can use the internet in your room ...
F: Oh, I'm fine without that, thanks.


3. Which man are they looking at?

F: Harry! Look over there! I think that's the actor Gerry Saunders, sitting at that table.
M: Where? You mean the man with dark hair?
F: Yes. I know his hair isn't usually so dark but perhaps he's changed it for a film he's
M: It's hard to see him clearly because of his glasses, but yes, he's got the same straight
hair. I think it is him!


© 2017 Cambridge English Language Assessment

4. What is the man going to buy at the supermarket?

M: Hi Jenny, it's me. I'm just calling to say that I'm going to stop at the supermarket t
onight on my way home from work. I'm going to cook chicken but when I looked in
the fridge this morning I could only see one onion and I need some more. If you want
me to buy anything else, call me back. We're going to have carrots too, and my
special grilled mushrooms. But we've got enough of those. See you at home at 7.


5. What does Sally want to buy in town?

M: Hi Sally. What are you doing in town again? Shopping for more clothes? Didn't you
buy some new jeans on Saturday?
F: Yes I did. But today I'm looking for a shirt for Dave. It's his birthday tomorrow and I
want to get a present for him.
M: Why don't you go to that new shop on the High Street? It's called 'One Stop'. I got a
lovely jacket there and it was really cheap.
F: OK, thanks Mike, I will.


© 2017 Cambridge English Language Assessment

Part 2

You will hear a man talking to a friend about the transport he used on his holiday.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear the conversation twice.

F: How was your holiday, Ben?

M: Great – but the seat on the plane was really small and I couldn't get comfortable.
F: How else did you travel?
M: Well, I took a train to the city. It was fast and clean but cost so much! Then in the city
I hired a scooter.
F: That's great for sightseeing.
M: Yes, but it wasn't safe at all, and I nearly had an accident.
F: Oh dear.
M: I took some bus trips. They weren't expensive but you needed a lot of time because
they weren't very fast. They stopped everywhere!
F: Did you go to the coast?
M: Actually, I went to an island. The ferry was full of people so there weren't many
places to sit, but I found one.
F: What was the best thing you did?
M: A helicopter trip in the jungle – it was cheap but I couldn't hear anything the pilot said
– the engine was so loud!
F: But what a fantastic thing to do!


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Part 3

You will hear a radio interview with a man called Tom, talking about a film he went to see
this week.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear the interview twice.

F: So Tom, last week you saw the film called 'The Two of Us.'
M: That's right. The main actor's German but his Italian's excellent. We had to read the
words in English of course.
F: You said 'we', who did you take?
M: Well, I'm a grandfather, so I took my grandson because the film's about a boy and
how he becomes friends with his uncle.
F: And did he like it?
M: Yes, especially the music. He likes pop and a bit of rock music, but this had jazz from
beginning to end. He loved it!
F: The newspapers are interested in the main actor ...
M: Umm, it's strange. He hoped to become a pilot but couldn't pass the exams. Then he
was a photographer for years. One day he photographed a film director and the
director invited him to be in this film!
F: So does he like acting?
M: Oh yes. In the film he plays rugby so he had to get fit. He ran 10 kilometres every
day. He couldn't go cycling because he didn't have his bike with him.
F: Final comment?
M: Well, it's a long film but that's not going to stop adults or children seeing it. In fact, I
think it's going to do well.


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Part 4

You will hear a yoga teacher talking about her lessons.

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.

You will hear the talk twice.

M: On the programme today we have Veronica Smith. Welcome Veronica.

F: Thank you. Well, I'm a yoga teacher and I teach classes for all levels. Yoga is good f
or everyone, from little children to old people.
I take my classes at the City Sports Centre. It's in the middle of town, next to the
park. It's easy to find and sometimes people come to a class in their lunch hour.
Some yoga teachers have as many as twenty people in their classes, but I only have
twelve. Smaller classes are better, in my opinion.
I teach every day except Monday. Saturdays and Sundays are the most popular with
people. That's usually when they're not working.
Yoga is good exercise and it's really excellent for anyone with a bad back. That's
actually why I started doing it myself.
Are you interested in joining one of my yoga classes? Then please call me on three,
oh, five, double seven, eight, one.


© 2017 Cambridge English Language Assessment

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