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cR, GN20003821
NAMI OF SUSPECI: CHUN Mlltl CHIANG Aran Male 5'7", 140lbr, Erown hair, brown eyes.
DATE OF BIRTH: 02116/198? it^lli l ll.lrlultlhdll lltll):lMhr}l,rXT.Alj!.1

(11 STAI(ING-EMOTIONAt DISTRESS 1E-3-6o2(1Xc) class s telonV 07lo7/2o1s to o3/ro

(2) SrA[flN6-EMOTIONAL OISTRESS 18.3-602(1Xc) Class s fatony A6lOGl2Ol$toOrllOl2o2l
(31sTAt(lNG.EMOT|ONAI DISTfitSS 18-3.602(1)lc) Class felooy 07ll0l2019 ro OSllOl2O2l
(41 2ND Dtc aURGIARY-OF OwEtllNG 18-4-203(11.(2Xa) clas3 3 felonv 06/19/2018

{s} tDENTITYTHETT 18-s.902 clasr 4 felon ya2lol/zo2olIi

{6} cRlMlNAt IMPEiSONATION-CAUSE tlAsltlTY 18's.113(1XbXl} clars 6 felony 02/08/2020 (Ides}
(r) pUBLIC SERVANT'ATTEMPT To felony 02/08/2020 (Taxes)
INFLUCNCE 18.8.306 Cla5s 4

{8) POSTING PRIVATE IMAGE fOR HARASSMTNT 18-7-107 Class 1 misdemeanor 2/9/2020 (Xvideos)
(9) POSTING PRIVATE IMAGE FoR HARASSMENT 18.7-107 Class 1 rnisdemeanor 2/9/2020 {pornhub)
(10) POSTING PRIVATE IMAG€ foR HARASSMENT 18.7-107 Class 1 misdemeanor 2/9/20e0 (Xharnster)
(11) PosllNG PRIVATE IMAGE EoR HARASSMTNT l8-7-107 Clasi 1 miidemeaFor 2/9/2020 (Hldden-Room)
(12, TNVASTON PRlvAcY.SEx GRATIFICATION-2ND OFF 18-3-40s.6(1),(21(bl{U class 6 teloay 7l1l20l5 to
felony 7l?Olzo,,a

(131 INVASION PIIVACY-SEx GRAT,FICATION-2ND OrF 18-3-405.6{1),(2XbXU C,ass 6

{14} INVASTON PRIVACY-SEX GRATTHCATTON-2ND OFF 18-3-405.6(1},(2xbxrl Clasr 6 telony 05/05/2016 to

{15} lNVASloll PRIVACY.SEX GnATIFICATION-2ND OFt 18-3-405.6{1},(2XbXU claii S relony 08/0212019

r(r6l lNVAslo]l!!!lEwAg:5EXGRATIFICATION-2ND Orr 18-3"40s.6(1),(21(bXU cla!s 6 felony 07l10l2Ol9 to
l17) INVASTON PRlvAcY-sEx GRAT|HcAlloN-2ND OFF 18.3-405.6{rl,(2xbl(l} clars 5 telony 07126120t9

{18} INVASION pRIVACY-SEX cBATIFICATION-zND OtF 18-3.405.6(11,(2XbXU Class 6lelony 08/02/2019

(19l,NVASloil PRIVACY-SfX GRATITICATION-2NO OrF 18-3{05-5(1},(2XbXl} class 6 felony 08/O2,r2Ot9

405.6(r),(2)(bl{l} Oass 6 telony 0e/25l201rl
{21} COMPUTER CRIMf,.UNAUTH zED ACCESS 18-S.5-102(11{a) Class 2 misdemearo. 1211/20119 to
I ()l'lt)
(22) !AvTSDROpptNG.OVERHEARSIRTCOROS CONVERS 18-9-304(11(al 1Ua12019
Class 1 misdemeano,
(23) WTBEIAPP|NG/tAVESDROPP|NG OEV\CES TS-}-3O2 rrl4/2019 Ctass 2 misdeheanor
(24) SEXUAI rxplOlTATlONOF A CHILD 18-6-403{3Xs.5XSXbXllj 1z/tO/2O"o C,ass 4 tetofty


That th€ foregohg ;ffeme{s} alleged was cofirmitted of this Affiant's owa persoml knoe edge. and the
tacts st8ted therein are true,

Your Aflrant i5 n P0lic{l Di.tlclt!,c lor thc 60LDfN t,olicc l)cpirrtntcnt asJignr.d to the Gpl)
tNVtSTl6AIlONs Aureau. Dctc.tjvo ilZA}(OWSKt's r.]:.('rr,5pon!jbiliti.,r include rho folbr"rlrp iov1,\trBatron of
roportfil viol!rtrons of th! Colorrdo llavai('d llntuk)9 Yollr Alfiant has personirl lno\tJlttdgr_. ot the t.icls

olJrarrs, iJll{, tilrollgh revic$,.ioi] poli(e rdport:i.

un 9/28/20, Golden Police Offrccr h,4oody !a.,.r5 dispal{:hr,(l to

Corlnt ol ieflcr5on, Stitc of Colorado .efercn(e ,) hackin of ihri, Iltsta{ir.nn
.]a.oont. Offia€r Moody (ontacted
notilied hy a pntron the postcd a con'lrnont or) thr\ p(rrson'l,
narount stdti,g "l think n thc vidco. Should lbc lrorriedl

Ih!, linli i! to a poroography !,Jobsitc a d th|vid()sholvjn \,!hir.c, bloode female tilikittil on th(. honc irnd
t h,rnging rkllhcJ. fhe vidco appeilt s to tlavo becn t,lk1'n by a hiddcn aJ mera at it lolver level thc
v)r1oo and b('li..ved thc Ifnuk'in thc. \riCro could ba r lnrorrr emplovat0,
{id not knD!.r rvho a(acsted theil ln5lagr.irn.}r(oant: 11o,,.,r)vci-, hc .oLrld hovc involvr{ ;lnother
f(rrmer emplovcc, Cbun Chiaog DoB: 2116182. had tlccn fired lot sex{ral harassment involvintJ
chun had 5et trp the originat lnstagrarr account for]*d could potentially still have accc5i6li:
Offlcer Moody began .n invcstigation nod learned thi$ video and nunt(,rous limilar videos were or srveral
po{nography sitos. including pdrnhub,com. Officer Moody contactedfbv frhone and adviscd her of his
investigalion. she viewed thc video and irienrified hcrselt ard thc vide6 as of her tredroom.]tared tt e person tiat camc to mirrd who {ploaded thevideo was-chuntr""plrinnd ho was ue[l-od *ith
tcchnologyaod had.rccess to her home at th€ time jh{'bdieves thc videoto have beet! taken.

l)r'lertiv$ Cr,rvntt,r erson countv.fwas a,r

Lhun rJirt her {)o\s. Whilt r!orking !.,rith Chun, ht, mide hor fccl ilwkw.)rd. m.dr.
ir|.rllpr opr i;lra corlfietits, nnd aontrolk (i hor

: ( )l: .til
f s.,rri tho video LvJ\ around hno 2018 nnd provid.'(l n topy of an airlinu itinernry tto,ttf
G;j"fat tlr,rt timt .'rrd purchrscd lho pink 5tirt scelr in the vid'o

At thilt ti[le- Chun "dunlondcd" lre tak. her to th(' nir p!)rl. tlc also statcd he lvo{rld ta[e cure ol hcr doI'
llowrvor, she rf fusrd ,:xPlainer! sh('hl{l a nciShhor kid watching h(!r dolls io(l told Chrrn only io
nn erurSercy lvou,d he bc ollolre.l to u5e thn koy g,u"n to lrrn ftoltl Chun sh,.'would cailald tell hirn if
\ht lr!cded his help- Durin[ thi! tin)r shc !.,/r, o.'r.,v,J,"ro*ommrrnrcatcct to Chtrn 5he necdcd hinr to hrr home for nnV reaso,l.

ronrncllcd to give chrrn n kcy he.ause hl !r/Ji hor l)oss. lf she reilrscd, hc urould lash out at v.7ork,
grvrns her e)(tra vJork, not t,)lkinl to h?r, and lhrtilton to Irrc her bdscd on snt,rllcr but jitrlildr in51,rnr!} \hLl
h.rd cru(lrieoced vJhile
rlrxi"olf lTlllllillll;lIil:',il11,nT;F,,,-'j;il;'fi
pern)ittad Chun to go into her honre.
;Tfr ;ilT"'"
n,,r,,, .l,rrc with any of hor co-lvorkrrs ;rnd *rally only spoke to chun $,bo al50 said h., fclt nlir.nltrd
froo) lliJ co'workcrs. Over thc ycars she workcd tor lrinl, Chun bccamq incrc.r5ioely conlrolling ovrr who shc
lrJs sp('.rkin8 to nnd was rnJnipuLltin8 aoV eJorlinB or por\onnl rtlationships she mrllht begin.

Ultirn,rt(,Iy, in late 2019, .1fter .0coivjng uncomfort!blL. tcxt! nnd .nldils from Chun, shr tlrought thesc to lho
l('nd Chun rvas firod a[t!.r.r sex(r,rl hara5sntent investiaation. ln M,!rch of 2020 quit

I (ol]tiu(ted a tlackground o Chun and learned he wn! n mgistcred sex offeodcr frorn a prior cast rt lh{)
trnivcr5ity of Colorado, Boulder. Chun tl,as convictL'd of ttking "upskirt" photos of lemales rnsidr th. aU
llouldcr Bookstore. -Ihc c(.rPfJ case re{crenced a City of i'loulder PO case, which I also reccived and r.,vi('wcd
hr thnt case, Chun admittcd to his manager and poli(c thnt he sct up a vidco coficrn undcr a fenlale
cmpklyc(,'s dusk-

I the court case in 2005 (200rM2378) Chun plL.d,Irilty to the chargc Ihird Dcgrtc iexAssault 18-3-404{1.7).
As , rcsrlt, Chun ha5 had to regi5trrr as.i 5ex of{ender. Det. Ciavatta reviervod Chun's 5!,x offond(,r reEislr.rtion
rrllrn lr}illion ,rrrd fouod hi5 (]m.]il r5 listc,d as vahoo.conr

On xh,)t]rst.?,11, Det. Ci,rv,ttt:i lot,nd vidcos titlcd "6JRt t norvrfcr t l ING frt ArJy FoR A sHo\v !)ART
t-, "crnt rnorult TTING READY FOR A SHOW PARt 2-, -G|RL rRoMf GtrTlNG Rr
r oR A

SHoW PAfiT 3", and'GlRl" f TT,NG Itl.ADY FOR A SHOW PART 4". lt 5lrould bc noto(i
Dct- fo!od thc vidco abov. wns
r,plondr,d l)y u!{rrname

On 0{}/19/2020 Detectivf Iirnkowski located thtr vidL,ol rrplo.]ded to diffe.ent porrro*raphic rreb!ites. I foLrnd
cight ilresJing room !,ideos on xhnn)ster.conr upls;dt d by ;r "f
th(1 four vidcos along \.Jith . fl"
drcssin[ roonr vidco nppeare(l to bc tiken from undcr thc stall lookinS upwirds. I found the vidc05 upkrndr]d
k) pornlxrb.rom under th,, r,s,.r namc 'f "
j ( )1, lt,
on l0/1,/2020 Det. LiznLolvski along !,,/ith Cnminnlist Durlnd and wolf" scar.h"dlhonre with her
aonsont. Alter overalls orrd videos were titkcn of thc homc, oct, lizakoyJsli cnterod nnd t]('Ciln thc sc;lrch. H(!
5cdrrh€,d thl- argas whcre th! .3meril! werc plicod b;sed on lhe point of view in tha vidco. H!, !.JJs unablc to
lo(.rtc n citmera thnt \../ould hirvc recorded irt videos part 3 and p.irt 4. lhij lvas in thc no,lhaalt corncr of thc
roonr lo(ated next to the door brt!"Jeon thc kitchr,h ;rnd bed, oom. Dot. I iznkotvski looked itt thr,aogle in pnrt
I Jnd D;:rt 2 and \,Jn5 no( able to lind a cantera- D('t. Lizakow5ki did fiotica a piece ol doublo.iided sti.l<y tapc
it tho hei8ht thc carx-.r,, wo(lld have bcon plirccd. The tatc rvns on the tricksidc of thc mirror on the
sorthoast !.rall of tlrc bedrooor. He coll!.:ct(d thc tapc and placcd it in i paper bindlc thon in n pdfer bag.

fr(,t, lirilkorvski a5ked hcr about lhe' nrirrgr .rnd if rhc cvcr hunii tlrr' rnirror on thc wnll. Sh(. \tat(:d sinc{r 5h(i
hi1\ o!vn{-'d it, the mirror hns becn in that corno.. Thll $irror wa! loo llcavv fo hang or} thc vJall and r.Jortld rol
h.iv{,nnything on th. bacls;de.

fhrl wns sent to the Jclf(,rsorl County Rr,{}ional Cri,ne lal) along wrth t}uccal s!.Jitbr lronl
Or) 1/7/21 th* Lrh canr. h|(-l lod st.lod n p.rrtial DNA mixturc in(lic.rlivc'of 2
(ontrl)utoa5 !./ds obt,llncd trom lhe swab lrom the doubl[-5idod tapc cannot bt' cralud{?.1 ir5 a
potcntial colrtributor nnd (.n bc cxcluded as ,r potential cootributor to this
mixtur(-'. Addition.rl DNA comparilons may b. Oerfornled if t s!'r.-tbs from Chun are ohtaincd ard
!ubmittL.d to the JCnCL.

Dot- f.iDvntta compl.rtod il request tor a productaoll o1.r record: rr(:ttt{:st [,om xh.lmstcr.{xlm. Thi5 prodl,ctbll
ol .r.(ord! lvas revie\r.d and sigood by ludgl' lvlagid on 10/22/20 ,t !crved on xh.]fir\t!' orl
lO/21;/)O. On 11l3/20 your Aftiant receiv(:d d r('sponse to tho abo1/e production of records, Ihc us(,rnarno'f i. ossocintcd with the cmail addrcss of
return 5t,rtos the enrail is verificd- he ,rccolrnt fqr ''f
'l ' *ar lurt u!"d \rilh Internl't
A note on the
Proto.ct (lP) addros!:funa ir tastcd l5 comcast cal)lo. Thc ,1bove four vidco\ rrore uploadcd on
2/!)/20 bctr.reen tho tr,,ur Tza: oNlI u,ith thc lP addrctt,f oet. ci.vittln condu.ted an
rntcrnet 5earch on this lP .rddr{rs5, r.Jhi.h li5Ls as Com(nst.

Dr't. Ciivntta prcpar.d .1 productior of rrcordr for thc lP provided bV ComcasL. lt vJJ\ ligll.d ind sl-rved.

R('lults of the production of rccord! shovJed that thc lP nddress t)clonl:r'd to Chun, vJith nn nddr(]55 of 10673
Strcle St in f.lorthglr.nn. CO.

n siilncd !c.rch worrrnt rvns cxecuted on 12/10/20 nt approrim.rtcly 0840 hours ol Chun s honrt'. ln addition
to lllt] inv€stigntjon5 Unit, thc Eoulder Col,oty nogionnl Compoter i.dh s('nt \eveaal oxitnrint,r1 antl a K0.
Ollicers knocled en tlrl' door nnd Chun .usrrorcd. officcrs idcntili.:d thcn)selves ,rt the Irtlnt door and hld
him .ome oulSide vJhilc thc house \.Ja5 cleare(1.

Dot. Ciavatta spok.' bri.tlv rvith Chun. He stnted hc did not underlit,rnd what r.ras going on. Det. Ciavatto
,rdvi5.d him we \r.'re conducting a lvarrdnt and gave hinr n copy He rovicwcd i! nnd 5iid hc slill did not
uorl!'rstan(l what this lvas about. Det. C;avatln nclvised Chun he yJr$ not undcr arrest brlt hc would bc !villing
.l ( )t. :r)
k! spedk vJith him flrorc.lhgut lvhat wr !.Jer L, doilg_ Chun agililr !taled he did not undcr.tnnd .rnd aJ a rosult
did ,lot !!ant to talk. oot. cinvatta advised him hF corr,d lvrit untitwc wcro fini:rhed or he ..rukJ lerve .ncl
conr.'lrack. He opted to lcavc and Det. Ci(tv,rtttr did not sec him a8ain.

l)ot. Ciitvatta and Dct. l.i.akolrrski rlorg !r/ith lnvcstif,dtor Gnrnscy fiolrl the Colorado ectronit Crimcs Tlsk
['orc(', \sarchcd the lron]c. lnv{lstigator Garns('y |otcd thc dr,sktol} conrputcr round in ,t sc(ond !tory
b1.:drooor beiieved to bc Chrrn's rvas on ond !!.ls not pa5lword prot0ctud. Dct. Ciavntt0 looktd at the screcn
.1od notcd ir Pu[ irle on thc dcsktop titlcd soncthrng to the cfft:ct olJInx R(,tums. scveral
r,xterndl hard driv('5 lvcrc !itting on top of the computrr.

lnv. Gnrnscy notcd onc wis conncctcd to thc desktop. lt shoukl ba ootcd that lnv. 6nrnsey vJas u\ing a tiekl
er,rmination toolso n<r changes wr:rrld br: mndc to thc computti. Thc hard drive connr,cted to the desktop
rv;t! titlcd "porn". We did a quick ticld rcviorv dnd notiacd a lnrgr nmount ol pornoernphy, rvhich iocludcd
!!h.rt appearcd to b{r vidcor and/or pictures of lemolcs that lverc obviously undcr 18 ycars of rge. Wc
sloplerl irevic\.rin8 nt this tinr.. On top ol the dr'5k, rhere lrere t!.Jo (cll phone5 along with i lnp(op and
thunlb (lrives these itclrrs were all collectcd.

S(vpral items rolsted to media storagr or clectroDics r.r.:r.'prcvic$,ed rrn scene by lnv G,lrn\cy and his team
hofor! trciog col['cted if deemed potential evi{rencc or if thcrc ilppeirrod to be too much on the device to do .r
propcr prcvicvJ. Somc ol thes(: item5 v rrc t.rkf n hy Ilv. Garnsey aul hii te.rm to revkr,,v in their oltices, other s
w{,rc taken to thtl Goldtn Policc Dcpartnront cvidcn(o v.iult.

on 1/14/21 flet. Ciovrtta $lcnt to the Ari}pihol] County Sherif{'s olfi(e ind Jpoke r\,ith lnvostiSntor G.1rnscy.
lllv. Garnsc'y hos gofl(: throLrBh npproximntcly 4oIB ot infornration on the c)itcrnal hnrd .ll iv{rs.

nmoIll] lhe i krrnratioh h(. locirtcd includesr vJhat appcarS to ho thc oriuiral video uplo.ldcd to pornhub and
xhJln5ter, 200+ inrng.s of what is identificd by ICAC ns category 1 and 2 cltilcl pornogrnphy and f)iploitallon.
.1r 13,000, videos th.rt ilppeir to involvc invnsion of privacy.
u(,t. clrv.rtta locrte{lvidcos involuinglivhich too[ place at lo addition, hr
labtlttl ,r fdderf ind it appears to involvll photos rrf an {,firployee nl50 at
Ihcrt' ;rr0 a large nunrbor of vidco! thst tnkc plnce in malts, including Chcrry Crcek Mall, irnd sprl(ifically,
for('ver 21, basqd on thr dccoratioos rn thc chi,nginB roonrs. lhr] vidcos appQar to b(r l,rk('n froln a camerii
plnacd on a shoe ilnd nllo ii button cam. fenr.rlt's art'followed throllghoul the ntall and th('n .t iihoe camcr.)
(atchcs the lcmrlcs ch.rngio8 in chah8iog room5. ln scveral ol tho !idco5, thc ramcrd nn[i[' chilnSr]t .rnd you
can 5ec o firale identiliod as chun in thc vidco, llRrc are rouShly 1J,000 of thc5e vid('ot tound on his hard
{rrivr]s. Hnndreds vi.tim5 are scen in thcie vidcos nrc ,lot abk: to be idcntilied.

On 1,/)\/211, ti?nko!1,/ski, received tho ('vidryr(c back frorn Arapnhoc Couoty SO lnv(lrtiSator 6arnsey on
cvidcnco lrc20002f99, lvhich lvas a Seagrtl' hard d.ive found on top of thc desktotl compt,tcl to$rcr in the
nnrstcr tledroom. Thii hJrd drive rvas n 5 IB h.rrd drive.

i ()l
licvicwing the r{rports Biven to mc by ,ov. G(lrnscy, he pulled lilc ftr.lor r fronr lhc h,}rd drivc to th( USB tor n1c
to r{'vi1,!v, lha' fjlP !.rare list{{l ,tr rollowsj This i,l.[,d1'd
taBBcd r{portsfo.cilch itenl- I .rnalyrcd d total of 25 ,cports. ln the {cDort, I \.Jas able to idcntily potential
victifis. An.rlysir of thc initialitems rclensed inda(.ltcd the(e w"." s"r"rnlriati*, nt!

Locdlcd path ndnles within the tlTMl, fol (lilc: o{ interest) report th,)t listcd nantes ond sontetimes d.}t(,:.
Cllun is stripectcd of ushr8 differcnt dr.viccs ovcr time. DurjnB thc senrch w..rnnt t,rr r('covored multipl(l
dcvicr'r. I noted thit some would shovj djftc.cht timc sta.nps iD the video. Othrrs rvould save and titlc th.
tile ndnret rlifforently. lcould sclj ov{,r time thcrc urrs an upgrndc io l1o!v clear thc pi(ture lvds rccordcd.

Digital Evidence;

tol repgn 1-4

I:a.h r{.Do,t hpld npproxintatitly 50O FOls (Fik'r ot l terest). Most of tht' tile5.Jf intcrus( nrc videor with ,,onr,r
picturl-li. ln lh{.'sc analyzcd folder', I fornd 834 movics {349 fittinB.oom vidcos).nd pi(ture5

{I /4 photos) thnt depictcd iln uoknown iraral. victirn in public, in the fitting roonl, or upskirt. The tinle ir.Jmc
of wheI thcso videos are taken is fron] Marrh 201 3 to Auguit 2019. lo the video!, it shorls thr'5e unkfio\rn
ft,ir.rL) victiln! changing, tryiog otr alothes or upskiat lhouriog buttocks, brcngt .1roi, nnd v.rginal nrt,r. ns
lnentionlid nbovc, thcse female a..'not nl)lL, to bc idrntified.

ln thcso vidcos. Chun would vialk up Jfld pl.rcc his loot under r dress to g(!t nn rplkirt shot !vhilo u.jin!i a !h(re
cilmern. ful th{! vrdeos, il appccrs to be.r di{lerent victim in each vidr-.o ho!vcv!,r sonrr. ilre multiple vidtos !!lth
thc snnre vactinr. Thes(l {all rvithtt tho s,rnrL, tintc ftnnlr ond afrpcir to bit in oli}lls or (lothing lhops. ln IOI
rcport 3 undcr Rctfl 1096,, notcd Chun !.rns ioit toy storc. He thcn lur ns nlrd stic&r a camcr3 urtdcr n younfjcr
ieorlkrs lkirt. This unknor.Jn female ,0p{r.r,cd 1o bo pt'(-pubes.ent an(l undcr the agr. of 10 years oltl.

Witllrri th1. tiles, I locatud of fOl report I I lo..rt(.d 91 totalvidco5 th.t lvcrc dolvolo.rded fronl the porn
wobsitr- Thcv rvent ioto.i iolder titled "Dt- " Theso lil(fs \,trrc of fenrnlci Boing to thr.
bathroonr, ill (h.lflUing rooms, and in rlrowors. tulost \,rc.e titled in v.lrious for[lats as pccping in n publir
trothroonr, hidtltn cam,.rnd voyeUrism.

Vidoos anrl picturcs taken oIf r,rhilc at lvljre pln(o(i ioto d fik' nanlcd "Tor,rs "
Vdithrn thi! lll!, Chuo vJolild categorizo victimr undol thrir first nantc or n ni(knnnlr Chun crcatcd for thctn.
llc oftolt grould ctcJti! date folde6 L!lrer tlre vidco! or pictures !!cre capturtd. ln som.' of thc upskirt vidao!, I dblc to se('Chull's tace as hc walkcd tolvirds J vl(tim and pli.L.d hir loot ondt'r thcir skirt. Sonrctiolos
Chtrri \.Jo{tld spoak to victims abor.rt lvgrk-relttccl at{:ms jost beforc him plncinJl hi5 foot undcr thejr skirt.

FOI reports 5.24

I fouhd nrost of thr file names rvere listod as pictures taksn froor ont, of the videos I locatcd in FOI I-4

o l )t. lr,
l or c.xample. .l frle listed
n.rmr \,,r0s "Mplc005.irvi l4s.jpg',. i/ptGtl05.nvi is thc original!ideo lilr
(apturcd Chu , 24s r. thr- time in that video th. scrccnshot \ros lnkcn an.l tho f,L, cxtenrion oI .jpil
a conlmon t}ictur(' file lon .{.

triLh fOl report (ootJincd app.oxim.rk,ly 500 picturc5. Within the rcooft5 ! found
about 100 scteonshr)tj; ol
po/n videos p(lll ,ronr Ov(.rnll there \:/n5 ovcr approximntCty 9700 picturc, lver(, s.rceolhots
lvictims in thr: bathroom, urlrJor thcir dcsk, and .h.rnriiJrg jn thcir p'ivare offrces. Ihi5 rorrt n{rn}ber dho
irl.ludes unknou/n victims changing in thu fitting room5 and (lpskirt in pul)lic. Ihesc\ v,/e.e oot
downloldcd fronr lhc internet ard lvcrc o[ realvictim!, stalkcd by Chun.

f'rorked br:lor.r Chun for tour yedrs ;rnd left Eolow is J breakdo\..,r1 of vkkros and

plctu(cs r.rhere I was nbh to
"\li'xas! Iilt: oattrw;v.
!, xpliljned
s.r victim. Thtse files located undr,r the "\Tera\" .rnd

5t.rrcd hy dndly,irre the nimed till's thnr lvcre pullcd cJircctly trorn thc h.)rd drivc, Within Chun's com,rutrr ,

thc originat ra(ordld viOcos of fin ner honre proarptine the invcstin\lt,on !v(,rc lorn(1.

Summary ol evidence:

hroLrshout the lour reports I nn.,lyrcd, I w.rr ;bk' to identifyf

hc. dcsks nnd ll) h{y in v.rrioui
virlcos. ln jrj\t thorc four r.tnrt\, lfound thc lollowingi

'[he €!tiollt{.(l period rnn from 7/2015 to 9/2019 of videos nnrl praturcs for ao iiv.rlioh of pn'Je(y.
Iherc vJcrc a totalof432 vkir.ot or Dictrrr.. orf llocated il totirlol l3 non-nrrdir photos of!
v../here Ch!,n took pictrr.L,s of hor backside or .l5 sh('wrs \.ralkinB in a \kirt. Thar. !.r('ro 38 totill hi{ld(rrr
c,rno.t vilk oi th.t captur,rdJ h",rging anrl rrud,r atfor hct honro. tlo..nlr:d 188undl.r
tt,c dcsl' strots olf Of thnt 1BB, Ilocatcd 147 ,Jideo\ of the urld(,r vicr!.

Ch{rn pl,xerl (ama'ra! in thr{rc diff pmnt {,r'\t t,rcations wtrt+cl!1/as sittin6. DurrnG {h(.
!.rllk-tl(xrgh I was lbk. to adentifv thl lhr r'* A.ttt atlrt,t' rniro d{:sk rvds lor ltod ir) h(,,
a.rp (it fhore .rr(. 130 upslirt videos r.,/hero chun lrrould \.inlk
.rto(nld nd plnca n lhoc crnrefn un ,t"rfdrurr,.,8,,t an upskirt 5hot. h mo\t ol
thr5!'vr(laos, you a.ln s(\'thr buttocls, lrnder$rcnr, nod.ovar(d v,ri!nnlnr(.r I'lrr'rr \.r(,ra il150
Itt oi.t,,,.s ulf!t)skirt. Soma oi thcsc !,rcra sar(-.()]shots of thovrdcr)\t.)kcnpr()viou:ly


As nreotioncd ,rboveffolt ns if Chu scp.t.ltcd her Ironr othcr5. He played hcr as il he pl.rycr,
(.veryono {'lsc. Chun lvould rrrakc (ornmonls nhout gctting othcrs fircd and that h!. had thc por1/oa to
fire peopk:. f constnntly tolt th;t he colrl.l lirc hcr anrl sho lvould ltot havc il iob. Shr. fclt like ho
!.roukl .rtlv.lyr d.lnBle that out in front of hcr to control hcr. f mrdo sev(:rJl slitcnt0ots rl: po.ttcdly

- 7(|l -\{r
lhat she fucls n5if he was groominli hcr, thrt he !vo!ld isoliltc her and hold her job ovcr her head. Thc
Sroominrj !./as a foam oI manipoliltion and coftlrol thot Chon would hokl overf Hc lvould flnunt
thnt he rvo(id firc anyonc a d thit he had the porr,:r to do it. f fett trapptd hc h(:kl the polvrl
fo, futurc jobs sht'w
an<l could give her a bad rcvica, or rQfelenco s isked if shu rJould have
consrnted to havin8 Chun {ilm lror nnd she 5oid no.

Sinc{: lcarnin3 of the investigation,Jcan't llr't out of brd. shc e ries n lot and tclt lilc he(
depression hat pulled her b.tck down. She fcel! at it shs is slowly progresling do$rn whcrc !he hn!
started to drink irnd smoko to copc witlr the cvcrything- She is constintly wor.iod ,bout cdmerar kl
hct honrc dnd \.Jorried .bout the unknown. shc rnrely eat5 and feols sick. SomttirDri she cannot crt
for day!, has lort !.Jcight an.l is do!.,/n to 100 lbs. sh{r h;r5 not;rcd a (hJnge rn hcr Dr'.sonility, sh. trclt
reptcsttd nnd dcpressgd. shc oxplnined tlrat she suffers fronr lli-polar. Previou5ly !he had it und(.
codtrol. Sh(, lvrl ahlc to Ionalion, holvcvf'r' oftor lindi g, out al)r)ut th(. video! sh{! hn! fallon into ntr
a io(,!capJlrlc da.prcsriion.rfld fc('ls rl{rvastatcd.

Analysir o, Evlderlae:

llocat{i \rvcr.rl piature! th t nppc!,ed to bo Ihe picturcs Shorved

tlrey$rer., modified or takon on 06/19/2018 ilt 8:11 dm. lh(-rc wcre several0ictures ol I
underraenr on thc sam(r dnte tirkr.n shortly iltcr. I beliqvc this was the adual tifil.'Churl entcrcd hcr
homo to pla(e thc camer.ra- Ihc (ameras hnd a date howev('a I hclieve they wcro not Jlt (,p prior and
showed in(orr{)ct !imos.

Under chun'r 10.ial medio visit5 I found thnt hn o..or."df0ublic lntraBtam nccount over 30{)
times frorn 6/2020 to 12/2020- I locatcd several a.colot to Drake it appen, as il it war her!
I loc ted on Chun'J 6()nrputcr rvcllas st'v*al
accounts with that nan]o-

Under thal. em,ril tilted atlovr:, Chun signed trp {or MfGA i}nd ovl'r (loL,d serviccs. lht'so couki serviccs
t kno!,J in mv tr,rining and extcaienc{.r to bc usod to distribute child poro.

on Chun's computcr undcr the d.lte of 9/27/20 1 located the follorving Itsv account n d messa8es:

s ( )l l0
]crrt l screel :hot rr{ lhe mcs\.}flo sofil{rone $ent her on ftsy .lccount. lt rvas rl,rtr,ci 9/7 //?0. in
tliu nlcssngc it st.rtrt(l'nirl.: hrirle!s!" they Jlso .t.rtcd "t'm intrlrosttd jn this video. 1/{hr'r. (an I blrv
this?" rt ljnkcd to tho xhamster vidco and a paintinB lhe h;rd postr'd on h(lr shop.

tJndf'r the frh p.tth "\Tcx.r scvfral frlci n d file ,ol.iors.

, locatr)d i"nrnlo *ho lvolkcd
r.Jith Chun at ln thc or.rill foldur lvcre l1 Di(tur!'s takcn ot
undcn^ro.r and hrJs lcll lc shc \.rcat tirbinS, Thc (htes li5tcd ,rrere 01/11/2018,1120/2016, and
08/10/2016. Tho v.rrious pictures i,nri videos o{f are opskirt imnges sho\t ing underr.rcnr dnd br}t!ocks rs
!.Jell ns hrr chlngang exposing her nu(ic body to includc her brcalts and v,rtsinal arca.

summary ol rnedia:

ln totJl, tlrere ,ro 10 hidden cam{rJ virho5 36 different pact(rros, nnd vidrlos of het upskirt. lherc wero
I undrr dosk shotr olf that app,,ared to bo lilcd on 07/19/1r) and 07,/10/19. !vhr-,r
thr: liles I locateal pictore5 drd vidcos that appcared to ht dor.lnloadcd lrornf5ocinl mcdia site.
lhcsc rverr-, dor.rnloaded from those sitcs and s.rved into Chun's hi.d drive!


:l ;::HJ',li:' ff Hl ;:,i,'"'L'l;;til,: ;..-;:[ilJlii]l]:ffi :::::],il!*'

n.)pfrin8 during th(] d.rv which i! no norm.l lor her. She hns a difficrJlt tin1(' working ns rt js b(,.oming
ov.(r?hrlnling and not produ(tivc. Sinr{r she i:, srilt an rmplovoc ,"rirIt;orkinl in i!5clf i5 n triggr'!
lor h$r.

instan( t whcft' 5hc tlcnt 5kiin8 up in the mo\rntainr. 5h!' !.J.r5 so !(.rrod lo go into
Jrrlrloin*,.1 "n
n publi( hnthroom that shc 5topp(:d and !.Jent to the bathroonr or tho side of thc roa(1. She felr rnorc
corlrfortDhkr going thp.e thnn 5hc dkl in thc b.rihroonr. continui'd nnd said shc novl closrs hcr
blirrds nll tha' tinrc lDd feels liko someone yras aonstnntly lrntchinB hcr. Sii(o fjndinfl out sh{'h,rr
unplug8e(l hcr goode hom(', !he hr\ hor laptop in thc drycr. Shc kerps llrrr phone undcr thc cr,shion-

fha, not boon c.tting ri.,.!ht s,i(:r. She do1r5 not hnvo nn .!ppctitc atr d hl! to for{:c hcrs(ll to a'at
She totr nriybe tvro nrenls J dJy. B()foac shc had thrcp arrd snar:kr. we .r\lod hor,9 slle !!ni sh]!'pirlfl
,rtinio, .hc rxpl3irlod th.rt sho !./as up 8.9 times i nltht. 5hc has brcll hnving strets dreams Jrld oolV
tl,.rting lrvc ho!rs, night- 5ht,is not rogul.rlV slc(.pinU .rnd it'r bron hard She cries r lot irncl I(lcls
rurnb. Sh(. can't go into a littinB rootn or public rcstroom ylithout hJvinc a chest prnic

on 1l/ 112() Chunll searclrr.d the i](ld This is kno!.,/n nddrosl,


I1)li lo
lbll! to iderltify pilturcs .rnr, vid.os forluncror thc porh: "\texasl
I ,,.Jrs t l;rrer wirs ablt: to rci('nritv
,)n undcr thc desk .amera pLrccd at hcr dcrk on 07110/2019. Atthistimo, Ih; tiv.',,dcos o,I
IeinB rr:(orde., in thc bathroonr stdll; the datcs ilr('litt('d on 07/25/2019. Thc vidco! we.e at 1217 hours,
1220 hoo.!, 1341 hours, 1344 hours, .)nd 1347 hours. I loa.rtcd o sccond ir!;tnn.,, rrh"r"fn n.
rccorded xr the bnthroonr on 08/02/2019. The fir5l w s .rl 12ltt hour!, 1214 hoirrs, 1400 hours, nnd l4o.]
hours. [,r(h timestanr0 wns n vidco for a totrl of r.i8ht vidr]os. ln lloth vidcos, vou can scc
on(l (harlgioB.
I ,1lso lo!ltcd (!!o pictorcs un(l$ this l,lc otf.x ttrr. ilala that wns do\.rnlondEd gfl the iorr,niet


I,. al5o br(.D lftc(ted tly tlris inv.,itig.rtaon itnd Chun's actions
bcclr.rblc to retilrn to v,/ork. Shc keeir! he. work lilptop in the dryer.
ed she hils not
devnstaltrd nbout
,..rork, {oul5 betraycd, and like shr. cannot lot. I notiacd thil
tin trnck. Shc has bc.,n slcapinB n
f starte.l to t.',ir trp. n5 5hc wipr(i thc. t(,.1rs lronr the aoror, ()[ h(,r (:yt5 she statcd sh(] L.!,11
nrrnb to enrolroni. She !lnrtlrd to driok i) lot ol wino .rnd takcs 3 h[bbk'hnrhs.] d.iv to cJlnt hcr\.11.

W(: a!ked if sh('his f(:lt noy anxirty durir* {,v(\ydny routircs likc t]oir}g to thc bathroom or chnnSinfi
ctottrt,s. Uis.lorerJ shc has had nr)xicty in th(.pnst holvevL,r, i( was under control. No,,1, it haj
golteo \.rorse to thc point !',/lrcrc shc hn9 nlcdicntod hcr5elI to .opc r./ith it. Shc statcd 5h{] (ould 'l
ov{!n think about lrrirlu 3 public hi\throom riUht now.

f.tutod ,h., llal hnd d prohl{m [oin8 to rt(icp. shc is unablc to llcefr through tlir,: nighr. slre
lcoh so draiieallrcni nny,ntcr,ration r,Jrth,r.oPlr At tll\t,5h(r r".rs rhl(, tc \lcl'p, rnal nlorr r.\!ntlV,
it's heL.n vtrV tough :hr. ills not l)r:r\r eating at all. Sh('focls likc she is lirou/irrf li8os
ol dcptcssion- Sho hrs io be rtrrindcri to cat b,rf
lotr"yed, hopeless, and alger thilt it happencd. Sh!' is mnd ;rnd .lcvnstatcd ,rbout th.
rvhole casc. lvr nsk.{l wlrrt h.1\ changed nbout he. porsonality; she statcd that shrr is "not prestrt.''
rtrrna nr'rsoll n)ore \r(,epy or,,rurb.
f.nntinurrd to(ry, u,/iping thr. corncr ol hcr
ry\5 as rot to ruir hor nlakr-up. Shcdesarib{rdhe,\elfi}5rtdconstint5t.!tcot",ightorrlight".rrd
!aid shc ir spooked (.aq

We asked whal trkficr5 hart sho itated .rny movic ilbout gr.xual iss.iult. She ha! lleen cquntin8 tlr{r
o tdoorilvith thiscd!r- 6oiots ou tdooas is hor outh t and nolv !he feeh as if\ t iltrt cd. Sho rqunt..!
gornll o!tside with ha5 talkcd to orr(l pcrlon but thov r.Jcrc not hclpful. sho toL,ncl r!
h.lrd since COVID to get into a place.

has bfcn .tt J lots ffi vrords. llc is supportive irnd sha knows hr'is thcre for h(,r
ovcn though sh('ha5 br-'crl .lbsL'nt. They hnve not bcc scxual sincc kno!.Jinll ilt out tlre c.rre
l0(rl ,10
has bee n anxious akut r.Jort.
r.Jo!ried aboul st.irti0g ovcr.
Thi,i wr\ hcr dreair job and feel\ ,!s i, n is lhirt tercd
rot report 2:f is a .urront employeo
Sh! h,rd n vcrV limitt]d i ter,rction $rith Chun and

lrr tho FOI report, th(,ro atc n total of thrur hidden Cantcra vidl'os otf eoinr to thc bathroorn. lhcfik
pnth lvri locdted undn. ' 1f.,*nrf This ill tire bathroont \tJll with a, nbove v{rntnile point, lookiflB
dolvn.!08/021201!)nt1l:23arn. thesccondr.,/asrecordcdgn0g/02/2019at11:ll
onr .rnd the third wis or 08/0?12019 nt 11:12 anr_ They apt*arcd to hc a sequeacc of onc cvcnt split into
thrIr d,fkrrent videor.
I l().atcd a totnl of 19 pirtures taken olf ns shc sot outsidc- lt i pp""., chun .rn, inllooLi,r0

FOI Roport 3: Thcrc nr(: a totnlol 30 pictur{ts tJkcn at s,/hat oppl-ars to lrc J Black tivcs Mattcr ,narch. W('
k'rrrred this o.crrrre(, sometimc in Junc of 2o20. Thesc photos vrorc tilkcn ,rom behinrtJn the rallV.
It'5 {rnknor.Jn at this tinrc hor.r Chung rvas ablc to lind her in thir h addition to the l}l M Dicturcs, Chun
harl dor"rnloarlc<l scrr onrhors f ,o,rrf paHc. f h(:re !./crc n total ol (.iBht clownlondcd

ln a follow up intorvicwrvithf sht' sirld in the past few rrccks (during Fcbru"rry) she had a hard
ti,n. stoying a.lcopl.outiues anci eating hahits har.' uot changed.fdoes not have 0

lcar of (aor('r,ls nnd di(l not seem ovcr.lllelf(cted by thc irrcidt, t

On 10/13/20 chun8 seilrclred the addrcss lhis is.r knosn address


rl.1workcd with Chun. ln the lilc' ,]thlvnys, (hun hnd J foldcr titlcd
hx,)s to irlentifv t
, w.)s ablc I locittcd favc vi(lc'os withir tiris
fold.r, l$ro of th{ videos placcd undef skn d 5howcd her changin8 n{t.!r n tubing cvent, lhr
Il,rt'(. ndditton,rl v'd,,{r\ !!cr,. ol.,(('(l cn thr' \o,rth r' nd of hcr ortrc('nc:rf the storagc rick. Tho rirst of the thr(,('
*.,,,,, r.rro.(,r sL,/rr.s.rr. .'r rrl//r,/ 19 ilt 1212 ho!,r. fhe sccond two vidcos shoe,/ thcy \.Jero
recorded on 07126/2019 at 1336 hours 0nd ll39 hours. ln the vidcos, it showlhunfling.nd cle.rning
uf nnd (haoging out of hcr srvimsuit,

ll ( )1. lr|

n.,.t , fn,.tv ilood undcrstan.ircfl of thr-'invellig.rtio^ b.lorL, (olring in for .n intcrvi.,!.J from sonte
fl [r,:l'fl i:;:#l#::iii t::il[:fi:::ii:ff ]:#J5I: ;::;:j,::tl,r"

In thc lllc patht av. Chur) llnd .! folr,cr utlea "\lcxarf t vias .rtrk: to klentifyJrs
f nnd hud ,ru, kc(t tJirh Chun. I lo(atr.d four vidcos of tmily ifl thc bath.oonl. ln tllL, viduos, it
5horr,/s hcr
Soinll to the bathroom. Ih(,c,lnler.l wa! placcd like tlteolher!in a hiEh varrtage point looling ilot",/n. lhc
videos lvl"r(: recordL'd on 08/02/?019 at 1014 hrs., 1017 hrs.. 1221 hrr., and 1224 hr5. tt .tppr'rrcd to be two
sr,rriralc rvonts olfgoinB to th.: h.rthroom on thc same d v. tt should bc notcd the cimorn foot.lgc
nppL'Jft,d to be inverte(i.

Drrring an intcrviryr !rith she lx.lp(' (l identity ht rs(,|{ ir) ,} printed still i,n.r8c Detlt(tive Li2akoLvskr
pr!\enting askinU if it !.Jai her ,rskcd if she rvould havc {onsentcd to Chun rcco,ding hor nnd
sh.'said no.ftras rrps nol appear to pro{rct hcr or anyonc clsc t}V the lack ol
h.rakground (hi:ak na)!u kno\rilg Chun vrns n sex offender. nftct Detective I-iz.rkoL,J!ki a,rlk (l her thc
friday bcfo.{, lrr. n \hc could not wcrk the rcst of the day, lelt nurnb .nd hcr slcc,r
t(:r vicr.,/, she sni(l
yr.-rs ctft:ctcdfvras askcrl il hcr routin(r hitd ahanged in ilny rviy aitea horinB .)bout tha aasc nnd
shc did not thirk 50 lnll 5nid shc ftrlt sonu'r'nrotioos and not \lccnirVl welt.f nrr,otion'd a lc!.J
times about hot {eelr}g proteck,d alld btl(:artrc l,morionnl.

and had vcry limiled interaction with Chun. ln tho

I locdted a folder titl Tcx as nble toidcntity this per5on,r
I located one vidro oI! fioinli to the t ithroonr
e snme .bovc, lookiflg dowr vant0g(,poiot- Thc videor w|ro rc.orded on 08/02/2019 ,rt i211 houri,

f rvas ahlc to idcntify hcrsclt ir tho .|;ove inrcrvic\ / olter vic!.,/ing
stillphoto vrovltl
a .lalso not I
hnvc Eiven Chon corls{,nt to {il,n hcr ir) thc.n p,ircte'arcas-f ,.ra s ilsked ho!.J sh. fclt about rhl-'
rrpcoming intorvicr, todny over the !.reckcnrj and shc said shc lrr!! "pl'eved" hnviig tQ tltink about it
htt said sh. trie(l to prlt it out of hrr rnrnd the best shc could.J\r?s asked how shc felt bcin8
reaorrled and s.rkl shc has been throutlh worst br.,t ,..rints tht, ii-rson aesponsibh ,rrroslcd-

il ( )t: :r!
tn tht' lil(, p.thways, Chuo had a folder tirkrrl '\'rr,xns
f I,.wr irtlh'to id(,nti{y this Forsorr,*f
lloc.ted thrle vidcol in thi( Iik,. All Lrrcre lrom th(! \lro.: cnmero
v;rnt,Jrlt, BOint. Ctrun wou{d rval !,,/as rvrarllr8 skirt Jnd lilm lookinG up her skirt. Thc
faht t\.ro videos yJerc on th() 5amc day trearin[J thc $imc skirt and showcd Up ltcr skirt. I he
third vtdoo uas rtlqd "frnirll!.Q and dctliclitrg ito up!kirt viclv rvith hcr (,xposrd buttocli, under!.,r(,.ir,
nnd v,rEirt.rl arca. 1,Vlrr:n rtvier,ving the liltls Ircitt{,d on Chun'! con}pulcr, it appears thoto vidcos rye.e takf,n
sortlctime lunrnlc. ol 2012.

r.thcnflt:arlulol thc inv{rltitiition,lhr was sho( thJt it hdpptinc{J hur knr,t,/ l)e,orrl findxlg
otrt that it wn5 Chun- frvar nn.r,r (onrfortablc with Chl,n br,rau.,. hr- w'ould .lo or sily thinils th.rt
would make hor tncomfortnbk'. She h.l(l a rcvic!, !vith hinl o (r: nnd lcarne(l thnt otlv:r p(,oplc h.t(,
.omplninod about h('r and her bcll.tvior.

$./,1(,n sho vJls showrr possiblc phol05 ot hcr5cli, shc (onltnre (l tl,"V *rc.,: of h,-.,frr"s askerl
ho\r 5hc fclt nlIr,r hrilriltg nbout tho inve!tigntion and ihc nxtntio ed she fecls disaonne(tcd from thnt
pilrt of her lilc, horrifierl, .rnr1 fccl' hLc shr,\../,t1s.r[e []u! slr(r lvi5 ,,ut. lf l,llr unhappy r.vorkinli
hlr him, but shc rJns glad to h.atr' Ihc Jolr. If rt", t",l to , , y .rld I loi-r lri thr ;)ain ii hcr vorco
when shc tallirrg dhout it. Shofclt,r5 rf h(.r r.Jhol{r pitst ru\h Lnckdnd Jtle(ih.r seif'\v|at did I noi
notico?" Sho d{s(ribciJ n lccling thut \lr('coitud ''rJn{roty",t ioll]bitution o{ rrgt! nn(l .rnxx-'ly

ll shol,ld l)r, not(\, d!).! to thc tirne sptn ol ovrtr f Vcnts aincc thl] vklco \.rirs rccordcd, \.ra,lrc undblL-to
rr\lrrclltte J (h;trqc uJi,nI


llrrnrncd in the lnll of ?019 nnd oo longr.r r\rorls there. ln tt'r' fik' prth$,rays, Churt
hircl a foldcr tatled ''\1e and appl'arcd to be o ncw de5k not thown in nny othcr video. I yJ,ls

to t,lentiryla s lhe vi(tim ln this vidco. Thc one video lvns{d under her dLrsk ro n attempt to ,l

u dr,r the desk. fis

film thr) upskirt whikr ,.,"n in the video as shc yJork.d on an nrt prok .t on thc
8rl)und. vid€o doee not show nuditV or prkirt. The vidcol show{rd to bc rccordcd or 09/26/2(i1.9 .lt
1/19 hoors.


urrrinE a phone intrrviorvlyras askr.d L.Jhat she worrld flor*t,rllv vrr',.rr. Shi] it t/is casuat;
nrostly jean! brrt sonretinles lvould \.re.x skirts.Jtarcti she did not conscnt lo ltirl r(.iordinll h.rr

li ()l l0

On 02/25/2021, t)etr'.tivi! Lizakolrski w.-:s givcn the rc5t ot thp evidencc by ACSO lnvestiBator Gornscy. Hc
ndvised me durir8 thc .inalysis of the computer h(-. locitcd some vidcos $lhere Chun milv ltitv{, tccorded
intt:rvitr.r: ol tlc tcnlnlcs !.Jho cdnrplnincd against hirn f The intsvie\.Js I lat..r lc;tl)erJ \*Jcre pJrt of th('
h.r.i55ment inw5ti*,rtion .rgainlt Chun rnd the ohly peopl., privilcged lo those (onvcr{ntioos vera tho boi.d
of dircctor mcmberi'.r,/ho \.Jerc intelvi.lviog and thc lcnrnkl's camplJin.,ltls.

thr} camera was placed undemcatlr thlr toble and yotl can sclt a malo int|rviewcr to thc lcft of the trnmc-
Dirrcliy in lront is v/here the intorvi(:rroc u,/ould sit. You irc not;rblc to sc(| lhrrir lnccs holvcve. ).ou cnn
thr stat!'ments th{ry n1ake. Chun h.r(l n totaloi 77 videos thnt spFearod to 5 minutes long.

llurilld the three irtl!r!ieu5 of hun was not visilrly prese.t. !Vh{:i rccordrnil
thas! intervieq/s, ho Inorvingly ovcrheard ,rnd rccorded lhr-- convert!tions without thc contcnt of anyonc in
the room.


r ,not uru-f ,r!rc8,rrd,rg (oncernt ovcr sr'rvi'ral brt'achs thrv llad io thri( svsrcnl to in(lad(
thu h,r(k on thrrr ln!tagrom.f r'rplaincd Chun rvnj rotporl!lble for ga.ttrtrll rrp tlr(l scrvL'r.Ind !!as \1'orrlc(l
.lbout a poJsibl! ba(k door eotry into thc s|rvrr aflrr he was tire.l in Novomber 2019. Jtctosrcs tht'i,
gcrvr-rr, managers r(iport!, rrd n]rilborship. tt,rouf,hf luith vitlid trcd(:ntinl:

O,r'l/27/20 sonr{.one toggl,d in ,rnd nc.cstL'd the! tn.taerrm account .}nd sent nkrs5nlii:s. lVIthin th.!o
rnessag.s, thev srnt . link to a pom !eeb5rt'' tfr.rt aisOtlvcOf chiurgUrti (.,nnle incklent !rhkh Ii.k st,rttod
!his irvest€,rtion brck io October 2o20). A produ(tion of tccords !'/as sitlDcd bv Jrlrlllc 5er8{'i}lrt on 2/2ti/?0
nr)(l scrved to ilstilltrarr the sanro dJy. Wc roqucstod any lP address th.t krEged in ; ould that d.ty and ilny
nlir\sdlli) !ent thtoughfrca,u,,r,.
t h!' nrc$sa8e \r,.r\ !(,n, url nnnlforvrdrd(rd str.cnshots ol the cmailJitaff
{rr 9/2//20 at 8:00 pnr. ln the screcnshots, it apperrs tho link vJas s('nt irt nl}proxlnr,ltely l2:00 nnr'

Irr'vicu,dd tha Firoto)( hirtory for lnJtrllrarn oo Chtn's (omputor. I (Jn scc Chun acc'rs5ed th! lollowinB URI
{ht tps://r./!,rr,,,.instJgrm..o,ntf i irt 6:11 am UrC (12:11 rvlsT). Oo 09/27120 at Br00 Pol UIC {2r00

MSI), hc agaln icccssl]! krstagr.lnl {http\://r'Jur!'.r.inst,lgrrm conrf

I olso obscrved thc follolving occr-.s! irlto thcsc di[fcront accounts:





l-l ( il :{}
I iln\ !.rltir\g on thc tostaBran) POR to L'tt.thlish unruthoriloal a(ccss toftnstnllasn a(colrnt,
Ooiog through Chun'\ computnr, I lvas nlrll to so{r s(:vc.JI .rccosr.,s t[ So,,"ki,,c rritt!h.'
Jtated (hur) did not havc ac(c5r t(? th{' lyst('m .tftcr ho lClt. Sonlc Ol his pnlslvords rvo/e ['lt io p,nce
holvevt'r, tor hrs ropl;rcenrent, nny additioltnl .lccr,5s vr'(,u1d hJV(.b!-rn unilljthorirsd-

UJithitr the folio!,,ring litc path \1,s(:rs\Admin\nownloadsrf xls* I lorndf thot r,vn,
crentcd on his conrputor on 11/2{r/2020. Urrderthefilc pnthvray \Uscrs\Adftrin\Dcsktop llocntcd sq,ver.rl
odditkln.ll lilcs. Bt,lovr is a dcscriptiorr

for all ol thc files, ./ou wqukl n.'cd accc5s t(r t u,I
scrvcr lo8in to cither run or exporl thsdocumcnts.
ln the hc.:ted allof thfl rrrc r n0files nnd passwords orrociatud withf
orBanizdtion. l I lo\rnd $oErL- limiled employ('r: cnrail nddrcsSt!. Nrxl lo !omo of the
ernploy{'c's u!efilnfics, I locirt{d lrcoatty (l(lestions and answers.

I the tilc ''Copy ol pi5s," I loc;ited sdvcril scrver.icclfss accounts as lv{rll as mrny loUins a5soci;it({l !./ith Cll!n
I al5o lo.atcd !ev.'ral Hostnaorc, accouirts, anri pass!.rords as!o(iated uritff;r.ver. Sofire hostnirnx.5
*vere titlcdf and bacrug,J
t,ndcr thc lilc pathlvnv \User5\Admin\Drsktop\ I lo(ated i fiki flamed ocx" r.Jithin this filc r, il
jl1ljl:llJ p.rsslvords ilnd log-in,rterl,rirs tirc formi,r pn'ss dirr:cto. dnd had rccently k,ft. I noticcd
J,rnu, rrra,rr th( Llo{'ltnrr:I}t ilxo l)(ro d\lvr),r, un(lIrrlt'.lln. I rll.lo ()lt llrtr,roro .,ntrf
uvds nr\ (lrranl!!rr,,rn n{) onr'n o lldccss (o rr,r pJ\s!!uro.
t)ue to the breach of tlrt'lnst;rt:.aor ncaour't on ro/ t/2020,!chan6cd the pass!.rords to{ornts
irnd tcxtcd edrh pasi*.,rd.fmaint.rtrrccl tho rn.rstt,r lisiont,ne fr,ras tolri bv his tT nlnniger
itnyonr.,,Jith adnrin nccess co ld Uo in nnd tcc othr)r ll'ir,a5'pns!!.rords. I notdd lour rrnique currrnt cmpklye{,s
and p.rssvord\ on this docunrent I nlso fouurl unrterfolnr{. ry;\ hcr honre iddre !s.

tJnd!-r thr'(dgo boc,kftrdrks I loc.rted thr follo,,..,io8 filc pathr.rays:

l5 ( )1, l{}
tlnder the Firelox Dolvnlond on l1/2ll2O, I klrnt{.d a download conlpleto for t
\!here h( dolrrnlolderl il irn.t 5irvc.J it to (:/Ultr s/Admin/tlcsktop/
On 04/1812020 I found J (omplcted dowoload k)r r nc\.r mcmb(lr report. This tyas s.1ved to
C:/Usc.i/AdnrinlAppDatn/tocal/Tcmp/N{r$r. 1.xls.

Bascd on the downloads aod conlpletc ddtn fourd on Chun's computcr, it shorvs hc hnd hcen .rcccssiiE and
dowoloadirg scveral.liffcrent itcms oflf5orvor. rhis continued from the tinre hc \i/ns lircd up to
12/2020, Duting thilt tinlc franE, Chun wa. oot ailoered accrs! into tlto \crver. lt is still unknorqn rvhich u$e,
il(( ()rrnt o. back door entry he used to B,rin nc(ci;! to thc accDunt.


lnv. 6drnsey found lilo containing vJhnt !../ns trelicvc'to belrx rcturos on chtrrl's conlputcr- Durtrg lhe
!r.,irr(h lvarant ,rl Chrrn'5 house Dct. Ciav.rttJ not(:d in plain ;iarv on Chun's desktot) lhat .t,rt,:d!tn,

Ih(.lil(,r../asa 2019Frclernl lnxr.turn. tn tht' ftxrn, it list".dtrull nrmo, addros!, Llntc ot hrrth .rnd soc!.rl
!carlrity ,1umber. Thc lax k)rni !,Jas filla:d out with her (urrent tilx itllornlation

t lt,arncd fromf,he roarivcd vJhat slc b0licved nt the timc to br a fakc IRS lette,- 5hr Googlcd
inklrlrration aboot thc h'ttr.r .nd found it ! poisjbly fraL,cl so shu rlid not act on it. nre ,l copy ol
rh(, letttlr datod 2/211/2t\)0. lt stntcd they rerciv.d ,l fcdcral tnx rclurn 10d0 with h(.r nnln. afid tnipiycr lt)
nirmber. lt reqLrcstc(l hur t(| vcrify her lD lrrloro thcy a.ccptcd thc filinti.

provided nre lu'r tax returni she filc{l irt 2020 lor tlre 2019 tax y(,nr. I conlparcd thc t,rx retrrn trorn
Chfln'i computer to the onr'shc provided mo Jstatea at no tim. did shc a5k Chun to do o tax return lor

Witlrio the nleta clata ol the tax torm,l lo(ated thi! URL

So,rrchklg Chun' putorfor a !pe(ific heyrro,aJwhich ahnost identicartof

I locdlr,(l under the Fir(.lox history rcport, Chuo had lo(ged into an ac(ount narncd
ln that Gmdil irrbox, I fol.lnd thc titl., of lhc emrils were s{lr}t Lo th.rt ilccount.

l(, ( )lj ll)

I notcd ChLrn creirlrd dn rccount under Yor( [rce fih [illdr('tormr ncco!nt. On 218/?020 nt 3:5i; i tocntcd in
(.mail that stirto(1"1040". These rvcrc locatrd ir his tircfox \.^:bvisit c,lclrc.tnd the Firctox Web history. It
!horv5 that lte kJMod into thi5 nccou t holvever it dorts not shos, thc acaount, email coht(! ts. lt onlv show!
thc ttk' of the cmiil whcn he wrs on

Oo 2,/8/2020 at 04t14 thcrc lvas an oouil thilt statad "tircc File Fillablc f orn' federat Rcturn Fe.eivqi,,. Or
2lAl7O2o at 04 46ltt((c was in .dditionri cmail stdted ''frec tilc Fillablc Forms: Fcderalldx Return
lleiactcd- Action Dccded." At 2/8/2020 irt 05:39 thorr'yJ.r! an additional cmnil titled ',Frcc fi,e fillalrlc Forlt]s
,i( tetu(n n(c0rtte.l."

Revente Pornl

I r(,v,ewed itefi)s on Chuo's coorp t('r for the dnto lvh('n we had ravcral vidaos uploadc.l. I lottnd the

I Io(dted serreralGoogle 5enrches ptior carly in the mornitlg

(r..lte \(.ecnshnl $nrmir? rlf a7t\tg1tq?


1r(.]llc to <rentc 6 lirle, o2lr zr))

O 0lroir25

ri'!tu sunnn'!![er (mhnr 02l09/?0;t


I hc IloR showed ir the videos v,/cre uplon.l",l uv 'f " Thc lour vitteos of f in thc
titlo w.rre uplondcd on 02/091?02O front tt,c lF 73.95.1:]3. /6 sJhich rs krtor.Jo to be Chun's Com{nst lP.

D(,l f,iavattn rec(,ivc(l the produation of d records r0qLrcst. ln thc docunn.nt {rom Pornhub- it !ho!,,/cd ihc
vr.lco wa5 uplo.,ded on tcb 9rr' 20?0 2r17 tlTc un,t", thcf
lrnfr//r.v;wponthlrtr(6n'/{plord o2l)9/?o2oori1):iir^M
hllpr //w;'r,! tti rnhub ,-om/r ptoarl O2lr9l?O2O ()2r2nr14 4tu1
I'I,r:/'/*xr.,cDrih(t,,.u,/!rjlr,,sd 0l/09/10:0lllt4:tl^i\,i
hrl|t\ //v?,vu po. |n,b., on!/u ploa d {}?/0r/ ltl.l{) 0? 4Jrt4 AN1

llil:)]1,'Jilill:lli :ffi ,,,,f ozoe/202o o,:1e,,,


l7()l :()

llovi.vJinr] the Fiftlox Web hislory I l(xrttr(l the following. At 0509 Chun rreate3 3n ac.oun! ufl(k,r;, fln,re
,rnrilnr I sec thil confirnn'.1 ths a.-(orrrrt
through t unt cr.,ntd by Chun-

02/091?i):i105:C9 \4 lorr. ntr fu (ounl ! x,riueo! Lorl

02/0q/2020 05:l.l:r0 r:m.jilv,xi,rud on Xv:neo, conr


I lo(aled the timct he uploadcrt thc vidoos to rvidro site

hll p!'ll$*ll,r. w iri.o1 (onr/acf ou nUuploJ d J^.'rlr Upl(,nd.i'ridB0 WilllOS.Coi,l lr2lortl /rllr) or,,.r, o,| AL1
htlpt,//s vw. rvi,ifo\ r o./n.(ounllr'p!o&trln.,./ t plo,tttn video xVil)tO5.aOllt OZIO9| )O7O O I t4l:4, Att

Ilocatcd the acaount on xvideos ,,!hich !vn\ still p k) date. tinder the fusernamc, it r.,/ns list(,(l ni a
Ihe profil'. p3gc showcc, it rv r signcd up on 2l9l2o2o. Hdd n totat ot vklco
vrelvs 22,298. I lo(xted tlx! four',,i.ieos u,i ith thc i;rnr('titlc "8irl f rom!8r:ttinfl re.rdv

I localL'd n ltr'bsitc through hi5 fircfox tlistory. The lvcbsit(' rws tatled I located the

O2lt1tll z07t)
0613ti ItE Al',1
O7:llr;7 Al,1
o210s12010 llidden zom .


I lorf.rnrl
scar(h(ri thc lrJeb\ito located throc vidi'os rrfloadcd on 2/10/2t)20. Thcsc vkJr$s !.rerc ritle(l
ttunrb tiirlfronrforr,t irn,o th,, ,.,ur. ,i,leor ,,,<orrl.,d trunfhouse. Thevlvcre uptoadcd unclcr
thr, acco,,nt nan,r: 'I'a ust'rnatic rvc lnor.; to bc Chuns'. I ;rl\o locatcd llJo vidms (n,oarjrd olr
21141)O.1rd5112l)0. Thcso vitJeos Iloc,rt{tel on Churr's roolputt:r and r.rt'rt: rccordrrj by Ch{rn in fitt inll roams.

I locdtr-d sllvc,al ilefis to notc vJithio thc Iircfox r.Jel] histofy. At 0751 lorn tut]p. private upload lvas

nttcnrptcd holvevcr I did flot lolate any videos. I 5.ventl Hid(lcn zono se.rrchcs. this i1 rssoctnt('d !.,/ith
n voyeur dnd hidden camera videos on po(l sitr-.!. Chr,o made sevr-'ral srnrchcg multiple spy camerl porrr

Sexual fxploitation ot a Childi

lx ( )l lrl
t)ttoalive Stuvcllion r(,vi(][rr'd th(' i:(rmputer forc sic Report from lnve$tigntor GnrnscV with lhr,Arrpahoo
(.ouoty Shcrifl'5 Office.

It shoul.t tlc notld thcrc are thrr,e cateBories lor tik's of inr!'re5t lFOl)- Category 1 i5 child abusc nl|tcrirl,
\.rhich me(t thu US defnlirion qf rhilC porno$ilphy. Category Z is child cxploitiltion m.)tcrial depictins
otplortive condu(tlactivity, oft{,n refurrcd t0 is ''thild erotic.r', and chlld modelir0. Categorv .l rs
CGl/Jnimation !.Jhiclr do not d(.pirt '',lctual minors" but us(,s sirnuloted minors crul.illcd in lcxrlnl.tctivitv.

lnvostiSator 6drngry dlscovr.rrd the {ollovirg e./lril.' cond!cti g hi5 .xrmi tion.

tln<k:r cno l.r!fs{trglto [xterBirl 5lg UsB ].0 0!i\t S/N:NA8t9Kp0

. 21 fil!,s r.Jere jdentllied as Crtfgory 1l Ol's

' 119 liics rvt'rc ideotifi(ld [Ol's
as Category 2
Detettiqo Stovenson reviewc(i thl-- category 1 .rdd 2 FOI's und.r tl1' p;th nanrc "l.OL" Hc contkmcd rll the
pholos nre puhes(qlt and prcpuLr'sa*nC childrcrt r.Jilh exposcd breast are.t, buttocks, and genjt.rl(. ,1ll photos
Jppcar to dcpict i child urder the Bc of 18, nra y of them r.lnginE from 5-12. Altcr vie\ling both (,ltc8ories ()[
filc5, Det.ctivc 51(lvenson found it ntet thc dctinitioo of scxuJllv cxplicit m.rt.rinl irld scxll.rl conduct,
tn include elotic nudity.

undcr 6Ptl Ta11f WO Ixternal 6It] UsB 3.0 HDD S/N wXl.tHt6pOpHw

32 t-ilcs ilerc identi{i.d o! Category 1 fol's.

. 289 Fihr5 lvore identifi{'d ns Cntcgory 2 fc]l's.
th€l CategorV 1 , Ol's !.Jr.rc thc lrxnct srme a! Gl,D tagf
lo ilddition to tho prcvious 21 filcs, n virleo
tfi\1_5Bl7.nlp4 dilDict5 a prcpobes.a.nt t'em.rle, rpproximatelV 10 ycars old, cnfrdging in vaginal intercours.
rsith an unkno\1/n n1nkr. Thc vidco !1rns ct oated o ?/17/20, irnd thp l0st time this vi*!o wns access vJas
10/11120. Ihcrc is ao additioonl l0 scrccn shot! of thc video lvithin thc foldrlr.

ln Category 2, Del...tivc Stevcnson noted !.!,rr;rl similar lihli lvl're the exact snmc ns 6PD tagl
AddrtionallV, hc located t? vidcos (loprcting pullciccnt and prft)ubc\ccnt frmalL'5 nude- From thr. videos,
therc werc 1)2 additional scrorn shots. Undc. lmg_1;|4, D.t(:ctivc Stevenson observcd.i pubc:ceIt engaBing in ornlind vaginJlscx. Aftcl vicwing both c.rtcllorics offiles, hc found itmet thc d(rfinitigrl
u{ sexunlly explirit mate,ial and cyplicit scxu,tl conduct, to inc[,dc r'rotic nudity.

. 32 t'ills we{.' identifi(:d as C.rtegory 1[Ol's.

. 289 {:ik!e wcre identilied rs Catcgory 2 f:Ol'1.
Upon rcvir:w of thit devicc, thc fOl'\ \,{)re co \i!tnnt yrith thr. hnd{ies located on the previous devicc

[.r\ad on thr Jforrm('ntionrd ;nfornra(ion. your iftiant requ...sts r(]vir,!.r for prohnbla. causc xnrl, it iound,
r( ',po(tfully r.qucsts that a rv.trrinl t !1 ir5urd fur tho arrest ol CHUN MIN CHIANG, Asian, Male,02/16/1982
on tho (harEc(r, o, (11STATKNG-IMOTIONAL D|STRI5S 18-3-602(11{c} 03/tol202r {2} STALmNG-
EMOIIONAt DISTRESS 18-3.602{1)lc} 0l/10/202r t3} STAU(lN6-TMOTtONAT DtsTREss 1s-t-602(11(c}
lr) 0l' :l)
03/10/2021 {4} 2ND DtG 8U86|ARY-Of owtulNG 18-4"203U),12}{a} 06/1el2020 (5} lDENrlrY rHfFr 18-5-
902 03/10/2021 (6! CftTMINAL IMPfRSOIiATION-CAUSE tlasll-lrY 18-s-I13{r)(bl(D o2,/o8,/202o (7} PUBI-IC
1]3-7-!07 Oll10l2O21(9) PO5TING PRIVAT€ IMAG€ tOR HARASSMENT r8-7"107 03/10/2021 (10) POSTING
78-7-to7 03l10l202r (12) INVASTON pRrVAcY-sEX GRATTflCATION-2NO OFF 18.3.405.6(1),{2}(b}{l}
0l/10/2021 (13) TNVASION pirVACY.SrX GRATrftCAlrON.2ND Orr r8.3-40s.6(1),(Z)(bXt) 03/10/202r (14)
rNVAsloN PRTVACY.SEX GnATtflCATtON.2ND Orr 18.3.405.6(U,(2)(b)(t) 03/10/2021 t15) tNVAStON
PRTVACY-SrX GRATTftCAflON.2ND Orf 18-3-40s.6(1),(2Xbl(0 03/1012021116) tNVAStON pRlVACy-SEX
GRA fICAflON.2ND OtF 18-3.405-6(1),(2Xbltt) 03/10/2021 {17} TNVASIoN pnrvAcv-sEx GRAnFtCArloN.
2ND OtF 18-3-405,6(rl,{2!(blltl 0111012021 (18} rNvAslON PRIVACY-SEX GRATlflcATloN-2ND OFF 18'3-
o3lro/2021 (19) rNVAsroN PRIVACY-StX GRATITICATION-2ND OFF 18-3-40s.6(1),(2)(bXl)
405.6( 1),(2){b)(r)
03ltol2o2l (20! rNvAsroN PRlvacY-sEx GRATIFIcATIoN-2ND OFr 18-3-405.6(rl,{2xbxl) 03/10/2021 (21)
CRIMINAL ATTEMPT 18"2-101 03/10/2021 {22}cOMPurER CRIMt-UNAUTHoRIZED ACCESS 18-5.5-102(1}{al
03/10/2021 {23) EAVESDROppTNG-OV€RREARSIRECORDs CONVTRS 18'9-304(1Xa} 03ltgl7O2r l24l
cHlrD 18.3.405.4(1) 03 I 1Ol2O2!.

Mr. CHUN MIN CHTANG it dcscribed ns a A1ian, Mirlc, 5'7", 1{0hair, Brolti h.lir bro$rd cyos. He h.ts n Colorado

lilfii:rr:fiH::ffffi::ffi: iJr;:x :il,ry""r''lf Hc s

tl1AX 15 l, Dt,lr'(tiv{!
sEbslril)ed .nd t('otn to bclor(: rne ;n th(' county of k'rt.rson, St.tle of Colo.ado, this 10th day ot t'larch, 20,11

kS ssleSQ
(.unnn-' 4i Prl'r.nn'rr.lirrl

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