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Quiz 4 - Fluids in Motion 3 (IDDP)

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3. Name
4. 1. This airfoil is a modified S5010 airfoil which is known as a “reflex trailing edge airfoil” due to
the reflex at the trailing edge. Please indicate if the pressure at point 1 is higher than (+), equal
to/more or less the same (0) or less than (-) ambient pressure.

Mark only one oval.

Cannot be specified

5. 2. From Figure in Question 1, please indicate if the pressure at point 2 is higher than (+), equal
to/more or less the same (0) or less than (-) ambient pressure.

Mark only one oval.

Cannot be specified
6. 3. From Figure in Question 1, please indicate if the pressure at point 3 is higher than (+), equal
to/more or less the same (0) or less than (-) ambient pressure.

Mark only one oval.

Cannot be specified

7. 4. From Figure in Question 1, please indicate if the pressure at point 4 is higher than (+), equal
to/more or less the same (0) or less than (-) ambient pressure.

Mark only one oval.

Cannot be specified

8. 5. From Figure in Question 1, please indicate if the pressure at point 5 is higher than (+), equal
to/more or less the same (0) or less than (-) ambient pressure.

Mark only one oval.

Cannot be specified
9. 6. Which part over the airfoil in Question 1 that the boundary layer is LIKELY to separate?

Mark only one oval.

1 -> 2

2 -> 3

1 -> 4

4 -> 5

10. 7. Which part over the airfoil in Question 1 that the boundary layer is LIKELY to transit from
laminar to turbulent?

Mark only one oval.

1 -> 2

2 -> 3

1 -> 4

4 -> 5

11. 8. What is the LIKELY direction of the resultant moment from pressure of the airfoil in
Question 1 about point O? [I know it cannot be exact as we don't have the number but let us
think what would be the resultant moment from the main airfoil and the reflex at the trailing

Mark only one oval.

counterclockwise direction

clockwise direction

0 (no resultant moment about point O)

12. 9. Vortex generator installed on airfoil creating vortices and turbulent flows. Some say that
the vortex generator increases the maximum lift of the airfoil during take-off and landing.
Do you think it is reasonable?

Mark only one oval.

Reasonable because turbulence will delay the separation

Reasonable because vortices will create addition lift

Not reasonable because turbulence will promote the separation

Note reasonable because vortices will destroy the lift

13. 10. Do you think the vortex generator in Question 9 will have a negative impact to the drag
of the airfoil during cruise (we are far below the maximum lift point)?

Mark only one oval.

Yes because turbulent boundary layer will increase the drag on the airfoil

Yes because vortices will increase the drag on the airfoil

No because turbulent boundary layer will not affect of the drag on the airfoil

No because vortices will not affect of the drag on the airfoil

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