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Activity 02.


1. The only brother of Jose Rizal who became a general of the Philippine Revolution.

Answer: Paciano Rizal

2. The esteemed school for girls in Manila where Dona Lolay was educated.

Answer: College of Santa Rosa

3. The maestro in a private school in Binan where Rizal was brought by Paciano.

Answer: Justiniano Aquino Cruz

4. The poem, which was previously believed to be Rizal’s first written poem at the age of eight.

Answer: Sa Aking Mga Kababata/Kabata or To My Fellow Children

5. The surname suggested by a provincial governor, which caused confusion in the commercial

affairs of the family.

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Answer: Domingo Lamco

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6. The Catholic town priest in Calamba who was esteemed and respected by Rizal.

Answer: Leoncio Lopez
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7. The birthplace of Rizal.

Answer: Calamba, Laguna


8. The reticent but vigorous gentleman from whom Jose inherited his “free soul”.
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Answer: Don Francisco Mercado

9. He was a classmate of Don Francisco who lived at the Rizal home to be a tutor of Spanish and
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Answer: Leon Monroy

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10. The educated and highly cultured woman from Sta. Cruz, Manila also known as Lolay.

Answer: Dona Teodora Alonzo Quintos Realonda


11. Rizal mournfully wept when she died of sickness in 1865.


Answer: Conception Rizal or Concha

12. The sister of Rizal who became a custodian the custodian of his last and greatest poem.

Answer: Trinidad Rizal

13. She is the eldest child of Don Francisco and Dona Teodora.

Answer: Saturnina Rizal

14. She is the sister of Jose who was one of original 29 women admitted to the Katipunan.

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Answer: Josefa Rizal

15. A story about obedience whom Rizal felt that the story could serve as an allegory of his own

Answer: The Story of the Moth

Assessment 03. Write an essay on virtues exemplified in life of the Rizal’s Family

They showed him their house and Rizal was thankful for their hospitality. When Pedro
proposed that Rizal exhibit the pictures he had, he refused. Initiative or self-direction is a
person’s readiness to think a line of conduct and ability to carry it out on his responsibility. The
initiative is a virtue needed in the progress of society. A person who respects the contrary
opinions of another is tolerant. Tolerance is a virtue requiring a sympathetic understanding of
the differing opinions and honest mistakes of another. Tolerance challenges us to show the

utmost patience and practice real charity. Prudence is a virtue that guides our minds in

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choosing the best means of accomplishing a thing. It directs us to the most polite and profitable

course of action. It guides all other virtues because it points out the mean between excess and

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defect in the other virtues. If we do not practice prudence, we are liable to folly and excesses.

When a person does what he is told, he is obedient. Complying with what the authorities

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require of us is obedience. Obedience may call for a little sacrifice on our part for the good of the
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whole group.

Rizal was a model of obedience. Politeness and courtesy are virtues that give harmony
and charm in our daily life. Courtesy is graceful and considerate behavior toward others, it

demands attention, politeness, refinement, and affordability. Politeness is a quality of being well-
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bred. Thrift is a virtue of being economical in the use of material, money, time, and energy. Rizal
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practiced the habit of thrift when he was a student in Madrid, Spain he would have his shoes
repaired instead of buying new ones. Now and then he economized in food expenses. When a
person shows gratefulness, he has grateful nature. “He that urges gratitude”, wrote Seneca,
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pleads the cause of both God and men, for without it we can neither be sociable nor religious.
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There is much greatness of mind in acknowledging a good turn, as in doing it. Love for justice is
the moral habit by which a man gives to another what is his due. A man with a good conscience
finds joy in being just. Rizal fought hard for justice not only for himself and his family but also
for his people. Instances in which he displayed courage, will-power, leadership, and self-

abnegation are admirable. Events revealing his honesty, love, and faith in God, love for fellow

men, and love for parents are shining virtues for everyone.

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