First Chronicles October 2021

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October 20212020


First Chronicles
The Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Evanston UCC

From thethe Minister’s
Minister’sDesk Desk our own
Sarah benefit.
Petersen We come
(whose to church
children’s messages because
are soweelegantly
Thea recent
monthstaff meeting,
of July we were flown
has certainly talkingby. about
been busy done),have been called Fentanes
and Miko by God. We (who have been all
weaves called
the by
hard it is to make plans for church
meeting with committees and individual members on services and pro- God to be incorporated in the body of
pieces together so beautifully). And to all the volunteersChrist. We
grams these days. In this lingering
Zoom or by phone. It’s been great to meet folks and pandemic—I’m now come
who haveto church—even
stepped in to read whenscripture,
we come share to church
calling it the “pre-post-pandemic” era—it’s hard to virtually—to hear the Word that God is speaking
learn about many aspects of First Congregational Church. ments, and sing for us. You may know that liturgy means
predict what we’ll be able to do and when we’ll be able to us in this time and in this place. As we hear that
I’m impressed by all the work that’s being done by so “the work of the people.” What is true during normal
to do it. Will we be able to gather for Rally Day or the Word together—as a community—we offer one
many dedicated
Church Bonfire? Will people weto befurther
able to the
havework the church times
foodoftogether? anotheris even truerand
support in these times of pandemic.
encouragement and even If you
and care for one another in these
When will we be able to sing? When will the choir be difficult times. I have have ideas or feedback you would
accountability. And when we hear the Word like to share,
of please
a strong
back? We’re sense that wetoarefind
managing pulling
But theas away
church. feel
do so. We are all
to that Wordlearning as we go forward.
in community—
forward in this newsletter you will find informa-
seems uncertain. notI merely
would like to extend
as isolated an invitation
individuals. Just bytoshowing
everyone to
occurred some to of
methe thatthings
planningwe are
these undertaking
days is a bitas a join
“Coffee Klatch”
present, we onhelp Thursday,
each other August
hear, 6, at
like driving I’ma excited
car out abouton a curvythe new
roadAnti-Racism Task
late at night with 2 we
p.m. This
offer will be an informal
encouragement to one time to check
another, we arein with
only one headlight. It’s hard to know
Force that will be working to help us better understand whether the road present to one another, and we
one another and engage is casual conversation. help to build theJoin
issuestoofthe raceleftinorthis
to the
time, right. Then it starts
to identify ways weto rain
as a cats body
the Zoom of Christ.
gathering at
and dogs—and the windshield wipers
church can address systemic racism, and to take action are broken. With 82227173405;church
I believe the is always
the meeting ID“envisioning
is 822 2717a
such limited visibility, we’re having difficulty
that will join with others to seek justice in our world. seeing very day.” At least, we should be doing that
Everyone will need to bring their own coffee! Sorry on a regular
far ahead. How are we supposed to know where we are basis. Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes it is more chal-
Another task force is looking ahead to plan for us to I can’t provide that.
or where we are headed? It can be frustrating and more lenging. These happen to be more challenging times. In
re-gather as a church community. The term re-gathering, such times, I am always eager to connect with folks. If you
than a little frightening. we are called to remember what it means to
rather than reopening, has been
As we head into October, there are lots of un- chosen deliberately, be the church. of
are in need Wepastoral caretoor
are called just our
count someone to talk to,
because First
certainties. Congregational
A search has neverfor
is being conducted been closed. This theplease
a settled manyfeel giftsfree
God tohas
givenmeus. or And
call. weI’marehappy
group is (The
minister. looking at policies
Pastoral and procedures
Nominating Committee that
is will by phone
discern or to that
the future set up
God a Zoom into.
is inviting
allow ushard
working and andour will
guestsoon organizations
be interviewing to make use of the
candidates.) Blessings and Peace,
Now, if we could just get those windshield wipers
Another in a way that is responsible
is beginning and safe.ofWe are fixed…
for a new director Tim
all looking
music. Thereforward
are crucial to adecisions
day when we can
ahead thatresume in-
will affect Blessings and peace,
the future
person of our church.
worship. The taskAtforce the same time, we
is looking myriad of Rev. Tim
at amust
concernsto takethatstock
will goof our
intoown feelingsand
a sensible of loss and
well-thought- Interim Senior Minister
out plan. The foremost concern is our responsibility to
for onemonth we willespecially
another, begin ourthosestewardship
among cam- us who are Upcoming Events
paign, asking members and friends of the congregation
most vulnerable. Sunday, October 3, 10 a.m.
to consider their pledged giving for 2022. Pledges of
Under the leadership of the Fellowship Committee, World Communion Sunday
financial support will give the trustees and the council
aa better
groupidea is looking ahead to Rally Day on Sunday, Sunday, October 3, 3 p.m.
about putting together a budget for the
September Jon Gilbert Martinez
coming year.13. We are looking for creative ideas for this
opportunity to celebrate ourtheme,
life together as a church Service of Ordination
For this year’s campaign the Stewardship
and kick offhas thechosen
new church year.aRally and Installation
Committee “Visioning New Sunday
Day.” Incan a
offer usthis
sermon a time to renew
summer, I saidour commitments and perhaps Sunday, October 3, 4–5:30 p.m.
I haveinvolved in new over
been reminded ways.the past 16 months that Faith, Justice, & Reparations
we don’t like
It looks comeonline
to churchworshipto bewill
continue We for the in Evanston workshop
don’t come
foreseeable to church
future. I am very as consumers—not
grateful to everyone even who via Zoom
works so hard of to amake
beautiful service worship
our virtual a meaningful Sunday, October 10, 10 a.m.
in a beautiful
church. We don’t come to church
and inspiring experience. It’s surprising how much primarily for extra Stewardship Campaign
effort is required to put together a weekly streaming
broadcast. Many thanks to David Lornson (for provid-
ing and coordinating the music that is so uplifting), Our new church sign!
Welcome to Mahdia Lynn-Greene
A warm welcome to our new church administrator,
Mahdia Lynn-Greene. Running our church behind the
scenes, Mahdia welcomes you to our offices, manages
day-to-day administrative and financial responsibilities,
oversees the care of our buildings, coordinates our
community space-sharing partners, and provides regular
communication to our congregation.

Thank You and Farewell to Linnea

For over six years, when families have brought their
babies and toddlers to worship, they could be sure of
the caring welcome of Linnea Garcia in our church
nursery. Linnea has developed relationships with the
littlest ones in our congregation, who have enjoyed
time reading, playing, or venturing to the park with her,
and their families have felt secure placing their children
in Linnea’s capable care. She’s gone above and beyond
in her role during her years with us, including donating
her time and talent to help paint and redecorate the
church nursery.
As our nursery supervisor, Linnea has been a
dedicated, responsible, loving presence, helping to be Hello everybody, my name is Mahdia Lynn-Greene—you can call
sure our inclusive welcome is felt by the youngest me Mahdia or Ms. Lynn. Starting in September, I have taken
among us. While Linnea leaves her position for full-time over for Miko as First Congregational’s new church admin-
nanny work, we extend our deepest appreciation to istrator. As you have welcomed me into your community with
her for her years of service with us. We wish her all the love and open arms, I wanted to share a bit more about myself.
best and know she will continue to share her gifts of So: hi! I’m Mahdia. Beyond my work as an administrator,
nurture and care for young ones in her work ahead. I am a community organizer and educator with 15-plus years’
If you missed the farewell to Linnea given during the experience in direct service and advocacy work. I am most proud of
Children’s Message on September 26, you can view it my work at the intersection of faith and justice, fighting for greater
here: accessibility for all our community members at the margins. I like
With Gratitude, watching horror movies, reading feminist sci-fi, and listening to just
Sarah Petersen about every kind of music—from Motown to doom metal. I have
Director of Learning and Outreach a green thumb, with a community garden plot down the street and
an apartment chock-full of houseplants (artfully placed so my two
Provide a Meal to Family Promise pet rabbits can’t get into them). I’m very excited to green-ify my
Please join with area congregation members to help office in the Church House! Before I moved into administration, I
provide meals to our Family Promise guests. You’re worked as a chef, and I still love to cook and experiment with new
invited to prepare a home-cooked meal or support our recipes. My specialty is cooking halal and/or vegan barbeque, and
local restaurants and have food delivered to the Day I love making pickles and hot sauce fresh from my own garden.
Center at the First Congregational Church House. It has been a gift to learn more about First Congregational
And if you’d like, you’re welcome to bring your own over the last few weeks. In all my work, I have never found a
family and enjoy a socially distanced meal together. community so passionate or so immediately supportive. The more
To sign up for a date and for more details about num- of you I meet, the more grateful I am to have taken this job.
bers of guests and dietary restrictions, please go to Thank you for welcoming me into your spiritual home—I’m looking forward to learning, growing, and building together.

Outdoor Sunday School
The weather has been gorgeous for outdoor Sunday
School this fall. We’ve been exploring the gifts of the
sky, mountains, and oceans as we learned about the
season of creation this September. Children ages 5
through 12 are welcome to join us for discussion,
storytelling, and art making on our lovely patio behind
the Church House Sunday mornings. Contact Sarah
Petersen at to register
or for more information.


Music Director David Lornson to Retire
David Lornson will retire as First Congregational
Church’s director of music effective December 31,
2021. David has led an exemplary and inspiring music
program for 37 years since coming to the congregational
in 1984. Following our church bylaws, the Board for
Worship, Music, and the Arts will begin a search
process and recommend a candidate for the position.
“I have been honored to work with David over the
past year and a half,” says interim minister Tim Stevens.
“It is an understatement to say that this has been a
difficult time for all of us. It has been an especially
challenging time to provide music to comfort and stir
our hearts. Through it all, David has approached his
ministry of music with grace and excellence. He has a
clear sense of how music not only supports worship but
is itself liturgy—the ‘work of the people,’ for the glory
of God.
“He has been an important source of institutional
memory. His knowledge of and commitment to First
Congregational Church is detailed and deeply held.
When we are not sure where something is or how
something was done in the past, David usually has
an answer.
“While we shall be saddened by his departure, we
certainly wish him well as he embarks on a new chapter
in his life. I know we will find many occasions to thank Visioning a New Day: The Stewardship Campaign
him and to celebrate his many contributions to the life Our 2021 Stewardship Cam-
of this church through many years.” paign is just around the corner.
Moderator Lindsey Hammond adds, “David Please watch your inbox for
Lornson has been much more than our director of information this coming week
music. David has been our family. He has loved us and come to church on Sunday
deeply and helped to shepherd our church with grace morning, October 10, to learn
through many seasons. David has been a steadfast more about the campaign
leader and mentor, leading our worship and bringing us and join our church family in
closer to God through the beauty of his music. Please making our visions for action,
join me in expressing our deep gratitude for the joy compassion, and justice in the coming year a reality.
he brings us through his extraordinary gifts of music We look forward to seeing you there!
and worship.
“While he will be deeply missed, this is also an
exciting time for David and his family as they look
ahead to a new chapter of life together after retirement.
We look forward to honoring and celebrating his
rich legacy in our congregational life throughout the
coming months.
“This is a significant period of change for our
congregation. We trust God is with us as we search for October Birthdays
our next senior pastor and director of music. Isaiah 12:2 Nancy Anderson • Megan Bezaitis • Carrie Bradean
reminds us, ‘I will trust in God and not be afraid. The Matei Bradean • Mark Daniels • Al Finley
Lord God is my strength and my song.’ Friends, trust Shea Lutton • Thekla Metz • Lyn Page
that God’s song will be with us through this season as Jordan Robertson • Jean Stafford • Ryan Tripp
we look to the future together.” Cherie Weil • Stephen Wilson • Tyler Yost

At this year’s Rally Day (September 12), church family members
enjoyed a delicious Jennifer’s Edibles lunch organized by Ashley
Benirschke, games and activities provided by Sarah Petersen and
the Board of Christian Education, and a warm time of reconnecting.

Many gathered to enjoy marshmallows roasted over the fire, shared music, and sunset over Lighthouse Beach during the return of our
All-Church Bonfire on September 26.

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