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The violation of any of the following instructions will result in -0.5pt/each in this report
1. All answers must be in English
2. All drawing must be hand-drawn (photos of hand-drawn figures are accepted) unless
otherwise instructed
3. Font must be Arial, Calibri, Tahoma or Times New Roman and Font size at 12
4. Paper size is A4 and margin set at 1” at all sides
5. All information on the first page has to be filled
6. There has to be page number on each page
7. Follow the word limit:
a. Introduction: 150 words or fewer
b. Procedure: 50 words or fewer
The violation of the following instructions will result in 100% deduction of your report score
1. Report must show student’s own work and not anyone else’s
Group Number:
Group Members’ Names:

Date of submission:

1/- Introduction:
- Amylases belong to the hydrolase group enzyme. They all act on α-glycosidic bonds of
starch. The actions of amylases on these linkages result in the formation of glucans and
glucoses. Amylases are found mostly in animal saliva, pancreas, intestine…, and in sprouting
- There are three types of amylase:
+ α-amylase acts on 1,4- α-D-glucan-glucan glycoside.
+ β-amylase acts on 1,4-α-D-glucan-malto glycoside linkage.
+ γ-amylase acts on glucan 1,4-α-glucoside and glucan 1-6-α- glycoside linkages.
- Like other enzymes, amylases are heat sensitive (affected by heat). The change of reaction
temperature causes its change of activities.
2/- Procedure:

3/- Results: Report the observed color in different test tubes after adding Lugol solution

Temp. Marked Color Observation

(oC) Tubes Before Lugol After Lugol

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4 4-S



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50 50-S


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100 100-S


4/- Discussion:
b) Compare “S” with “E” tubes in each condition and explain the phenomenon.

c) Compare all “S” tubes in all conditions and all “E” tubes in all condition. Explain the

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d) What is the optimal range of temperature for amylase activity.

1/- Introduction:

2/- Procedure:

3/- Results: Report the observation of egg pieces’ shape after 2 days

Temp. (0C) At the beginning After 2 days

4/- Discussion:
a) Do 2 pieces of egg have different shape after 2 days of incubation? Explain.
- After 2 days of incubation, two pieces of egg have different shape. The small piece
of boiled white egg in 1000C test tube still remains the original shape, while the small
piece of boiled white egg in RT test tube was dissolved. That is because, in 100 0C
condition, the protease enzyme may be denatured, which makes the peptide bond not
be broken, so the egg maintain its shape. Meanwhile, in room temperature, the
protease enzyme was not affected by any factors, so the strong activity of enzyme
changed the egg’s shape.
b) What is the optimal range of temperature for protease activity.
- The optimal range of temperature for protease activity is about 30 oC to 50oC. The
approximate number is 370C.

1/- Introduction:

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2/- Procedure:

3/- Results: Report the time for gas column reach the 5-cm line
Temp. ( C) Time Recorded (seconds)

4/- Discussion:
a) Why is there different in time when bubbles columns reach the 5-cm line between
different conditions?

b) What is the optimal range of temperature for catalase activity?

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