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Certificate IV in Marketing
and Communication

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Develop and apply knowledge of

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marketing communication industry

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Task 2
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Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
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3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
Task 2 – Skills and Performance

Candidate Instructions

Task Details
Learners should demonstrate their contributions using their skills and knowledge that they have developed.
They should show that they understand and can apply the information discussed in the Learner Guide. They
can also demonstrate their existing knowledge and experience wherever necessary.

It is anticipated that the assessment will take approximately 5 hours to complete. The assessment may be re-
attempted (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within
receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

In undertaking this assessment task, you as the candidate are providing consent for your work to be reviewed
for the purposes of formal assessment in the unit(s) of competency. If you have concern regarding this

permission, please discuss this with your assessor prior to undertaking the task.

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Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.

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Candidate Declaration

Rafael Nobrega
Candidate name:
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Trainer’s name: Tony Currie

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Assessment declaration: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s
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work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.

I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another
person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
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disciplinary action.

Candidate signature: Rafael Nobrega

Your trainer and assessor will be grading your work provide you with some constructive feedback
on the Learning Management system.

Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
Task 2: Skills and Performance Assessment

Question 1 - Marketing communications and media strategies

a. Undertake some formal and informal research on the topic of marketing

communications and media strategies. How would you apply this information in your
everyday activities at work? (Approx. 100 words)

For me, first of all you should know for who are you selling your product. Who is the
public? In add, what you want to convey to them, which message you want to show.
Finally, how can you delivery this message? You should have a Marketing plan using

these elements. With this information, you can know which strategy you are going to

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take because you know exactly what, for who and how you are delivering for. Summing

up, I would like to make decisions after all this data in my hand and my team. We could

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make a strategy marketing, providing the most effective message for our client.

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Question 2 - Obligations in your role

a. As a marketing professional outline three legislative requirements which may impact

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your role. Provide an example of how this may impact you in everyday activities
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related to your role. (Approx. 40 words)

Three legislative requirements which may impact your rule are: Australian Consumer
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Law, Privacy Law and Anti-Discrimination Law. Inside the last one, we have some Acts,
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like Age, Racial and sex discrimination. If I have a Marketing plan about any products,
everyday I should respect this Acts. If I am creating an advertisement, I should be polite
and very carefully, transmitting the ideas for all publics, and not practising any
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b. Other than legislation, what other obligations and ethical requirements may you
have in your role? What documents may provide you with guidance regarding these
obligations? (Approx. 40 words)

You should always be polite and respectfully with all public. You have to respect all
culture, sex, race, age, always following the other obligations, that you can find at the
Communications Council website, AANA website and ADMA website. They provide a list
of other obligations you should take with your customers, clients, suppliers and sellers.

Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
Question 3 - Marketing industry associations, sectors and networks and their societal

a. Click here to research the industry associations involved in the marketing and
communications industry. Outline how an industry association would assist you in
your role. (Approx. 40 words)

Australian Professional Services Marketing Association (APSMA) is one of the industry

associations. They can provide for me and for companies personal or professional
developments. They provide events and programs, talking about market trends and
market-leading practices, leadership, education and a strong network of like-minded
professionals, with professional providers. They also assist with some information from
Asia and New Zealand, besides Australia. Its very interesting to my personal

development of market trends and economy.

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b. Choose an association and briefly outline its role and which sector of the industry it
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represents. (Approx. 40 words)

Australian Professional Services Marketing Association (APSMA) is an association that

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provide some great information’s about market trends. They are located in the
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economic and politic sector, providing ideas for people use and think how everything
will influence their business or even their personal life.
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c. Choose a sector of the industry and outline its role in society. (Approx. 40 words)

One sector that can be influenced by this industry is the Economic. With inside
market and world information, companies can take decisions with this supports and
impact the market. For example, if this association gives some tips of potential invest
places, the companies should analyse that and make a strategy plan.

Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
Question 4 - Marketing industry statistics

Research the marketing and communication industry, provide a link to your source
and a statistic which you found interesting. What does the statistic reveal about the
industry? (Approx. 50 words)

I found something interest on this link:

advertising/2020/04/30/helping-brands-market-through-covid-19/. It shows some
analyses about helping brands market through covid-19. It’s a recent article, that is
providing some statistics about marketing and communication industry and some

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tips and information about covid-19 impact in the industry. It is saying that customer
is still following the advertisements, but they are not buying to many products. Will

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be a global crises and dark days are coming for the companies. ` Brands that reduce
media spend in 2020 by $50 million, will on average lose $130m in sales in 2020

alone and would lose ~$330m in sales in 2020 and beyond. ` It means that the
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impact of Covid-19 will affect directly this industry. People are going to be
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unemployed and more and more companies will should spend less money in
marketing, because doesn’t have enough sell, and with that, doesn’t have money to

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Question 5 - Employment opportunities in the marketing and communications


a. Using formal and informal research describe a role in the marketing and
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communications industry. (Approx. 50 words)

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People who are inside this kind of business need to be creative, need to respect all
kind of public, need to make a lot of researches to provide the best idea of each
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product, to moreover than just the product, sell the brand and the idea, always trying
to expand the range of customers.

b. Outline the typical everyday activities this role would undertake. (Approx. 50 words)

The typical everyday activities that this role can reach are: Researches on the internet
and with historical data of consumption. With this data and feedback, the employer
can take decisions, and create ideas for the best way to sell their product, providing
the best message for the final customer.

Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
c. What are the employment opportunities for this role? (Approx. 50 words)

People can be the right arm of the business. They have the ability to boost sales. In some
companies there is an opportunity to have a sales share, according to their performance.
People have goals and if they reach, they have bonus. Has a lot of visibility, managing to
moving up inside the company easily.

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Question 6 - Stakeholder analysis for Ethical Trading Group

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ABC Group has plans to introduce a new range of Australian bush foods to its product

line. The organisation plans to commence partnerships with local indigenous
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communities to grow, harvest and manufacture these products.
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Undertake a stakeholder analysis for this project identifying and prioritising your
stakeholders. (Approx. 100 words)
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Stakeholder Stake in the issue How they can help How they can be
the project engaged
1. Marketing Will create ideas Increasing the sells, Will have the mission to
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focusing in the providing the best boost the sales.

customer. Giving some message for the

great feedbacks about customer, respecting all

the product that is kind of public, ethic, sex
coming to the market. and racism.
2. Company Will support the They can provide money Will provide assist for all
Marketing, the and safety for their the parts of the business.
employer and the employers and the
indigenous to give best indigenous. They are
conditions to work and able to negotiate with
earn money. them.
3. Employer Will make the They can make the hard Will work o delivery the
fieldwork, work, collecting the final product.
manufacturing the product and turning into
product and having final product.
contact everyday with
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
the Indigenous and the
4. Indigenous Will receive the They can take care of the Will assist employers and
employers in their product and provide providing space and good
lands and will help to assist to the employers. conditions for harvest.
take care of the
product for harvest as

Question 7 - Share your knowledge

a. Research a key future trend facing the industry. Provide links and your analysis on
your chosen topic for other students in your contribution (Approx. 50 words)

I used for my research. `The future of marketing and communication

report`. They say that for the future opportunities are everywhere. Websites apps

and platforms will continue to be created. Marketing entrepreneurs will also be

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demand in-house and as consultants. Platforms and channels will continue evolve.

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Business, government, media and NGOs are becoming increasingly distrusted.
Marketing and communications graduates will need to be agile and resilient and be

able to join high performance teams to work on projects or contracts. These are
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some topics that the article brings. Always showing that virtual marketing is always
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growing up and opportunities for the future in this industry will not miss.
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b. Identify a role in the marketing profession, how will this trend impact on the
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everyday activities of this role? (Approx. 50 words)

Creativity is an important role in the marketing profession. Everyday you should use
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your creativity to launch something new. To create a new idea of how you can
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potentialize your sells. You should be creative to have better ideas and decisions than
your competitors. You should be creative to create advertisements that reach the
public you are trying to sell your products. You need creativity for your own success
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and consequently for the business success.


Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
c. Outline a technological development which is likely to impact on the future of
marketing communications. How is it likely to impact the industry? (Approx. 30

Voice search is a technological development which is likely to impact on the future of

marketing communications. If you just say one word for your smartphone/ tablet/
computer, you can reach a lot of advertisements and offers on the internet, to
research the best option for you.

d. List current digital communication technologies. (Approx. 50 words)

Some current digital communication technologies that we can find are: Smartphones,

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computers, tablets, videogames, cameras, virtual books. Besides of these

equipment’s and some more, you can navigate on the internet or even use it for

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taking pictures, reading books or anything else. These are great examples of digital
communication technologies.

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e. Briefly outline the impact of two new and alternative technologies on the industry.

How would you share this with a client? (Approx. 50 words)

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You can talk with the client. Showing a presentation, like in a Power point for
example, showing all the benefits of the product that you are trying to sell. You can
also make calls, texts SMS for them with your smartphone, mobile phone, or even
send emails from them or from computers. You can use social media as well,
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providing advertisements. You have many options to reach the communication with
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your clients.
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Question 8 - How and why you should share your knowledge

a. Why is it important to share updated knowledge with clients and colleagues?

(Approx. 50 words)

This is important to keep the world growing up. Sharing information and knowledge
is great not just for who is listening, but for who is talking as well. You practice your
communication skills. You can use it for negotiations for your personal life or for your
job. Moreover, is good to communicate and know about new topics every day,
listening another point of view and always improving communication skills, it helps
you for the life ahead.
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
b. Outline one way you could share your updated knowledge with clients and
colleagues. (Approx. 50 words)

I would like to share my updated knowledge with clients and colleagues with social
Media. On the Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or whatever, I could create a blog,
talking about something, with my knowledges and advertisements, giving great ideas
and sharing best ways to final ideas. It could be sent by videos, blogs, texts or even
illustrative images that shares knowledge and information.

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Business College at International House

RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
This study source was downloaded by 100000782350890
3 Searcy St, from
Darwin NT 0800 | Levelon6,04-30-2021
601 Bourke 11:27:47 GMT VIC
St, Melbourne -05:00
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